Τρίτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2019

The Common Infidelity You Didn't Know You Were Committing
That couples keep secrets is well-established. New research focuses on the relatively unexplored area of financial infidelity and how it can threaten your relationship.
Psychology Today - Essentials
Tue Nov 12, 2019 18:26
The Importance of Self-Disclosure for Parents and Adolescents
Everyone has a responsibility to allow themselves to be adequately known by others so that relationships can progress. Self-disclosure is an essential life skill.
Psychology Today - Essentials
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:23
Ready-to-Eat or Ready-to-Heat and Get Ready to Gain
It's not just the sugar and fat in processed food that cause weight gain.
Psychology Today Blogs
The Joy of Rushing
A counterpoint to the gurus' urgings.
Psychology Today Blogs
The Fine Art of Asking the Right Questions Part 1
I often have couples come to my office that feel disconnected from each other. They lack role models in their own families to show them what happy connected couples do...
Psychology Today Blogs
Historical & Clinical Roots of the Narcissistic Personality
Can psychotherapy for narcissism work? A little mirroring can go a long way according to self-psychology.
Psychology Today Blogs
5 Life Lessons from Don Cherry’s Firing
The firing of a controversial hockey personality contains these five valuable lessons we can learn from in our own conflicts.
Psychology Today Blogs
Water, Water Everywhere, Nor Any Drop To Drink
Lake Erie just became a person, with the same legal standing as a human or corporation. What will that mean for our national attachment to the agricultural runoff that pollutes it?
Psychology Today Blogs
Thanksgiving: For What? To Whom?
Even in times of world and personal turmoil, the symbolism of Thanksgiving, gratitude for our lives, families and friends, achievements and freedoms, is particularly meaningful.
Psychology Today Blogs
How to Upgrade Your Mindset to Succeed in Life
Your success and happiness depend on your mindset. Your beliefs, the way you see the world, shape your behaviors. Here's how to upgrade your mindset for the better.
Psychology Today Blogs
The Single Most Common Question I Get as a Psychologist
Ever wanted to spend a day in the shoes of a psychologist? A few potent thoughts about the questions we get most often might be just the thing!
Psychology Today Blogs
Depression is a Parasite
Depression doesn't have to be your destiny. Follow these 10 steps to make your mind an inhospitable environment for the depression parasite.
Psychology Today Blogs
Does the Word "Addiction" Have Any Meaning?
Does intensity and passion qualify as an "addiction"?
Psychology Today Blogs
Are You an “Extra Miler”? Watch Out for Burnout
Are you the one who always goes the extra mile at work? If you're always willing to help, and consistently go above and beyond, here's why you absolutely must not overdo it.
Psychology Today Blogs
The Kominsky Method: Season Two (Netflix)
As the parts in our body wear out or are taken over by disease, how can the question not be: Is life finite?
Psychology Today Blogs
Influential Leaders
Want to know how to unlock your whole team's potential? Hint: It's one small mindset shift.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 23:50
Ski-Mountaineering and Self-Knowledge
Can moving through mountains improve your outlook? One athlete's perspective.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 23:09
The Music and Magic of Singing
As a vocal coach and therapist, I see firsthand how the mind and voice affect and can enhance one another.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 21:48
Why Do I Feel Like a Fraud?
In my years of practice, I’ve been shocked to see how many people privately feel like total fakes. Why is this so common?
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 20:35
How Do Adverse Childhood Events Impact Us?
Adverse childhood experiences have a lasting impact on our mental and physical health. But can positive childhood experiences help protect those who've been affected by trauma?
