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Τετάρτη 15 Απριλίου 2020


Study of knowledge, attitude, anxiety & perceived mental healthcare need in Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic.
Related ArticlesStudy of knowledge, attitude, anxiety & perceived mental healthcare need in Indian population during COVID-19 pandemic. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020 Apr 08;51:102083 Authors: Roy D, Tripathy S, Kar SK, Sharma N, Verma SK, Kaushal V Abstract Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) originating from China has rapidly crossed borders, infecting people throughout the whole world. This phenomenon has led to a massive public reaction; the media...
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Improving fatigue risk management in healthcare: A systematic scoping review of sleep-related/fatigue-management interventions for nurses and midwives.
Related ArticlesImproving fatigue risk management in healthcare: A systematic scoping review of sleep-related/fatigue-management interventions for nurses and midwives. Int J Nurs Stud. 2019 Dec 30;106:103513 Authors: Querstret D, O'Brien K, Skene DJ, Maben J Abstract BACKGROUND: Nurses and midwives make up almost 50% of the global healthcare shift working workforce. Shift work interferes with sleep and causes fatigue with adverse effects for nurses'...
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A field indoor air measurement of SARS-CoV-2 in the patient rooms of the largest hospital in Iran.
Related ArticlesA field indoor air measurement of SARS-CoV-2 in the patient rooms of the largest hospital in Iran. Sci Total Environ. 2020 Apr 06;725:138401 Authors: Faridi S, Niazi S, Sadeghi K, Naddafi K, Yavarian J, Shamsipour M, Jandaghi NZS, Sadeghniiat K, Nabizadeh R, Yunesian M, Momeniha F, Mokamel A, Hassanvand MS, MokhtariAzad T Abstract The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan city, China, in late 2019 and has rapidly spread...
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Determinants of sleep impairment in psoriatic arthritis: an observational study with 396 patients from 14 countries.
Related ArticlesDeterminants of sleep impairment in psoriatic arthritis: an observational study with 396 patients from 14 countries. Joint Bone Spine. 2020 Apr 10;: Authors: Palominos PE, Coates L, Kohem CL, Orbai AM, Smolen J, de Wit M, Kiltz U, Leung YY, Cañete J, Scrivo R, Balanescu A, Dernis E, Tälli S, Soubrier M, Aydin SZ, Gaydukova I, Kalyoncu U, Gossec L Abstract OBJECTIVE: Sleep quality is diminished in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA)...
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Copine-7 is required for REM sleep regulation following cage change or water immersion and restraint stress in mice.
Related ArticlesCopine-7 is required for REM sleep regulation following cage change or water immersion and restraint stress in mice. Neurosci Res. 2020 Apr 10;: Authors: Liu CY, Tsai CJ, Yasugaki S, Nagata N, Morita M, Isotani A, Yanagisawa M, Hayashi Y Abstract Sleep is affected by the environment. In rodents, changes in the amount of rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) can precede those of other sleep/wake stages. The molecular mechanism underlying the...
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"We're staying at home". Association of self-perceptions of aging, personal and family resources and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of COVID-19.
Related Articles"We're staying at home". Association of self-perceptions of aging, personal and family resources and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of COVID-19. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Losada-Baltar A, Jiménez-Gonzalo L, Gallego-Alberto L, Pedroso-Chaparro MDS, Fernandes-Pires J, Márquez-González M Abstract OBJECTIVES: Families are going through a very stressful time because of the...
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Bi-allelic GAD1 variants cause a neonatal onset syndromic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy.
Related ArticlesBi-allelic GAD1 variants cause a neonatal onset syndromic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Brain. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Chatron N, Becker F, Morsy H, Schmidts M, Hardies K, Tuysuz B, Roselli S, Najafi M, Alkaya DU, Ashrafzadeh F, Nabil A, Omar T, Maroofian R, Karimiani EG, Hussien H, Kok F, Ramos L, Gunes N, Bilguvar K, Labalme A, Alix E, Sanlaville D, de Bellescize J, Poulat AL, EuroEpinomics-RES consortium AR working group , Moslemi AR,...
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The effect of nasal and oral breathing on airway collapsibility in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: Computational fluid dynamics analyses.
Related ArticlesThe effect of nasal and oral breathing on airway collapsibility in patients with obstructive sleep apnea: Computational fluid dynamics analyses. PLoS One. 2020;15(4):e0231262 Authors: Suzuki M, Tanuma T Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of breathing route on the collapsibility of the pharyngeal airway in patients with obstructive sleep apnea by using computational fluid dynamics technology. ...
