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Πέμπτη 9 Ιουλίου 2020

Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2042: Nutritional Status Plays More Important Role in Determining Functional State in Older People Living in the Community than in Nursing Home Residents
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2042: Nutritional Status Plays More Important Role in Determining Functional State in Older People Living in the Community than in Nursing Home Residents Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072042 Authors: Małgorzata Pigłowska Agnieszka Guligowska Tomasz Kostka The aim of this study was to verify whether the relationship between nutritional and functional status differs between seniors in the community and those in long-term care institutions. One hundred nursing...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2037: Omega-3 Phospholipids from Krill Oil Enhance Intestinal Fatty Acid Oxidation More Effectively than Omega-3 Triacylglycerols in High-Fat Diet-Fed Obese Mice
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2037: Omega-3 Phospholipids from Krill Oil Enhance Intestinal Fatty Acid Oxidation More Effectively than Omega-3 Triacylglycerols in High-Fat Diet-Fed Obese Mice Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072037 Authors: Petra Kroupova Evert M. van Schothorst Jaap Keijer Annelies Bunschoten Martin Vodicka Ilaria Irodenko Marina Oseeva Petr Zacek Jan Kopecky Martin Rossmeisl Olga Horakova Antisteatotic effects of omega-3 fatty acids (Omega-3) in...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2043: The Combination of Soy Isoflavones and Resveratrol Preserve Bone Mineral Density in Hindlimb-unloaded Mice
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2043: The Combination of Soy Isoflavones and Resveratrol Preserve Bone Mineral Density in Hindlimb-unloaded Mice Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072043 Authors: Yuko Tousen Ryota Ichimaru Takashi Kondo Masaki Inada Chisato Miyaura Yoshiko Ishimi It is well known that physical inactivity during space flight or prolonged bed rest causes rapid bone loss. Soy isoflavones (ISOs) and resveratrol (RES) have been reported to be useful to maintain a positive...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2041: Targeting the Intestinal Microbiota to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes and Enhance the Effect of Metformin on Glycaemia: A Randomised Controlled Pilot Study
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2041: Targeting the Intestinal Microbiota to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes and Enhance the Effect of Metformin on Glycaemia: A Randomised Controlled Pilot Study Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072041 Authors: Talia Palacios Luis Vitetta Samantha Coulson Claire D. Madigan Yan Y. Lam Rachel Manuel David Briskey Chelsea Hendy Ji-Nu Kim Thomas Ishoey Maria J. Soto-Giron Eric M. Schott Gerardo Toledo Ian D. Caterson Early treatment may...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2038: Breakfast Consumption in Low-Income Hispanic Elementary School-Aged Children: Associations with Anthropometric, Metabolic, and Dietary Parameters
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2038: Breakfast Consumption in Low-Income Hispanic Elementary School-Aged Children: Associations with Anthropometric, Metabolic, and Dietary Parameters Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072038 Authors: Matthew R. Jeans Fiona M. Asigbee Matthew J. Landry Sarvenaz Vandyousefi Reem Ghaddar Heather J. Leidy Jaimie N. Davis Breakfast consumption is associated with lower obesity prevalence and cardiometabolic risk and higher dietary quality (DQ) in children....
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2034: Increasing Plant-Based Meat Alternatives and Decreasing Red and Processed Meat in the Diet Differentially Affect the Diet Quality and Nutrient Intakes of Canadians
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2034: Increasing Plant-Based Meat Alternatives and Decreasing Red and Processed Meat in the Diet Differentially Affect the Diet Quality and Nutrient Intakes of Canadians Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072034 Authors: Hassan Vatanparast Naorin Islam Mojtaba Shafiee D. Dan Ramdath Current evidence suggests a link between red and processed meat consumption and the risk of various cancers and other health outcomes. Using national survey data from the Canadian...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2035: A Gluten-Free Meal Produces a Lower Postprandial Thermogenic Response Compared to an Iso-Energetic/Macronutrient Whole Food or Processed Food Meal in Young Women: A Single-Blind Randomized Cross-Over Trial
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2035: A Gluten-Free Meal Produces a Lower Postprandial Thermogenic Response Compared to an Iso-Energetic/Macronutrient Whole Food or Processed Food Meal in Young Women: A Single-Blind Randomized Cross-Over Trial Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072035 Authors: Brittney Dioneda Margaret Healy Maia Paul Caitlin Sheridan Alex E. Mohr Paul J. Arciero Consumption of ultra-processed food (PF) is associated with obesity risk compared with whole food (WF) intake....