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 20:13
All Dogs Deserve Love
Rescue dogs are a noble cause. But I have the right to want the dog I want.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:55
How to Stop Feeling Insecure
Here's a simple tool for coping with (and healing from) chronic insecurity. Start practicing today for long-term results.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:51
The Psychology of Space Films
If cinema reveals our dreams, then the lonely characters in space films are simply representations of us on earth cosseted by beaming screens and cut off from human contact.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:41
Has Switching to Standard Time Decrease Our Vitamin D Levels
Shorter hours of daylight and the cooler temperatures tend to keep people indoors, and thereby not receiving Vitamin D from the sunshine. This nutrient is crucial to good health.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:36
Meditation for Highly Sensitive People
Meditation can be one of the best ways to help HSPs reduce and recover from over-stimulation. Find the type of meditation that best suits you.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:01
Emotional States Matter in Service Operations Settings
The impact of traumatic events is not only an emotional matter for those in stressful jobs, but also has immediate short-term implications for organizational performance. By Jónas Oddur Jónasson, Ph.D.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 18:54
Don’t Hire for Culture Fit
Hiring for culture fit might not yield the culture you want.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 18:46
Finding Meaning in Life Through Philosophy and Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy helps people find meaning in their lives by reflecting on their feelings. Philosophy complements this process by examining what is objectively meaningful.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:45
Hoarding Relationships
Why can't you let stuff go? Here's how to recognize your attachment issues.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:38
Risky Behavior Among Teenage Boys is Contagious
The stereotype for teenagers (particularly teenage boys) is that they engage in risky behavior. A central question is the role of social influences on this risky behavior.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:35
Birthday Musings
As I approach a significant birthday in early November and think about the advice I often give to my own children, I also think about the younger me.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:32
The Holidays Are Almost Here
But for divorced families, child custody issues often come to the forefront at this emotional time of year.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:10
Not All Masculinity Is Toxic
Why communication in the bedroom often fails.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 15:19
Is Online Courtship the Safest Way to Arrange a Date?
Online dating is a popular way to meet prospective partners. But can it really be safer? Research has some surprising answers.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:37
On World Kindness Day Let's Expand Our Compassion Footprint 
November 13 is World Kindness Day, but every day should be blanketed by respect, benevolence, and compassion for all beings, nonhuman and human.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:09
Kindergarten Teachers Speak Out for Children’s Happiness
Kindergarten teachers can see first hand the harmful effects of our education policy for young children. Will they be heard? Will common sense and compassion prevail?
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:18
You don't need to justify your existence. Start your day by choosing yourself.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:36

Facing the Apocalypse
A thought experiment that can help us live more wisely.
Psychology Today Blogs
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:58
Adjuvant versus early salvage radiotherapy: outcome of patients with prostate cancer treated with postoperative radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy
Adjuvant (ART) and salvage radiotherapy (SRT) are two common concepts to enhance biochemical relapse free survival (BCRFS) in patients with prostate cancer (PC). We analyzed differences in outcome between ART ... (Source: Radiation Oncology)
Radiation Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 01:00
Wound monitoring of pH and oxygen in patients after radiation therapy
Postradiogenic wound healing disorders are an important clinical problem. While a variety of treatment modalities are available, there is no strategy to objectively judge treatment success. The aim of this stu... (Source: Radiation Oncology)
Radiation Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 01:00
Issue Summary 1: November-December 2019
Jeffrey S. Klein, MD, Editor of RadioGraphics, discusses six articles from the November-December 2019 issue of RadioGraphics. ARTICLES DISCUSSED: Advances in Diagnosis and Multidisciplinary Management of Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: State of the Art., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:2055-5068.; Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy–related Pneumonitis: Patterns and Management., RadioGraphics 2019; 39:1923-1937.; Liver MR Elastography Technique and Image Interpretation: Pearls and Pitfalls ., RadioGraphics...
RadioGraphics Podcasts | RSNA
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:13
Classifying method of control of 3D printers?
Is there a classification of method of control most 3D printers fall under? From a robotics textbook I was reading they defined three classes of control: 1) Pick and place 2) Point to point 3) Continuous path However, both point to point and continuous path control are stated as requiring servo motors. I know that the majority of 3D printers are actuated with stepper motors as opposed to servo. Does the continuous path classification still apply? Or is there another classification?
Recent Questions - 3D Printing Stack Exchange
What is M73 Q17 S43 G-code command?
I know that M73 P19 means "Set completion progress to 19%", and I suspect that M73 R42 means "Set remaining time to 42 minutes", but what is M73 Q17 S43? I can't find description of such syntax. The command is seen in .gcode files produced by PrusaSlicer.
