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Τρίτη 14 Απριλίου 2020

health technology

Dependency of the optical scattering properties of human milk on casein content and common sample preparation methods.
Related ArticlesDependency of the optical scattering properties of human milk on casein content and common sample preparation methods. J Biomed Opt. 2020 Apr;25(4):1-12 Authors: Veenstra C, Every DE, Petersen W, van Goudoever JB, Steenbergen W, Bosschaart N Abstract SIGNIFICANCE: Quantifying human milk composition is important for daily nutritional management in neonatal intensive cares worldwide. Photonic solutions based on visible light can potentially...
pubmed: health technology
99m Tc-(EDDA/tricine)-HYNIC-GnRH analogue as a potential imaging probe for diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Related Articles99m Tc-(EDDA/tricine)-HYNIC-GnRH analogue as a potential imaging probe for diagnosis of prostate cancer. Chem Biol Drug Des. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Masteri Farahani A, Maleki F, Sadeghzadeh N, Abediankenari S, Abedi SM, Erfani M Abstract Prostate cancer is a serious threat to men's health, so it is necessary to develop the techniques for early detection of this malignancy. Radiolabeled peptides are the useful tools for diagnosis of prostate...
pubmed: health technology
Total keratometry in intraocular lens power calculations in eyes with previous laser refractive surgery.
Related ArticlesTotal keratometry in intraocular lens power calculations in eyes with previous laser refractive surgery. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Lawless M, Jiang JY, Hodge C, Sutton G, Roberts TV, Barrett G Abstract IMPORTANCE: Intraocular lens (IOL) calculations in post-refractive cases remain a concern. Our study identifies improved options for surgeons. BACKGROUND: To evaluate and compare the prediction accuracy of IOL...
pubmed: health technology
Management of Large Renal Stones in Super-mini-percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (SMP): An International Multicenter Comparative Study.
Related ArticlesManagement of Large Renal Stones in Super-mini-percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (SMP): An International Multicenter Comparative Study. BJU Int. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Liu Y, Cai C, Xu Z, Aquino A, Al-Mousawi S, Zhang X, Choong SKS, He X, Fan X, Chen B, Feng J, Zhu X, Ibrahim T, Mao H, Tang H, Jin D, Li X, Cao F, Jiang H, Long Y, Zhang W, Wang G, Zhang X, Yin S, Zeng G Abstract OBJECTIVES: To comparatively evaluate clinical outcomes of super-mini...
pubmed: health technology
An Assessment of HIV patient's Adherence to Treatment and need for Pharmaceutical Care in Jordan.
Related ArticlesAn Assessment of HIV patient's Adherence to Treatment and need for Pharmaceutical Care in Jordan. Int J Clin Pract. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Al Tall YR, Mukattash TL, Sheikha H, Jarab AS, Nusair MB, Abu-Farha RK Abstract OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study was to explore the barriers and supporting factors for adherence among HIV patients and to explore their needs for pharmaceutical care services. METHODS: This study...
pubmed: health technology

The culture conversation: Report from the 2nd Australasian ILC meeting: Auckland 2019.
Related ArticlesThe culture conversation: Report from the 2nd Australasian ILC meeting: Auckland 2019. J Clin Nurs. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Aspinall C, Parr JM, Slark J, Wilson D Abstract In December 2019, over a hundred people attended the second Australasian International Learning Collaborative (ILC) conference and summit. This was the first to be held in Aotearoa Zealand, the land where cultural safety was developed, its origins being in nursing education....
pubmed: health technology
Making sense of blood glucose data and self-management in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A qualitative study.
Related ArticlesMaking sense of blood glucose data and self-management in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A qualitative study. J Clin Nurs. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Despins LA, Wakefield BJ Abstract AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To describe individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus sensemaking of blood glucose data and other influences impacting self-management behavior. BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes mellitus prevalence is increasing globally....
pubmed: health technology
A Type VI secretion system delivers a cell-wall amidase to target bacterial competitors.