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2033: Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Inflammatory Markers in Non-Obese Lebanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2033: Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Inflammatory Markers in Non-Obese Lebanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12072033 Authors: Cynthia El Hajj Stéphane Walrand Mariana Helou Kaissar Yammine Background: A low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH) D) concentration has been associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), especially in older people. Our aim in this randomized...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 552: Cyclodepsipeptide Biosynthesis in Hypocreales Fungi and Sequence Divergence of The Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthase Genes
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 552: Cyclodepsipeptide Biosynthesis in Hypocreales Fungi and Sequence Divergence of The Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthase Genes Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9070552 Authors: Urbaniak Waśkiewicz Trzebny Koczyk Stępień Fungi from the Hypocreales order synthesize a range of toxic non-ribosomal cyclic peptides with antimicrobial, insecticidal and cytotoxic activities. Entomopathogenic Beauveria, Isaria and Cordyceps as well as phytopathogenic Fusarium...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 553: Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Diseases in Children
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 553: Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Diseases in Children Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9070553 Authors: Aniello Meoli Michela Deolmi Rosanna Iannarella Susanna Esposito Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) are ubiquitous and opportunistic emerging bacteria with the potential to colonize and eventually infect either immunocompromised or immunocompetent individuals. In the last three decades, the prevalence of disease caused by NTMs has increased in several...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 551: Allelic Variation and Selection in Effector Genes of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 551: Allelic Variation and Selection in Effector Genes of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9070551 Authors: Juan G. Morales Astrid E. Gaviria Elizabeth Gilchrist Phytophthora infestans is a devastating plant pathogen in several crops such as potato (Solanum tuberosum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Andean fruits such as tree tomato (Solanum betaceum), lulo (Solanum quitoense), uchuva (Physalis peruviana) and wild...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 550: Natural Compounds from the Marine Brown Alga Caulocystis cephalornithos with Potent In Vitro-Activity against the Parasitic Nematode Haemonchus contortus
Pathogens, Vol. 9, Pages 550: Natural Compounds from the Marine Brown Alga Caulocystis cephalornithos with Potent In Vitro-Activity against the Parasitic Nematode Haemonchus contortus Pathogens doi: 10.3390/pathogens9070550 Authors: Aya C. Taki Robert Brkljača Tao Wang Anson V. Koehler Guangxu Ma Jill Danne Sarah Ellis Andreas Hofmann Bill C. H. Chang Abdul Jabbar Sylvia Urban Robin B. Gasser Eight secondary metabolites (1 to 8) were isolated from a marine...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 13, Pages 146: Novel Nonsymmetrical 1,4-Dihydropyridines as Inhibitors of Nonsymmetrical MRP-Efflux Pumps for Anticancer Therapy
Pharmaceuticals, Vol. 13, Pages 146: Novel Nonsymmetrical 1,4-Dihydropyridines as Inhibitors of Nonsymmetrical MRP-Efflux Pumps for Anticancer Therapy Pharmaceuticals doi: 10.3390/ph13070146 Authors: David Kreutzer Christoph A. Ritter Andreas Hilgeroth Cancer is a strong global burden with increasing numbers of diseases and ongoing anticancer drug resistance. The number of structurally novel anticancer drugs is strongly limited. They cause high costs for the social health systems....
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 650: Effectiveness of a Controlled 5-FU Delivery Based on FZD10 Antibody-Conjugated Liposomes in Colorectal Cancer In vitro Models
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 650: Effectiveness of a Controlled 5-FU Delivery Based on FZD10 Antibody-Conjugated Liposomes in Colorectal Cancer In vitro Models Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070650 Authors: Maria Principia Scavo Annalisa Cutrignelli Nicoletta Depalo Elisabetta Fanizza Valentino Laquintana Giampietro Gasparini Gianluigi Giannelli Nunzio Denora The use of controlled delivery therapy in colorectal cancer (CRC) reduces toxicity and side effects....
