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Δευτέρα 13 Απριλίου 2020

Air Quality, Atmosphere

Predicting air quality of Dhaka and Sylhet divisions in Bangladesh: a time series modeling approach
Abstract Air pollution has emerged as one of the major public health threats. In recent years, Bangladesh has ranked among top air polluted countries around the globe. Air quality in Bangladesh is measured on daily basis using national standards of five pollutants—NO2, CO, Ozone (O3), SO2, and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) and presented as indexed value ranged from 0 to 500 which is further classified from good to extremely unhealthy. In this study, we have applied Seasonal...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Spatial ensemble prediction of hourly PM2.5 concentrations around Beijing railway station in China
Abstract Air pollution has a serious negative impact on human health and economic development. Railway stations have the maximum flow of people in a city. It is necessary to provide precise air pollution forecasting for railway station areas. In this study, a spatial ensemble model is proposed to predict hourly PM2.5 concentrations for the Beijing railway station. In the proposed model, the spatial analysis is realized by a spatial feature selection and a spatial ensemble. The...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Two decades of ozone standard exceedances in Santiago de Chile
Abstract A drastic decline of 2.4 ppbv decade−1 in the ozone mixing ratio has been measured in Santiago de Chile during the 2000s. Subsequently, in the 2010s, ozone trends stabilized in downtown and showed upward trends in eastern Santiago. The number of days with an 8-h average ozone mixing ratio above 61 ppbv, deemed harmful to health according to Chilean legislation, has declined significantly both in western and central Santiago. However, in eastern Santiago, one finds a 2010–2018...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Evidence linking air pollution and blood pressure mediated by body weight in China
Abstract Air pollution is continuing to be at a high level in China, which may lead to an increased risk of obesity and hypertension. In the study, we aimed to examine the association between air pollution and prevalence of hypertension and tested whether this air pollution and hypertension association was mediated by changes in body weight. We used a linkage dataset from China with nationwide city-level air quality data linked with individual-level health data from the China Health...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Schoolchildren’s exposure to PM 2.5 : a student club–based air quality monitoring campaign using low-cost sensors
Abstract To assess schoolchildren’s exposure to outdoor/indoor air pollution and identify those at a higher risk, it is desirable to conduct personal-level air quality monitoring. This paper documents a 2-month voluntary monitoring campaign with students attending the environmental club of the Spring Valley High School in urban Las Vegas, Nevada. The students wore low-cost sensors to log their exposure to PM2.5 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters < 2.5 μm) at 5-min...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Effect of socioeconomic status on the relationship between short-term exposure to PM 2.5 and cardiorespiratory mortality and morbidity in a megacity: the case of Santiago de Chile
Abstract This work analyzes the relationship between short-term exposure to fine particulate matter and its incidence of respiratory and cardiorespiratory diseases. It involved the socioeconomic status of the population distributed in representative areas of Santiago de Chile, the capital city of Chile. The data used were collected from monitoring stations of fine particulate matter concentrations, classification of cardio-respiratory diseases, and the annual age distribution of...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Application of exogenous indole-3-acetic acid on shoots of Zamioculcas zamiifolia for enhancing toluene and formaldehyde removal
Abstract Indoor air pollution is of increasing concern for human health. Amongst the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found indoors, formaldehyde and toluene are two toxic compounds. Indoor plants have an innate capability to remediate indoor airborne pollutants. Zamioculcas zamiifolia is an ornamental plant local to Thailand reported to be very efficient for VOC removal. Indole acetic acid (IAA) was applied to shoots and roots of Z. zamiifolia to enhance the capability for removing...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Implementation of an aggregate index to elucidate the influence of atmospheric synoptic conditions on air quality in Athens, Greece
Abstract To evaluate air quality in Athens (Greece), hourly concentrations of PM10, NO2, O3, and CO from an urban background monitoring station and a suburban sampling site, covering the years 2014–2018, were used for the calculation of individual daily air quality indices (AQIs), reflecting the impact of each pollutant on air quality. Individual AQIs were then integrated in a previously reported formula for the computation of a daily aggregate AQI (AQIagg) expressing the overall...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Simulation of atmospheric mercury dispersion and deposition in Tehran city
Abstract In this study, dispersion and deposition of atmospheric mercury (Hg) in Tehran city was simulated using WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ models. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to simulate the meteorological parameters. For validation of WRF results, the simulated wind speeds and temperatures were compared with the parameters measured at a meteorological station in Tehran city for 11 days (8 days in fall and 3 days in winter) in 2010–2011. The correlation coefficient...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Impact of wind speed and apartment ventilation on indoor concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 in Kraków, Poland
Abstract In the period 2013–2015, PM2.5 and PM10 outdoor and indoor concentrations were measured on 23 days in cold half-year periods, in Kraków, Poland. Air pollution is still a serious health hazard for the inhabitants as Kraków is located in a concave landform and smog episodes occur often in the city during the heating periods, due to poor natural ventilation and frequent air temperature inversions. The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were studied for very good and very poor...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Predict the particulate matter concentrations in 128 cities of China
Abstract To predict the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 in the 128 cities of China, the discrete gray prediction model with fractional order accumulation (DFGM(1,1)) was used to predict the annual average PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations from 2019 to 2023. The result is as following: the annual average PM2.5 concentrations of Xi’an, Xuzhou, Ordos, Jingmen, Meizhou, Huizhou, Panzhihua, Kunming, Jixi, and Yichun are increasing from 2019 to 2023. The annual average PM2.5 concentrations...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Sustainable hybrid electric vehicle selection in the context of a developing country
Abstract The ever increasing global warming is affecting both the environment and quality of life. The dependency on the usage of fossil fuels for transportation and power generation sector is harming the environment in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To limit the use of fossil fuel, the world has to move towards a renewable, clean, and economical form of energy. In the transportation sector, the paradigm shift towards electric mobility is a step towards the same goal....