Related ArticlesA Type VI secretion system delivers a cell-wall amidase to target bacterial competitors. Mol Microbiol. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Wang T, Hu Z, Du X, Shi Y, Dang J, Lee M, Hesek D, Mobashery S, Wu M, Liang H Abstract The human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa harbors three paralogous zinc proteases annotated as AmpD, AmpDh2, and AmpDh3, which turn over the cell wall and cell-wall-derived muropeptides. AmpD is cytoplasmic and plays a role...
pubmed: health technology
Effect of resistance training on quality of life in older people with sarcopenic obesity living in long-term care institutions: A quasi-experimental study.
Related ArticlesEffect of resistance training on quality of life in older people with sarcopenic obesity living in long-term care institutions: A quasi-experimental study. J Clin Nurs. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Chang SF, Chiu SC Abstract AIM: To measure the effect of chair resistance training (RT) on the quality of life (QoL) of elderly long-term care residents with sarcopenic obesity (SO). BACKGROUND: Sarcopenia combined with obesity, commonly...
pubmed: health technology
Deficiency of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH1) in mice causes low ketone body levels and fatty liver during fasting.
Related ArticlesDeficiency of 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH1) in mice causes low ketone body levels and fatty liver during fasting. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2020 Apr 12;: Authors: Otsuka H, Kimura T, Ago Y, Nakama M, Aoyama Y, Abdelkreem E, Matsumoto H, Ohnishi H, Sasai H, Osawa M, Yamaguchi S, Mitchell GA, Fukao T Abstract D-3-hydroxy-n-butyrate dehydrogenase (BDH1; EC, encoded by BDH1, catalyzes the reversible reduction of acetoacetate...
pubmed: health technology
Mixed secondary chromatin structure revealed by modeling radiation-induced DNA fragment length distribution.
Related ArticlesMixed secondary chromatin structure revealed by modeling radiation-induced DNA fragment length distribution. Sci China Life Sci. 2020 Apr 02;: Authors: Ma W, Gu C, Ma L, Fan C, Zhang C, Sun Y, Li C, Yang G Abstract Spatial chromatin structure plays fundamental roles in many vital biological processes including DNA replication, transcription, damage and repair. However, the current understanding of the secondary structure of chromatin...
pubmed: health technology
Mitochondria determine the sequential propagation of the calcium macrodomains revealed by the super-resolution calcium lantern imaging.
Related ArticlesMitochondria determine the sequential propagation of the calcium macrodomains revealed by the super-resolution calcium lantern imaging. Sci China Life Sci. 2020 Apr 08;: Authors: Zhang Y, Wang J, Xing S, Li L, Zhao S, Zhu W, Liang K, Liu Y, Chen L Abstract Despite the wide application of super-resolution (SR) microscopy in biological studies of cells, the technology is rarely used to monitor functional changes in live cells. By combining...
pubmed: health technology
Temporal trend of arsenic in outdoor air PM2.5 in Wuhan, China, in 2015-2017 and the personal inhalation of PM-bound arsenic: implications for human exposure.
Related ArticlesTemporal trend of arsenic in outdoor air PM2.5 in Wuhan, China, in 2015-2017 and the personal inhalation of PM-bound arsenic: implications for human exposure. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Mao X, Hu X, Wang Y, Xia W, Zhao S, Wan Y Abstract Arsenic in fine air particulate matter (PM2.5) has been identified as an important factor responsible for the morbidity of lung cancer, which has increased sharply in many regions...
pubmed: health technology
Effect of curcumin on growth, biofilm formation and virulence factor gene expression of Porphyromonas gingivalis.
Related ArticlesEffect of curcumin on growth, biofilm formation and virulence factor gene expression of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Odontology. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Kumbar VM, Peram MR, Kugaji MS, Shah T, Patil SP, Muddapur UM, Bhat KG Abstract Porphyromonas gingivalis is a keystone pathogen and major colonizer in host tissue which plays a pivotal role in periodontitis among the other polymicrobial infections. Increasing facts demonstrate that curcumin...
pubmed: health technology
Clinical features and partial proportional molecular genetics in neonatal diabetes mellitus: a retrospective analysis in southwestern China.
