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Δευτέρα 13 Απριλίου 2020

Food Science and Technology

Effect of fats and oils on pasting and textural properties of wheat flour
Abstract Effects of fats and oils on pasting and textural properties of soft and hard wheat flours were investigated. Fats and oils significantly diminished peak viscosity, trough, breakdown, setback, final viscosity and escalated the pasting temperature. Effects on pasting properties were found more noticeable for soft wheat flour. Pasting properties of soft and hard wheat flour were significantly affected by coconut oil and hydrogenated fat. Texture analyser results divulged...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Influence of different baking powders on physico-chemical, sensory and volatile compounds in biscuits and their impact on textural modifications during soaking
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different type of leavening agents (ammonium bicarbonate—A, cream of tartar—B, grape-based leavening agent—C, baking powder—D) on the structural (also after soaking), physico-chemical and other quality characteristics of biscuits made with the same formulation. The major changes observed between samples were related to their textural properties, volatile profile and sensory characteristics. The presence of ammonium...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effect of UV-C irradiation on the inactivation kinetics of oxidative enzymes, essential amino acids and sensory properties of coconut water
Abstract The impact of ultraviolet light (UV-C) irradiation on oxidative enzymes [Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and Peroxidase (POD)], free essential amino acids and sensory profile of coconut water were investigated. PPO and POD activities were lost to 94 and 93%, respectively of its original value at fluence level of 400 mJ/cm2. Inactivation kinetics of both enzymes were fitted to nonlinear Weibull model with an increase in UV dosage with a high coefficient of determination (R2 > 0.97)...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Sorption, diffusivity, permeability and mechanical properties of chitosan, potassium sorbate, or nisin incorporated active polymer films
Abstract The active multilayer packaging films were formed from low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and polyamide containing a 2% antimicrobial agent in one of the LDPE sides of the film (LDPE/polyamide/LDPE-2% antimicrobial agent). The antimicrobial agents used were potassium sorbate (PS-film), nisin (N-film), or chitosan (CTS-film). The effects of antimicrobial incorporation on water vapor permeability (P), diffusivity (Deff), and solubility (So and SH) of the active and control...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Use of visible spectrophotometric fingerprint and chemometric approaches for the differentiation of Mimosa scabrella Bentham honeydew honey
Abstract Honeydew honeys, including bracatinga (Mimosa scabrella Bentham) honeydew honey, are highly appreciated due to its nutritional and sensory properties. Therefore, fast and inexpensive methods must be developed to differentiate this distinct class of honey. Although methods using the visible spectrophotometric fingerprint (VSF) have never been used to differentiate bracatinga honeydew honey and blossom honey, this technique appears to be a viable alternative, successfully...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Time domain (TD)-NMR relaxometry as a tool to investigate the cell integrity of tomato seeds exposed to osmotic stress (OS), ultrasonication (US) and high hydrostatic pressure (HHP)
Abstract NMR relaxometry was used to investigate the proton relaxation distribution of the tomato seeds and analyze the damages of the three different processes on the cell membrane integrity of the tomato seed. Tomato seeds were subjected to osmotic stress (OS) (10, 20, 30% NaCl solutions), ultrasonication (US) (5, 10 and 20 min) and high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) (300, 400 and 500 MPa for 15 min at 20 °C). Four peaks were observed in the NMR relaxation spectra of tomato seeds...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
CFD simulation of convective heat transfer in vessel with mechanical agitation for milk
Abstract Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis using ANSYS Fluent software has been carried out to investigate velocity profiles and thermal characteristics of milk during heating under mechanically agitated condition. In earlier article experimental data on forced convection heat transfer coefficient \(\left(\stackrel{-}{\mathrm{h}}\right)\) and correlations of the form \(\mathrm{N}\mathrm{u}=\mathrm{a}\cdot {\mathrm{R}\mathrm{e}}^{\mathrm{b}}\cdot {\mathrm{P}\mathrm{r}}^{0.33}\)...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Respiratory properties of fresh black carrot ( Dacus Carota L.) based upon non-linear enzyme kinetics approach