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Differences in purifying and resistance tolerance ability of Scindapsus and Chlorophytum to formaldehyde pollution
Abstract Formaldehyde is a major indoor air pollutant, and its removal decreases the health risk of urban inhabitants. Scindapsus and Chlorophytum are indoor plants that have been reported to remove formaldehyde. However, their ability to absorb formaldehyde, their resistance, and their morphological changes in response to formaldehyde absorption have not been reported to date. In this study, both Scindapsus and Chlorophytum were used as test materials and their phenotype, microscopic...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Financial instability and CO 2 emissions: cross-country evidence
Abstract In the energy economics literature, a few scientific studies are found on the topic of financial instability and environmental quality. The current study is an attempt to fill this gap by examining the association between financial instability, economic growth, energy consumption, trade openness, urban population and CO2 emissions in 54 developing economies using panel data from 1980 to 2016. For empirical analysis, we employ fixed effects, difference generalized method...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Health-relevant ground-level ozone and temperature events under future climate change using the example of Bavaria, Southern Germany
Abstract Relationships of larger scale meteorological predictors with ground-level daily maximum ozone (O3max) and daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) for stations in Bavaria were analysed. O3max and Tmax as well as threshold exceedances of these variables were assessed under the constraints of ongoing climate change until the end of the twenty-first century. Under RCP8.5 scenario conditions, a substantial increase of Tmax in the months from April to September arose, with a mean...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Population urbanization, trade openness and carbon emissions: an empirical analysis based on China
Abstract The key to control carbon emissions is to clarify the cause of carbon emissions and their transfer process. This paper focuses on the relationship and its internal mechanism of population urbanization, trade openness and carbon emissions using the threshold model and the moderated mediating model, which is based on the panel data of China during 2003–2016. The results show that the higher the level of population urbanization is; the more carbon emissions are. There is...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Migraine headaches and fragranced consumer products: an international population-based study
Abstract Fragranced consumer products, such as air fresheners and cleaning supplies, have been associated with health problems including migraine headaches. This study investigates the prevalence of migraines associated with exposure to fragranced products. Nationally representative population surveys (n = 4435) across four countries—the United States (US), Australia (AU), the United Kingdom (UK), and Sweden (SE)—found that, on average, 12.6% of adults report migraine headaches...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Mar 2020
Linking health impact and Post-environmental impact assessments: a case of municipal sewage treatment plant volatile organic compounds
Abstract Deficiencies remain in current health impact assessment (HIA) and environmental impact assessment (EIA) projects. To address the shortcomings in EIA theory, a case of odors from a municipal sewage treatment plant (MSTP) was examined and geographic factors were employed to associate the spatial diffusion of the pollutants with the population’s activities based on land-use attributes. After screening the MSTP priority control pollutants, odors, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Mar 2020
An experimental work to investigate the capabilities of plants to remove particulate matters in an enclosed greenhouse
Abstract Many studies, especially those conducted in laboratory chambers, have shown that plants are effective in removing indoor air pollutants. However, some researchers claim that laboratory results are not adequate evidence of validating the effectiveness of plants. Thus, an experimental work was designed and conducted by this research to investigate the capabilities of plants to remove particulate matters (PMs), given PM2.5 and PM10 are the primary air pollutants in both indoor...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Estimating the effects of tourism growth on emission pollutants: empirical evidence from a small island, Cyprus
Abstract This study searches the impact of tourism growth on emission pollutants in Cyprus (north), which is a small island in the Mediterranean and has shown significant development in hotel and casino sectors in the last two decades. Results from time-series analyses reveal that an inverted U-shaped EKC hypothesis is confirmed for Cyprus with and without tourism development. Tourism also exerts positively significant and long-term effects on the levels of carbon emissions, revealing...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Correction to: A conceptual model to understand the soluble and insoluble Cr species in deliquesced particles
The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The authors missed to include following statement as Acknowledgment.
