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Παρασκευή 30 Αυγούστου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,

Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral Dysplasia With Craniocervical Instability and Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome....
Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral Dysplasia With Craniocervical Instability and Occult Tethered Cord Syndrome. An Addition to the Spectrum? First Case Report and Review of the LiteratureOculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS) is an uncommon congenital disorder of abnormal development of the first and second pharyngeal arches. This spectrum is characterized by craniofacial microsomia, epibulbar dermoids, ear abnormalities, renal and cardiac defects, and a wide range of vertebral segmentation and formation...
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Determining the Corticospinal Responses to Single Bouts of Skill and Strength Training Mason, J, Frazer,...
Determining the Corticospinal Responses to Single Bouts of Skill and Strength TrainingMason, J, Frazer, AK, Jaberzadeh, S, Ahtiainen, JP, Avela, J, Rantalainen, T, Leung, M, and Kidgell, DJ. Determining the corticospinal responses to single bouts of skill and strength training. J Strength Cond Res 33(9): 2299–2307, 2019—Neuroplastic changes in the primary motor cortex accompany performance improvements following motor practice. Recent evidence suggests that the corticospinal responses to strength...
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Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction in the Obese: A Better Option Than Tissue Expander/Implant Reconstruction?...
Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction in the Obese: A Better Option Than Tissue Expander/Implant Reconstruction?Background: Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, with 72 million people in the United States classified as obese in 2010. This significant increase in obese patients is reflected in the breast cancer population seeking breast reconstruction. Previous studies demonstrated increased complication rates and decreased satisfaction in obese patients undergoing breast reconstruction. This study...
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Neuroanesthesia and outcomes: evidence, opinions, and speculations on clinically relevant topics Purpose...
Neuroanesthesia and outcomes: evidence, opinions, and speculations on clinically relevant topicsPurpose of review The objective of this review is to identify outstanding topics most relevant to neuroanesthesia practice and patient outcomes. We discuss the role of awake craniotomy, choice of general anesthetic agents, monitoring of anesthetic 'depth', mannitol-induced diuresis, neurophysiological monitoring, hyperventilation, and cerebral hypoperfusion. Recent findings Awake craniotomy, although a...
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Past, present, and future: 50 years of nursing management No abstract available 50 years of nursing:...
Past, present, and future: 50 years of nursing managementNo abstract available50 years of nursing: A respectful retrospectiveNo abstract availablePatients—The ultimate winners of multidisciplinary roundingNo abstract availableFrom Supervisor Nurse to Nursing Management: 50 years of educating and elevating nurse leadersNo abstract availableThe evolution of evidence-based practiceNo abstract availableHealthcare quality improvement: Then and nowNo abstract availableHealthcare then and now: Impact on...
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Risk Factors for Fellow Eye Involvement in Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Background:...
Risk Factors for Fellow Eye Involvement in Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic NeuropathyBackground: Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) is the most common acute optic neuropathy in individuals older than 50 years. Demographic, ocular, and systemic risk factors for NAION have been identified, and we sought to determine which, if any, of these factors also increase risk of NAION in the fellow eye. Methods: We performed a retrospective chart review of patients with "ischemic optic...
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Improving Tracheostomy Decannulation Rate in Trauma Patients Objectives: Identify the effect of a multidisciplinary...
Improving Tracheostomy Decannulation Rate in Trauma PatientsObjectives: Identify the effect of a multidisciplinary tracheostomy decannulation protocol in the trauma population. Design: Single-center retrospective review. Setting: American College of Surgeons level 1 trauma center; large academic associated community hospital. Patients: Adult trauma patients who required a tracheostomy. Interventions: A tracheostomy decannulation protocol empowering respiratory therapists to move patients toward tracheostomy...
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The Influence of Magnetic Fields (0.05 T ≤ B ≤ 7 T) on the Response of Personal Thermoluminescent Dosimeters...
The Influence of Magnetic Fields (0.05 T ≤ B ≤ 7 T) on the Response of Personal Thermoluminescent Dosimeters to Ionizing RadiationWe investigated the main question of whether thermoluminescent dosimeters indicate the correct dose when exposed to magnetic fields from low stray fields up to high magnetic resonance imaging fields inside human magnetic resonance imaging scanners (0.05 T ≤ B ≤ 7 T) during and after irradiation. Medical personnel working in radiology, oncology, or nuclear medicine are...
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Article Summaries for September 2019 Psychosomatic Medicine, Volume 81, Issue 7 No abstract available...
Article Summaries for September 2019 Psychosomatic Medicine, Volume 81, Issue 7No abstract availableAnother Step Toward Clarifying the Benefits and Burdens of Selective Serotonin Reuptake InhibitorsSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have substantial beneficial effects for the treatment of major depressive mood disorders and other conditions but can also result in unwanted clinical outcomes. One of the reported disadvantages of SSRIs, based on cross-sectional studies, is their adverse...
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A new hope ,The European Society for Emergency Medicine is 25 years old: a moment of reflection No abstract...
A new hope,The European Society for Emergency Medicine is 25 years old: a moment of reflectionNo abstract availableEffectiveness of nurse-initiated X-ray for emergency department patients with distal limb injuries: a systematic reviewThe aim of this study was to systematically review the literature on the effectiveness of nurse-initiated X-ray for emergency department patients with distal limb injuries. The review protocol was registered with PROSPERO and CINHAL, MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched...
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Editorial introductions,Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease and related disorders: an evolving landscape Purpose...
Editorial introductions,Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease and related disorders: an evolving landscapePurpose of review Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease and related disorders are the commonest group of inherited neuromuscular diseases and represent a heterogeneous group of disorders. This review will cover recent advances in genetic diagnosis and the evolving genetic and phenotype landscape of this disease group. We will review recent evidence of the increasingly recognized phenotypic overlap with other...
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Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Melanoma ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION Association Between Hospital Market...
Mohs Micrographic Surgery for MelanomaORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONAssociation Between Hospital Market Concentration and Costs of LaryngectomyChristine G. Gourin, MD, MPH; Peter S. Vosler, MD, PhD; Rajarsi Mandal, MD; et al.Invited Commentary: Using Laryngectomies to Help Voice Concerns About Health Care Databases; Kathryn M. Vorwald, DDS, MDExplaining the Variation in Surgical Practice for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Ontario, CanadaStephen F. Hall, MSc, MD, FRCSC; Jonathan C. Irish, MSc, MD, FRCSC;...
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American Journal of Neuroradiology Publication Preview articles for 29 August 2019 ADULT BRAIN Validation...
American Journal of NeuroradiologyPublication Preview articles for 29 August 2019ADULT BRAINValidation of Zero TE–MRA in the Characterization of Cerebrovascular Diseases: A Feasibility StudyS. Shang, J. Ye, W. Dou, X. Luo, J. Qu, Q. Zhu, H. Zhang and J. WuAJNR Am J Neuroradiol first published on 29 August 2019 doi:10.3174/ajnr.A6173 OPEN ACCESS ARTICLEhttp://www.ajnr.org/content/early/2019/08/29/ajnr.A6173.abstractWidespread Increased Diffusivity Reveals Early Cortical Degeneration in Huntington...
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The Pediatric Home Health Care Process: Perspectives of Prescribers, Providers, and Recipients, Karen...
The Pediatric Home Health Care Process: Perspectives of Prescribers, Providers, and Recipients,Karen Fratantoni, Jessica C. Raisanen, Renee D. Boss, Jennifer Miller, Kathryn Detwiler, Susan M. Huff, Kathryn Neubauer and Pamela K. Donohue
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Directory: AAO Officers and OrganizationsPublication date: August 2019Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 156, Issue 2Author(s):August 2019Publication date: August 2019Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 156, Issue 2Author(s): Allen H. MoffittOopsPublication date: August 2019Source: American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Volume 156, Issue 2Author(s): Laurance JerroldEffect of print layer height...
