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Δευτέρα 4 Μαΐου 2020

Histone Acetyltransferase 1 is Required for DNA Replication Fork Function and Stability [DNA and Chromosomes]
The replisome is a protein complex on the DNA replication fork and functions in a dynamic environment at the intersection of parental and nascent chromatin. Parental nucleosomes are disrupted in front of the replication fork. The daughter DNA duplexes are packaged with an equal amount of parental and newly synthesized histones in the wake of the replication fork through the activity of the replication-coupled chromatin assembly pathway. Histone acetyltransferase 1 (HAT1) is responsible for the cytosolic...
JBC Papers in Press
Malaria parasite plasmepsins: More than just plain old degradative pepsins [Microbiology]
Plasmepsins are a group of diverse aspartic proteases in the malaria parasite Plasmodium. Their functions are strikingly multifaceted, ranging from hemoglobin degradation to secretory organelle protein processing for egress, invasion and effector export. Some, particularly the digestive vacuole plasmepsins, have been extensively characterized whereas others, such as the transmission-stage plasmepsins, are minimally understood. Some (e.g., plasmepsin V) have exquisite cleavage sequence specificity;...
JBC Papers in Press
Lanthanide-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases require an essential aspartate residue for metal coordination and enzymatic function [Microbiology]
The lanthanide elements (Ln3+), those with atomic numbers 57–63 (excluding promethium, Pm3+), form a cofactor complex with pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) in bacterial XoxF methanol dehydrogenases (MDHs) and ExaF ethanol dehydrogenases (EDHs), expanding the range of biological elements and opening novel areas of metabolism and ecology. Other MDHs, known as MxaFIs, are related in sequence and structure to these proteins, yet they instead possess a Ca2+-PQQ cofactor. An important missing piece of the...
JBC Papers in Press
Raffinose synthase enhances drought tolerance through raffinose synthesis or galactinol hydrolysis in maize and Arabidopsis plants [Plant Biology]
Raffinose and its precursor galactinol accumulate in plant leaves during abiotic stress. RAFFINOSE SYNTHASE (RAFS) catalyzes raffinose formation by transferring a galactosyl group of galactinol to sucrose. However, whether RAFS contributes to plant drought tolerance and, if so, by what mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we report that expression of RAFS from maize (or corn, Zea mays) (ZmRAFS) is induced by drought, heat, cold, and salinity stresses. We found that zmrafs mutant maize plants...
JBC Papers in Press

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