Τετάρτη 1 Απριλίου 2020

S2e-Leitlinie „Therapie der rheumatoiden Arthritis mit krankheitsmodifizierenden Medikamenten“ – Was ist neu?
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 474-479DOI: 10.1055/a-0963-9202 Übergeordnete Prinzipien Das Prinzip des Treat-to-Target (Remission als Ziel) wie auch die Notwendigkeit, Glukokortikoide (GC) auszuschleichen, werden betont. Remission als Ziel des Treat-to-Target Das Therapieziel ist die Remission nach den EULAR-Kriterien (z. B. SDAI < 3,3); wenn dies nicht möglich ist, dann ist die niedrige Krankheitsaktivität (DAS28 < 3,2) eine Alternative. Konventionell synthetische...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Kardiovaskuläre Infektionen – ein Update
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 448-452DOI: 10.1055/a-0968-0844 Vergleich von Endokarditis-Risikokonstellationen Aus der Hochrisikogruppe der Endokarditis-prädisponierenden Erkrankungen sticht die durchgemachte Endokarditis (Risiko 266-fach) hervor – Präventionsmaßnahmen wie gute Oral-/Zahnhygiene, Antibiotikaprophylaxe bei orodentalen Eingriffen und Aufklärung sind essenziell. Neues zur Enterococcus-faecalis-Endokarditis Bei Patienten mit ambulant erworbener E. faecalis-Bakteriämie...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Q-Fieber – seltene Ursache einer Myokarditis
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 484-487DOI: 10.1055/a-1118-9372 Anamnese und klinischer Befund Ein 33-jähriger Koch stellte sich notfallmäßig mit Angina pectoris und Schüttelfrost sowie signifikant erhöhten Troponin-, CK- und CRP-Werten vor. Untersuchungen Eine koronare Herzerkrankung wurde koronarangiografisch ausgeschlossen. Der Verdacht auf eine akute Myokarditis erhärtete sich später MR-morphologisch. Diagnostik Aufgrund von Fieberschüben und Berufsanamnese vermuteten...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
S3-Leitlinie Sepsis 2018: ausgewählte Empfehlungen
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 453-457DOI: 10.1055/a-0986-3637 Definition der Sepsis Eine Sepsis ist eine akut lebensbedrohliche Organdysfunktion, hervorgerufen durch eine inadäquate Wirtsantwort auf eine Infektion. Für die Diagnose einer Sepsis-assoziierten Organdysfunktion ist eine Veränderung des Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Scores um ≥ 2 Punkte zu verwenden. Therapie Zur hämodynamischen Stabilisierung von Patienten sollte eine intravenöse kristalloide Lösung...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
DGIM Kongress in Wiesbaden abgesagt
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 491-491DOI: 10.1055/a-1130-6753© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New YorkArticle in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Konzept der sequenziellen natriuretischen Peptidmessungen im Behandlungsplan der Herzinsuffizienz
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 458-463DOI: 10.1055/a-0976-8813 NP-Grenzwert zur Diagnostik einer Herzinsuffizienz Von den klinisch verfügbaren Biomarkern sind die natriuretischen Peptide (NP) die robustesten Prädiktoren für die Diagnose und Prognose bei Herzinsuffizienz (HI). Der prognostische Wert ist insbesondere bei serieller Bestimmung der NP hoch, sodass der klinische Einsatz in internationalen HI-Leitlinien mit höchster Evidenz und Empfehlung weiter in den Vordergrund gerückt ist....