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Yoga in school sports improves functioning of autonomic nervous system in young adults: A non-randomized controlled pilot study.
Related ArticlesYoga in school sports improves functioning of autonomic nervous system in young adults: A non-randomized controlled pilot study. PLoS One. 2020;15(4):e0231299 Authors: Frank J, Seifert G, Schroeder R, Gruhn B, Stritter W, Jeitler M, Steckhan N, Kessler CS, Michalsen A, Voss A Abstract BACKGROUND: Yoga in school is a beneficial tool to promote the good health and well-being of students by changing the way they react to stress. The positive...
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Relationship between multiple lifestyle behaviors and health-related quality of life among elderly individuals with prediabetes in rural communities in China: A STROBE-compliant article.
Related ArticlesRelationship between multiple lifestyle behaviors and health-related quality of life among elderly individuals with prediabetes in rural communities in China: A STROBE-compliant article. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Apr;99(15):e19560 Authors: Hu Z, Qin L, Kaminga AC, Xu H Abstract Evidence of the effect of lifestyle behaviors on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is scarce or ambiguous. The objective of the present study was to explore...
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"If Mommy's Not Cranky, Everybody Else Survives Another day." Perspectives on Sleep from Multiethnic Community Parents, Pediatric Providers, and Childcare Providers.
Related Articles"If Mommy's Not Cranky, Everybody Else Survives Another day." Perspectives on Sleep from Multiethnic Community Parents, Pediatric Providers, and Childcare Providers. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Sadler LS, Banasiak N, Canapari C, Crowley AA, Fenick A, OʼConnell M, Ordway MR, Sude L, Trevino S, Redeker NS Abstract OBJECTIVE: To describe the perceptions of (1) parents, childcare, and health care providers regarding sleep...
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GABAB receptor-mediated tonic inhibition of locus coeruleus neurons plays a role in deep anesthesia induced by isoflurane.
Related ArticlesGABAB receptor-mediated tonic inhibition of locus coeruleus neurons plays a role in deep anesthesia induced by isoflurane. Neuroreport. 2020 May 07;31(7):557-564 Authors: Hung WC, Chu YL, Tsai ML, Wong SB, Min MY, Chen RF, Yang HW Abstract Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus referred to as locus coeruleus neurons, provide the major supply of norepinephrine to the forebrain and play important roles in behavior through regulation...
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Effects of Acupressure on Symptoms Relief and Improving Sleep Quality in Pediatric Patients With Allergic Rhinitis.
Related ArticlesEffects of Acupressure on Symptoms Relief and Improving Sleep Quality in Pediatric Patients With Allergic Rhinitis. Holist Nurs Pract. 2020 Apr 01;: Authors: Lei RL, Lin WC, Lin CC, Lei RW Abstract Current pharmacological management of allergic rhinitis cannot completely provide relief from the symptoms and is usually accompanied by undesirable side effects. Complementary and alternative medicine approach has been evaluated and applied...
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The Effect of Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality and Fatigue Level of the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Study.
Related ArticlesThe Effect of Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality and Fatigue Level of the Elderly: A Randomized Controlled Study. Holist Nurs Pract. 2020 May/Jun;34(3):155-162 Authors: Genç F, Karadağ S, Kılıç Akça N, Tan M, Cerit D Abstract This randomized controlled experimental study was conducted to determine the effect of inhaled aromatherapy on the sleep quality and fatigue level of the institutionalized elderly. The sample of the study consisted of...
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The Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems on Athletes.
Related ArticlesThe Effects of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems on Athletes. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2020 Apr;19(4):146-150 Authors: Young SE, Henderson CA, Couperus KS Abstract The rapid rise in popularity of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), or vaping, has not eluded the athletic population. Increasing use of youth sports participants, as well as collegiate and professionals, means sports medicine providers and coaches alike should be familiar...
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One Academic Health System's Early (and Ongoing) Experience Responding to COVID-19: Recommendations From the Initial Epicenter of the Pandemic in the United States.
Related ArticlesOne Academic Health System's Early (and Ongoing) Experience Responding to COVID-19: Recommendations From the Initial Epicenter of the Pandemic in the United States. Acad Med. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Kim CS, Lynch JB, Cohen S, Neme S, Staiger TO, Evans L, Pergam SA, Liu C, Bryson-Cahn C, Dellit TH Abstract On January 19, 2020, the first case of a patient with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the United States was reported in Washington...