Abstract The present work was undertaken with an objective to evaluate the impact of temperature on respiration rate of fresh black carrot using a non-linear enzyme kinetics approach. Two different models viz. Arrhenius equation (temperature effect) and enzyme kinetics (effect of temperature and headspace concentration) have been compared for predicting the respiration rate of black carrot. The respiratory behavior of black carrot was assessed using closed system technique at...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Phytochemical and antioxidant profiling of Ocimum sanctum
Abstract The leaves of Ocimum sanctum were extracted in methanol (OsM) and sequentially fractionated with n-hexane (OsH), ethylacetate (OsE) and butanol (OsB) to find the best extraction solvent for antioxidants from the herb known for its medicinal values. OsB was rich in both total polyphenolic content (TPC) (212.26 ± 6.3 mg GAE/g extract) and total flavonoid contents (TFC) (54.51 ± 3.5 mg QE/g extract). OsE also had significantly high TPC (202.71 ± 5.5 mg GAE/g extract). The...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Milling interventions for the production of atta for Indian flat bread with low carbohydrate digestibility
Abstract Study was aimed to produce atta for chapati, an Indian flat bread with low carbohydrate digestibility through different milling interventions; processing and formulating a functional ingredient mix (FM). Granulation, physico-chemical, rheological and chapati making characteristics of chakki atta, CA (control), roller mill atta (RA); RA replaced with 5, 10 and 15% FM (5, 10 and 15% RAFM) were evaluated. RA and RAFM samples showed lower water absorption, higher dough stability,...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Changes in chemical and anti-nutritional properties of pasta enriched with raw and germinated quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) flours
Abstract In this study, quinoa seeds were processed to flour in ungerminated (raw) and germinated forms. Raw quinoa flour (RQF) and germinated quinoa flour (GQF) were replaced (0, 10, 20 and 30%) with wheat semolina in pasta formulation to improve nutritional and functional properties of pasta. Some chemical (ash, crude fat, crude protein, total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant activity (AA) and mineral matter), anti-nutritional (phytic acid), physical and sensory properties...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Production of an herbal green tea from ambang ( Xymalos monospora ) leaves: Influence of drying method and temperature on the drying kinetics and tea quality
Abstract Decoctions of ambang (Xymalos monospora) leaves are claimed to have therapeutic potentials but they are seasonal and highly perishable because of its high moisture content. To improve on the use of this plant, drying studies were carried out on its leaves in an effort to produce a green tea. Green tea was produced under 3 different drying conditions including shade, sun and electric drying. The effects of drying method and temperature (50, 60 and 70 °C) on the kinetics,...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effect of phytase treatment of sorghum flour, an alternative for gluten free foods and bioaccessibility of essential minerals
Abstract This study evaluated the effect of phytase treatment on the bioavailability of iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), and myo-inositol phosphate fractions in sorghum flour; and characterized its macronutrients and minerals. The proximate composition and mineral content indicated that, sorghum flour has a nutritional potential superior to wheat and maize. The results obtained in the solubility and dialysis assays indicated that, naturally occurring minerals (without phytase...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in non-alcoholic beer by mechanical stir bar sorptive extraction-gas chromatography
Abstract A polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coating was electrospun on the shaft of the mechanical stir bar sorptive extraction (MSBSE) setup. MSBSE equipped with the PAN/PDMS coating and coupled with gas chromatography/flame ionization detector (MSBSE-PAN/PDMS-GC/FID) was used to determine some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in non-alcoholic beer samples. The effective parameters including extraction time, desorption time, stirring speed and sample...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Biochemical and functional attributes of raw and boiled potato flesh and peel powders for suitability in food applications
Abstract Four different potato cultivars, namely, Kufri Chipsona 1 and Kufri Frysona (processing purpose), Kufri Jyoti and Kufri Bahar (table purpose) were converted into flesh and peel powder (raw and after boiling) and studied for their respective biochemical and functional attributes to get an idea of possible dynamics of their utilization in different food formulation as bioadditives. The 16 variants of powder obtained retained less than 10% moisture content and demonstrated...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effect of exogenous proline on the ethanolic tolerance and malolactic performance of Oenococcus oeni