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
„Klug entscheiden in der Lehre“
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 492-492DOI: 10.1055/a-1130-6823© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New YorkArticle in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Lipid-Management 2020 – medikamentöse Therapie und Lipidapherese im Kontext
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 464-469DOI: 10.1055/a-0887-0595 Medikamentöse Therapie Die aktualisierte Dyslipidämie-Leitlinie der European Society of Cardiology senkt nochmals die LDL-Cholesterinzielwerte. Zur Erreichung dieser Zielwerte werden hochpotente Statine und vermehrt Kombinationspartner wie Ezetimib und PCSK9-Hemmer nötig werden. Lipidapherese Die Bestimmung von Lipoprotein(a) zur kardiovaskulären Risikostratifizierung ist nun eine Klasse-II(a)-Empfehlung. Momentan...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Therapeutische Innovationen und neue Industrie-Akademia-Kooperationsmodelle
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 495-495DOI: 10.1055/a-1130-6853© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New YorkArticle in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Interstitielle Lungenerkrankung bei rheumatischen Erkrankungen – neue Therapieansätze
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 470-473DOI: 10.1055/a-0985-5793 Glukokortikosteroide und Immunsuppressiva In der Therapie der Lungengerüstveränderungen bei Patienten mit Kollagenose (connective tissue disease-associated interstitial lung disease, CTD-ILD) werden Kortikosteroide, Immunsuppressiva und auch Biologika angewendet. Im Vergleich zur Scleroderma-Lung-Study (SLS) I und II, die die Effektivität der Immunsuppressiva Cyclophosphamid (CYC) und Mycophenolat-Mofetil (MMF) bei pulmonaler...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Internistische Generalisten stärken!
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 413-413DOI: 10.1055/a-1091-2592© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New YorkArticle in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Stellungnahme der DGIM zum Arbeitsentwurf der Ärztlichen Approbationsordnung (ÄApprO)
Dtsch med Wochenschr 2020; 145: 499-501DOI: 10.1055/a-1130-6943© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New YorkArticle in Thieme eJournals:Table of contents  |  Full text
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Rechtsfragen der Ressourcenzuteilung in der COVID-19-Pandemie - Zwischen Utilitarismus und Lebenswertindifferenz
Dtsch med WochenschrDOI: 10.1055/a-1146-1160The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for the German health care system. What is already the case in some other countries, may occur in Germany in the near future also: Faced with limited ICU resources, doctors will be forced to decide which patients to treat and which to let die. This paper examines the legal implications of such decisions. It takes up arguments from the general discussion on prioritization in medicine. A constitutional...
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift
Long-Term Gemcitabine Treatment Reshapes the Pancreatic Tumor Microenvironment and Sensitizes Murine Carcinoma to Combination Immunotherapy
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a leading cause of cancer-related death with a median survival time of 6-12 months. Most patients present with disseminated disease and the majority are offered palliative chemotherapy. With no approved treatment modalities for patients who progress on chemotherapy, we explored the effects of long-term Gemcitabine on the tumor microenvironment in order to identify potential therapeutic options for chemo-refractory PDAC. Using a combination of mouse models,...
Cancer Research Online First Articles
Ki-67 response-guided preoperative chemotherapy for HER2-positive breast cancer: results of a randomised Phase 2 study
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 02 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0815-9Ki-67 response-guided preoperative chemotherapy for HER2-positive breast cancer: results of a randomised Phase 2 study
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Diagnostic value of <sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET to predict the tumour immune status defined by tumoural PD-L1 and CD8<sup>+</sup>tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in oral squamous cell carcinoma
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 02 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0820-zDiagnostic value of 18F-FDG-PET to predict the tumour immune status defined by tumoural PD-L1 and CD8+tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in oral squamous cell carcinoma
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Phase 1 study of MRX34, a liposomal miR-34a mimic, in patients with advanced solid tumours
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 02 April 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0802-1Phase 1 study of MRX34, a liposomal miR-34a mimic, in patients with advanced solid tumours
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Ki-67 response-guided preoperative chemotherapy for HER2-positive breast cancer: results of a randomised Phase 2 study
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Diagnostic value of <sup>18</sup>F-FDG-PET to predict the tumour immune status defined by tumoural PD-L1 and CD8<sup>+</sup>tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes in oral squamous cell carcinoma
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Phase 1 study of MRX34, a liposomal miR-34a mimic, in patients with advanced solid tumours
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
HOX gene cluster (de)regulation in brain: from neurodevelopment to malignant glial tumours
Abstract HOX genes encode a family of evolutionarily conserved homeodomain transcription factors that are crucial both during development and adult life. In humans, 39 HOX genes are arranged in four clusters (HOXA, B, C, and D) in chromosomes 7, 17, 12, and 2, respectively. During embryonic development, particular epigenetic states accompany their expression along the anterior–posterior body axis. This tightly regulated temporal–spatial expression pattern reflects their relative...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
CCL21/CCR7 signaling in macrophages promotes joint inflammation and Th17-mediated osteoclast formation in rheumatoid arthritis
Abstract In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), synovial tissue abundantly expresses CCL21, a chemokine strongly associated with RA susceptibility. In this study, we aimed to characterize the functional significance of CCL21/CCR7 signaling in different phases of RA pathogenesis. We determined that CCR7 is a hallmark of RA M1 synovial fluid (SF) macrophages, and its expression in RA monocytes and in vitro differentiated macrophages is closely associated with disease activity score (DAS28)....