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Low-Cost Consumer-Based Trackers to Measure Physical Activity and Sleep Duration Among Adults in Free-Living Conditions: Validation Study.
Related ArticlesLow-Cost Consumer-Based Trackers to Measure Physical Activity and Sleep Duration Among Adults in Free-Living Conditions: Validation Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020 Feb 26;: Authors: Degroote L, Hamerlinck G, Poels K, Maher C, Crombez G, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Vandendriessche A, Curtis RG, DeSmet A Abstract BACKGROUND: Wearable trackers for monitoring physical activity (PA) and total sleep time (TST) are increasingly popular. These devices...
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Economic burden and managed care considerations for the treatment of insomnia.
Related ArticlesEconomic burden and managed care considerations for the treatment of insomnia. Am J Manag Care. 2020 Mar;26(4 Suppl):S91-S96 Authors: Taddei-Allen P Abstract Insomnia is a common sleep disorder in adults that can have many negative health impacts. The aggregate total of direct and indirect insomnia healthcare costs has been estimated to be as high as $100 billion US dollars per year. In addition to the societal cost burden, insomnia also...
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Current and emerging therapies for insomnia.
Related ArticlesCurrent and emerging therapies for insomnia. Am J Manag Care. 2020 Mar;26(4 Suppl):S85-S90 Authors: Liu MT Abstract Up to 10% of the US adult population will experience chronic insomnia, with women and elderly individuals at particularly high risk. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the core treatment for insomnia. When cognitive behavioral therapy is not enough, medications can help patients overcome the barriers and learned behaviors that...
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Exploding head syndrome, chronotype, parasomnias and mental health in young adults.
Related ArticlesExploding head syndrome, chronotype, parasomnias and mental health in young adults. J Sleep Res. 2020 Apr 13;:e13044 Authors: Kirwan E, Fortune DG Abstract Although inadequate sleep among young people is well documented in the literature, anomalous sleep experiences, such as the parasomnia termed exploding head syndrome (EHS), have received little empirical attention. The current study examined the association of sleep quality, symptoms...
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EMA Review of Daunorubicin and Cytarabine Encapsulated in Liposomes (Vyxeos, CPX-351) for the Treatment of Adults with Newly Diagnosed, Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Myelodysplasia-Related Changes.
Related ArticlesEMA Review of Daunorubicin and Cytarabine Encapsulated in Liposomes (Vyxeos, CPX-351) for the Treatment of Adults with Newly Diagnosed, Therapy-Related Acute Myeloid Leukemia or Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Myelodysplasia-Related Changes. Oncologist. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Tzogani K, Penttilä K, Lapveteläinen T, Hemmings R, Koenig J, Freire J, Márcia S, Cole S, Coppola P, Flores B, Barbachano Y, Roige SD, Pignatti F Abstract On June 28,...
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Association Between Early Recovery of Kidney Function After Acute Kidney Injury and Long-term Clinical Outcomes.
Related ArticlesAssociation Between Early Recovery of Kidney Function After Acute Kidney Injury and Long-term Clinical Outcomes. JAMA Netw Open. 2020 Apr 01;3(4):e202682 Authors: Bhatraju PK, Zelnick LR, Chinchilli VM, Moledina DG, Coca SG, Parikh CR, Garg AX, Hsu CY, Go AS, Liu KD, Ikizler TA, Siew ED, Kaufman JS, Kimmel PL, Himmelfarb J, Wurfel MM Abstract Importance: The severity of acute kidney injury (AKI) is usually determined based on the maximum...
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Comparison of clinical characteristics of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction with atrial fibrillation versus sinus rhythm: Insights from the APOLLON registry.
Related ArticlesComparison of clinical characteristics of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction with atrial fibrillation versus sinus rhythm: Insights from the APOLLON registry. Turk Kardiyol Dern Ars. 2020 Apr;48(3):234-245 Authors: Özlek B, Özlek E, Tekinalp M, Kahraman S, Zencirkiran Agus H, Başaran Ö, Kaya BC, Rencüzoğulları İ, Mert KU, Çakır O, Ösken A, Bekar L, Çelik Y, Çil C, Doğan V, Çelik O, Mert GÖ, Memiç Sancar K, Sevinç S, Biteker M ...
