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Πέμπτη 9 Ιουλίου 2020

Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 344: Christian Ethical Analysis of the L.A. Riots in 1992: The Media and Institutional Racism
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 344: Christian Ethical Analysis of the L.A. Riots in 1992: The Media and Institutional Racism Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070344 Authors: Yong Sup Song This essay utilizes Reinhold Niebuhr’s theology of the universality of sin to analyze institutional racism, using the 1992 Los Angeles riots as a case study. Contrary to the conventional interpretation of the riots as a conflict between African Americans and Korean Americans, the pervasive institutional...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Resources, Vol. 9, Pages 85: The Soil Moisture During Dry Spells Model and Its Verification
Resources, Vol. 9, Pages 85: The Soil Moisture During Dry Spells Model and Its Verification Resources doi: 10.3390/resources9070085 Authors: Małgorzata Biniak-Pieróg Mieczysław Chalfen Andrzej Żyromski Andrzej Doroszewski Tomasz Jóźwicki The objective of this study was the development and verification of a model of soil moisture decrease during dry spells—SMDS. The analyses were based on diurnal information of the occurrence of atmospheric precipitation and diurnal...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Smart Cities, Vol. 3, Pages 657-675: Big Data Analytics in Australian Local Government
Smart Cities, Vol. 3, Pages 657-675: Big Data Analytics in Australian Local Government Smart Cities doi: 10.3390/smartcities3030034 Authors: Richard B. Watson Peter J. Ryan Australian governments at all three levels—local (council), state, and federal—are beginning to exploit the massive amounts of data they collect through sensors and recording systems. Their aim is to enable Australian communities to benefit from “smart city” initiatives by...
Smart Cities
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Smart Cities, Vol. 3, Pages 642-656: Power Supply Solution for Ultrahigh Speed Hyperloop Trains
Smart Cities, Vol. 3, Pages 642-656: Power Supply Solution for Ultrahigh Speed Hyperloop Trains Smart Cities doi: 10.3390/smartcities3030033 Authors: Marcos Lafoz Gustavo Navarro Jorge Torres Álvaro Santiago Jorge Nájera Miguel Santos-Herran Marcos Blanco The paper analyses the alternatives for the power supply of a Hyperloop type railway transport. The particular case of the technology of the Spanish company ZELEROS was studied. Based on previous technical specifications...
Smart Cities
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 119: A Practical Guide for Managing Interdisciplinary Teams: Lessons Learned from Coupled Natural and Human Systems Research
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 119: A Practical Guide for Managing Interdisciplinary Teams: Lessons Learned from Coupled Natural and Human Systems Research Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci9070119 Authors: Henson Cobourn Weathers Carey Farrell Klug Sorice Ward Weng Interdisciplinary team science is essential to address complex socio-environmental questions, but it also presents unique challenges. The scientific literature identifies best practices for...
Social Sciences
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Urban Science, Vol. 4, Pages 31: A Fine-Grain Multi-Indicator Analysis of the Urban Form of Five Informal Settlements in East Africa
Urban Science, Vol. 4, Pages 31: A Fine-Grain Multi-Indicator Analysis of the Urban Form of Five Informal Settlements in East Africa Urban Science doi: 10.3390/urbansci4030031 Authors: Johan Mottelson Alessandro Venerandi Few studies have investigated the urban morphology of informal settlements at fine-grain level, limiting effective urban planning and policies targeting such areas. This study presents a high-resolution morphological analysis of five informal settlements located...
Urban Science
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 369: Chicken DNA Sensing cGAS-STING Signal Pathway Mediates Broad Spectrum Antiviral Functions
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 369: Chicken DNA Sensing cGAS-STING Signal Pathway Mediates Broad Spectrum Antiviral Functions Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030369 Authors: Shuangjie Li Jie Yang Yuanyuan Zhu Xingyu Ji Kun Wang Sen Jiang Jia Luo Hui Wang Wanglong Zheng Nanhua Chen Jianqiang Ye François Meurens Jianzhong Zhu The innate DNA sensing receptors are one family of pattern recognition receptors and play important roles in antiviral infections, especially...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 368: A Yellow Fever Virus 17D Infection and Disease Mouse Model Used to Evaluate a Chimeric Binjari-Yellow Fever Virus Vaccine
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 368: A Yellow Fever Virus 17D Infection and Disease Mouse Model Used to Evaluate a Chimeric Binjari-Yellow Fever Virus Vaccine Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030368 Authors: Kexin Yan Laura J. Vet Bing Tang Jody Hobson-Peters Daniel J. Rawle Thuy T. Le Thibaut Larcher Roy A. Hall Andreas Suhrbier Despite the availability of an effective, live attenuated yellow fever virus (YFV) vaccine (YFV 17D), this flavivirus still causes up to ≈60,000...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 367: Pathobiology of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 367: Pathobiology of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030367 Authors: Ralph A. Tripp Paul S. McNamara Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract illness in infants and affects the elderly and the immune-compromised [...]