Related ArticlesClinical features and partial proportional molecular genetics in neonatal diabetes mellitus: a retrospective analysis in southwestern China. Endocrine. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Cao L, He Y, Huang Q, Zhang Y, Deng P, Du W, Hua Z, Zhu M, Wei H Abstract PURPOSE: To explore the relationship of phenotype and genotype of neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) in southwestern China. METHODS: Sixteen cases of NDM admitted to Children's Hospital...
pubmed: health technology
Machine learning distinguishes neurosurgical skill levels in a virtual reality tumor resection task.
Related ArticlesMachine learning distinguishes neurosurgical skill levels in a virtual reality tumor resection task. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Siyar S, Azarnoush H, Rashidi S, Winkler-Schwartz A, Bissonnette V, Ponnudurai N, Del Maestro RF Abstract This study outlines the first investigation of application of machine learning to distinguish "skilled" and "novice" psychomotor performance during a virtual reality (VR) brain tumor resection...
pubmed: health technology
The implications of non-anatomical positioning of a meniscus prosthesis on predicted human knee joint biomechanics.
Related ArticlesThe implications of non-anatomical positioning of a meniscus prosthesis on predicted human knee joint biomechanics. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Naghibi H, Janssen D, van den Boogaard T, van Tienen T, Verdonschot N Abstract Despite all the efforts to optimize the meniscus prosthesis system (geometry, material, and fixation type), the success of the prosthesis in clinical practice will depend on surgical factors such as...
pubmed: health technology
The Role of Frontal and Occipital Cortices in Processing Sustained Visual Attention in Young Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.
Related ArticlesThe Role of Frontal and Occipital Cortices in Processing Sustained Visual Attention in Young Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Neurosci Bull. 2020 Apr 11;: Authors: Wu Z, Luo Y, Gao Y, Han Y, Wu K, Li X PMID: 32279194 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: health technology
Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Overview of Systematic Reviews.
Related ArticlesAcupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Overview of Systematic Reviews. Chin J Integr Med. 2020 Apr 01;: Authors: Yin ZH, Wang LJ, Cheng Y, Chen J, Hong XJ, Zhao L, Liang FR Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of the existing studies and summarize evidence of important outcomes of meta-analyses/systematic reviews (MAs/SRs) of CFS. METHODS: Potentially eligible studies were searched in the following electronic databases...
pubmed: health technology
Simple, rapid, and accurate malaria diagnostic platform using microfluidic-based immunoassay of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase.
Related ArticlesSimple, rapid, and accurate malaria diagnostic platform using microfluidic-based immunoassay of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase. Nano Converg. 2020 Apr 11;7(1):13 Authors: Lee WS, Kang T, Kwak KJ, Park K, Yi SY, Lee UJ, Shin YB, Jeong J Abstract This work reports on a rapid diagnostic platform for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (PfLDH), a representative malaria biomarker, using a microfluidic...
pubmed: health technology
Old drug repurposing for neglected disease: Pyronaridine as a promising candidate for the treatment of Echinococcus granulosus infections.
Related ArticlesOld drug repurposing for neglected disease: Pyronaridine as a promising candidate for the treatment of Echinococcus granulosus infections. EBioMedicine. 2020 Apr 09;54:102711 Authors: Li J, Wang W, Yao J, Wang T, Li S, Qi W, Han S, Ren Y, Dang Z, Han X, Guo G, Guo B, Wang L, Duan L, Zhang W Abstract BACKGROUND: Cystic echinococcosis (CE), a condition caused by the larval stage of the dog tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto,...
pubmed: health technology
Image computing for fibre-bundle endomicroscopy: A review.
Related ArticlesImage computing for fibre-bundle endomicroscopy: A review. Med Image Anal. 2019 Dec 25;62:101620 Authors: Perperidis A, Dhaliwal K, McLaughlin S, Vercauteren T Abstract Endomicroscopy is an emerging imaging modality, that facilitates the acquisition of in vivo, in situ optical biopsies, assisting diagnostic and potentially therapeutic interventions. While there is a diverse and constantly expanding range of commercial and experimental...
pubmed: health technology
Nonlinear power loss in the oscillations of coated and uncoated bubbles: Role of thermal, radiation and encapsulating shell damping at various excitation pressures.