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Integrated Care Intervention Supported by a Mobile Health Tool for Patients Using Noninvasive Ventilation at Home: Randomized Controlled Trial.
Related ArticlesIntegrated Care Intervention Supported by a Mobile Health Tool for Patients Using Noninvasive Ventilation at Home: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020 Apr 13;8(4):e16395 Authors: Baltaxe E, Embid C, Aumatell E, Martínez M, Barberan-Garcia A, Kelly J, Eaglesham J, Herranz C, Vargiu E, Montserrat JM, Roca J, Cano I Abstract BACKGROUND: Home-based noninvasive ventilation has proven cost-effective. But, adherence to therapy...
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COVID-19 Lung Injury is Not High Altitude Pulmonary Edema.
Related ArticlesCOVID-19 Lung Injury is Not High Altitude Pulmonary Edema. High Alt Med Biol. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Luks A, Freer L, Grissom C, McIntosh SE, Schoene RB, Swenson E, Hackett PH Abstract Not applicable.PMID: 32281877 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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Measuring melatonin by immunoassay.
Related ArticlesMeasuring melatonin by immunoassay. J Pineal Res. 2020 Apr 13;:e12657 Authors: Kennaway DJ Abstract The pineal gland hormone melatonin continues to be of considerable interest to biomedical researchers. Of particular interest is the pattern of secretion of melatonin in relation to sleep timing as well as its potential role in certain diseases. Measuring melatonin in biological fluids like blood and saliva presents particular methodological...
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Pre-mortem Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Diagnoses in Professional Football.
Related ArticlesPre-mortem Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Diagnoses in Professional Football. Ann Neurol. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Grashow R, Weisskopf MG, Baggish A, Speizer FE, Whittington AJ, Nadler L, Connor A, Keske R, Taylor H, Zafonte R, Pascual-Leone A Abstract OBJECTIVE: American-style football (ASF) has gained attention because of possible links between repetitive head injury and neurodegenerative diseases. While post-mortem pathologic changes...
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It is not asthma! An arcane case of 'Scimitar' syndrome: A case report.
Related ArticlesIt is not asthma! An arcane case of 'Scimitar' syndrome: A case report. Med J Malaysia. 2020 Mar;75(2):184-185 Authors: Ganapathi P, Nurul Yaqeen ME, Zamzurina AB Abstract 'Scimitar' syndrome in adulthood is usually asymptomatic. Significant structural abnormalities symptoms usually manifest early during infancy or young childhood with features of congestive heart failure from significant shunting of the anomalous pulmonary venous drainage....
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SLEEP-GOAL: A multicenter success criteria outcome study on 302 obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients.
Related ArticlesSLEEP-GOAL: A multicenter success criteria outcome study on 302 obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. Med J Malaysia. 2020 Mar;75(2):117-123 Authors: Pang KP, Baptista PM, Olszewska E, Braverman I, Carrasco-Llatas M, Kishore S, Chandra S, Yang HC, Chan YH, Pang KA, Pang EB, Rotenberg B Abstract OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate SLEEP-GOAL as a more holistic and comprehensive success criterion for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) treatment. ...
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School Ijime (Bullying) Experience Is a Possible Risk Factor for Current Psychological Distress among Science City Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study in Tsukuba, Japan.
Related ArticlesSchool Ijime (Bullying) Experience Is a Possible Risk Factor for Current Psychological Distress among Science City Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study in Tsukuba, Japan. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2020;250(4):223-231 Authors: Ikeda T, Hori D, Ikeda Y, Takahashi T, Shiraki N, Andrea CS, Ohtaki Y, Doki S, Oi Y, Sasahara S, Saito T, Matsuzaki I Abstract Early-life adversities are considered to have long-term impact on health. There have been many studies...
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[Clinical efficacy of acupuncture combined with modified Xiangfu Decoction in treatment of menopausal insomnia cause by liver Qi stagnation].
Related Articles[Clinical efficacy of acupuncture combined with modified Xiangfu Decoction in treatment of menopausal insomnia cause by liver Qi stagnation]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2020 Mar;45(6):1460-1464 Authors: Yan XL, Yu YD, Yang DD Abstract To evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture combined with modified Xiangfu Decoction in the treatment of menopausal insomnia case by liver Qi stagnation. Totally 120 cases were randomly divided into...
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Actigraphy measurement of physical activity and energy expenditure in narcolepsy type 1, narcolepsy type 2 and idiopathic hypersomnia: A Sensewear Armband study.