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Immunosuppression and Graft Rejection in Living-Related HLA-Identical Renal Transplantation: The RADOVFULL...
Immunosuppression and Graft Rejection in Living-Related HLA-Identical Renal Transplantation: The RADOVFULL StudyPurpose We aimed to describe the immunosuppressive regimens and graft rejection rates in living-related HLA-identical (LR HLAid) renal transplantation. Methods We performed a retrospective multicenter analysis of the French national database for LR HLAid renal transplantations performed between 2002 and 2012. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed to determine risk factors...
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Correcting a Deficiency: Furthering Our Knowledge of Nutritionally Variant Streptococci No abstract...
Correcting a Deficiency: Furthering Our Knowledge of Nutritionally Variant StreptococciNo abstract availableInfectious Complications of Mucositis in Postchemotherapy Neutropenic Cancer Patients: Three Case Reports and a Review of the LiteratureMucositis is a common, painful, and potentially dangerous adverse effect of many chemotherapy regimens. The mucosal barrier can be compromised from oncologic therapies resulting in high levels of exposure to organisms. These are often normal flora that become...
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Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Primary Open-angle Glaucoma No abstract available Obstructive Sleep Apnea...
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Primary Open-angle GlaucomaNo abstract availableObstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients With Primary-open Angle Glaucoma: No Role for a Screening ProgramPrécis: In this study, we found a high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) among patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) but this was not different (nor was OSA more severe) to matched people without glaucoma. Rationale: It has been proposed that OSA might be a contributing factor in the development of POAG...
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Home-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation: A SCIENTIFIC STATEMENT FROM THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CARDIOVASCULAR AND PULMONARY REHABILITATION, THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, AND THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGYCardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an evidence-based intervention that uses patient education, health behavior modification, and exercise training to improve secondary prevention outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease. CR programs reduce morbidity and mortality rates in adults with ischemic...
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Daily Functioning in Schizophrenia: Is There Room for Anxiety? The present study aims at evaluating...
Daily Functioning in Schizophrenia: Is There Room for Anxiety?The present study aims at evaluating the impact of anxiety on functional outcome in patients with schizophrenia, also taking into account the other main predictors of functioning identified by literature, to disentangle specific subcomponents which contribute to functional outcome. One hundred five patients with DSM-IV-TR schizophrenia were recruited and underwent a broad functional, psychopathological, and clinical-neuropsychological...
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Current Status and Future of Robotic Colorectal Surgery No abstract available Management of Malignant...
Current Status and Future of Robotic Colorectal SurgeryNo abstract availableManagement of Malignant Large-Bowel ObstructionCASE SUMMARY: An otherwise healthy 59-year-old man presented to the emergency department with 2 weeks of narrowed stools, 5 days of obstipation, and 1 day of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Computed tomography revealed an obstructing sigmoid mass without evidence of metastatic disease, and the CEA was 1.2 ng/mL. Flexible sigmoidoscopy confirmed a circumferentially obstructing...
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Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences - Current Issue, Potential Protective Role of Rutin and Alpha-lipoic...
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences - Current Issue,Potential Protective Role of Rutin and Alpha-lipoic Acid Against Cisplatin-induced Nephrotoxicity in RatsPosted:Background and Objective: Cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity is a serious complication that restricts its utilization in cancer treatment. Rutin and alpha-lipoic acid have antioxidant effectiveness, anti-inflammatory efficacy and prevent oxidative stress. Therefore, the current study planned to investigate the potential defensive impacts...
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Follow-up of Treated Thymic Epithelial Malignancies Purpose: The...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Follow-up of Treated Thymic Epithelial MalignanciesPurpose: The purpose of this article was to compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) depiction of thymic malignancy progression/recurrence with that of computed tomography (CT). Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all surgically treated thymic epithelial malignancy (TEM) patients between 2011 and 2018 who were followed-up with chest CT and MRI. We compared the detection of recurrence and metastatic disease between...
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Building Blocks for Addressing Social Determinants of Health VIEWPOINT Screening for Social Determinants...
Building Blocks for Addressing Social Determinants of HealthVIEWPOINTScreening for Social Determinants of Health: The Known and UnknownKarina W. Davidson, PhD, MASc; Thomas McGinn, MD, MPHAudio Interview: Screening for Social Determinants of HealthThe JAMA Forum: Building Blocks for Addressing Social Determinants of Health; Stuart M. Butler, PhDJAMA CLINICAL CHALLENGEBreast Mass in an African American ManVanessa Buie, MD; April Swoboda, MD; Jean Bao, MDEarn CME creditAUDIOAudio InterviewScreening...
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 GWAS Suggests Same-Sex Sexual Behavior Is Polygenic, ComplexPublished on Aug 29, 2019 DoE Awards $64M...
 GWAS Suggests Same-Sex Sexual Behavior Is Polygenic, ComplexPublished on Aug 29, 2019 DoE Awards $64M in Funding to Groups Using Genomics to Study Plants, MicrobesPublished on Aug 29, 2019 Baylor, Arizona State University Nab $1.6M NIH Grant to Develop Genome Editing GovernancePublished on Aug 29, 2019Featured in Depth Mass Spec Instrument Advances Cause for Optimism in Top-Down ProteomicsPublished on Aug 29, 2019 Veterans Health Administration Precision Oncology Program Successfully Profiles Advance...
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Memories of Donald Dean Trunkey ,Life-Saving Interventions in Pediatric Trauma: A National Trauma Data...
Memories of Donald Dean Trunkey,Life-Saving Interventions in Pediatric Trauma: A National Trauma Data Bank ExperienceBackground Emergent procedures infrequent in pediatric trauma. We sought determine the frequency and efficacy of life-saving interventions (LSI) performed for pediatric trauma patients within the first hour of care at a trauma center. Methods The National Trauma Data Bank (2010 – 2014) was queried for patients age ≤ 19 who underwent LSIs within 1 hour of arrival to the emergency department...
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Methods Used to Maximize Follow-up: Lessons Learned From the Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric...
Methods Used to Maximize Follow-up: Lessons Learned From the Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest TrialsObjectives: To describe telephone interview completion rates among 12-month cardiac arrest survivors enrolled in the Therapeutic Hypothermia after Pediatric Cardiac Arrest In-Hospital and Out-of-Hospital trials, identify key characteristics of the completed follow-up interviews at both 3- and 12-month postcardiac arrest, and describe strategies implemented to promote follow-up....
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Cardiac MRI,   Comparison of Original and 2018 Lake Louise Criteria for Diagnosis of Acute Myocarditis:...
Cardiac MRI, Comparison of Original and 2018 Lake Louise Criteria for Diagnosis of Acute Myocarditis: Results of a Validation Cohort The 2018 Lake Louise criteria provide a high diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of acute myocarditis and significantly increase the sensitivity compared with the original score.   Julian A. Luetkens, Anton Faron... Daniel ThomasCommentary Original versus 2018 Lake Louise Criteria for Acute Myocarditis Diagnosis: Old versus NewMatthias Gutberlet, Christian LückeCardiac...
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Segmental arterial mediolysis (SAM) is a nonatherosclerotic, noninflammatory arteriopathy, which is characterized by dissecting aneurysms resulting from lysis of the outer media of the arterial wall. The most common presentation is abdominal pain and hemorrhage in the elderly.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2014 Jun;37(3):604-12. doi: 10.1007/s00270-014-0859-4. Epub 2014 Feb 20.Segmental arterial mediolysis.Pillai AK1, Iqbal SI, Liu RW, Rachamreddy N, Kalva SP.Author information1Department of Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX, 75390, USA, anil.pillai@utsouthwestern.edu.AbstractSegmental arterial mediolysis (SAM) is an uncommon, nonatherosclerotic, noninflammatory, large- to medium-sized arteriopathy first described...
