Πέμπτη 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Could mastication modify the shape of the orbit? A scannographic study in humans
Abstract Purpose Since prehistory, changes of the facial skeleton have been related to the modification of diet. More recent studies have shown changes in the morphology of the mandible and maxilla due to variations of strain during mastication. The temporal muscle (TM) is a strong masticatory muscle, with its insertions extending through the temporal fossa. Our objective is to observe the relations between the TM and the lateral orbital...
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Συμβατικό ή ηλεκτρονικό τσιγάρο; Η συχνή παρενέργεια που δεν φαντάζεστε ότι έχουν
Τα άτομα που καπνίζουν συμβατικά ή ηλεκτρονικά τσιγάρα φαίνεται να έχουν περισσότερες δυσκολίες αναφορικά με τον ύπνο τους, σύμφωνα με νέα μελέτη που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Journal of Sleep Research. Στην έρευνα έλαβαν μέρος 1.664 σπουδαστές κολεγίου, το 41% των οποίων είχε αναφέρει ότι είτε δεν είχε δοκιμάσει ποτέ, είτε χρησιμοποιούσε πρόσφατα ηλεκτρονικό τσιγάρο και το 29% είτε δεν είχε καπνίσει ποτέ ή είχε πρόσφατα κάνει συμβατικό τσιγάρο. Σε όλες τις ηλικιακές ομάδες του δείγματος, το μέσο σκορ ύπνου...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:07
Αυτή είναι η Νο1 θανατηφόρος νόσος στους ανθρώπους μέσης ηλικίας
Οι καρδιαγγειακές παθήσεις αποτελούν την κύρια αιτία θανάτου των ανθρώπων μέσης ηλικίας παγκοσμίως. Ωστόσο, στις χώρες με υψηλά εισοδήματα οι θάνατοι από καρκίνο έχουν διπλασιαστεί σε συχνότητα, σε σύγκριση με αυτούς από καρδιαγγειακά αίτια, σύμφωνα με νέα μελέτη που παρουσιάστηκε στο Συνέδριο της Ευρωπαϊκής Καρδιολογικής Εταιρείας και δημοσιεύθηκε στο The Lancet. Στην έρευνα του Πανεπιστημίου McMaster του Καναδά συμμετείχαν περισσότερα από 162.500 άτομα ηλικίας από 35 έως 70 ετών από 21 χώρες,...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Sep 05, 2019 13:25
Εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο: Το μεγάλο μειονέκτημα της χορτοφαγικής διατροφής
Η χορτοφαγική διατροφή καθώς και αυτή που βασίζεται σε ψάρια μπορεί να σχετίζεται με χαμηλότερο κίνδυνο καρδιαγγειακού κινδύνου, αλλά υψηλότερο κίνδυνο εγκεφαλικού επεισοδίου συγκριτικά με τη διατροφή που περιλαμβάνει περισσότερο κρέας σύμφωνα με μεγάλη βρετανική έρευνα που δημοσιεύθηκε στην British Medical Journal. Σύμφωνα με τους ερευνητές από το Τμήμα Δημόσιας Υγείας Nuffield του Πανεπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης οι χορτοφάγοι και οι vegan είχαν υψηλότερο κίνδυνο εγκεφαλικού επεισοδίου σε σύγκριση με...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Sep 05, 2019 13:33
Έμπολα: Κίνδυνος πρόωρου θανάτου για όσους επιβιώνουν του ιού
Οι άνθρωποι που επιβιώνουν από τον ιό Έμπολα αντιμετωπίζουν δραματικά αυξημένο κίνδυνο θανάτου –πιθανότατα λόγω σοβαρών βλαβών στα νεφρά τους- μέσα σε ένα χρόνο από τη στιγμή που φεύγουν από το νοσοκομείο, σύμφωνα με έρευνα που έγινες στους επιζώντες της επιδημίας στη Γουινέα. Στην παρούσα μελέτη που δημοσιεύτηκε χθες στο Lancet Infectious Diseases και η οποία είχε ως επικεφαλής τον Ιμπραΐμα Σοσέ Φολ, ειδικό στις καταστάσεις έκτακτης ανάγκη του ΠΟΥ, συμμετείχαν 1.130, επιζώντες από τη Γουινέα στο...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Sep 05, 2019 15:57
Νόσος Πάρκινσον: Η πρωτεΐνη που εντοπίζει τη νόσο 20 χρόνια πριν την διάγνωση
Το 2003 ένας Γερμανός νευροπαθολόγος διατύπωσε τη θεωρία ότι η νόσος Πάρκινσον μπορεί τελικά να ξεκινά από το έντερο του ασθενούς. Ερευνητές του Πανεπιστημίου Aarhus έρχονται να υποστηρίξουν αυτή τη θεωρία με αποφασιστικές ενδείξεις, μετά την παρατήρησή τους ότι η νόσος μεταφέρεται από το έντερο στον εγκέφαλο και την καρδιά των πειραματόζωων. Τα ευρήματα της μελέτης τους δημοσιεύθηκαν πρόσφατα στο Acta Neuropathologica. Επιβλαβείς πρωτεΐνες σε κίνηση Η νόσος Πάρκινσον χαρακτηρίζεται από τη σταδιακή...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Sep 05, 2019 17:05
Όλο και περισσότερους νέους προσβάλλει ο καρκίνος παχέος εντέρου
Τα περιστατικά καρκίνου του παχέος εντέρου αυξάνονται στους νεαρούς ενήλικες εννιά ανεπτυγμένων χωρών που εκτείνονται σε τρεις ηπείρους, σύμφωνα με νέα μελέτη της Αμερικάνικης Αντικαρκινικής Εταιρείας. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτής της έρευνας, που δημοσιεύτηκαν στο Gut, αναδεικνύουν ότι τα αυξανόμενα αυτά ποσοστά έρχονται σε αντίθεση με τη μείωση των περιστατικών της νόσου στα άτομα μεγαλύτερων ηλικιών. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι ενδέχεται να υπάρχουν περιβαλλοντικά ερεθίσματα στα οποία εκτίθενται οι νέοι που παρουσιάζουν...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Sep 05, 2019 18:51
Familial glucocorticoid deficiency presenting with hyperpigmentation, gigantism, and motor development delay: a case report
Familial glucocorticoid deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by isolated glucocorticoid deficiency. Most patients are diagnosed following episodes of hypoglycemia or convulsion. We r...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Wed Sep 04, 2019 03:00