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Assessment of indoor air pollutant concentrations and emissions from natural gas cooking burners in residential buildings in Tehran, Iran
Abstract The effect of natural gas cooking burner usage on time-dependent concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and formaldehyde (HCHO) in homes in Tehran was estimated using a mass balance model. The outdoor air concentrations were considered the only background sources of indoor concentrations of CO and NO2, and indoor concentration of HCHO was calculated without considering any background sources. The contributions of the natural gas cooking burner...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Comparison of biomass burning tracer concentrations between two winter seasons in Krynica Zdrój
Abstract Biomass burning is one source of air pollution that emits soot, smoke, particulate matter, free radicals and other substances, affecting human health, air quality, cloud formation processes and climate change. During biomass burning, organic biomass burning tracers are emitted, such as levoglucosan and its isomers mannosan and galactosan, which are formed at temperatures above 300 °C during cellulose and hemicellulose pyrolysis. The objective of this research is the...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Concentrations of bacteria and bacterial and fungal spores calculated from chemical tracers associated with size-segregated aerosol in a composting plant
Abstract The lack of information on biological risks in workplaces arises from the difficulty to measure bioaerosol. This study aimed to develop and improve the bioaerosol monitoring technique that uses proper biomarkers as a tool. Muramic and dipicolinic acids, and ergosterol were used as tracers for bacteria cells, bacterial spores, and fungal spores, respectively. Furthermore, 12- and 13-methyltetradecanoic acids (iso- and anteiso- C15:0) were used to study the presence of airborne...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Impact of regional versus local resolution air quality modeling on particulate matter exposure health impact assessment
Abstract As much of the population lives in close proximity to high-traffic roads, there is the potential for health impact assessments based on regional air quality modeling to underpredict health impacts. We compare the estimated health impacts from fine particulate matter (PM2.5) using local (0.04 × 0.04 km upscaled to census block group resolution) compared to regional (12 × 12 km resolution) modeled concentrations for three locations in Connecticut: Hartford, New Haven,...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Feb 2020
Association between traffic emissions mixed with resuspended dust and heart rate variability among healthy adults in Delhi
Abstract Aerosol emissions from vehicles have been linked to changes in heart rate variability (HRV) parameters of the susceptible population in developed countries. In the present study, the effects of vehicular emission and resuspended road dust on HRV parameters in healthy adults (18–43 years of age) were assessed at Delhi, India, a metro city where the world’s largest youth population 356 million of age group 10–24 years resides as per census report of 2011. The study presents...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Mitigating the impacts of air pollutants in Nepal and climate co-benefits: a scenario-based approach
Abstract Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) including black carbon (BC), methane (CH4), and tropospheric ozone (O3) are major climate forcers after carbon dioxide (CO2). These SLCPs also have detrimental impacts on human health and agriculture. Studies show that the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, which includes Nepal, has been experiencing the impacts of these pollutants in addition to greenhouse gases. In this study, we derive a national-level emission inventory for SLCPs,...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Effectiveness of an air quality intervention: an accountability study in a highly polluted industrial town
Abstract Public interventions to reduce industrial emissions and improve air quality are particularly necessary in areas that suffer an environmental and health emergency. Taranto (Apulia region, Southern Italy) is one of the most industrialized cities in Southern Italy due to the massive presence of industrial sites, including a huge steel plant. The latter hosts a large open-air mineral deposit, whose dust strongly impacts the Tamburi neighborhood, downwind of the plant when...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Chemical and sulfur isotopic characteristics of precipitation in a representative urban site, South China: implication for anthropogenic influences
Abstract Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, is a major constituent of the South China Acid Rain Zone. In this study, the chemical and sulfur isotopic compositions of precipitation in this region were investigated during 2015–2016 to clarify the origin of major chemicals. The pH was < 5.6 for 72.6% of precipitation events, reflecting the predominance of acid rain. SO42−, Ca2+, NH4+, and NO3− were the four main ions, occupying 77% of the total ions in precipitation. SO42−...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Does higher education system moderate energy consumption and climate change nexus? Evidence from a small island
Abstract This study estimates the effects of higher education development on climate changes through energy consumption in the case of Cyprus (North), which progressed successfully in this sector although countries other than Turkey do not recognize its state (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). The results of this study reveal that there is strong evidence for the positive and significant impact of higher education growth on climate change via energy consumption. Therefore,...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Association between PM 2.5 exposure and heart rate variability for the patients with cardiac problems in Japan