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Archives of Disease in Childhood
LucinaHighlights from the literatureColin Powell (2019-08-28)10.1136/archdischild-2019-318114ArchivistUnited Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in acute paediatricsColin Powell (2019-08-28)10.1136/archdischild-2019-318116Acute flaccid myelitis: early recognition is the keyColin Powell (2019-08-28)10.1136/archdischild-2019-318115PostScriptBone and joint infections in Oxford: a 10-year retrospective reviewMovin Abeywickrema, Xinxue Liu, Dominic F Kelly et al. (2019-08-28)10.1136/archdischild-2019-317992High...
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Comparison of Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Immunofluorescence Assay for Diagnosis...
Comparison of Commercial Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Immunofluorescence Assay for Diagnosis of Acute Rickettsia typhiInfections,Dewi Lokida, Pratiwi Sudarmono, Herman Kosasih, Deni Pepy Butar-butar, Gustiani Salim, Ungke Antonjaya, Rizky Amalia Sari, Abu Tholib Aman, Ida Parwati, Mansyur Arif, Chuen-Yen Lau, Muhammad Karyana  Read NowA Report of Zika Virus Seroprevalence in Republic of the CongoElif Nurtop, Nanikaly Moyen, Amelia Dzia-Lepfoundzou, Yannick Dimi, Laetitia Ninove, Jan Felix...
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New Focused Ultrasound Device to Treat the Prostate Receives FDA Approval ,  Profound Medical recently...
New Focused Ultrasound Device to Treat the Prostate Receives FDA Approval , Profound Medical recently announced that its TULSA-PRO® device has earned 510(k) clearance by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ablate prostate tissue. This is the first transurethral focused ultrasound device approved in the US, and it allows physicians to predictably ablate whole-gland or partial prostate tissue.READ MORE >
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Diagnostic 'nightmares' in an HIV patient with a cardiac mass and a previous history of tuberculosis...
Diagnostic 'nightmares' in an HIV patient with a cardiac mass and a previous history of tuberculosisNo abstract availableWhen the bundle skips a beat…Intermittent bundle branch block is generally a functional phenomenon because of heart rate variation. It commonly depends by a dependent tachycardia or bradycardia bundle branch block. A rare alternative cause is the Wenckebach phenomenon in bundle branch. We show a singular case of concealed 3:2 Wenckebach phenomenon in the right bundle branch. Correspondence...
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Associations of awake and asleep blood pressure and blood pressure dipping with abnormalities of cardiac...
Associations of awake and asleep blood pressure and blood pressure dipping with abnormalities of cardiac structure: the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults studyObjectives: To evaluate the associations of high awake blood pressure (BP), high asleep BP, and nondipping BP, determined by ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM), with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and geometry. Methods: Black and white participants (n = 687) in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults study underwent...
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Evidence-Based Use of Perioperative Antibiotics in Otolaryngology by Priyesh N. Patel, Asitha D. L....
Evidence-Based Use of Perioperative Antibiotics in Otolaryngology by Priyesh N. Patel, Asitha D. L. Jayawardena, Rachel L. Walden, Edward B. Penn, and David O. FrancisComparison of Medical Therapy Alone to Medical Therapy with Surgical Treatment of Peritonsillar Abscess by Alex Battaglia, Raoul Burchette, Jacob Hussman, Matthew A. Silver, Peter Martin, and Paul BernsteinUpper Airway Stimulation for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: 5-Year Outcomes by B. Tucker Woodson, Kingman P. Strohl, Ryan J. Soose, M....
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Effects of adjuvant mental practice using inverse video of the unaffected upper limb in subacute stroke:...
Effects of adjuvant mental practice using inverse video of the unaffected upper limb in subacute stroke: a pilot randomized controlled studyMental practice has shown some positive effects on arm and hand ability and mobility after stroke. This study's objective was to investigate the adjuvant effects of mental practice using an inverse video of the unaffected limb in subacute stroke patients with severe motor impairment on motor improvement, functional outcomes, and activities of daily living. Participants...
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Transcranial Shear Wave Elastography of Neonatal and Infant Brains for Quantitative Evaluation of Increased...
Transcranial Shear Wave Elastography of Neonatal and Infant Brains for Quantitative Evaluation of Increased Intracranial PressureObjectives Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) in neonates and infants is a severe disease state that requires adequate diagnosis and, depending on the clinical situation and whether it is increasing, a rapid and efficient therapy. Clinical evaluation, B-mode ultrasound, and Doppler ultrasound give rise to a basic noninvasive diagnosis of increased ICP. The purpose of...
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Duration of allergen immunotherapy for inhalant allergy Purpose of review We evaluated the time-course...
Duration of allergen immunotherapy for inhalant allergyPurpose of review We evaluated the time-course of clinical and immunologic changes that occur during and after cessation of sublingual and subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy for inhalant allergies. Recent findings Increases in production of inhibitory cytokines, such as IL-10 and allergen-specific IgE and IgG4 antibodies are induced within weeks of starting immunotherapy for both seasonal and perennial allergens. In general, 2–4 months' immunotherapy...
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The statement of the Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy...
The statement of the Asia-Pacific Association for Gynecologic Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy for LACC studyChyi-Long Lee, Kuan- Gen Huang, Joo- Hyun Nam, Peter C Lim, Felix Wong Wu Shun, Keen Whye Lee, Hiroyuki Kanao, Yoichi Aoki, Nobuhiro Takeshima, Wachyu Hadisaputra, Zhiqing Liang, Wisit Supakarapongkul, Kung-Liahng WangGynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy 2019 8(3):91-93Sentinel lymph nodes in endometrial cancer update 2018Ibrahim A Abdelazim, Mohannad Abu-Faza, Gulmira Zhurabekova,...
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Anaesthetic considerations in nonagenarians and centenarians Purpose of review The ageing population...
Anaesthetic considerations in nonagenarians and centenariansPurpose of review The ageing population is a global public health issue and we can expect to encounter more and more older patients requiring anaesthetic care. Age itself is no longer the sole reason for declining a patient for anaesthesia and surgery. Undoubtedly, managing patients at the extremities of age is challenging and demanding, not only because of multiple comorbidities, but also the poorer functional status, frailty and decline...
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What will surgical coronary revascularization look like in 25 years? Purpose of review Coronary artery...
What will surgical coronary revascularization look like in 25 years?Purpose of review Coronary artery bypass grafting evolved in incremental but significant steps since its introduction. Here, we provide an update on operative techniques, choice of conduits, patient selection/decision-making and primary and secondary prevention measures with potential of influencing the future of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Recent findings Associated mortality of off-pump CABG (OPCAB) procedures...
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Comparison of drug-eluting balloon with repeat drug-eluting stent for recurrent drug-eluting stent in-stent...
Comparison of drug-eluting balloon with repeat drug-eluting stent for recurrent drug-eluting stent in-stent restenosisObjective Approximately, 10–20% of patients with drug eluting stent (DES) in-stent restenosis (ISR) will develop recurrent ISR; yet, the optimal management of recurrent DES-ISR is unknown. We sought to compare the outcomes of recurrent DES-ISR treated with drug eluting balloons (DEB) to those with repeated implantation of new-generation DES. Methods A total of 172 patients with recurrent...
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Public Health Policies on E-Cigarettes Abstract Tobacco continues to kill about 0.48 million Americans...
Public Health Policies on E-CigarettesAbstractTobacco continues to kill about 0.48 million Americans per year and there are currently 34.3 million smokers in the USA. As a consequence of the First Surgeon General's Report on Tobacco in 1964, tobacco control interventions on part of the government led to a significant decline in conventional tobacco product usage over the last few decades. However, more recently, a new entity in the form of electronic cigarettes has risen rapidly and has exposed a...
