Face recognition using thermal imaging has the main advantage of being less affected by lighting conditions compared to images in the visible spectrum. However, there are factors such as the process of human thermoregulation that cause variations in the surface temperature of the face. These variations cause recognition systems to lose effectiveness. In particular, alcohol intake causes changes in the surface temperature of the face. It is of high relevance to identify not only if a person is drunk but also their identity. In this paper, we present a technique for face recognition based on thermal face images of drunk people. For the experiments, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso-Drunk Thermal Face database (PUCV-DTF) was used. The recognition system was carried out by using local binary patterns (LBPs). The LBP features were obtained from the bioheat model from thermal image representation and a fusion of thermal images and a vascular network extracted from the same image. The feature vector for each image is formed by the concatenation of the LBP histogram of the thermogram with an anisotropic filter and the fused image, respectively. The proposed technique has an average percentage of 99.63% in the Rank-10 cumulative classification; this performance is superior compared to using LBP in thermal images that do not use the bioheat model.
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