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 649: Silica-Based Gene Delivery Systems: From Design to Therapeutic Applications
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 649: Silica-Based Gene Delivery Systems: From Design to Therapeutic Applications Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070649 Authors: Ana Maria Carvalho Rosemeyre A. Cordeiro Henrique Faneca Advances in gene therapy have been foreshadowing its potential for the treatment of a vast range of diseases involving genetic malfunctioning. However, its therapeutic efficiency and successful outcome are highly dependent on the development of the ideal gene...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 653: Improving Nefiracetam Dissolution and Solubility Behavior Using a Cocrystallization Approach
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 653: Improving Nefiracetam Dissolution and Solubility Behavior Using a Cocrystallization Approach Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070653 Authors: Xavier Buol Koen Robeyns Camila Caro Garrido Nikolay Tumanov Laurent Collard Johan Wouters Tom Leyssens In this work, we are the first to identify thirteen cocrystals of Nefiracetam, a poor water-soluble nootropic compound. Three of which were obtained with the biocompatible cocrystallization...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 654: Deleterious Effects of Ethanol, Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and Their Combination on the Spatial Memory and Cognitive Flexibility in Adolescent and Adult Male Rats in the Barnes Maze Task
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 654: Deleterious Effects of Ethanol, Δ(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and Their Combination on the Spatial Memory and Cognitive Flexibility in Adolescent and Adult Male Rats in the Barnes Maze Task Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070654 Authors: Ewa Gibula-Tarlowska Karolina Wydra Jolanta H. Kotlinska Research demonstrates that adolescents differ from adults in their response to drugs of abuse. The aim of the present study was to examine...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 648: Structural Characterization of Co-Crystals of Chlordiazepoxide with p-Aminobenzoic Acid and Lorazepam with Nicotinamide by DSC, X-Ray Diffraction, FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 648: Structural Characterization of Co-Crystals of Chlordiazepoxide with p-Aminobenzoic Acid and Lorazepam with Nicotinamide by DSC, X-Ray Diffraction, FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070648 Authors: Patrycja Garbacz Dominik Paukszta Artur Sikorski Marek Wesolowski The low water solubility of benzodiazepines seriously affects their bioavailability and, in consequence, their biological activity. Since co-crystallization...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 651: How Do Orodispersible Tablets Behave in an In Vitro Oral Cavity Model: A Pilot Study
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 651: How Do Orodispersible Tablets Behave in an In Vitro Oral Cavity Model: A Pilot Study Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070651 Authors: Neel Desai Andrew Redfearn Graeme MacLeod Catherine Tuleu Ben Hanson Mine Orlu Orodispersible tablets (ODTs) offer rapid disintegration of the dosage form when placed on the tongue, which leads to fast release of the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Despite increased use in diverse patient populations,...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 646: Current Perspectives on Aptamers as Diagnostic Tools and Therapeutic Agents
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 646: Current Perspectives on Aptamers as Diagnostic Tools and Therapeutic Agents Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070646 Authors: Prabir Kumar Kulabhusan Babar Hussain Meral Yüce Aptamers are synthetic single-stranded DNA or RNA sequences selected from combinatorial oligonucleotide libraries through the well-known in vitro selection and iteration process, SELEX. The last three decades have witnessed a sudden boom in aptamer research, owing...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 647: Progressing Towards the Sustainable Development of Cream Formulations
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 647: Progressing Towards the Sustainable Development of Cream Formulations Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070647 Authors: Ana Simões Francisco Veiga Carla Vitorino This work aims at providing the assumptions to assist the sustainable development of cream formulations. Specifically, it envisions to rationalize and predict the effect of formulation and process variability on a 1% hydrocortisone cream quality profile, interplaying microstructure...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 652: Chitosan-Based Microparticles Enhance Ellagic Acid’s Colon Targeting and Proapoptotic Activity
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 652: Chitosan-Based Microparticles Enhance Ellagic Acid’s Colon Targeting and Proapoptotic Activity Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070652 Authors: Nabil A. Alhakamy Osama A. A. Ahmed Mallesh Kurakula Giuseppe Caruso Filippo Caraci Hani Z. Asfour Anas Alfarsi Basma G. Eid Amir I. Mohamed Nabil K. Alruwaili Wesam H. Abdulaal Usama A. Fahmy Hani A. Alhadrami Basmah M. Eldakhakhny Ashraf B. Abdel-Naim This...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 645: Automated Filling Equipment Allows Increase in the Maximum Dose to Be Filled in the Cyclops® High Dose Dry Powder Inhalation Device While Maintaining Dispersibility