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Prognostic predictions based on pathological findings of peritoneal dissemination in patients with stage...
Prognostic predictions based on pathological findings of peritoneal dissemination in patients with stage IV colorectal cancer without residual disease (R0 status)AbstractPurposeThis study aimed to clarify the prognosis of patients after resection of stage IV colorectal cancer and synchronous peritoneal metastasis (no residual disease: R0 status) based on histopathologic findings.MethodsThe subjects of this study were 26 patients who underwent radical resection of synchronous peritoneal metastases...
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Incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium in patients admitted to the ICU after elective...
Incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium in patients admitted to the ICU after elective intracranial surgery: A prospective cohort studyBACKGROUND Postoperative delirium (POD) has been confirmed as an important complication after major surgery. However, neurosurgical patients have usually been excluded in previous studies. To date, data on POD and risk factors in patients after intracranial surgery are scarce. OBJECTIVES To determine the incidence and risk factors of POD in patients after...
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Determining the Association Between End-of-Life Care Resources and Patient Outcomes in Pennsylvania...
Determining the Association Between End-of-Life Care Resources and Patient Outcomes in Pennsylvania ICUsObjectives: As ICUs are increasingly a site of end-of-life care, many have adopted end-of-life care resources. We sought to determine the association of such resources with outcomes of ICU patients. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting: Pennsylvania ICUs. Patients: Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Interventions: Availability of any of one hospital-based resource ( palliative care...
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Public Health Law News Announcements, Tool: Local Inclusionary Zoning Laws Dataset As part of...
Public Health Law News Announcements,Tool: Local Inclusionary Zoning Laws DatasetAs part of the 2018 Local Policy Surveillance Project, the Cook County Department of Public Health has created an interactive dataset that identifies and illustrates key features of 10 local inclusionary zoning laws in different cities in effect as of December 1, 2018. Inclusionary zoning laws can be used to make housing opportunities more accessible and affordable for low- to moderate-income families and individuals....
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The ellipselet transform Zahra Khodabandeh, Hossein Rabbani, Alireza Mehri Dehnavi, Omid Sarrafzadeh...
The ellipselet transformZahra Khodabandeh, Hossein Rabbani, Alireza Mehri Dehnavi, Omid SarrafzadehJournal of Medical Signals & Sensors 2019 9(3):145-157Background: A fair amount of important objects in natural images have circular and elliptical shapes. For example, the nucleus of most of the biological cells is circular, and a number of parasites such as Oxyuris have elliptical shapes in microscopic images. Hence, atomic representations by two-dimensional (2D) basis functions based on circle...
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Wound Repair and Regeneration Early View Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue  Open...
Wound Repair and RegenerationEarly ViewOnline Version of Record before inclusion in an issue Open AccessOriginal Research‐Clinical ScienceAn open‐label trial of cryopreserved human umbilical cord in the treatment of complex diabetic foot ulcers complicated by osteomyelitisWilliam A. Marston MD, John C. Lantis MD 2nd, Stephanie C. Wu DPM, Aksone Nouvong DPM, Tommy D. Lee MSHS, Nicholas D. McCoy BS, Herbert B. Slade MD, Scheffer C. Tseng MD, PhDVersion of Record online: 19 August 2019Systematic ReviewsExternal...
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Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia: A brief purview Kalkunte...
Global vascular guidelines on the management of chronic limb-threatening ischemia: A brief purviewKalkunte R SureshIndian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2019 6(3):147-157How informed are you about informed consent?Edwin StephenIndian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2019 6(3):158-161The past decade has seen a rise in the awareness of patients, and their attendants have about their disease, options for treatment and their legal rights, thanks to easy access to the Internet,...
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A clinical comparative study of four interocclusal recording materials Mohammad Kinan Seirawan, Sham...
A clinical comparative study of four interocclusal recording materialsMohammad Kinan Seirawan, Sham Alobeissi, Mazen Doumani, Bilal D Mourshed, Mohammad Yaman Seirawan, Khaled Al-Hallak, Eyad AlshaaraniInternational Journal of Oral Care and Research 2019 7(2):30-34Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of four interocclusal recording materials and its effect on the relationship of the casts. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on a group of 25 partially edentulous...
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SAGE Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine hub,SAGE is proud to announce the launch of the new Cardiology...
SAGE Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine hub,SAGE is proud to announce the launch of the new Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine hub. Our hubs provide a plethora of useful resources for all audiences, from recently published special issues and free articles, to journal announcements and opportunities for free trials.SAGE Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine features some of the leading titles in the field. With a portfolio encompassing a broad range of high quality research, from cardiovascular...
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cGMP Signaling and Modulation in Heart Failure Cyclic GMP (cGMP) represents a classic intracellular...
cGMP Signaling and Modulation in Heart FailureCyclic GMP (cGMP) represents a classic intracellular second messenger molecule. Over the past two decades, important discoveries have identified that cGMP signaling becomes deranged in heart failure, and that cGMP and its main kinase effector, Protein Kinase G, generally oppose the biological abnormalities contributing to heart failure, in experimental studies. These findings have influenced the design of clinical trials of cGMP-augmenting drugs in heart...
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USDA food safety leadersBy Dan Flynn on Aug 29, 2019 12:05 am Business establishments it regulates,...
USDA food safety leadersBy Dan Flynn on Aug 29, 2019 12:05 am Business establishments it regulates, foreign trade partners, and academic and educational organizations were among those outside the federal government who met with USDA's food safety executives so far this summer. The public calendar from the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture shows meetings held by the under secretary and... Continue Reading   Israel issues adulterated alcohol warning following...
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Don't Panic, Scientists Haven't Shown C-Sections 'Cause' Autism Here's what you need to know.Read more...
Don't Panic, Scientists Haven't Shown C-Sections 'Cause' AutismHere's what you need to know.Read more »Some of The World's Most-Cited Scientists Have a Secret That's Just Been ExposedHere's looking at you.Read more »One of The Most Rigorous Experiments We Have Shows Gluten Isn't Bad For Healthy PeopleIf you're cutting out gluten 'just because', you need to read this.Read more »The James Webb Space Telescope Has Been Fully Assembled, And It Looks EpicThe Universe awaits!Read more »Researcher Finds...
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Recovery of left ventricular twist and left ventricular untwist rate in patients with ST-segment elevation...
Recovery of left ventricular twist and left ventricular untwist rate in patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarctionKrasimira HristovaJournal of The Indian Academy of Echocardiography & Cardiovascular Imaging 2019 3(2):45-52Background: Left ventricular (LV) functional recovery and morphological remodeling after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) followed by reperfusion remain incompletely understood. The aim of the study was to describe the recovery of LV twist (LVT) and LV untwist...
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Dabigatran for catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) remain the treatment...
Dabigatran for catastrophic antiphospholipid syndromeVitamin K antagonists (VKA) remain the treatment of choice for catastrophic antiphosphilipid syndrome (CAPS). However, when VKAs do not work for a specific patient, direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) may be a valid therapeutic alternative. We present a patient with a psychiatric disorder and CAPS who was noncompliant to VKA and low-molecular-weight heparin. He was started on dabigatran and has remained thrombosis-free for 8 years. Due to CAPS he...
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Relationship between Obesity and Balance in the Community-Dwelling Elderly Population: A Cross-Sectional...
Relationship between Obesity and Balance in the Community-Dwelling Elderly Population: A Cross-Sectional AnalysisIntroduction Although there are similar characteristics between obese individuals and fall-susceptible population, little is known about relationships between body weight and risk factors for fall, particularly in the elderly population. The objective of this study was to determine whether body mass index (BMI) based obesity is associated with decreased balance and whether instability...