Incidental fetal imaging with CT: a pictorial essay
Abstract Although CT is not the first choice for abdominal imaging of pregnant patients, it can be indicated for pregnant patients with emergent life-threatening conditions. It is prudent in these cases for the radiologist to be familiar with the normal appearance of the pregnant uterus on CT and to evaluate the female pelvis for potential maternal and fetal abnormalities. We aim to provide examples of the normal CT appearance of the female pelvis related to different gestational...
Latest Results for Abdominal Radiology
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
High-flow nasal cannula therapy: clinical practice in intensive care units
Despite the extensive use of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy in intensive care units (ICU) for acute respiratory failure (ARF), its daily clinical practice has not been assessed. We designed a regional ...
Annals of Intensive Care - Latest Articles
Wed Sep 04, 2019 03:00
Initial report on feasibility of PET/CT-based image-guided moderate hypofractionated thoracic irradiation in node-positive non-small cell lung Cancer patients with poor prognostic factors and strongly diminished lung function: a retrospective analysis
To determine the feasibility of PET/CT-based image-guided moderate hypofractionated thoracic irradiation (Hypo-IGRT) in locally advanced node-positive non-small cell lung cancer patients with highly compromise...
Radiation Oncology - Latest Articles
Wed Sep 04, 2019 03:00
Highly selective oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide on transition metal single atom coordination
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Tuning high-<i>Q</i> nonlinear dynamics in a disordered quantum magnet
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Design and synthesis of highly active MoVTeNb-oxides for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Patient-derived lung cancer organoids as in vitro cancer models for therapeutic screening
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Gut microbiota confers host resistance to obesity by metabolizing dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Highly efficient decomposition of ammonia using high-entropy alloy catalysts
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Translational coupling via termination-reinitiation in archaea and bacteria
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
A bioinspired hydrogen bond-triggered ultrasensitive ionic mechanoreceptor skin
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Highly selective oxygen reduction to hydrogen peroxide on transition metal single atom coordination
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11992-2Hydrogen peroxide can be produced alternatively using green inputs such as air, water, and sunlight but this requires a selective catalyst. Here the authors report an iron single atom catalyst that can convert oxygen into hydrogen peroxide with a selectivity of above 95% in both alkaline and neutral pH.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Tuning high-<i>Q</i> nonlinear dynamics in a disordered quantum magnet
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11985-1The Ising magnet LiHo0.045Y0.955F4 allows experimental probes of disordered quantum dynamics. Silevitch et al. show that strongly-driven localized spin clusters form effectively decoupled two-level systems whose interactions and coherence can be tuned by external ac and dc magnetic fields.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Design and synthesis of highly active MoVTeNb-oxides for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11940-0Crystalline M1 phase of Mo-V-Te-Nb mixed oxide is an excellent catalyst for ethane oxidative dehydrogenation to ethene. Here, the authors show a method that synthesizes highly active materials by generating M1 crystals with corrugated terminations, thus exposing a large concentration of active sites.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Patient-derived lung cancer organoids as in vitro cancer models for therapeutic screening
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11867-6The clinical efficacy of standard therapy in lung cancer is limited by high level of heterogeneity. Here, the authors report patient-derived lung cancer organoids from different histological subtypes and show them to faithfully recapitulate the histology, genomics, and drug responses of the primary lung tumours.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Gut microbiota confers host resistance to obesity by metabolizing dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11978-0The gut microbiome is an important regulator of metabolic health. Here the authors show that intestinal bacteria metabolize dietary linoleic acid to 10-hydroxy-cis-12-octadecenoic acid (HYA) which confers host resistance to high fat diet-induced obesity in mice.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Highly efficient decomposition of ammonia using high-entropy alloy catalysts