Recent Questions - 3D Printing Stack Exchange
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:31
Turn-on fluorescence and photodynamic activity of β-(1,3-1,6)-D-glucan-complexed porphyrin derivative inside HeLa cells
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9PP00208A, CommunicationShodai Hino, Rikushi Funada, Kouta Sugikawa, Kazuya Koumoto, Toshio Suzuki, Takeshi Nagasaki, Atsushi IkedaFluorescence intensities of water-soluble β-(1,3-1,6)-D-Glucan (β-1,3-glucan)-complexed porphyrin derivatives were very weak as a result of self-quenching. However, β-1,3-glucan-complexed tetra(aminophenyl)porphyrin exhibited ‘off-state’ to ‘on-state’ fluorescence switching activity by intracellular uptake....
RSC - Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. latest articles
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
PHQ-9 and SNOT-22: Elucidating the Prevalence of Depression in Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Ahead of Print. ObjectiveChronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) has been associated with comorbid depression, yet the prevalence of depression among all patients with CRS is not well described. The Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (PHQ-9), a validated instrument for diagnosing depression, has been used to assess depression in a variety of clinical settings. PHQ-9 scores ≥10 are the threshold for a depression diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence...
SAGE Publications Inc: Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Table of Contents
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:16
Evaluation of biomimetic hyaluronic-based hydrogels with enhanced endogenous cell recruitment and cartilage matrix formation.
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Acta BiomaterialiaAuthor(s): M.L. Vainieri, A. Lolli, N. Kops, D. D'Atri, D. Eglin, A Yayon, M. Alini, S. Grad, K Sivasubramaniyan, G.J.V.M. van OschAbstractBiomaterials play a pivotal role in cell-free cartilage repair approaches, where cells must migrate through the scaffold, fill the defect, and then proliferate and differentiate facilitating tissue remodeling. Here we used multiple assays to test the influence of chemokines and growth...
ScienceDirect Publication Acta Biomaterialia
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:53
Injectable, Self-Healable Zwitterionic Cryogels with Sustained MicroRNA - Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Release Promote Accelerated Wound Healing
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Acta BiomaterialiaAuthor(s): Gulsu Sener, Sarah A. Hilton, Matthew J. Osmond, Carlos Zgheib, Jake P. Newsom, Lindel Dewberry, Sushant Singh, Tamil S. Sakthivel, Sudipta Seal, Kenneth W. Liechty, Melissa D. KrebsAbstractDiabetics are prone to chronic wounds that have slower healing, and methods of accelerating the wound closure and to ensure protection from infections are critically needed. MicroRNA-146a gets dysregulated in diabetic wounds...
ScienceDirect Publication Acta Biomaterialia
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:53
Biomechanical properties of the hypoxic and dying brain quantified by magnetic resonance elastography
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Acta BiomaterialiaAuthor(s): Gergely Bertalan, Charlotte Klein, Stefanie Schreyer, Barbara Steiner, Bernhard Kreft, Heiko Tzschätzsch, Angela Ariza de Schellenberger, Melina Nieminen-Kelhä, Jürgen Braun, Jing Guo, Ingolf SackAbstractRespiratory arrest is a major life-threatening condition leading to cessation of vital functions and hypoxic-anoxic injury of the brain. The progressive structural tissue changes characterizing the dying brain...
ScienceDirect Publication Acta Biomaterialia
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:53
Janus Macromolecular Brushes for Synergistic Cascade-amplified Photodynamic Therapy and Enhanced Chemotherapy
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Acta BiomaterialiaAuthor(s): Jia Tian, Chao Xiao, Baoxuan Huang, Chao Wang, Weian ZhangAbstractThe aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) effect of photosensitizers and multidrug resistance are the major obstacles in photodynamic therapy (PDT) and chemotherapy, respectively. Synergistic photo-chemotherapy is a promising cancer treatment to overcome the short boards of each single therapy. However, the fabrication of nanocarriers acting as both...
ScienceDirect Publication Acta Biomaterialia
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:53
Elevated levels of circulating invariant natural killer cell subsets are skewed toward Th2-like phenotype in children with sickle cell disease
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Mohamed-Rachid Boulassel, Abeer Al-Zubaidi, Shoaib Al-Zadjali, Zahra Al-Qarni, Nidaa Al-Naamany, Ahmed Al-Yarabi, Mohamed Elshinawy, Yasser WaliAbstractInvariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are being considered as potential targets for immunotherapeutic strategies in a variety of conditions including sickle cell disease (SCD). However, relatively little is known about the fate of iNKT cell subsets in children...