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Platelet-rich plasma protocols can potentiate vascular emboli: Contraindications to platelet-rich plasma,...
Platelet-rich plasma protocols can potentiate vascular emboli: Contraindications to platelet-rich plasma,Prathap Jayaram, Peter C Yeh, John CiancaThe Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2019 2(3):103-105Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a regenerative therapy strategy used to address surgical wounds, dermatological conditions, and musculoskeletal conditions, such as lateral epicondylosis. However, there exists significant uncertainty and speculation about antiplatelet...
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Oropharyngeal recovery in a patient with the pharyngeal cervical brachial variant of Guillain–Barré...
Oropharyngeal recovery in a patient with the pharyngeal cervical brachial variant of Guillain–Barré syndrome,Matthew Rong Jie Tay, Shuen-Loong ThamThe Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2019 2(3):99-102Patients with the rare pharyngeal cervical brachial variant of Guillain–Barré syndrome present with a sudden and progressive onset in weakness of the pharyngeal, cervical, and brachial muscles, but usually make a rapid recovery. However, in a patient with delayed...
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The impact of a complex consulting process with physiatry on emergency department management of back...
The impact of a complex consulting process with physiatry on emergency department management of back painAndrew John Haig, Bradley Uren, Sierra Loar, Katrina Diaz, Melissa Riba, Kerby Shedden, David ShareThe Journal of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2019 2(3):77-87Objectives and Design: Prospective interventional trial. Setting: An university hospital emergency department. Patients: Two hundred consecutive persons admitted for back pain before, during, and 6 months...
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Comparative Efficacy of 35% Glycolic Acid Peel Alone or in Combination With 10% and 20% Trichloroacetic...
Comparative Efficacy of 35% Glycolic Acid Peel Alone or in Combination With 10% and 20% Trichloroacetic Acid Spot Peel for Melasma: A Randomized Control Trial,BACKGROUND To study and compare the therapeutic efficacy and side effects of 35% glycolic acid (GA) full face peel alone or in combination with 10% or 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) spot peel for facial melasma. METHODS Thirty patients with facial melasma were randomly divided into 3 equal Groups A, B, and C. Group A was treated with 35% GA...
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Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Training and Practice Despite increased...
Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Training and PracticeDespite increased awareness of sexually harassing behaviors (SHB) and national movements such as #MeToo, SHB remains a persistent problem for women training in medical and surgical fields. The aims of this study were to: 1) estimate the prevalence and nature of SHB in a set of female OMS residents and practicing surgeons in the United States, 2) measure and describe the subjective effects of SHB on the professional...
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Exploring How Pediatric Residents Develop Adaptive Expertise in Communication: The Importance of "Shifts"...
Exploring How Pediatric Residents Develop Adaptive Expertise in Communication: The Importance of "Shifts" in Understanding Patient and Family PerspectivesPurpose: Communication with patients and families can be complex, especially in challenging discussions. To communicate effectively, expert physicians must often use flexible approaches. This innovative use of knowledge to handle complexity is an essential capability of adaptive expertise. Despite its importance for effective communication and implications...
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Opioid Prescribing Can Be Reduced in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Practice Publication date: September...
Opioid Prescribing Can Be Reduced in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery PracticePublication date: September 2019Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volume 77, Issue 9Author(s): Walter TatchPurposePain management is one of the most critical aspects of practice in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The purpose of this study was to measure the change in strong (stronger than codeine 30 mg) opioid use after introducing the standardized protocol ("office protocol") designed for opioid-free postoperative...
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Surveillance efficiency evaluation of air quality monitoring networks for air pollution episodes in...
Surveillance efficiency evaluation of air quality monitoring networks for air pollution episodes in industrial parks: Pollution detection and source identificationPublication date: 15 October 2019Source: Atmospheric Environment, Volume 215Author(s): Zihan Huang, Qi Yu, Weichun Ma, Limin ChenAbstractBoth air pollution detection and source identification for air pollution episodes are highly desirable for detecting and controlling industrial air pollution. Surveillance of air pollution episodes in...
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Understanding Connection Between Poverty, Childhood Trauma and Heart Disease TUESDAY, Aug. 27, 2019...
Understanding Connection Between Poverty, Childhood Trauma and Heart DiseaseTUESDAY, Aug. 27, 2019 (American Heart Association News) -- Traumatic childhood experiences among the poor and uninsured are associated with higher cardiovascular risk, according to new research.Experts have long known difficult childhoo... » Read the full articleRising Obesity Rates Undermining Strides Made Against Heart DiseaseTUESDAY, Aug. 27, 2019 Rising obesity rates, coupled with an associated jump in diabetes and high...
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Experimental Dermatology Volume 28, Issue 9Pages: 989-1099 September 2019 ISSUE INFORMATION Issue...
Experimental DermatologyVolume 28, Issue 9Pages: 989-1099September 2019ISSUE INFORMATIONIssue InformationPages: 989-990 | First Published: 28 August 2019REVIEWSeborrheic dermatitis—Looking beyond MalasseziaTongyu C. Wikramanayake, Luis J. Borda, Mariya Miteva, Ralf PausPages: 991-1001 | First Published: 16 July 2019VIEWPOINTCan we teach old drugs new tricks?—Repurposing of neuropharmacological drugs for inflammatory skin diseasesChristoph Abels, Michael SoeberdtPages: 1002-1009 | First Published:...
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Ion channel study beckons first whole-brain simulationFor the first time, researchers at the EPFL's...
Ion channel study beckons first whole-brain simulationFor the first time, researchers at the EPFL's Blue Brain Project have mapped the behavior of the largest family of voltage-gated ion channels: Kv channels.Read moreWinter is coming: a stark divide in red-neck phalarope migrationStudy shows the species' exceptional migration from the Western Palearctic to two different destinations: the Pacific Ocean or the Arabian Sea.Read moreDramatic decline of Intact Forest Landscapes in CongoLogging in the...
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Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging,FDG PET/CT of Infection: Should It Replace Labeled Leukocyte...
Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging,FDG PET/CT of Infection: Should It Replace Labeled Leukocyte Scintigraphy of Inpatients?Elizabeth H. Dibble, et al. | American Journal of Roentgenology | Aug 28, 2019Ahead of PrintMusculoskeletal ImagingDifferentiation of Schmorl Nodes From Bone Metastases of the Spine: Use of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Derived from DWI and Fat Fraction Derived From a Dixon SequenceJin Ho Lee, et al. | American Journal of Roentgenology | Aug 28, 2019Ahead of PrintDiagnostic...
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Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Vol. 286, No. 1909, (August 2019) The above issue is now available...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B,Vol. 286, No. 1909, (August 2019) The above issue is now available online at:https://royalsocietypublishing.org/toc/rspb/2019/286/1909?ai=aqlf&ui=cbwb&af=HClick the links below to view the abstract for each article, or click the link above to view all Just Released articles for this journal.Review articlesReview articles: The active role of spermatozoa in transgenerational inheritanceIlaria Sciamanna, Annalucia Serafino, James A. Shapiro  and Corrado SpadaforaProceedings...
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Evaluation of a trap-and-transport program for a threatened population of steelhead ( Oncorhynchus mykiss...
Evaluation of a trap-and-transport program for a threatened population of steelhead ( Oncorhynchus mykiss )AbstractTrap-and-transport programs for migratory fish attempt to mitigate for lost habitat blocked by impassable dams. These programs aim to assist with conservation and recovery of declining populations by accessing habitat protected from impacts downstream, such as introgression or competition with hatchery-origin fish. This study examined a trap-and-transport program that supplemented a...
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The Gender Gap in Globalization and Well-Being Abstract Lately, discontent with globalization has risen....