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
FA - SAT ncRNA interacts with PKM2 protein: depletion of this complex induces a switch from cell proliferation to apoptosis
Abstract FA-SAT is a highly conserved satellite DNA sequence transcribed in many Bilateria species. To disclose the cellular and functional profile of FA-SAT non-coding RNAs, a comprehensive experimental approach, including the transcripts location in the cell and in the cell cycle, the identification of its putative protein interactors, and silencing/ectopic expression phenotype analysis, was performed. FA-SAT non-coding RNAs play a nuclear function at the G1 phase of the cell...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Diets do help you lose weight - but the benefits usually don't last
Atkins, Paleo or Zone – whichever diet you follow, you’ll probably only lose a bit of weight, and improvements to your cholesterol may disappear within a year
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Europe’s cave bears may have died out because of their large sinuses
Plant-eating cave bears vanished when ice spread across Europe – maybe because their large sinuses prevented them chewing meat to adapt to the new conditions
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Coronavirus latest: US estimates between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Will the spread of covid-19 be affected by changing seasons?
The factors that cause flu to decline in spring might apply to covid-19 too. But we don’t know yet if warm weather can curb the spread of the coronavirus
New Scientist - Picture of the day
We may now know what our common ancestor with Neanderthals looked like
A prehistoric human species that lived in Europe 1.2 million to 800,000 years ago is emerging as a contender to be our last common ancestor with Neanderthals
New Scientist - Picture of the day
The hunt for patient zero: Where did the coronavirus outbreak start?
Growing evidence suggests the covid-19 outbreak may not have started at Wuhan’s Huanan Seafood Market in December after all. Finding its origins may help us stop it happening again
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Tiny bird-like dinosaur discovered in amber might actually be a lizard
A 99-million-year-old skull recently discovered in amber might actually belong to a lizard, rather than a tiny bird-like dinosaur as first thought
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Microrobots made from pollen help remove toxic mercury from wastewater
Pollen has a natural tendency to adsorb mercury and forms the basis of a new class of tiny robots that speed through toxic water to purify it
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Human evolution: The astounding new story of the origin of our species
Forget the simple out-of-Africa idea of how humans evolved. A huge array of fossils and genome studies has completely rewritten the story of how we came into being.
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Natural Tissue Versus Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction: Knowing the Differences
Plastic surgeon and breast specialist Dr. Constance Chen discussed the potential complications of implant-based breast reconstruction, and how it compares to natural tissue reconstruction. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Practical Measures to Prevent COVID-19, According to NEJM
In a podcast, published by The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), physicians discuss practical measures that could help prevent the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). (Source: CancerNetwork)
Data from Phase IIb AIPAC Trial of Eftilagimod Alpha Shows Promise
Immutep reported positive data from the randomized phase IIb AIPAC clinical trial of eftilagimod alpha and paclitaxel in HER2-negative, HR-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC). (Source: CancerNetwork)
Jeffrey S. Weber, MD, PhD, Discusses Anti-IL-6 Agents in Treating COVID-19-Induced Pneumonia
The deputy director at NYU Langone ’s Perlmutter Cancer Center explained the importance of these agents and the development of clinical trials in this setting. (Source: CancerNetwork)
ACS Guidelines for Cancer Surgeries During COVID-19 Epidemic
The American College of Surgeons released guidelines for triaging surgeries of patients with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Guidelines for Treating Patients with Late-Stage Colorectal Cancer
ASCO released new guidelines for treating patients with late-stage colorectal cancer based on previously existing guidelines using an expert panel. (Source: CancerNetwork)
Fungal endophthalmitis after lithotripsy
This (fig 1) is a funduscopic image of Candida albicans endogenous endophthalmitis (CAEE) in the left eye. The patient was a man in his 30s who presented in hospital with a one month history of...
Latest headlines from BMJ

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