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11848-9Alloys are important materials for catalysis but are usually limited by miscibility gaps present in their phase diagrams. Here the authors break this limitation by developing high-entropy alloy catalysts made of five earth-abundant elements and demonstrate great catalytic enhancements for ammonia decomposition.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Translational coupling via termination-reinitiation in archaea and bacteria
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11999-9Archaea and bacteria often have gene pairs with overlapping stop and start codons, suggesting translational coupling. Here, Huber et al. analyse overlapping gene pairs from 720 genomes, and validate translational coupling via termination-reinitiation for 14 gene pairs in Haloferax volcanii and Escherichia coli.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
A bioinspired hydrogen bond-triggered ultrasensitive ionic mechanoreceptor skin
Nature Communications, Published online: 05 September 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-11973-5Wearable pressure sensors have a range of potential applications. Here, the authors develop ion pairs decorated silica microstructures embedded in an elastomeric matrix to mimic natural skin mechanoreceptors’ functions for applications in pressure-sensitive artificial skin.
Nature Communications - current - nature.com science feeds
Thu Sep 05, 2019 03:00
Enantioselective Dicarbofunctionalization of Unactivated Alkenes by Palladium‐Catalyzed Tandem Heck/Suzuki Coupling Reaction
The first example of highly enantioselective intramolecular dicarbofunctionalization of unactivated alkenes with alkyl, aryl, or alkenylboronic acids is reported. It provides an efficient synthesis for various chiral benzene‐fused cyclic compounds bearing an all‐carbon quaternary stereocenter, and demonstrates high functional‐group tolerance. The synthesis of a pair of enantiomers was achieved by a change in the order of the steps in the reaction sequence. Abstract A highly enantioselective...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:32
Bridging the Gap between Structurally Distinct 2D Lamellar Zeolitic Precursors through a 3D Germanosilicate Intermediate
Similar but different: A Ge‐recycling strategy has been developed that realizes topotactic conversion between structurally similar 2D zeolitic precursors. The synthetic strategy involves combining the precrystallized fer layer (PREFER) with a Ge source to construct the 3D germanosilicate UTL, which contains a different, but similar, pcr layer. Hydrolysis of UTL then releases the pcr layer and regenerates the Ge source. Abstract There is broad scientific interest in lamellar zeolitic materials...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:33
A Metallaphotoredox Strategy for the Cross‐Electrophile Coupling of α‐Chloro Carbonyls with Aryl Halides
With a flick of a switch: A metallaphotoredox‐catalyzed cross‐electrophile coupling mechanism provides a unified method for the α‐arylation of diverse activated alkyl chlorides. This strategy is effective for a wide range of (hetero)aryl bromides under mild conditions. The utility of this protocol is showcased in the construction of important building blocks in medicinal chemistry, such as aryldifluoromethyl and diarylmethane motifs. Abstract Here, we demonstrate that a metallaphotoredox‐catalyzed...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:33
Exploiting Cofactor Versatility to Convert a FAD‐Dependent Baeyer–Villiger Monooxygenase into a Ketoreductase
Structure‐guided, site‐directed mutagenesis of the Baeyer–Villiger monooxygenase (BVMO), cyclohexanone monooxygenase, drastically improves its ability to reduce a range of aromatic α‐keto esters, with a high yield of up to 99 % and high stereoselectivity (ee up to 99 %). Abstract Cyclohexanone monooxygenases (CHMOs) show very high catalytic specificity for natural Baeyer–Villiger (BV) reactions and promiscuous reduction reactions have not been reported to date. Wild‐type CHMO from Acinetobacter sp....
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:50
Photoswitchable Phase Separation and Oligonucleotide Trafficking in DNA Coacervate Microdroplets
Photoswitchable coacervation: Light‐responsive liquid–liquid phase separation involving DNA and an azobenzene cation is demonstrated. The reversible, photoswitchable disassembly and reassembly of coacervate microdroplets, under UV and blue light, respectively, is exploited to trigger the mixing and trafficking of oligonucleotides in binary populations of the droplets. Abstract Coacervate microdroplets produced by liquid–liquid phase separation have been used as synthetic protocells that mimic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:53
Economical, Green and Safe Route Towards Substituted Lactones via the Anodic Generation of Oxycarbonyl Radicals.