Abstract The use of malolactic starter cultures, often offer no guarantee of microbiological success due to the chemical and physical factors (pH, ethanol, SO2, nutrient availability) that occur during the winemaking process. This study was born with the aim of improving the performance of the lactic acid bacteria used as a starter culture in the de-acidification of wines. Two commercial strains of Oenococcus oeni, were used. Was evaluated the effect of exogenous l-proline added...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Decontamination of peppermint distillate using spark plasma: microbiological and physicochemical evaluation
Abstract Microbial contamination of herbal distillates is one of the crucial problems that the market is commonly facing. Spark plasma can be proposed as a potential emerging solution for the decontamination of liquids even with the sensitive aromatic compound like peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) distillate. However, its probable effects on the physicochemical properties of distillate is the main area of concern which will be discussed in the current paper. According to our results,...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effects of several production methods on technological, textural and sensorial properties of emmer ( Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum ) bulgur
Abstract In recent years, the interest in primitive wheat species including emmer (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) wheat and their characteristics have increased due to natural food trends. Bulgur is a nutritious and healthy product with long shelf life, produced from hard wheat species without the need for any additives. The basis of this study was to reveal the potential for bulgur production by the six production methods, combinations of three cooking (traditional, autoclave,...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Physicochemical quality and sensory acceptance of toasts with partial replacement of wheat flour by maize biomass flour
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess physicochemical and sensory viability of toasts developed from the partial replacement of wheat flour (WF) by maize biomass flour (MBF). Different levels of MBF (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g 100 g−1) were used. Data obtained were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. The level of replacement of WF by MBF influenced all physicochemical properties of the toast. Moisture (5.67–7.12 g 100 g−1), hardness (56.67–131.66 N), chroma of...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effect of ozone treatment on processing properties of wheat bran and shelf life characteristics of noodles fortified with wheat bran
Abstract The effects of ozone treatment on microorganism and volatile substances of wheat bran, as well as on the quality of fresh noodles made from wheat flour supplemented with ozone treated wheat bran were studied in this paper. Results showed that the optimized condition of ozone treatment was 50 min treatment time and optimized condition of bran properties were 15% moisture content, 15 mesh particle size. Under the optimized condition microbial contents in the wheat bran...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Antioxidant and anti-obesity properties of local chilies varieties in Malaysia
Abstract Obesity is a serious health concern as it may initiate common chronic diseases. Chili pepper is an important spice that brings spiciness and commonly used in cuisines. However, the antioxidant and anti-obesity properties of chili varieties in Malaysia has not yet been fully investigated. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the antioxidant (content and activity) and anti-obesity properties of five different varieties of local chili peppers. The antioxidant activities...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Development of lightly milled black rice with easy cooking and retaining health benefits
Abstract Consumers are reluctant to eat pigmented rice due to cooking difficulties and harder texture than white rice. In this study, paddy samples of black rice (Hom Nil cultivar) were milled for 0, 10, 30, 60 and 100 s and degree of milling (DOM) ~ 0, 6, 12, 22 and 30% were obtained. Head rice yield, physicochemical properties, cooking qualities, nutrients, resistant starch content, antioxidant properties, and sensorial qualities were studied. Milling at 10 s (DOM ~ 6%) did...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Application of natural fruit extract and hydrocolloid-based coating to retain quality of fresh-cut melon