Related ArticlesActigraphy measurement of physical activity and energy expenditure in narcolepsy type 1, narcolepsy type 2 and idiopathic hypersomnia: A Sensewear Armband study. J Sleep Res. 2020 Apr 13;:e13038 Authors: Bornstein A, Hedström A, Wasling P Abstract The cause of obesity in narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) patients is not fully understood. The present study investigated if a reduced physical activity could explain weight gain in NT1. Seventy-nine...
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Sitagliptin ameliorates renal tubular injury in diabetic kidney disease via STAT3-dependent mitochondrial homeostasis through SDF-1α/CXCR4 pathway.
Related ArticlesSitagliptin ameliorates renal tubular injury in diabetic kidney disease via STAT3-dependent mitochondrial homeostasis through SDF-1α/CXCR4 pathway. FASEB J. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Zhang Q, He L, Dong Y, Fei Y, Wen J, Li X, Guan J, Liu F, Zhou T, Li Z, Fan Y, Wang N Abstract Mitochondrial abnormalities play critical roles in diabetic tubular injury progression. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) inhibitors are widely used antihyperglycemic agents...
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Association of sleep spindle characteristics with executive functioning in healthy sedentary middle-aged and older adults.
Related ArticlesAssociation of sleep spindle characteristics with executive functioning in healthy sedentary middle-aged and older adults. J Sleep Res. 2020 Apr 12;:e13037 Authors: Guadagni V, Byles H, Tyndall AV, Parboosingh J, Longman RS, Hogan DB, Hanly PJ, Younes M, Poulin MJ Abstract To determine the relationship between sleep spindle characteristics (density, power and frequency), executive functioning and cognitive decline in older adults, we...
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Solar UV-induced DNA damage response: Melanocytes story in transformation to environmental melanomagenesis.
Related ArticlesSolar UV-induced DNA damage response: Melanocytes story in transformation to environmental melanomagenesis. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Sarkar S, Gaddameedhi S Abstract Exposure to sunlight is both beneficial, as it heats the planet to a comfortable temperature, and potentially harmful, since sunlight contains ultraviolet radiation (UVR), which is deemed detrimental for living organisms. Earth's ozone layer plays a vital...
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Variability in hypoxic response: could genetics play a role?
Related ArticlesVariability in hypoxic response: could genetics play a role? J Physiol. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Simonson TS, Malhotra A PMID: 32281106 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
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[Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment of Cataracts].
Related Articles[Comprehensive Assessment and Treatment of Cataracts]. Hu Li Za Zhi. 2020 Apr;67(2):84-90 Authors: Chiang YC, Wang SY Abstract Cataract is a global disease that may cause blindness. Due to the slow pace of disease progression, patients often presume incorrectly that their blurred vision is caused by excessive fatigue or lack of sleep. In addition to their role in causing blindness, cataracts that are diagnosed late into their progression...
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[Lower Extremity Exercise Improves Functional Fitness, Physiological Indexes, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Sleep Quality, and Mental Health in Middle-Aged and Older Individuals].
Related Articles[Lower Extremity Exercise Improves Functional Fitness, Physiological Indexes, Exercise Self-Efficacy, Sleep Quality, and Mental Health in Middle-Aged and Older Individuals]. Hu Li Za Zhi. 2020 Apr;67(2):33-44 Authors: Jhang LY, Huang HS, Hsu Y, Liu WM Abstract BACKGROUND: Middle-aged and older individuals suffer from skeletal muscle loss due to aging, increasing the risk of sarcopenia. Muscular dystrophy reduces lower-extremity muscle...
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Automatic detection algorithm for establishing standard to identify "surge blood pressure".
Related ArticlesAutomatic detection algorithm for establishing standard to identify "surge blood pressure". Med Biol Eng Comput. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Kokubo A, Kuwabara M, Nakajima H, Tomitani N, Yamashita S, Shiga T, Kario K Abstract Blood pressure (BP) variability is one of the important risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD). "Surge BP," which represents short-term BP variability, is defined as pathological exaggerated BP increase capable...
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Neonatal sleep stage identification using long short-term memory learning system.
Related ArticlesNeonatal sleep stage identification using long short-term memory learning system. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Fraiwan L, Alkhodari M Abstract Neonatal sleep analysis at the neonatal intensive care units (NICU) is critical for the diagnosis of any brain growth risks during the early stages of life. In this paper, an investigation is carried out on the use of a long short-term memory (LSTM) learning system in automatic sleep...