Related ArticlesNonlinear power loss in the oscillations of coated and uncoated bubbles: Role of thermal, radiation and encapsulating shell damping at various excitation pressures. Ultrason Sonochem. 2020 Mar 29;66:105070 Authors: Sojahrood AJ, Haghi H, Li Q, Porter TM, Karshafian R, Kolios MC Abstract This study presents the fundamental equations governing the pressure dependent disipation mechanisms in the oscillations of coated bubbles. A simple generalized...
pubmed: health technology
Determination of radiation dose and low-dose protocol for digital chest tomosynthesis using radiophotoluminescent (RPL) glass dosimeters.
Related ArticlesDetermination of radiation dose and low-dose protocol for digital chest tomosynthesis using radiophotoluminescent (RPL) glass dosimeters. Phys Med. 2020 Apr 09;73:13-21 Authors: Tongkum S, Suwanpradit P, Vidhyarkorn S, Siripongsakun S, Oonsiri S, Rakvongthai Y, Khamwan K Abstract PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine a low-dose protocol for digital chest tomosynthesis (DTS). METHODS: Five simulated nodules with a CT number of...
pubmed: health technology
Synthesis of fluorescent G-quadruplex DNA binding ligands for the comparison of terminal group effects in molecular interaction: Phenol versus methoxybenzene.
Related ArticlesSynthesis of fluorescent G-quadruplex DNA binding ligands for the comparison of terminal group effects in molecular interaction: Phenol versus methoxybenzene. Bioorg Chem. 2020 Apr 06;99:103821 Authors: Jin J, Hou J, Long W, Zhang X, Lu YJ, Li D, Zhang K, Wong WL Abstract A number of new fluorescent nucleic acid binding ligands were synthesized by utilizing the non-specific thiazole orange dye as the basic scaffold for molecular design....
pubmed: health technology

Tracking progress in universal influenza vaccine development.
Related ArticlesTracking progress in universal influenza vaccine development. Curr Opin Virol. 2020 Apr 09;40:28-36 Authors: Ostrowsky J, Arpey M, Moore K, Osterholm M, Friede M, Gordon J, Higgins D, Molto-Lopez J, Seals J, Bresee J Abstract Conventional influenza vaccines are designed to stimulate neutralizing antibodies against immunodominant but highly variable hemagglutinin antigens. Inherent limitations include suboptimal protection against rapidly...
pubmed: health technology
Treatment of Facial Fractures at a Level 1 Trauma Center: Do Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Enrollees Receive the Same Care?
Related ArticlesTreatment of Facial Fractures at a Level 1 Trauma Center: Do Medicaid and Non-Medicaid Enrollees Receive the Same Care? J Surg Res. 2020 Apr 09;252:183-191 Authors: Fazzalari A, Alfego D, Shortsleeve JT, Shi Q, Mathew J, Litwin D, Cahan M Abstract BACKGROUND: Timing of surgical treatment of facial fractures may vary with the patient age, injury type, and presence of polytrauma. Previous studies using national data sets have suggested...
pubmed: health technology
Novel strategy for enhancing the color intensity of β-Carotene: Enriching onto the oil-water interface.
Related ArticlesNovel strategy for enhancing the color intensity of β-Carotene: Enriching onto the oil-water interface. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2020 Apr 02;573:215-222 Authors: Gao Z, Wu B, Hu B, Cui S, Xu L, Zhang K, Nishinari K, Phillips GO, Fang Y Abstract A novel strategy to enhance the color intensity of β-carotene (BC), namely, "interfacial enriching", was developed in this work. As the sole emulsifier in W/O emulsion, BC particles were enriched...
pubmed: health technology
COVID-19: Initial experience of an international group of hand surgeons.