ScienceDirect Publication Clinical Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:14
Immunogenetics of marsupial B-cells
Publication date: January 2020Source: Molecular Immunology, Volume 117Author(s): Andrea L. Schraven, Hayley J. Stannard, Oselyne T.W. Ong, Julie M. OldAbstractMarsupials and eutherians are mammals that differ in their physiological traits, predominately their reproductive and developmental strategies; eutherians give birth to well-developed young, while marsupials are born highly altricial after a much shorter gestation. These developmental traits also result in differences in the development of...
ScienceDirect Publication Molecular Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:57
Impact of the human footprint on anthropogenic mortality of North American reptiles
Publication date: November 2019Source: Acta Oecologica, Volume 101Author(s): Jacob E. Hill, Travis L. DeVault, Jerrold L. BelantAbstractHuman activities frequently result in reptile mortality, but how direct anthropogenic mortality compares to natural morality has not been thoroughly investigated. There has also been a limited examination of how anthropogenic reptile mortality changes as a function of the human footprint. We conducted a synthesis of cause-specific North American reptile mortality...
ScienceDirect Publication: Acta Oecologica
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:48
Feeding functional responses in a sexually size-dimorphic bird
Publication date: November 2019Source: Acta Oecologica, Volume 101Author(s): Carolina Bravo, Luis M. Bautista, Carlos Ponce, Juan C. AlonsoAbstractHow animals use food resources according to their relative availability is essential for our understanding and predictions of ecosystem interaction. Non-linear functions between use and availability are described with the feeding functional response, a key tool to describe such functions that is still poorly understood in some cases. For example, in species...
ScienceDirect Publication: Acta Oecologica
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:48
Succession of litter-decomposing microbial organisms in deciduous birch and oak forests, northern Japan
Publication date: November 2019Source: Acta Oecologica, Volume 101Author(s): Michiru Otaki, Shiro TsuyuzakiAbstractBiological litter decomposition and the litter-associated microbial organisms were monitored for three years to characterize litter decomposition in early and late successional stages. Two forests were used for the investigation: pioneer a forest dominated by birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica) and a climax forest by oak (Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata) in the cool-temperate...
ScienceDirect Publication: Acta Oecologica
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:48
Current felid (Carnivora: Felidae) distribution, spatial bias, and occurrence predictability: testing the reliability of a global dataset for macroecological studies
Publication date: November 2019Source: Acta Oecologica, Volume 101Author(s): Marina Zanin, Bianca dos Santos NevesAbstractThe lack of information about species distribution, also known as Wallacean shortfall, targets most species, even charismatic animals like felids, limiting the performance of scientific study and conservation planning. The knowledge about species distribution (specifically occurrence data) is also affected by restriction of data availability and dispersion of existing information...
ScienceDirect Publication: Acta Oecologica
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:48
Editorial Board
Publication date: November 2019Source: Acta Oecologica, Volume 101Author(s):
ScienceDirect Publication: Acta Oecologica
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:48

Efficient generation strategy for hierarchical porous scaffolds with freeform external geometries
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Additive ManufacturingAuthor(s): Jiawei Feng, Jianzhong Fu, Ce Shang, Zhiwei Lin, Xiaomiao Niu, Bin LiAbstractThe external geometry design and manipulation of internal porosity distribution according to the actual application demands are the main challenges of scaffold generation; moreover, computational efficiency is a key factor that should be considered. This paper proposes efficient generation strategies for constructing internal porous...
ScienceDirect Publication: Additive Manufacturing
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:44
Expanding capabilities of additive manufacturing through use of robotics technologies: A survey
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Additive ManufacturingAuthor(s): Prahar M. Bhatt, Rishi K. Malhan, Aniruddha V. Shembekar, Yeo Jung Yoon, Satyandra K. GuptaAbstractRobots are versatile machines that can perform complex manipulation operations. Recent advances in industrial robotics make robots useful in a wide variety of manufacturing processes. Several recent efforts have demonstrated how robots can be used in additive manufacturing (AM) processes. This paper surveys the...
