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Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020

Regaining balance during 'reality vertigo: six insights gleaned from the front-line to manage pandemic-related anxiety
One month ago, most of us had never heard of ‘Zoom’. One month ago, most of us would never imagine that scarcity of toilet paper, masks or ventilators would become a global concern. In academic medicine in the USA 1 month ago, our reality and focus were on caring for patients, equipping trainees with the skills to become good doctors, working to identify ways to navigate and improve electronic health records (EHR) and systems in order to enhance physician-well-being. However, as we are all now exquisitely...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Doctors as mentors: the need for career guidance during medical school
I’d like to thank Conyers and Wright1 for their intriguing article which reflects on the principles of design thinking when applied to career decisions in medicine. I’d like to touch on a few salient discussion points that are relevant to us medical students and our medical educators, particularly as we reach our senior years and face the first few of many life-changing decisions.As a senior medical student soon to decide what foundation programme rotations I’d like to apply for, I am faced for the...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Covid-19 in South Korea
A novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome-CoV-2) that initially originated from Wuhan, China, in December 2019 has already caused a pandemic. While this novel coronavirus disease (covid-19) frequently induces mild diseases, it has also generated severe diseases among certain populations, including older-aged individuals with underlying diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. As of 31 March 2020, a total of 9786 confirmed cases with covid-19 have been reported in South...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First

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