Related ArticlesCOVID-19: Initial experience of an international group of hand surgeons. Hand Surg Rehabil. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Ducournau F, Arianni M, Awwad S, Baur EM, Beaulieu JY, Bouloudhnine M, Caloia M, Chagar K, Chen Z, Chin AY, Chow EC, Cobb T, David Y, Delgado PJ, Woon Man Fok M, French R, Golubev I, Haugstvedt JR, Ichihara E, Jorquera RA, Koo SCJJ, Lee JY, Lee YK, Lee YJ, Liu B, Kaleli T, Mantovani GR, Mathoulin C, Messina JC, Muccioli C, Nazerani S, Ng CY,...
pubmed: health technology
An integrated approach to the selection of municipal solid waste landfills through GIS, K-Means and multi-criteria decision analysis.
Related ArticlesAn integrated approach to the selection of municipal solid waste landfills through GIS, K-Means and multi-criteria decision analysis. Environ Res. 2020 Mar 07;185:109348 Authors: Eghtesadifard M, Afkhami P, Bazyar A Abstract Selecting the proper site for disposing of solid waste is one of the serious environmental and public health concerns in metropolises. This multifaceted issue encompasses environmental, economic, social, geographical,...
pubmed: health technology
Biofilms remember: Osmotic stress priming as a microbial management strategy for improving salinity acclimation in nitrifying biofilms.
Related ArticlesBiofilms remember: Osmotic stress priming as a microbial management strategy for improving salinity acclimation in nitrifying biofilms. Water Res. 2020 Mar 20;176:115732 Authors: Navada S, Vadstein O, Gaumet F, Tveten AK, Spanu C, Mikkelsen Ø, Kolarevic J Abstract With increasing freshwater scarcity and greater use of seawater, fluctuating salinities are becoming common in water treatment systems. This can be challenging for salinity-sensitive...
pubmed: health technology
Efficient inactivation of bacteria in ballast water by adding potassium peroxymonosulfate alone: Role of halide ions.
Related ArticlesEfficient inactivation of bacteria in ballast water by adding potassium peroxymonosulfate alone: Role of halide ions. Chemosphere. 2020 Apr 05;253:126656 Authors: Xu X, Ran Z, Wen G, Liang Z, Wan Q, Chen Z, Lin Y, Li K, Wang J, Huang T Abstract In recent years, ballast water disinfection has been paid much more attention due to the untreated discharged ballast water posing threaten of biological invasion and health related consequences....
pubmed: health technology
Excitatory and inhibitory responses in the brain to experimental pain: A systematic review of MR spectroscopy studies.
Related ArticlesExcitatory and inhibitory responses in the brain to experimental pain: A systematic review of MR spectroscopy studies. Neuroimage. 2020 Apr 09;:116794 Authors: Archibald J, MacMillan EL, Enzler A, Jutzeler CR, Schweinhardt P, Kramer JLK Abstract BACKGROUND: The role of the brain in processing pain has been extensively investigated using various functional imaging techniques coupled with well controlled noxious stimuli. Studies applying...
pubmed: health technology
Region-Specific Sex Differences in the Hippocampus.
Related ArticlesRegion-Specific Sex Differences in the Hippocampus. Neuroimage. 2020 Apr 09;:116781 Authors: van Eijk L, Hansell NK, Strike LT, Couvy-Duchesne B, de Zubicaray GI, Thompson PM, McMahon KL, Zietsch BP, Wright MJ Abstract The hippocampus is a brain region critical for learning and memory, and is also implicated in several neuropsychiatric disorders that show sex differences in prevalence, symptom expression, and mean age of onset. On average,...
pubmed: health technology
Brain-computer interface speller system design from electroencephalogram signals with channel selection algorithms.
Related ArticlesBrain-computer interface speller system design from electroencephalogram signals with channel selection algorithms. Med Hypotheses. 2020 Mar 24;141:109690 Authors: Khairullah E, Arican M, Polat K Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) have started to be used with the development of computer technology in order to enable individuals who are in this situation to communicate with their environment or move. This...
pubmed: health technology
Safety evaluation of water extract of Gastrodia elata Blume: Genotoxicity and 28-day oral toxicity studies.
