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Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2020

Coagulation tests or standardized questionnaire, which is better as a predictor of bleeding? A prospective study among children before tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy
The value of pre-operative coagulation testing for adenotonsillar surgery is controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of routine coagulation tests and a standardized questionnaire in c...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Laparoscopic surgery for diverticular colovesical fistula: single-center experience of 11 cases
Laparoscopic surgery for diverticular colovesical fistula (CVF) is technically challenging, and the incidence of conversion to open surgery (COS) is high. This study aimed to review our experience with laparos...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
AST/ALT ratio predicts the functional severity of chronic heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Despite previous research that focused on liver transaminases as predictors of cardiovascular disease, there has been limited research evaluating the predictive value of AST/ALT ratio in patients with heart fa...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Circulating tumour cell liquid biopsy in selecting therapy for recurrent cutaneous melanoma with locoregional pelvic metastases: a pilot study
Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) from liquid biopsies provide an exceptional opportunity to obtain real-time tumour information and are under current investigation in several cancers, including cutaneous melano...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
Challenges and practical recommendations for successfully recruiting inactive, statin-free older adults to clinical trials
To outline the challenges and provide practical recommendations for recruiting inactive, statin-free older adults to facilitate feasible study designs. Data was obtained from a double-blind randomised-controll...
BMC Research Notes - Latest Articles
DEqMS: a method for accurate variance estimation in differential protein expression analysis [Technological Innovation and Resources]
Quantitative proteomics by mass spectrometry is widely used in biomarker research and basic biology research for investigation of phenotype level cellular events. Despite the wide application, the methodology for statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins has not been unified. Various methods such as t-test, linear model and mixed effect models are used to define changes in proteomics experiments. However, none of these methods consider the specific structure of MS-data. Choices between...
MCP Papers in Press
Are Bisphosphonates Associated with Adverse Metabolic and Cognitive Effects? A Study in Intact Rats and Rat-Fed High-Fat High-Fructose Diet
Abstract Osteocalcin, known as a bone gla protein, is considered a regulator of energy metabolism and behavior in its undercarboxylated form (ucOC). Antiresorptive drugs, such as alendronate, reduce serum level of ucOC. The purpose of the current study was to verify if alendronate might impact on energy metabolism and animal behavior by reducing ucOC level and to find out if the presence of metabolic alterations would further worsen these potential adverse effects. Four groups...
Latest Results for Calcified Tissue International
Safety, Effectiveness, and Pharmacokinetics of Crisaborole in Infants Aged 3 to < 24 Months with Mild-to-Moderate Atopic Dermatitis: A Phase IV Open-Label Study (CrisADe CARE 1)
Abstract Background Crisaborole ointment, 2%, is a nonsteroidal phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor for the treatment of mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis (AD). Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, effectiveness, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of crisaborole in infants aged 3 to < 24 months with mild-to-moderate AD in an open-label study....
Latest Results for American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
Reply to Zhang et al.: Using long-term all-available Landsat data to study water bodies over large areas represents a paradigm shift [Physical Sciences]
Zhang et al. (1) raise concerns over the characteristics and change of surface water bodies (WBs) in China reported in our article in PNAS (2). We believe these concerns are not well grounded. The dynamic nature of WBs results in a constant change in their number and extent over large...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Reply to Geiger and Stomper: On capital intensity and observed increases in the economic damages of extreme natural disasters [Social Sciences]
We thank Geiger and Stomper (1) for the opportunity to clarify and further test the robustness of the results in Coronese et al. (2). Their comments reveal misinterpretations of our study and propose an alternative (but untested) hypothesis. Here we redress these misinterpretations and test their hypothesis. Geiger and Stomper...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Are China’s water bodies (lakes) underestimated? [Physical Sciences]
In their study of surface water bodies (WBs) in China, Feng et al. (1) used the global surface water dataset (GSWD) by Pekel et al. (2) to report that the abundance of WBs (>1 km2) and their total area were underestimated greatly by previous studies (3, 4). However, the incorrect...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Rising economic damages of natural disasters: Trends in event intensity or capital intensity? [Social Sciences]
The recent paper by Coronese et al. (1) reports a rise in economic damages due to extreme natural disasters reported in the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) (2). While Coronese et al.’s (1) paper is timely and relevant, we have serious concerns regarding the analysis and the interpretation of the results....