The Gender Gap in Globalization and Well-BeingAbstractLately, discontent with globalization has risen. Subjective well-being rather than objective indicators such as income, its distribution or sector of employment may be key to explaining the growth in anti-globalization sentiments. Though there is far from a consensus, some studies present evidence that it is in particular women, who do less well. Drawing on trade and subjective well-being data of approx. 60K individuals and 50 countries, we dissect...
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Microporous scaffolds support assembly and differentiation of pancreatic progenitors into β-cell clusters...
Microporous scaffolds support assembly and differentiation of pancreatic progenitors into β-cell clustersPublication date: 15 September 2019Source: Acta Biomaterialia, Volume 96Author(s): Richard L. Youngblood, Joshua P. Sampson, Kimberly R. Lebioda, Lonnie D. SheaAbstractHuman pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represent a promising cell source for the development of β-cells for use in therapies for type 1 diabetes. Current culture approaches provide signals to mimic a temporal control of organogenesis...
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Mādhyamikas Playing Bad Hands: The Case of Customary Truth Abstract This article looks at the Indian...
Mādhyamikas Playing Bad Hands: The Case of Customary TruthAbstractThis article looks at the Indian canonical sources for Mādhyamika Buddhist refusals to personally endorse truth claims, even about customary matters. These sources, on a natural reading, seem to suggest that customary truth (saṃvṛtisatya) is only widespread error and that the Buddhist should do little more than duplicate, or acquiesce in, what the common man (or "the world") recognizes (lokaprasiddha) about it. The combination of those...
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What's new in academic International medicine? The evolving terrain of American academic medicine Anish...
What's new in academic International medicine? The evolving terrain of American academic medicineAnish BhardwajInternational Journal of Academic Medicine 2019 5(2):85-92The use of distributed consensus algorithms to curtail the spread of medical misinformationMateusz Plaza, Lorenzo Paladino, Ijeoma Nnodim Opara, Michael S Firstenberg, Benjamin Wilson, Thomas J Papadimos, Stanislaw P StawickiInternational Journal of Academic Medicine 2019 5(2):93-99A novel treatment option for patients suffering from...
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A nonlinear state marginal price vector model for the task of business valuation. A case study: The...
A nonlinear state marginal price vector model for the task of business valuation. A case study: The dimensioning of IT-service companies under nonlinear synergy effectsAbstractIn the present contribution we present a nonlinear extension of the innovative linear investment-oriented company valuation method and so-called state marginal price vector model of Toll which represents a two-step procedure separated into a base and a valuation approach. As novel aspect we address nonlinear synergy effects...
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Special issue on Intelligence Computation Evolutionary Computation: ICEV2018 A gas source localization...
Special issue on Intelligence Computation Evolutionary Computation: ICEV2018A gas source localization algorithm based on NLS initial optimization of particle filteringAbstractA gas source localization algorithm based on the initial NLS value optimization of particle filter (PF-NLS) is proposed to solve the problem that the positioning accuracy of NLS algorithm is reduced due to rough initial value estimation and improper weight allocation of nodes. Firstly, the state space model of the system is...
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Degradation of 17α-ethinylestradiol by Enterobacter tabaci Isolate and Kinetic Characterization Abstract...
Degradation of 17α-ethinylestradiol by Enterobacter tabaci Isolate and Kinetic CharacterizationAbstractIn the present study, the degradability of 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) by isolated bacterial strains from the activated sludge of the wastewater treatment plant of a factory manufacturing contraceptive pills was investigated. The strain with more degradation capacity of EE2 (strain S1) was identified as Enterobacter tabaci based on its morphology and analysis of the 16S rRNA sequence. The isolated...
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Adenine decreases hypertrophic effects through interleukin-18 receptor Yi-Feng Yang, Yao-Jen Liang ...
Adenine decreases hypertrophic effects through interleukin-18 receptorYi-Feng Yang, Yao-Jen LiangChinese Journal of Physiology 2019 62(4):139-147Cardiac hypertrophy is the main cause of heart failure. Levels of circulating interleukin-18 (IL-18) have been reported to increase in congestive heart disease and cardiac hypertrophy. Relationships among IL-18 levels, IL-18 receptor (IL-18R) expression, and cardiac hypertrophy remain unclear. IL-18 can induce cardiac hypertrophy in cardiomyoblasts. We also...
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Arbuscular mycorrhiza and plant chromium tolerance Abstract Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous...
Arbuscular mycorrhiza and plant chromium toleranceAbstractArbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous soil fungi that form symbiotic associations with most terrestrial plants. The growth and functions of AM fungi depend on carbohydrates supplied by the plants, in return, the fungi assist the plants to acquire mineral nutrients (e.g., phosphorus) from soil. The AM symbiosis also improves plant survival in various unfavorable environments, such as metal (loid) contaminated soil. It has been well...
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Arts, Vol. 8, Pages 111: The Persistence of Primitivism: Equivocation in Ernesto Neto's A Sacred...
Arts, Vol. 8, Pages 111: The Persistence of Primitivism: Equivocation in Ernesto Neto's A Sacred Place and Critical PracticeArts, Vol. 8, Pages 111: The Persistence of Primitivism: Equivocation in Ernesto Neto's A Sacred Place and Critical Practice Arts doi: 10.3390/arts8030111 Authors: Camila Maroja During the 2017 Venice Biennale, the area dubbed the "Pavilion of the Shamans" opened with A Sacred Place, an immersive environmental work created by the Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto in collaboration...
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 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 3150:...
 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 3150: A Citizen Science Approach to Determine Physical Activity Patterns and Demographics of Greenway Users in Winston-Salem, North CarolinaIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 3150: A Citizen Science Approach to Determine Physical Activity Patterns and Demographics of Greenway Users in Winston-Salem, North Carolina International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16173150 Authors: Joshua...
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Medicina, Vol. 55, Pages 547: Total Serum Magnesium Levels and Calcium-To-Magnesium Ratio in Sickle...
Medicina, Vol. 55, Pages 547: Total Serum Magnesium Levels and Calcium-To-Magnesium Ratio in Sickle Cell DiseaseMedicina, Vol. 55, Pages 547: Total Serum Magnesium Levels and Calcium-To-Magnesium Ratio in Sickle Cell Disease Medicina doi: 10.3390/medicina55090547 Authors: Antwi-Boasiako Kusi-Mensah Hayfron-Benjamin Aryee Dankwah Kwawukume Darkwa Background and objectives: Imbalance of calcium/magnesium ratio could lead to clinical complications in sickle cell disease (SCD). Low levels of magnesium...
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Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1218: Fabrication of Crystalline Microresonators of High Quality...
Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1218: Fabrication of Crystalline Microresonators of High Quality Factors with a Controllable Wedge Angle on Lithium Niobate on InsulatorNanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1218: Fabrication of Crystalline Microresonators of High Quality Factors with a Controllable Wedge Angle on Lithium Niobate on Insulator Nanomaterials doi: 10.3390/nano9091218 Authors: Jianhao Zhang Zhiwei Fang Jintian Lin Junxia Zhou Min Wang Rongbo Wu Renhong Gao Ya Cheng We report the fabrication of crystalline...
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 501: Molecular Characterisation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic...Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 501: Molecular Characterisation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic Strains of Aspergillus Section Flavi Isolated from Imported Peanuts along the Supply Chain in MalaysiaToxins, Vol. 11, Pages 501: Molecular Characterisation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic Strains of Aspergillus Section Flavi Isolated from Imported Peanuts along the Supply Chain in Malaysia Toxins doi:...
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 Clinical Anatomy G‐spot anatomy and its clinical significance: A systematic review The discovery...