Related ArticlesSafety evaluation of water extract of Gastrodia elata Blume: Genotoxicity and 28-day oral toxicity studies. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2020 Apr 09;:104657 Authors: Lu KH, Ou GL, Chang HP, Chen WC, Liu SH, Sheen LY Abstract Water extract of Gastrodia elata Blume (WGE) has great potential as an anti-depressant and could be developed as a functional food. This study aims to assess the safety of WGE using in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity assays...
pubmed: health technology
Role of the TLR4-androgen receptor axis and genistein in taxol-resistant ovarian cancer cells.
Related ArticlesRole of the TLR4-androgen receptor axis and genistein in taxol-resistant ovarian cancer cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2020 Apr 09;:113965 Authors: Huang SL, Chang TC, Chao CCK, Sun NK Abstract Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is often overexpressed in taxol-resistant cancer cells. Here we used whole-genome transcriptomic analysis to identify 787 upregulated genes in SKOV3 ovarian carcinoma cells that ectopically express TLR4. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation...
pubmed: health technology
Genetic Liability for Depression, Social Factors and Their Interaction Effect in Depressive Symptoms and Depression Over Time in Older Adults.
Related ArticlesGenetic Liability for Depression, Social Factors and Their Interaction Effect in Depressive Symptoms and Depression Over Time in Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 08;: Authors: Stringa N, Milaneschi Y, van Schoor NM, Suanet B, van der Lee S, Holstege H, Reinders MJT, Beekman ATF, Huisman M Abstract OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of genetic and social factors on depressive symptoms...
pubmed: health technology
Structure-based design and synthesis of novel furan-diketopiperazine-type derivatives as potent microtubule inhibitors for treating cancer.
Related ArticlesStructure-based design and synthesis of novel furan-diketopiperazine-type derivatives as potent microtubule inhibitors for treating cancer. Bioorg Med Chem. 2020 Mar 13;:115435 Authors: Ding Z, Li F, Zhong C, Li F, Liu Y, Wang S, Zhao J, Li W Abstract Plinabulin, a synthetic analog of the marine natural product "diketopiperazine phenylahistin," displayed depolymerization effects on microtubules and targeted the colchicine site, which...
pubmed: health technology
Preoperative Prediction of Ki-67 Status in Breast Cancer with Multiparametric MRI Using Transfer Learning.
Related ArticlesPreoperative Prediction of Ki-67 Status in Breast Cancer with Multiparametric MRI Using Transfer Learning. Acad Radiol. 2020 Apr 08;: Authors: Liu W, Cheng Y, Liu Z, Liu C, Cattell R, Xie X, Wang Y, Yang X, Ye W, Liang C, Li J, Gao Y, Huang C, Liang C Abstract RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Ki-67 is one of the most important biomarkers of breast cancer traditionally measured invasively via immunohistochemistry. In this study, deep learning...
pubmed: health technology
Effect of cell-extracellular matrix interaction on myogenic characteristics and artificial skeletal muscle tissue.
Related ArticlesEffect of cell-extracellular matrix interaction on myogenic characteristics and artificial skeletal muscle tissue. J Biosci Bioeng. 2020 Apr 08;: Authors: Ding R, Horie M, Nagasaka S, Ohsumi S, Shimizu K, Honda H, Nagamori E, Fujita H, Kawamoto T Abstract Although various types of artificial skeletal muscle tissue have been reported, the contractile forces generated by tissue-engineered artificial skeletal muscles remain to be improved...
pubmed: health technology
Thirty years of 'quiet eye' with etafilcon A contact lenses.
Related ArticlesThirty years of 'quiet eye' with etafilcon A contact lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2020 Apr 08;: Authors: Efron N, Brennan NA, Chalmers RL, Jones L, Lau C, Morgan PB, Nichols JJ, Szczotka-Flynn LB, Willcox MD Abstract Frequent replacement contact lenses made from the etafilcon A hydrogel lens material were introduced onto the market over 30 years ago, and etafilcon A remains the most widely used hydrogel lens material today. Although...
pubmed: health technology
Momentary changes in heart rate variability can detect risk for emotional eating episodes.