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Patient-generated health data collection using a wearable activity tracker in cancer patients-a feasibility study.
Related ArticlesPatient-generated health data collection using a wearable activity tracker in cancer patients-a feasibility study. Support Care Cancer. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Miyaji T, Kawaguchi T, Azuma K, Suzuki S, Sano Y, Akatsu M, Torii A, Kamimura T, Ozawa Y, Tsuchida A, Eriguchi D, Hashiguchi M, Nishino M, Nishi M, Inadome Y, Yamazaki T, Kiuchi T, Yamaguchi T Abstract PURPOSE: Incorporation of patient-generated health data (PGHD) into clinical...
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Effect of Sleep on Upper Airway Dynamics in Obese Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
Related ArticlesEffect of Sleep on Upper Airway Dynamics in Obese Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. Sleep. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Bitners AC, Sin S, Agrawal S, Lee S, Udupa JK, Tong Y, Wootton DM, Choy KR, Wagshul ME, Arens R Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: The biomechanical basis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) may influence upper airway dynamics. In this study, we investigate dynamic changes during respiration in wakefulness and...
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Self-Reported Poor Sleep on Multiple Dimensions is Associated with Higher Total Health Care Costs in Older Men.
Related ArticlesSelf-Reported Poor Sleep on Multiple Dimensions is Associated with Higher Total Health Care Costs in Older Men. Sleep. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Schousboe JT, Kats AM, Stone KL, Langsetmo L, Vo TN, Blackwell TL, Buysse DJ, Ancoli-Israel S, Ensrud KE, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: To estimate the association of self-reported poor sleep in multiple dimensions with health care costs in older men. ...
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The prevalence of common sleep disorders in young adults: a descriptive population-based study.
Related ArticlesThe prevalence of common sleep disorders in young adults: a descriptive population-based study. Sleep. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: McArdle N, Ward SV, Bucks RS, Maddison K, Smith A, Huang RC, Pennell CE, Hillman DR, Eastwood PR Abstract Sleep disorders in adults are associated with adverse health effects including reduced quality of life and increased mortality. However, there is little information on sleep disorders in young adults. A cross-sectional...
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Clinical validation of the chronic liver disease questionnaire for the Chinese population in Singapore.
Related ArticlesClinical validation of the chronic liver disease questionnaire for the Chinese population in Singapore. JGH Open. 2020 Apr;4(2):191-197 Authors: Chang PE, Tan HK, Lee Y, Fook-Chong S, Chia PY, Shaik-Hussain N, Lee HL, Aloweni F Abstract Background and Aim: Assessment of health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) requires the use of validated instruments that are understood by patients in their...
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ERS International Congress, Madrid, 2019: highlights from the Allied Respiratory Professionals' Assembly.
Related ArticlesERS International Congress, Madrid, 2019: highlights from the Allied Respiratory Professionals' Assembly. ERJ Open Res. 2020 Jan;6(1): Authors: Oliveira A, Rutter M, Quijano-Campos JC, Herrero-Cortina B, Clari M, O'Rourke A, McGowan A, Burtin C, Sajnic A, De Brandt J Abstract This article provides an overview of outstanding sessions that were (co)organised by the Allied Respiratory Professionals' Assembly during the European Respiratory...
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Evidence for eosinophil and IL-17 mediated inflammation in allergic rhinitis.
Related ArticlesEvidence for eosinophil and IL-17 mediated inflammation in allergic rhinitis. Clin Mol Allergy. 2020;18:6 Authors: Amin K, Issa SM, Ali KM, Aziz MI, Hama Amieen HM, Bystrom J, Janson C Abstract Background: The aim was to determine the level of inflammatory cytokines, eosinophil cationic protein and IgE in allergic rhinitis (AR) patients. Subjects and methods: Blood samples were taken from 88 AR patients and 88 healthy controls...
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Depression and Its Determinant Factors Among University of Gondar Medical and Health Science Students, Northwest Ethiopia: Institution-Based Cross-Sectional Study.
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The bidirectional relationships between effort-reward imbalance and sleep problems among older workers.
Related ArticlesThe bidirectional relationships between effort-reward imbalance and sleep problems among older workers. Sleep Health. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Cho E, Chen TY Abstract BACKGROUND: Sleep problems are common among working individuals. A growing body of research has documented that effort-reward imbalance (ERI) predicts poor sleep outcomes. OBJECTIVE: Extending this literature, we investigated the bidirectional relationship between...