 Clinical AnatomyG‐spot anatomy and its clinical significance: A systematic reviewThe discovery of the G‐spot and verification of its anatomy and histology paved the way to better understanding. Until 2012, the G‐spot was defined as a physiological sexual response phenomenon with no identifiable anatomical correlate. The weakness of this definition is that a physiological response cannot exist without an anatomical basis, so the question motivating the present study was formulated: are current scientific‐clinical...
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 Cancer Science     Analysis of colorectal cancer‐related mutations by liquid biopsy: utility...
 Cancer Science    Analysis of colorectal cancer‐related mutations by liquid biopsy: utility of circulating cell‐free DNA and circulating tumor cellsAbstract We recruited 56 colorectal cancer patients and compared the mutational spectrum of tumor tissue DNA, circulating cell‐free DNA, and circulating tumor cell DNA to evaluate the potential of liquid biopsy to detect heterogeneity of cancer. Tumor tissue DNA, circulating cell‐free DNA, and circulating tumor cell DNA were extracted from each patient...
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 British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery    Metastatic epithelioid haemangioendothelioma...
 British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery   Metastatic epithelioid haemangioendothelioma masquerading as periodontal pathosis: a case reportPublication date: Available online 28 August 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): J.B. Olsen, D. Gebauer, A. FrydrychAbstractWe present a non-healing lesion on the gingivae attached to the mandible that mimicked periodontal disease, and was refractory to local debridement and oral hygiene measures. Biopsy examination...
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 Head and Neck    Total nasal reconstruction: a review of the past and present, with a peak into...
 Head and Neck   Total nasal reconstruction: a review of the past and present, with a peak into the future.Related ArticlesTotal nasal reconstruction: a review of the past and present, with a peak into the future. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Oct;27(5):420-425 Authors: Phillips TJ Abstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The goal of this article is to review the complex topic of total nasal reconstruction and present a wide range of options for completing this difficult surgical procedure. RECENT...
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Stem Cells in the Treatment of Disease New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 381, Issue 9, Page...
Stem Cells in the Treatment of DiseaseNew England Journal of Medicine, Volume 381, Issue 9, Page 890-890, August 2019.Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of ContentsWed Aug 28, 2019 12:00Adrenal CrisisNew England Journal of Medicine, Volume 381, Issue 9, Page 852-861, August 2019.Massachusetts Medical Society: New England Journal of Medicine: Table of ContentsWed Aug 28, 2019 12:00Five-Year Outcomes of Gastric Bypass in Adolescents as Compared with AdultsNew England...
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Associations between cerebrovascular risk factors and parkinson disease, Objective To determine...
Associations between cerebrovascular risk factors and parkinson disease,Objective To determine whether cerebrovascular risk factors are associated with subsequent diagnoses of Parkinson disease, and whether these associations are similar in magnitude to those with subsequent diagnoses of Alzheimer disease. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study using claims data from a 5% random sample of Medicare beneficiaries from 2008 to 2015. The exposures were stroke, atrial fibrillation, coronary disease,...
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The rhinogenic headache resulting from the contact point between inferior turbinate and septal...
The rhinogenic headache resulting from the contact point between inferior turbinate and septal spurPublication date: Available online 28 August 2019Source: American Journal of OtolaryngologyAuthor(s): Zhengcai LouAmerican Journal of OtolaryngologyThu Aug 29, 2019 15:14Mark above section as read Auris Nasus LarynxReply to Z. Lou.Publication date: December 2019Source: Auris Nasus Larynx, Volume 46, Issue 6Author(s): Vahit MutluAuris Nasus LarynxThu Aug 29, 2019 13:46Editorial BoardPublication date:...
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Trends in Mortality From Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, 1984-2016: An Autopsy-Based Study....
Trends in Mortality From Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, 1984-2016: An Autopsy-Based Study.Related ArticlesTrends in Mortality From Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, 1984-2016: An Autopsy-Based Study. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2019 Aug 28;: Authors: Nizami S, Morales C, Hu K, Holzman R, Rapkiewicz A Abstract CONTEXT.—: With increasing use and efficacy of antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, deaths from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)-defining...
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Leucine depletion extends the lifespans of leucine-auxotrophic fission yeast by inducing Ecl1 family...
Leucine depletion extends the lifespans of leucine-auxotrophic fission yeast by inducing Ecl1 family genes via the transcription factor Fil1.Related ArticlesLeucine depletion extends the lifespans of leucine-auxotrophic fission yeast by inducing Ecl1 family genes via the transcription factor Fil1. Mol Genet Genomics. 2019 Aug 27;: Authors: Ohtsuka H, Kato T, Sato T, Shimasaki T, Kojima T, Aiba H Abstract Many studies show that lifespans of various model organisms can be extended by limiting the quantities...
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VASCULARITY TARGETED PERCUTANEOUS ETHANOL INJECTION OF TOXIC ADENOMAS: OUTCOMES OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY PERFORMED IN THE USA.Related ArticlesVASCULARITY TARGETED PERCUTANEOUS ETHANOL INJECTION OF TOXIC ADENOMAS: OUTCOMES OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY PERFORMED IN THE USA. Endocr Pract. 2019 Aug 28;: Authors: Sharma A, Abraham D Abstract Abstract Objective: The recommended treatment options for toxic adenomas (TA) in the USA are radioactive iodine ablation and surgical resection, and continued observation...
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Αυτό το παυσίπονο αυξάνει τον κίνδυνο υπογλυκαιμίας Η τραμαδόλη είναι μια ευρέως συνταγογραφούμενη...
Αυτό το παυσίπονο αυξάνει τον κίνδυνο υπογλυκαιμίαςΗ τραμαδόλη είναι μια ευρέως συνταγογραφούμενη αναλγητική ουσία στην οικογένειας των οπιοειδών για την οστεαρθρίτιδα και άλλες επώδυνες καταστάσεις. Ο λόγος της συχνής συνταγογράφησής της είναι ότι έχει μικρότερο κίνδυνο παρενεργειών και γενικότερα λιγότερες πιθανότητες να κάνει κάποιος κατάχρησης της συγκριτικά με άλλα οπιοειδή. Αλλά μελέτη του Πανεπιστημίου της Καλιφόρνια στο Σαν Ντιέγκο, που δημοσιεύθηκε στο Scientific Reports, δείχνει ότι οι...
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The use of aggregation-induced emission probe doped silica nanoparticles for the immunoassay of...
The use of aggregation-induced emission probe doped silica nanoparticles for the immunoassay of human epididymis protein 4Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01265F, PaperLianjie Meng, Muhammad Azhar Hayat Nawaz, Xinan Huang, Yu-Qin Ma, Yongxin Li, Huipeng Zhou, Cong YuA sensitive sandwich immunoassay for the sensing of human epididymis protein 4 (HE4) is developed based on aggregation-induced emission probe doped silica nanoparticles. Using the tetraphenylethylene based probe (TPE-C4-4)...
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Two salamander species respond differently to timber harvests in a managed New England forest...
Two salamander species respond differently to timber harvests in a managed New England forestBackground Managing forests for timber while protecting wildlife habitat is of increasing concern. Amphibians may be particularly sensitive to forest management practices due to their unique biology; however, it is not clear how different species respond to timber harvest practices—particularly over longer time scales. Methods Here we report on the differential responses of two salamander species—the eastern...
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Legends of Allergy and Immunology: Donald Y. M. Leung Abstract This issue is honoring Donald Leung,...
Legends of Allergy and Immunology: Donald Y. M. LeungAbstract This issue is honoring Donald Leung, who is best known for his work in atopic dermatitis (AD), along with many other contributions in allergy and immunology. Donald was born October 1, 1949 in New York City. He received his PhD in biochemistry and MD at the University of Chicago. He subsequently went on to residency and fellowship at Children's Hospital Boston where he continued as a faculty member at Harvard Medical School until 1989....