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 740: Pteropine Orthoreovirus in an Angolan Soft-Furred Fruit Bat (Lissonycteris angolensis) in Uganda Dramatically Expands the Global Distribution of an Emerging Bat-Borne Respiratory Virus
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 740: Pteropine Orthoreovirus in an Angolan Soft-Furred Fruit Bat (Lissonycteris angolensis) in Uganda Dramatically Expands the Global Distribution of an Emerging Bat-Borne Respiratory Virus Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070740 Authors: Andrew J. Bennett Tony L. Goldberg Pteropine orthoreovirus (PRV; Reoviridae: Spinareovirinae) is an emerging bat-borne zoonotic virus that causes influenza-like illness (ILI). PRV has thus far been found only in Australia and Asia,...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 739: Infection of a Lepidopteran Cell Line with Deformed Wing Virus
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 739: Infection of a Lepidopteran Cell Line with Deformed Wing Virus Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070739 Authors: Tal Erez Nor Chejanovsky Many attempts to develop a reliable cell cultured-based system to study honey bee virus infections have encountered substantial difficulties. We investigated the ability of a cell line from a heterologous insect to sustain infection by a honey bee virus. For this purpose, we infected the Lepidopteran hemocytic cell line (P1) with...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 736: Whole Genomic Analysis and Comparison of Two Canine Papillomavirus Type 9 Strains in Malignant and Benign Skin Lesions
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 736: Whole Genomic Analysis and Comparison of Two Canine Papillomavirus Type 9 Strains in Malignant and Benign Skin Lesions Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070736 Authors: Chia-Yu Chang Nanako Yamashita-Kawanishi Sonoka Tomizawa I-Li Liu Wei-Tao Chen Yen-Chen Chang Wei-Hsiang Huang Pei-Shiue Tsai Kinji Shirota James Chambers Kazuyuki Uchida Takeshi Haga Hui-Wen Chang Papillomaviruses (PVs) usually cause benign proliferative lesions...
Wed Jul 08, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1956: Evaluating the Performance of a Lab-Scale Water Treatment Plant Using Non-Thermal Plasma Technology
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1956: Evaluating the Performance of a Lab-Scale Water Treatment Plant Using Non-Thermal Plasma Technology Water doi: 10.3390/w12071956 Authors: Stefan Schönekerl Astrid Weigert Stephan Uhlig Katharina Wellner Richard Pörschke Christel Pfefferkorn Karsten Backhaus André Lerch In this study, a lab-scale plant was designed to treat water in continuous flow condition using non-thermal plasma technology. The core was an electrode system with connected...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1953: Extraction Method of Baseflow Recession Segments Based on Second-Order Derivative of Streamflow and Comparison with Four Conventional Methods
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1953: Extraction Method of Baseflow Recession Segments Based on Second-Order Derivative of Streamflow and Comparison with Four Conventional Methods Water doi: 10.3390/w12071953 Authors: Weifei Yang Changlai Xiao Xiujuan Liang Baseflow recession analysis is widely used in hydrological research, water resource planning and management, and watershed hydrogeological research. The first step of baseflow recession analysis is to extract the baseflow recession segments...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1955: Benefit Evaluation of Water and Soil Conservation Measures in Shendong Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1955: Benefit Evaluation of Water and Soil Conservation Measures in Shendong Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and the Analytic Hierarchy Process Water doi: 10.3390/w12071955 Authors: Yangnan Guo Guoqing Chen Rigan Mo Meng Wang Yuying Bao Soil erosion is the main threat to the stability of ecological environment and the harmonious development of society in Shendong Mining Area. The main causes of this threat include the strong interference of natural...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1952: Impact of Indo-Pacific Climate Variability on High Streamflow Events in Mahanadi River Basin, India
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1952: Impact of Indo-Pacific Climate Variability on High Streamflow Events in Mahanadi River Basin, India Water doi: 10.3390/w12071952 Authors: Netrananda Sahu Arpita Panda Sridhara Nayak Atul Saini Manoranjan Mishra Takahiro Sayama Limonlisa Sahu Weili Duan Ram Avtar Swadhin Behera The potential impact of climate variability on the hydrological regime in the Mahanadi river basin is of great importance for sustainable water resources management....