A new electrochemical methodology has been developed for the generation of oxycarbonyl radicals under mild and green conditions from readily available hemioxalate salts. Mono‐ and multi‐functionalised γ‐butyrolactones were synthesised through exo−cyclization of these oxycarbonyl radicals with an alkene, followed by the sp3−sp3 capture of the newly formed carbon‐centred radical. The synthesis of functionalised caprolactone derivatives was also achieved, demonstrating the versatility of the newly developed...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 13:05
Ring Contraction by NHC‐assisted Pnictogen Abstraction
The reaction of [Cp’’’Co(η4‐P4)] (1) (Cp’’’ = 1,2,4‐tBu3C5H2) with MeNHC (MeNHC = 1,3,4,5‐tetramethylimidazol‐2‐ylidene) leads via an NHC‐assisted cationic phosphorus atom abstraction to the ring contraction product [(MeNHC)2P][Cp’’’Co(η3 P3)] (2), which represents the first example of an anionic CoP3 complex. Such ring contraction reactions, induced by NHC’s, are also applicable for triple‐decker sandwich complexes. The complexes [(Cp*Mo)2(μ,η6:6 E6)] (3a, 3b) (Cp* = C5Me5; E = P, As) can be transformed...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 15:57
Synergistic doping and intercalation: a new way to realize deep phase modulation on MoS2 arrays for high‐efficiency hydrogen evolution reaction
The electrochemical properties of MoS 2 are closely bound up with its phase component. Currently, it is still a great challenge to realize controllable deep phase transformation from semi‐conductive 2H‐MoS 2 to metallic 1T‐MoS 2 acquiring high performance. Herein, for the first time, we report a synergistic N doping plus PO 4 3‐ intercalation strategy to induce high conversion of ~41 % from 2H‐MoS 2 to 1T‐MoS 2 , much higher than single N doping (~28 %) or single PO 4 3‐ intercalation...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 16:28
1,2‐Dithienyldicyanoethene Based Visible‐Light‐Driven Chiral Fluorescent Molecular Switch for Rewritable Multimodal Photonic Devices
Multifunctional light‐driven chiral molecular switches or motors reversibly driven by visible light are currently in high demand towards the development of dynamic stimuli‐responsive materials for fundamental studies and technological applications in advanced devices. Here we report the first example of 1,2‐dithienyldicyanoethene based visible‐light‐driven chiral fluorescent molecular switch that exhibits reversible trans‐cis photoisomerization in both isotropic and anisotropic solvents. The trans...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 17:00
Influencing Epigenetic Information with a Hydrolytically Stable Carbocyclic 5‐Aza‐2′‐deoxycytidine
Now C here: An O‐to‐CH2 substitution gives a carbocyclic analogue of the epigenetic drug 5‐aza‐2′‐deoxycytidine (AzadC) that is hydrolytically stable but retains inhibition activity against DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs). This compound (cAzadC) leads to substantial reduction in the DNA methylation levels in stem cells without the formation of DNA lesions. Abstract 5‐Aza‐2′‐deoxycytidine (AzadC) is an antimetabolite in clinical use, which reduces the level of the epigenetic modification 5‐methyl‐2′‐deoxycytidine...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 17:02
Coordination‐Directed Growth of Transition‐Metal–Crystalline‐Carbon Composites with Controllable Metal Composition
Controlled composites: A straightforward bottom‐up approach for the synthesis of transition‐metal–crystalline‐carbon (CTM) composites with a precise amount of TMs and CC is reported. The strength of the approach is demonstrated by the synthesis of mono, binary, and ternary CTM composites with tunable and controlled elemental composition. PAH=polyaromatic hydrocarbon. Abstract Transition‐metal–carbon (CTM) composites show ample activity in many catalytic reactions. However, control of composition,...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 17:51
Strongly Luminescent Tungsten Emitters with Emission Quantum Yields of up to 84 %: TADF and High‐Efficiency Molecular Tungsten OLEDs
A lightbulb moment for WVI complexes: Incorporation of arylamino substituents into the ligand scaffold leads to the realization of the first WVI Schiff base complex with TADF properties, which shows Φ em of 56 % in solution and 84 % in thin film at room temperature. High‐efficiency solution‐processed W‐OLEDs were fabricated, exhibiting a maximum EQE and luminance of up to 15.6 % and 16890 cd m−2, respectively. Abstract Metal‐TADF (thermally activated delayed fluorescence) emitters hold promise...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thu Sep 05, 2019 17:52

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