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Με αυτό τον τρόπο το παιδί δεν θα εκδηλώσει άσθμα Οι μεγαλύτερες ποσότητες ενός συγκεκριμένου είδους...
Με αυτό τον τρόπο το παιδί δεν θα εκδηλώσει άσθμαΟι μεγαλύτερες ποσότητες ενός συγκεκριμένου είδους βακτηρίων, κυρίως του εξωτερικού περιβάλλοντος, ενδεχομένως να βοηθά στη μείωση του κινδύνου το παιδί να εκδηλώσει άσθμα, λένε ερευνητές από την Φινλανδία. Οι ειδικοί του Φινλανδικού Ινστιτούτου για την Υγεία και την Ευεξία ανέλυσαν το μικροβίωμα περισσοτέρων από 400 σπιτιών στη χώρα και παρατήρησαν επίσης ότι το μικροβίωμα των αγροκτημάτων μπορεί να προστατεύσει τα παιδιά από το άσθμα, ακόμα και όταν...
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Reply to Dr. Suga and Dr. Takenoshita Abstract We would like to thank Dr. Saga and Dr. Takenoshita...
Reply to Dr. Suga and Dr. TakenoshitaAbstract We would like to thank Dr. Saga and Dr. Takenoshita for initiating a discussion on our recent systematic review on burning mouth syndrome (BMS) conducted as part of the World Workshop on Oral Medicine VII. Our study reviewed the definitions and diagnostic criteria utilized in randomized control trials (RCTs) involving BMS.(Ariyawardana et al., 2019) The purpose of a systematic review is to collate and assimilate information in order to make judgments...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Relationship between EMG-detected and ultrasound-detected fasciculations in amyotrophic lateral...
Relationship between EMG-detected and ultrasound-detected fasciculations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a prospective cohort studyPublication date: Available online 28 August 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Kota Bokuda, Toshio Shimizu, Hideki Kimura, Ryo Morishima, Tsutomu Kamiyama, Akihiro Kawata, Yuki Nakayama, Eiji IsozakiAbstractObjectivesFasciculation potentials (FP) are an important consideration in the electrophysiological diagnosis of ALS. Muscle ultrasonography (MUS) has...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Temporal lobe sparing radiotherapy with photons or protons for cognitive function preservation...
Temporal lobe sparing radiotherapy with photons or protons for cognitive function preservation in paediatric craniopharyngiomaPublication date: Available online 28 August 2019Source: Radiotherapy and OncologyAuthor(s): Laura Toussaint, Daniel J. Indelicato, Ludvig P. Muren, Zuofeng Li, Yasmin Lassen-Ramshad, Kevin Kirby, Catia Pedro, Ronni Mikkelsen, Marcos Di Pinto, Morten Høyer, Camilla H. StokkevågAbstractBackground and purposeReducing radiation exposure to the temporal lobes could be beneficial...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Dermatological and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients with Albinism in São Paulo, Brazil, between...
Dermatological and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients with Albinism in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2010 and 2017: A Cross-Sectional Study.Related ArticlesDermatological and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients with Albinism in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2010 and 2017: A Cross-Sectional Study. Dermatology. 2019 Aug 28;:1-9 Authors: Marçon CR, Moraes JC, de Olivas Ferreira MAM, Oliari CB Abstract INTRODUCTION: Oculocutaneous albinism is an autosomal recessive disease caused by complete absence of...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Dermatological and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients with Albinism in São Paulo, Brazil, between...
Dermatological and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients with Albinism in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2010 and 2017: A Cross-Sectional Study.Related ArticlesDermatological and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients with Albinism in São Paulo, Brazil, between 2010 and 2017: A Cross-Sectional Study. Dermatology. 2019 Aug 28;:1-9 Authors: Marçon CR, Moraes JC, de Olivas Ferreira MAM, Oliari CB Abstract INTRODUCTION: Oculocutaneous albinism is an autosomal recessive disease caused by complete absence of...
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 American Journal of Primatology Towards systematic and evidence‐based conservation planning...
 American Journal of PrimatologyTowards systematic and evidence‐based conservation planning for western chimpanzeesMapped areas of high conservation value for western chimpanzees summed up for all three sub‐scenarios based on chimpanzee abundance (i.e., the number of times a cell was selected was summed up across scenarios 1a‐c). Abstract As animal populations continue to decline, frequently driven by large‐scale land‐use change, there is a critical need for improved environmental planning. While...
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No 'gay gene': Massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexuality Nature, Published online:...
No 'gay gene': Massive study homes in on genetic basis of human sexualityNature, Published online: 29 August 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02585-6Nearly half a million genomes reveal five DNA markers associated with sexual behaviour — but none with the power to predict the sexuality of an individual.Nature - Issue - nature.com science feedsThu Aug 29, 2019 03:00Ancient stone tools hint at settlers' epic trek to North AmericaNature, Published online: 29 August 2019; doi:10.1038/d41586-019-02589-216,000-year-old...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Topography of the central retinal artery relevant to retrobulbar reperfusion in filler complications...
Topography of the central retinal artery relevant to retrobulbar reperfusion in filler complicationsBackground: Vision loss due to retrograde occlusion of the central retinal artery is a serious complication of cosmetic filler injections. Salvation methods that involve applying hyaluronidases in the retrobulbar space to degrade filler materials have been proposed recently for rescuing the retinal circulation in an ophthalmic emergency. Methods: Sixty-six eyeballs and orbital contents were extracted...
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Distinct immunology of the placenta Science: Current Issue Thu Aug 29, 2019 20:34 Protecting...
Distinct immunology of the placentaScience: Current IssueThu Aug 29, 2019 20:34Protecting elections from social media manipulationScience: Current IssueThu Aug 29, 2019 20:34Breaking the species barrierScience: Current IssueThu Aug 29, 2019 20:34The immunological code of pregnancyScience: Current IssueThu Aug 29, 2019 20:34Born in the ribosomal tunnelScience: Current IssueThu Aug 29, 2019 20:34AI surpasses humans at six-player pokerScience: Current IssueThu Aug 29, 2019 20:34Late Upper Paleolithic...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Programmed chromosome fission and fusion enable precise large-scale genome rearrangement and assembly...
Programmed chromosome fission and fusion enable precise large-scale genome rearrangement and assemblyThe design and creation of synthetic genomes provide a powerful approach to understanding and engineering biology. However, it is often limited by the paucity of methods for precise genome manipulation. Here, we demonstrate the programmed fission of the Escherichia coli genome into diverse pairs of synthetic chromosomes and the programmed fusion of synthetic chromosomes to generate genomes with user-defined...
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 Radiology Dr Sumer Sethi nominated in Top Radiology Educators on Aunt Minnie It is an honour...
 RadiologyDr Sumer Sethi nominated in Top Radiology Educators on Aunt MinnieIt is an honour to be nominated in Top Global Radiology educators on AuntMinnie.com ( Leading US based website for Radiologists), grateful to all my students over the years for giving me an opportunity to share knowledge. Famous Radiology Blog http://www.sumerdoc.blogspot.com TeleRad Providers at www.teleradproviders.com Mail us at sales@teleradproviders.comRadiologyThu Aug 29, 2019 09:31Mark above section as read Clinical...
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Inflammation Differential Macrophage Subsets in Muscle Damage Induced by a K49-PLA 2 from Bothrops...
InflammationDifferential Macrophage Subsets in Muscle Damage Induced by a K49-PLA 2 from Bothrops jararacussu Venom Modulate the Time Course of the Regeneration ProcessAbstract Bothrops snakes cause around 80% of snakebites in Brazil, with muscle tissue damage as an important consequence, which may cause dysfunction on the affected limb. Bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I) from Bothrops jararacussu is a K49-phospholipase A2, involved in the injury and envenomation's inflammatory response. Immune system components...
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