Abstract Application of hydrocolloid based edible coatings is widely investigated as a promising means to retain quality and to extend the shelf life of food products. Present investigation was aimed to analyze influence of treatments, with different concentrations of lemon extract (0, 5, 10 and 15)% and coating with (0 and 5)% soy protein isolate (SPI), on fresh-cut melons. After the treatments, the samples were packed in polypropylene containers and kept at 4 °C for quality...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effects of processing on onion skin powder added extrudates
Abstract It is possible to enhance the functional properties of extruded products with the inclusion of fruit and vegetable by-products. Onion skin, a rich source of quercetin and fiber, is considered as waste in the industry and can be used as an alternative ingredient to improve the nutritional value of the extruded products. Three levels (3, 6, and 9%) of onion skin powder (OSP) were added to wheat flour and compared with control (0% OSP). The effect of the extrusion process...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Development and quality evaluation of wheat based cookies enriched with fenugreek and oat flours
Abstract Cookies are one of the best-known quick snack products. However, the main ingredients used in many countries are wheat and a few cereal seeds. This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional (chemical composition, physical properties, mineral, and phytochemical) and sensory attributes of cookies produced from wheat alone, and three blends of wheat, fenugreek and oat generated after running a d-optimal design mixture experiment (85:5:10%, 70:10:20%, and 55:15:30%),...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Pearl millet protein bar: nutritional, organoleptic, textural characterization, and in-vitro protein and starch digestibility
Abstract Pearl millet, a nutritionally remarkable cereal with a sustainable yield in the grey regions of India, is not consumed much. Consumption of Nutrition bars has gained momentum in recent years and considering this, in the present study pearl millet-based protein bars are formulated to increase its consumption rate and establish it as a reliable source of protein and other nutrients. The proximate and mineral composition of the three variants of pearl millet incorporated...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effect of encapsulated vitamin E on physical, storage and retention parameters in cookies
Abstract Microencapsulated α-tocopherol and wheat germ oil (WGO) were incorporated as WGO (5.0 ml) in liquid: WGO-L, encapsulated: WGO-E, encapsulated α-tocopherol as E1, E2 and E3 at 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 g respectively in cookies and evaluated for physical, sensory and shelf life parameters. Spread ratio was decreased, whereas hardness was increased with encapsulated formulations and observed least in WGO-L (40.52 N) formulated cookies. During storage moisture content was observed...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Discrimination between vegetable oil and animal fat by a metabolomics approach using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry combined with chemometrics
Abstract Adulteration of olive oil with the other cheap oils and fats plays an important role in economics and has nutritional benefits. In this work, metabolite profiling was performed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to identify and quantify animal fat (lard) adulteration in vegetable oil (olive oil). Principal component analysis could correctly identify and clustering olive oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, lard, and adulterated samples through the changes in their...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Effect of storage temperatures, packaging materials and storage periods on antioxidant activity and non-enzymatic browning of antioxidant treated walnut kernels
Abstract The effect of antioxidants, temperature, packaging materials and storage periods was investigated in medium shelled walnut kernels (Hamdan) variety. The kernels were mechanically dried (40 °C), standardized and treated with butylated hydroxylanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene in combination at concentrations (0.015%) each. Then packed in laminates under vacuum and high density polyethylene non vacuum packaging materials and stored under ambient and refrigerated temperature...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Soybean isoflavone can protect against osteoarthritis in ovariectomized rats
Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic and incurable disease and a leading cause of significant pain and disability that is closely associated with aging and obesity. An appropriate long-term therapy regimen is presently unknown. An estrogen deficiency after menopause increases the incidence and severity of OA in women. Soybean isoflavone have weak estrogenic effects in several organs and have been considered as a potentially safe natural selective estrogen receptor modulator....
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Rheological, chemical and sensory characterization of fortified cookies with edible flour of Xuta ( Jatropha curcas L.)