Related ArticlesMomentary changes in heart rate variability can detect risk for emotional eating episodes. Appetite. 2020 Apr 09;:104698 Authors: Juarascio AS, Crochiere RJ, Tapera TM, Palermo M, Zhang F Abstract Emotion dysregulation is a known risk factor for a variety of maladaptive eating behaviors, including emotional eating (Crockett, Myhre, & Rokke, 2015; Evers et al., 2010; Lavender et al., 2015). New passive sensing technologies offer the...
pubmed: health technology
Effectiveness of health education in improving knowledge, practice and belief related to clonorchiasis in children.
Related ArticlesEffectiveness of health education in improving knowledge, practice and belief related to clonorchiasis in children. Acta Trop. 2020 Apr 09;:105436 Authors: Qian MB, Gan XQ, Zhao JG, Zheng WJ, Li W, Jiang ZH, Zhu TJ, Zhou XN Abstract Clonorchiasis is caused by the ingestion of raw freshwater fish containing Clonorchis sinensis larvae. Health education is crucial in sustainable control of clonorchiasis but extremely challenging when dealing...
pubmed: health technology
Blood pressure and volume management in dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference.
Related ArticlesBlood pressure and volume management in dialysis: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int. 2020 Mar 08;: Authors: Flythe JE, Chang TI, Gallagher MP, Lindley E, Madero M, Sarafidis PA, Unruh ML, Wang AY, Weiner DE, Cheung M, Jadoul M, Winkelmayer WC, Polkinghorne KR, Conference Participants Abstract Blood pressure (BP) and volume control are critical components of dialysis...
pubmed: health technology

Characterization of microcrystalline cellulose extracted from olive fiber.
Related ArticlesCharacterization of microcrystalline cellulose extracted from olive fiber. Int J Biol Macromol. 2020 Apr 09;: Authors: Kian LK, Saba N, Jawaid M, Fouad H Abstract Olive fiber is a renewable natural fiber which has potential as an alternative biomass for extraction of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). MCC has been widely applied in various industries owing to its small dimensional size for ease of reactive fabrication process. At present...
pubmed: health technology
Criterion validity of the Psychotic-Like Experiences Questionnaire for Children (PLEQ-C).
Related ArticlesCriterion validity of the Psychotic-Like Experiences Questionnaire for Children (PLEQ-C). Schizophr Res. 2020 Apr 08;: Authors: Gutteridge TP, Lang CP, Turner AM, Jacobs BW, Laurens KR Abstract Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are perceptual and thought disturbances that, although common among children, increase risk for future psychopathology, particularly if persistent. Clinical interviews are too time-consuming and costly to administer...
pubmed: health technology
New Cognitive Neurotechnology Facilitates Studies of Cortical-Subcortical Interactions.
Related ArticlesNew Cognitive Neurotechnology Facilitates Studies of Cortical-Subcortical Interactions. Trends Biotechnol. 2020 Apr 08;: Authors: Min BK, Hämäläinen MS, Pantazis D Abstract Most of the studies employing neuroimaging have focused on cortical and subcortical signals individually to obtain neurophysiological signatures of cognitive functions. However, understanding the dynamic communication between the cortex and subcortical structures is...
pubmed: health technology
Identification of fractional-order transfer functions using exponentially modulated signals with arbitrary excitation waveforms.
Related ArticlesIdentification of fractional-order transfer functions using exponentially modulated signals with arbitrary excitation waveforms. ISA Trans. 2020 Mar 30;: Authors: Galvão RKH, Teixeira MCM, Assunção E, Paiva HM, Hadjiloucas S Abstract This paper proposes a new identification method based on an exponential modulation scheme for the determination of the coefficients and exponents of a fractional-order transfer function. The proposed approach...
pubmed: health technology
Chemo- and biosensing applications of spiropyran and its derivatives - A review.
Related ArticlesChemo- and biosensing applications of spiropyran and its derivatives - A review. Anal Chim Acta. 2020 May 08;1110:199-223 Authors: Ali AA, Kharbash R, Kim Y Abstract Spiropyrans are a class of photochromic compounds that feature two main isoforms, a closed spiropyran (SP) and an open merocyanine (MC), which are inter-switchable with UV and visible light. The double bond containing MC isomer has several resonance forms with different optical...
pubmed: health technology

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