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Are cognitive variables that maintain insomnia also involved in shift work disorder?
Related ArticlesAre cognitive variables that maintain insomnia also involved in shift work disorder? Sleep Health. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Bastille-Denis E, Lemyre A, Pappathomas A, Roy M, Vallières A Abstract OBJECTIVE: Shift Work Disorder (SWD) is explained mainly by a misalignment between the sleep schedule and the circadian rhythm. However, the possible role of cognitive variables in maintaining SWD remains unknown. Therefore, the objective of this...
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The Role of Cognitive Impairment, Physical Disability, and Chronic Conditions in the Association of Sleep Duration With All-Cause Mortality Among Very Old Adults.
Related ArticlesThe Role of Cognitive Impairment, Physical Disability, and Chronic Conditions in the Association of Sleep Duration With All-Cause Mortality Among Very Old Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Cao Z, Dintica C, Shang Y, Cheng Y, Li S, Yang H, Sun L, Xu W, Wang Y Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to examine the relationship between sleep duration and all-cause mortality, and to assess the role of cognitive impairment, physical...
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Pharmacologic Approach to Insomnia.
Related ArticlesPharmacologic Approach to Insomnia. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2020 May;31(2):255-264 Authors: Fine L Abstract Sleep management is essential to effective treatment of pain symptoms. Identification of the precise nature of sleep complaint, awareness of patient's age and co-morbid conditions and choice of the hypnotic medication class can help guide treatment approach. In addition to benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine medications acting...
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Treatment of Nonmotor Symptoms Associated with Parkinson Disease.
Related ArticlesTreatment of Nonmotor Symptoms Associated with Parkinson Disease. Neurol Clin. 2020 May;38(2):269-292 Authors: Goldman JG, Guerra CM Abstract Parkinson disease (PD) is well recognized by its motor features of bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity, and gait and balance difficulties. However, PD is also characterized by a myriad of nonmotor symptoms, which may occur even before motor symptoms, early in the course of disease, and throughout the...
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Association between weekend catch-up sleep and executive functions in Chinese school-aged children.
Related ArticlesAssociation between weekend catch-up sleep and executive functions in Chinese school-aged children. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Lv Y, Cai L, Zeng X, Gui Z, Lai L, Tan W, Chen Y Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: Although weekend catch-up sleep is common among children, the association between weekend catch-up sleep and executive functions remains unclear. We aimed to determine whether weekend catch-up sleep was related to executive...
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Behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: the role of parental cry tolerance and sleep-related cognitions.
Related ArticlesBehavioral interventions for infant sleep problems: the role of parental cry tolerance and sleep-related cognitions. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Kahn M, Livne-Karp E, Juda-Hanael M, Omer H, Tikotzky L, Anders TF, Sadeh A Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: This study tested whether parental cry tolerance (PCT) and distress-attribution cognitions predict outcomes of behavioral interventions for infant sleep problems. It additionally...
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Primary care and sleep unit agreement in management decisions for sleep apnea: a prospective study in Spain.
Related ArticlesPrimary care and sleep unit agreement in management decisions for sleep apnea: a prospective study in Spain. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Apr 13;: Authors: Peñacoba P, Llauger MA, Fortuna AM, Flor X, Sampol G, Pedro-Pijoan AM, Grau N, Santiveri C, Juvanteny J, Aoiz JI, Bayó J, Lloberes P, Mayos M Abstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: Involvement of primary care teams in the care of patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a focus of interest. The...
pubmed: sleep
Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) comorbid with diabetes rather than OSAHS alone serves an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Related ArticlesObstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) comorbid with diabetes rather than OSAHS alone serves an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Ann Palliat Med. 2020 Mar 30;: Authors: Hui M, Li Y, Ye J, Zhuang Z, Wang W Abstract BACKGROUND: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the effect of metabolic diseases on the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and chronic kidney...
pubmed: sleep

The Effects of Gene × Environment Interactions on Silver Nanoparticle Toxicity in the Respiratory System.
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pubmed: sleep
Zolpidem Use and Suicide Death in South Korea: A Population-Based Case-Control Study.
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pubmed: sleep
Cohort profile: the Prospective Research In Stress-Related Military Operations (PRISMO) study in the Dutch Armed Forces.
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