Abstract In this research, the dough rheological properties of wheat flour mixed with defatted edible J. curcas flour to improve protein content in cookies were study. The wheat and J. curcas mix proportions were 100:0 (CT, control), 95:5% (T-5), 90:10% (T-10), 85:15% (T-15), 80:20% (T-20). The dough variables responds were strength, toughness, extensibility, tenacity extensibility index, water adsorption, development time, weakening grade, and mix tolerance index. In cookies,...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
In vitro evaluation of the bioaccessibility of antioxidative properties in commercially baby foods
Abstract Fruit-vegetable based products are essential for infants as they widely used the first complementary solid foods. This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical properties, the antioxidant capacities, total phenolic content, and bioaccessibility of 24 different commercially fruit-vegetable based complementary foods. To determination of bioaccessibility, samples were processed by an in vitro digestive enzymatic extraction that mimics the conditions in the gastrointestinal...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Molecular identification and performance evaluation of wild yeasts from different Ethiopian fermented products
Abstract Different types of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria dominate in spontaneously fermented products (food, beverages, and condiments) that are commonly consumed in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to identify efficient fermentative yeasts from fermented foods, fermented beverages, honey and molasses using genotypic methods. Out of the 70 samples tested, 180 distinct wild yeast isolates were recovered. A total of 23 isolates were selected for genomic analysis based on their...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Influence of adding steam-exploded apple pomace on wheat flour characteristics and biscuit quality
Abstract Apple pomace treated by steam explosion (SE-AP) was mixed with wheat flour, the wheat dough characteristics and biscuit quality are deserved to investigate. In this paper, the characteristics of wheat dough blended with SE-AP, including sedimentation values, pasting properties, and farinographic features were measured; the textural properties and sensory evaluation of the blended biscuits were analyzed. The results showed that the sedimentation values of wheat dough gradually...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Ultrasound processing of verjuice (unripe grape juice) vinegar: effect on bioactive compounds, sensory properties, microbiological quality and anticarcinogenic activity
Abstract Verjuice is one of the alternative fruit juices recently obtained from unripe grapes. In this study, the aim was primarily to optimize the process conditions for the enrichment of bioactive components in verjuice vinegar with ultrasound treatment. For this purpose, ultrasound treatment was applied to vinegar samples at different times (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 min), different amplitudes (60%, 65%, 70%, 75% and 80%) and 26 kHz frequency. Total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Multivariate analyses of the volatile components in fresh and dried turnip ( Brassica rapa L.) chips via HS-SPME–GC–MS
Abstract Turnip is a vegetable that has many health promoting effects. To diversify the usage and increase the consumption of turnip, the effects of hot air drying, infrared drying, explosion puff drying and freeze drying (FD) on the volatiles of turnip chips were studied. The volatiles of fresh turnip and dried turnip chips were isolated by HS-SPME–GC–MS and a total of 67 volatiles were identified. However, the volatiles in turnip chips dried by different methods are quite different....
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Paper microzone plate based on DPPH as a simple colorimetric assay of the total antioxidant content of herbal extracts
Abstract The human body needs an antioxidant-rich diet that comes from foods, beverages, and herbal products to support the physiological antioxidant systems. Thus, the development of an analytical tool for a simple assay of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of the rich antioxidant samples is crucial. The current work demonstrates a simple colorimetric assay of TAC of the herbal extract on the paper microzone plate (PµZP) that was constructed in the 70-well of patterned paper...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Comparison of high temperature-short time and sonication on selected parameters of strawberry juice during room temperature storage
Abstract The purpose of current research was to explore the effect of high temperature-short time (HTST) and different ultrasound times intervals on the strawberry juice for a period of 14 days. Strawberry fruits were treated at 72 °C for 15 s by HTST and also sonicated at 20 kHz and 100% amplitude for 5, 10, and 15 min. The main objective is to evaluate the effect of treatments and storage time on color, total antioxidants, total phenolics, ascorbic acid and microbial content...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Mar 2020
Development and characterization of elephant foot yam starch–hydrocolloids based edible packaging film: physical, optical, thermal and barrier properties
Abstract The study aimed at the development of elephant foot yam starch (EFYS) based edible film through blending of Xanthan (XG) and agar–agar (AA). Film thickness and density increased with increase in concentration of hydrocolloids and the respective highest value 0.199 mm and 2.02 g/cm3 were found for the film possessing 2% AA. The film barrier properties varied with hydrocolloids and the lowest value of water vapour transmission rate (1494.54 g/m2) and oxygen transmission...
Latest Results for Journal of Food Science and Technology
Mar 2020

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