Abstract A reduction in heart rate variability (HRV) is reportedly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. In previous studies, an inverse association was noted between HRV and particulate air pollution, but the sample populations were small and most consisted only of elderly individuals. We examined the association between 24-h HRV and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in a large study population spanning 7 prefectures in Japan from April 2010...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Google Earth Engine–assisted black carbon radiative forcing calculation over a heavy industrial city in China
Abstract Black carbon (BC) aerosol has a low content in the atmosphere; however, it has a strong radiative forcing effect and a significant impact on human beings and the environment. BC aerosol radiative forcing (ARF) has a major environmental influence. The main method to calculate the ARF is numerical simulation using a radiation transfer model by inputting atmospheric and surface parameters. Currently, most research studies directly apply the albedo products, which are not...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Indoor air pollution and respiratory health effects in inner city children with moderate to severe asthma
Abstract Indoor air pollution is increasingly recognized as a significant risk for respiratory illness, particularly in vulnerable populations. Thirty-six children aged 6–14 years with moderate/severe asthma from inner city areas in New York City were studied for 2-week periods (summer and winter) using diaries and spirometry. Seven-day integrated indoor samples of PM10, PM2.5, trace elements, elemental/organic carbon, black carbon, and criteria gases (NO2, SO2, and O3) were...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Investigating wintertime air pollution in Hangzhou, China
Abstract Hangzhou, one of the most prosperous cities in China, suffered from severe air quality degradation in wintertime, and the ambient atmospheric particulate matter (PM) has become the most public-concerning air pollutant. In this work, a case study in wintry Hangzhou is made, for analysis of air pollutants and prediction of PM2.5/PM10 using two machine learning models, recurrent neural network (RNN) and random forest. The results signify that statistic-based and inventory-free...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Use of two-point models in “Model choice in time-series studies of air pollution and mortality”
Abstract In this work, a new technique is proposed to study short-term exposure and adverse health effects. The presented approach uses hierarchical clusters with the following structure: each pair of two sequential days in 1 year is embedded in the year. We have 183 clusters per year with the embedded structure <year:2 days>. Time-series analysis is conducted using a conditional Poisson regression with the constructed clusters as a stratum. Unmeasured confounders such...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
A novel hybrid model for multi-step daily AQI forecasting driven by air pollution big data
Abstract Air pollution is considered as a serious issue for the society and economy. Air pollution forecasting can offer a timely and effective early warning. In the current mainstream studies, the information from high-resolution air pollution data is usually ignored. In this study, the useful information from high-resolution big data (1 h) is utilized sufficiently. In the proposed model, high-resolution data (1 h) of different air pollution indices (AQI, PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2,...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Exposure to respirable particles and TVOC in underground parking garages under different types of ventilation and their associated health effects
Abstract Vehicle-induced pollutants in closed underground parking garages represent a major environmental issue influencing human health. In this study, the exposure to particulate matter (PM10, PM4, and PM2.5) and health risk assessments were analyzed using the lifetime average daily doses (LADDs) and cancer risks for selected volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ventilation types and traffic volumes were used as parameters to characterize variations of the PM and total volatile...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Air pollution: impact and interventions
Abstract Clean air is a fundamental requirement for the existence of life on earth. However, with the rapid rate of economic development, globalization, and increasing energy demand, large amount of emissions and waste are generated, leading to severe air pollution. This paper surveys the literature to provide an overview of the impact of air pollution on various aspects of human life. The impact is categorized broadly into health and socio-economic aspects and further subcategorized...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020
Vehicle atmospheric pollution evaluation using AERMOD model at avenue in a Brazilian capital city
Abstract One of the most complex environmental problems is the air pollution, and automotive vehicles are one of the main sources of urban air pollution. Aracaju-SE, Sergipe’s capital in the northeast of Brazil, faces frequent congestion in traffic and does not have a monitoring network of air quality, so mathematical models are useful for impact assessment. This work consisted of an unusual application of AERMOD View software for vehicular pollution evaluation at Tancredo Neves...
Latest Results for Air Quality, Atmosphere
Jan 2020

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