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 645: Automated Filling Equipment Allows Increase in the Maximum Dose to Be Filled in the Cyclops® High Dose Dry Powder Inhalation Device While Maintaining Dispersibility Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070645 Authors: Imco Sibum Paul Hagedoorn Carel O. Botterman Henderik W. Frijlink Floris Grasmeijer In recent years there has been increasing interest in the pulmonary delivery of high dose dry powder drugs, such as antibiotics. Drugs...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 115: Diabetes-Related Patient Outcomes through Comprehensive Medication Management Delivered by Clinical Pharmacists in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 115: Diabetes-Related Patient Outcomes through Comprehensive Medication Management Delivered by Clinical Pharmacists in a Rural Family Medicine Clinic Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8030115 Authors: Jarred Prudencio Michelle Kim Two clinical pharmacy faculty members from a college of pharmacy provide comprehensive medication management in a rural family medicine clinic. The data was assessed for patients with diabetes managed by the pharmacists from 1 January...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 114: Global Forum on Quality Assurance in CE/CPD: Assuring Quality across Boundaries
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 114: Global Forum on Quality Assurance in CE/CPD: Assuring Quality across Boundaries Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8030114 Authors: Jennifer Baumgartner Catriona Bradley Bronwyn Clark Colleen Janes Elizabeth Johnstone Michael Rouse Arthur Whetstone As a result of the globalization of access and provision of continuing education and continuing professional development (CE/CPD), the national CE/CPD accreditation organizations of Australia, Canada,...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 116: Addressing the Opioid Crisis through an Interdisciplinary Task Force in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 116: Addressing the Opioid Crisis through an Interdisciplinary Task Force in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8030116 Authors: MacKinnon Privitera Opioid use has been a topic of concern in recent years in the United States, causing thousands of deaths each year. Ohio is one of the states hit hardest by the epidemic, and its state and local governments have responded with comprehensive health policies. Cincinnati, located in the southwest...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 875: The Pitfalls of Heterosis Coefficients
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 875: The Pitfalls of Heterosis Coefficients Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070875 Authors: Dominique de Vienne Julie B. Fiévet Heterosis (hybrid vigour) is a universal phenomenon of crucial agro-economic and evolutionary importance. We show that the most common heterosis coefficients do not properly measure deviation from additivity because they include both a component accounting for "real" heterosis and a term that is not related to heterosis, since it is derived...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 871: Lipid Metabolism in Plants
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 871: Lipid Metabolism in Plants Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070871 Authors: Hyun Uk Kim In plants, lipids function in a variety of ways. Lipids are a major component of biological membranes and are used as a compact energy source for seed germination. Fatty acids, the major lipids in plants, are synthesized in plastid and assembled by glycerolipids or triacylglycerols in endoplasmic reticulum. The metabolism of fatty acids and triacylglycerols is well studied in...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 870: Biodiversity of β-Carboline Profile of Banisteriopsis caapi and Ayahuasca, a Plant and a Brew with Neuropharmacological Potential
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 870: Biodiversity of β-Carboline Profile of Banisteriopsis caapi and Ayahuasca, a Plant and a Brew with Neuropharmacological Potential Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070870 Authors: Beatriz Werneck Lopes Santos Regina Célia de Oliveira Julia Sonsin-Oliveira Christopher William Fagg José Beethoven Figueiredo Barbosa Eloisa Dutra Caldas Ayahuasca is a psychoactive infusion with a large pharmacological application normally prepared with Banisteriopsis caapi,...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 874: Water Deficit Timing Affects Physiological Drought Response, Fruit Size, and Bitter Pit Development for ‘Honeycrisp’ Apple
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 874: Water Deficit Timing Affects Physiological Drought Response, Fruit Size, and Bitter Pit Development for ‘Honeycrisp’ Apple Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070874 Authors: Michelle Reid Lee Kalcsits Irrigation is critical to maintain plant growth and productivity in many apple-producing regions. ‘Honeycrisp’ apple characteristically develops large fruit that are also susceptible to bitter pit. Limiting fruit size by restricting irrigation may...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 873: Evaluation of the Farming Potential of Echinacea Angustifolia DC. Accessions Grown in Italy by Root-Marker Compound Content and Morphological Trait Analyses