ScienceDirect Publication: Additive Manufacturing
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:44
Automated non-destructive inspection of Fused Filament Fabrication components using Thermographic Signal Reconstruction
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Additive ManufacturingAuthor(s): Joshua E. Siegel, Maria F. Beemer, Steven M. ShepardAbstractManufacturers struggle to produce low-cost, robust and intricate components in small batches. Additive processes like Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) inexpensively generate such complex geometries, but potential defects may limit these components’ viability in critical applications. We present a high-accuracy, high-throughput and low-cost approach...
ScienceDirect Publication: Additive Manufacturing
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:44
Load Path Visualization and Fiber Trajectory Optimization for Additive Manufacturing of Composites
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Additive ManufacturingAuthor(s): Takuya Suzuki, Shinya Fukushige, Mitsuyoshi TsunoriAbstractA methodology of fiber trajectory optimization is proposed for Additive Manufacturing of composites. The present method aligns fiber with a physically-determined load path to simultaneously increase the stiffness and strength of the composite structures. The fiber trajectories of the open-hole panel and Payload Attach Fitting (PAF) were determined....
ScienceDirect Publication: Additive Manufacturing
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:44
Chemical composition and degradation products in additively manufactured methacrylates for dental devices
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Additive ManufacturingAuthor(s): Frank Alifui-Segbaya, Jasper Bowman, Alan R. White, Ismail Fidan, Robert M. Love, Roy GeorgeAbstractIn additive manufacturing (AM) or three-dimensional printing (3DP), crosslinked polymers can be synthesized from multifunctional monomers and telechelic oligomers by photochemical reactions, so liquid to solid phase change takes place within a fraction of a second at ambient temperature. Despite the potentials...
ScienceDirect Publication: Additive Manufacturing
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:44
Preface for Palaeobiodiversity of SE Asia, issue 1
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Annales de PaléontologieAuthor(s): Haiyan Tong, Varavudh Suteethorn, Julien Claude
ScienceDirect Publication: Annales de Paléontologie
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:02
The heteromorph ammonite genus <em>Ancyloceras</em> (Ancyloceratidae) in the Paris Basin (lower Aptian, Lower Cretaceous, NE France)
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Annales de PaléontologieAuthor(s): Stéphane Bersac, Didier BertAbstractIn the present work, we examine a sample of 54 specimens of the heteromorph ammonite genus Ancyloceras d’Orbigny, 1842 from the Argiles à Plicatules Formation (lower Aptian, Lower Cretaceous) of the eastern Paris Basin (NE de la France). The results are as follows: (1) the sample is regarded as monospecific and assigned to the well-named species Ancyloceras varians d’Orbigny,...
ScienceDirect Publication: Annales de Paléontologie
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:02

Lipid Mediators of Inflammation and Resolution in Individuals with Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis-Diabetes
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Prostaglandins & Other Lipid MediatorsAuthor(s): Rupak Shivakoti, Jesmond Dalli, Dileep Kadam, Sanjay Gaikwad, Madhusudan Barthwal, Romain A. Colas, Francesca Mazzacuva, Rahul Lokhande, Sujata Dharmshale, Renu Bharadwaj, Anju Kagal, Neeta Pradhan, Sona Deshmukh, Sachin Atre, Tushar Sahasrabudhe, Arjun Kakrani, Vandana Kulkarni, Swapnil Raskar, Nishi Suryavanshi, Sandy ChonABSTRACTIndividuals with concurrent tuberculosis (TB) and Type...
Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:05
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Prostaglandins & Other Lipid MediatorsAuthor(s): Pratiksha Saxena, Pramod K. Sharma, Priyank PurohitAbstractThe most enthralling and versatile class of drugs called the Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) showed its therapeutic utility in inflammation, beginning from the era of classic drug ‘Aspirin’. NSAIDs and their well-established action based on inhibiting the COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme leads to blockage of prostaglandin pathway....
Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:05
Parasitic load determination by differential expression of 5-Lipoxygenase and PGE2 Synthases in Visceral Leishmaniasis
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Prostaglandins & Other Lipid MediatorsAuthor(s): Sheetal Saini, Bharat Singh, Satya Prakash, Smita Kumari, Amit Kumar Kureel, Anuradha Dube, Amogh Anant Sahasrabuddhe, Ambak Kumar RaiAbstractInfection with L. donovani affects mainly visceral organs. Importantly, the parasitic load differs in different visceral organs; therefore there is a need to understand the organ specific immune regulation, particularly in the spleen and liver. Comparative...
Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:05
Different Metabolism of EPA, DPA and DHA in humans: a double-blind cross-over study
Publication date: Available online 12 November 2019Source: Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty AcidsAuthor(s): Xiao-fei Guo, Wen-feng Tong, Yue Ruan, Andrew J. Sinclair, Duo LiAbstractThis study aimed to compare eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) incorporated into red blood cells (RBC) phospholipids (PL), plasma PL, plasma triglyceride (TAG), and plasma cholesteryl ester (CE) fractions, and the metabolomics profiles in a double-blind...
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids (PLEFA)
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:41
Anomalous Experience of Self and World: Administration of the EASE and EAWE Scales to Four Subjects with Schizophrenia
The aim of this paper was to study anomalies of self- and world experience in schizophrenia from a phenomenological perspective through the use of the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience (EASE) and Examination of Anomalous World Experience (EAWE) interviews. Four patients with diagnoses of schizophrenia were interviewed with both the EASE and the EAWE. A qualitative analysis of these interviews was carried out on all the data; quantitative scores were also assigned, based on the frequency and...
PSP : Last 20 articles
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:59
Deep convolutional neural networks in the face of caricature
Psychology : nature.com subject feeds
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Behavioural evidence for a transparency–efficiency tradeoff in human–machine cooperation
Psychology : nature.com subject feeds
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Acute anxiety and autonomic arousal induced by CO2 inhalation impairs prefrontal executive functions in healthy humans
Psychology : nature.com subject feeds
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Planet junk: a journey through discards
Psychology : nature.com subject feeds
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Electrocortical Evidence for Impaired Affective Picture Processing after Long-Term Immobilization
Psychology : nature.com subject feeds
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Saudi Authorities Backtrack on Description of Feminism As Extremism
Source: Reuters - World NewsSaudi Arabia's state security agency distanced itself on Tuesday from a promotional video that categorized feminism, homosexuality and atheism as extremist ideas, blaming it on an action by individuals.
Psychology Headlines Around the World
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:08
How Does Temperature Affect Mental Health?
Source: Medical News TodayA new study finds that increases in temperature negatively affect mental health outcomes. The authors conclude that this is due to sleep disturbance.
Psychology Headlines Around the World
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:08
Uganda Charges 67 After Raid on Gay Bar
Source: Yahoo News - Top HeadlinesA Ugandan court charged 67 people with causing a nuisance on Tuesday after they were arrested in a gay-friendly bar, in a move condemned by activists as the latest "homophobic" attack. The 67 - who were among 127 arrested at Ram Bar, in the capital, Kampala, on Sunday - could face up to one year in jail if found guilty, said Patricia Kimera, a lawyer for the group. "This is just a homophobic attack," LGBT+ activist Raymond Karuhanga told the...
Psychology Headlines Around the World
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:08
The Issues That Americans Report Worrying About the Most
Source: Psych CentralAccording to this year’s “Stress in America” survey, Americans report various issues in the news as significant sources of stress, including health care, climate change, mass shootings and the upcoming...
Psychology Headlines Around the World
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:06
The Pleasure of Being Idle
How to do nothing
Psychology Today
Why Do I Feel Like a Fraud?
In my years of practice, I’ve been shocked to see how many people privately feel like total fakes. Why is this so common?
Psychology Today - Essentials
Tue Nov 12, 2019 20:35
The Common Infidelity You Didn't Know You Were Committing
That couples keep secrets is well-established. New research focuses on the relatively unexplored area of financial infidelity and how it can threaten your relationship.
Psychology Today - Essentials
Tue Nov 12, 2019 18:26
The Importance of Self-Disclosure for Parents and Adolescents
Everyone has a responsibility to allow themselves to be adequately known by others so that relationships can progress. Self-disclosure is an essential life skill.
Psychology Today - Essentials
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:23
Ready-to-Eat or Ready-to-Heat and Get Ready to Gain
It's not just the sugar and fat in processed food that cause weight gain.
Psychology Today Blogs
The Joy of Rushing
A counterpoint to the gurus' urgings.
Psychology Today Blogs

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