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1951: Changing River Flood Timing in the Northeastern and Upper Midwest United States: Weakening of Seasonality over Time?
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1951: Changing River Flood Timing in the Northeastern and Upper Midwest United States: Weakening of Seasonality over Time? Water doi: 10.3390/w12071951 Authors: Nirajan Dhakal Richard N. Palmer Climate change is likely to impact precipitation as well as snow accumulation and melt in the Northeastern and Upper Midwest United States, ultimately affecting the quantity and seasonal distribution of streamflow. The objective of this study is to analyze seasonality...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1954: Towards Monitoring of Nutrient Pollution in Coastal Lake Using Remote Sensing and Regression Analysis
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1954: Towards Monitoring of Nutrient Pollution in Coastal Lake Using Remote Sensing and Regression Analysis Water doi: 10.3390/w12071954 Authors: Maruf Mortula Tarig Ali Abdallah Bachir Ahmed Elaksher Mohamed Abouleish The last few decades have witnessed a tremendous increase in nutrient levels (phosphorus and nitrogen) in coastal water leading to excessive algal growth (Eutrophication). The presence of large amounts of algae turns the water’s...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1949: Localization of Groundwater Contaminant Sources Using Artificially Enhanced Catchment
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1949: Localization of Groundwater Contaminant Sources Using Artificially Enhanced Catchment Water doi: 10.3390/w12071949 Authors: Hang Zhao Jia Zhang Honghan Chen Liyang Wang Zhuze Yang The localization of groundwater contaminant sources is the first and most fundamental step when dealing with site contamination problems. This paper presents a novel approach for groundwater pollution source identification in a site with low-velocity groundwater in which...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1950: Frequency Trend Analysis of Heavy Rainfall Days for Germany
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1950: Frequency Trend Analysis of Heavy Rainfall Days for Germany Water doi: 10.3390/w12071950 Authors: Detlef Deumlich Andreas Gericke Climate change is expected to affect the occurrence of heavy rainfall. We analyzed trends of heavy rainfall days for the last decades in Germany. For all available stations with daily data, days exceeding daily thresholds (10, 20, 30 mm) were counted annually. The Mann–Kendall trend test was applied to overlapping periods...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1948: Flood Mapping Uncertainty from a Restoration Perspective: A Practical Case Study
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1948: Flood Mapping Uncertainty from a Restoration Perspective: A Practical Case Study Water doi: 10.3390/w12071948 Authors: Cássio G. Rampinelli Ian Knack Tyler Smith Many hydrologic studies that are the basis for water resources planning and management rely on streamflow information. Calibration and use of hydrologic models to extend flow series based on rainfall data, perform flood frequency analysis, or develop flood maps for land use planning and design...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1947: The Influence of Aquaculture Effluents on the Prevalence and Biocides Resistance of Opportunistic Pseudomonas fluorescens Bacteria in the Drwęca River Protected under the Natura 2000 Network
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1947: The Influence of Aquaculture Effluents on the Prevalence and Biocides Resistance of Opportunistic Pseudomonas fluorescens Bacteria in the Drwęca River Protected under the Natura 2000 Network Water doi: 10.3390/w12071947 Authors: Iwona Gołaś The aim of this study was to determine the effect of trout aquaculture effluents on the Drwęca River. The count of opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens (OPPF) in the total Pseudomonas fluorescens population (TPFP)...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1946: Human Risk from Exposure to Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Water from Rivers with Mining Influence in the Central Andes of Peru
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1946: Human Risk from Exposure to Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Water from Rivers with Mining Influence in the Central Andes of Peru Water doi: 10.3390/w12071946 Authors: María Custodio Walter Cuadrado Richard Peñaloza Raúl Montalvo Salomé Ochoa Jocelyn Quispe Water pollution by heavy metals is one of the leading environmental concerns as a result of intense anthropogenic pressure on the aquatic environment. This constitutes a significant limitation...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1945: Impacts of Tide Gate Modulation on Ammonia Transport in a Semi-closed Estuary during the Dry Season—A Case Study at the Lianjiang River in South China
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1945: Impacts of Tide Gate Modulation on Ammonia Transport in a Semi-closed Estuary during the Dry Season—A Case Study at the Lianjiang River in South China Water doi: 10.3390/w12071945 Authors: Changjin Zhao Hanjie Yang Zhongya Fan Lei Zhu Wencai Wang Fantang Zeng Recovery of tide-receiving is considered to improve the water quality in the Lianjiang River, a severely polluted and tide-influenced river connected to the South China Sea. A tide-receiving...
Thu Jul 09, 2020 03:00

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