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 873: Evaluation of the Farming Potential of Echinacea Angustifolia DC. Accessions Grown in Italy by Root-Marker Compound Content and Morphological Trait Analyses Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070873 Authors: Nicola Aiello Arianna Marengo Fabrizio Scartezzini Pietro Fusani Barbara Sgorbini Patrizia Rubiolo Cecilia Cagliero The Echinacea genus includes a number of species that are commercially employed for the preparation of herbal products. Echinacea...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 872: Seed Total Protein Profiling in Discrimination of Closely Related Pines: Evidence from the Pinus mugo Complex
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 872: Seed Total Protein Profiling in Discrimination of Closely Related Pines: Evidence from the Pinus mugo Complex Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070872 Authors: Konrad Celiński Joanna Sokołowska Agata Zemleduch-Barylska Roman Kuna Hanna Kijak Aleksandra Maria Staszak Aleksandra Wojnicka-Półtorak Ewa Chudzińska The Pinus mugo complex includes several dozen closely related European mountain pines. The discrimination of specific taxa within this complex...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 869: Oxidative Stress Responses of Some Endemic Plants to High Altitudes by Intensifying Antioxidants and Secondary Metabolites Content
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 869: Oxidative Stress Responses of Some Endemic Plants to High Altitudes by Intensifying Antioxidants and Secondary Metabolites Content Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070869 Authors: Ahmed M. Hashim Basmah M. Alharbi Awatif M. Abdulmajeed Amr Elkelish Wael N. Hozzein Heba M. Hassan Most endemic plant species have limited altitudinal ranges. At higher altitudes, they are subjected to various environmental stresses. However, these plants use unique defense...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 37: Correction: Ho, MT., et al. The Internal Capability of Vietnam Social Sciences and Humanities: A Perspective from the 2008–2019. Publications 2020, 8(2), 32
Publications, Vol. 8, Pages 37: Correction: Ho, MT., et al. The Internal Capability of Vietnam Social Sciences and Humanities: A Perspective from the 2008–2019. Publications 2020, 8(2), 32 Publications doi: 10.3390/publications8030037 Authors: Manh-Toan Ho Thu-Trang Vuong Thanh-Hang Pham Anh-Phuong Luong Thanh-Nhan Nguyen Quan-Hoang Vuong The authors’ wish to change the affiliations on Page 1 of their paper [...]
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 345: Being a ‘White Muslima’ in the Netherlands Ethnicity, Friendships and Relationships—The Dutch Conversion Narrative
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 345: Being a ‘White Muslima’ in the Netherlands Ethnicity, Friendships and Relationships—The Dutch Conversion Narrative Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070345 Authors: Hass This article, which is part of a larger ongoing project, examines relationships, friendships and levels of belonging in Dutch society, as well as in the Dutch Muslim community in narratives of women converted to Islam. The ethnicity of these women is always visible as ‘native Dutch’...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 342: Spiritual Activism. Saving Mother Earth in Sápmi
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 342: Spiritual Activism. Saving Mother Earth in Sápmi Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070342 Authors: Siv Ellen Kraft Arctic Shaman Circle was founded in Oslo in November 2018. This article discusses what the Circle´s founding document refers to as “spiritual activism”, and how this was translated into action over the year that followed. I will follow one case in particular, which concerns plans for a power plant at the base of the...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 340: Introduction to “Religious Conflict and Coexistence: The Korean Context and Beyond”
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 340: Introduction to “Religious Conflict and Coexistence: The Korean Context and Beyond” Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070340 Authors: Yohan Yoo Song-Chong Lee This Special Issue is composed of the articles that were presented at the first World Religion Forum held 7–8 October 2019 by the World Religious Peace Committee (세계종교평화협의회, hereafter WRPC) [...]
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 343: Renegotiating Relations, Structuring Justice: Institutional Reconciliation with the Saami in the 1990–2020 Reconciliation Processes of the Church of Sweden and the Church of Norway
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 343: Renegotiating Relations, Structuring Justice: Institutional Reconciliation with the Saami in the 1990–2020 Reconciliation Processes of the Church of Sweden and the Church of Norway Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070343 Authors: West Social reconciliation has received much attention in Christian churches since the late 1980s. Both the Church of Sweden and the Church of Norway initiated reconciliation processes with the Saami (also “Sami”...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 341: Towards East Asian Ecotheologies of Climate Crisis
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 341: Towards East Asian Ecotheologies of Climate Crisis Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070341 Authors: Anna Kirkpatrick-Jung Tanya Riches An anthropogenically caused climate crisis threatens the Earth and humanity. As such, religion’s engagement is of increasing importance. This paper critically evaluates the significance of the East Asian context regarding the climate crisis, arguing for contextualization of contemporary ecotheology, or an East Asian...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03

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