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Laminarin is a major molecule in the marine carbon cycle [Environmental Sciences]
Marine microalgae sequester as much CO2 into carbohydrates as terrestrial plants. Polymeric carbohydrates (i.e., glycans) provide carbon for heterotrophic organisms and constitute a carbon sink in the global oceans. The quantitative contributions of different algal glycans to cycling and sequestration of carbon remain unknown, partly because of the analytical challenge...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Men1 maintains exocrine pancreas homeostasis in response to inflammation and oncogenic stress [Genetics]
A more comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying pancreatic diseases, including pancreatitis and cancer, is essential to improve clinical management. MEN1 has established roles in epigenetic regulation and tumor suppression in the endocrine pancreas; however, intriguing recent data suggest MEN1 may also function in the exocrine pancreas. Using physiologically...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Strong selective effects of mitochondrial DNA on the nuclear genome [Evolution]
Oxidative phosphorylation, the primary source of cellular energy in eukaryotes, requires gene products encoded in both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. As a result, functional integration between the genomes is essential for efficient adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation. Although within populations this integration is presumably maintained by coevolution, the importance of...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Delayed negative effects of prosocial spending on happiness [Economic Sciences]
Does prosocial behavior promote happiness? We test this longstanding hypothesis in a behavioral experiment that extends the scope of previous research. In our Saving a Life paradigm, every participant either saved one human life in expectation by triggering a targeted donation of 350 euros or received an amount of 100...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Interactions between changing climate and biodiversity: Shaping humanity’s future [Ecology]
Scientists have known for more than a century about potential human impacts on climate (1). In the last 30 y, estimates of these impacts have been confirmed and refined through increasingly precise climate assessments (2). Other global-scale human impacts, including land use change, overharvesting, air and water pollution, and increased...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
An MXD1-derived repressor peptide identifies noncoding mediators of MYC-driven cell proliferation [Cell Biology]
MYC controls the transcription of large numbers of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Since MYC is a ubiquitous oncoprotein, some of these lncRNAs probably play a significant role in cancer. We applied CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) to the identification of MYC-regulated lncRNAs that are required for MYC-driven cell proliferation in the P493-6...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Bacteria suit up with virus armor [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
Particularly with the recent outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), viruses have a bad reputation these days. However, it is important to note that viruses come in many types and can infect not only humans but almost all life forms, and their infections are not always detrimental to the host....
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Stochastic activation and bistability in a Rab GTPase regulatory network [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
The eukaryotic endomembrane system is controlled by small GTPases of the Rab family, which are activated at defined times and locations in a switch-like manner. While this switch is well understood for an individual protein, how regulatory networks produce intracellular activity patterns is currently not known. Here, we combine in...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Alpaca (Vicugna pacos), the first nonprimate species with a phosphoantigen-reactive V{gamma}9V{delta}2 T cell subset [Immunology and Inflammation]
Vγ9Vδ2 T cells are a major γδ T cell population in the human blood expressing a characteristic Vγ9JP rearrangement paired with Vδ2. This cell subset is activated in a TCR-dependent and MHC-unrestricted fashion by so-called phosphoantigens (PAgs). PAgs can be microbial [(E)-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-but-2-enyl pyrophosphate, HMBPP] or endogenous (isopentenyl pyrophosphate, IPP) and...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Squeezed metallic droplet with tunable Kubo gap and charge injection in transition metal dichalcogenides [Chemistry]
Shrinking the size of a bulk metal into nanoscale leads to the discreteness of electronic energy levels, the so-called Kubo gap δ. Renormalization of the electronic properties with a tunable and size-dependent δ renders fascinating photon emission and electron tunneling. In contrast with usual three-dimensional (3D) metal clusters, here we...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Th17 lymphocytes drive vascular and neuronal deficits in a mouse model of postinfectious autoimmune encephalitis [Immunology and Inflammation]
Antibodies against neuronal receptors and synaptic proteins are associated with a group of ill-defined central nervous system (CNS) autoimmune diseases termed autoimmune encephalitides (AE), which are characterized by abrupt onset of seizures and/or movement and psychiatric symptoms. Basal ganglia encephalitis (BGE), representing a subset of AE syndromes, is triggered in...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Highly efficient organic photovoltaics with enhanced stability through the formation of doping-induced stable interfaces [Engineering]
Flexible organic photovoltaics (OPVs) are promising power sources for wearable electronics. However, it is challenging to simultaneously achieve high efficiency as well as good stability under various stresses. Herein, we demonstrate the fabrication of highly efficient (efficiency, 13.2%) and stable OPVs based on nonfullerene blends by a single-step postannealing treatment....
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Disruption of cellular proteostasis by H1N1 influenza A virus causes {alpha}-synuclein aggregation [Medical Sciences]
Neurodegenerative diseases feature specific misfolded or misassembled proteins associated with neurotoxicity. The precise mechanisms by which protein aggregates first arise in the majority of sporadic cases have remained unclear. Likely, a first critical mass of misfolded proteins starts a vicious cycle of a prion-like expansion. We hypothesize that viruses, having...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Structural and mechanistic insights into secretagogin-mediated exocytosis [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
Secretagogin (SCGN) is a hexa–EF-hand protein that is highly expressed in the pancreas, brain, and gastrointestinal tract. SCGN is known to modulate regulated exocytosis in multiple cell lines and tissues; however, its exact functions and underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we report that SCGN interacts with the plasma membrane SNARE...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Indexing brain state-dependent pupil dynamics with simultaneous fMRI and optical fiber calcium recording [Neuroscience]
Pupillometry, a noninvasive measure of arousal, complements human functional MRI (fMRI) to detect periods of variable cognitive processing and identify networks that relate to particular attentional states. Even under anesthesia, pupil dynamics correlate with brain-state fluctuations, and extended dilations mark the transition to more arousable states. However, cross-scale neuronal activation...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Potential for release of pulmonary toxic ketene from vaping pyrolysis of vitamin E acetate [Chemistry]
A combined analytical, theoretical, and experimental study has shown that the vaping of vitamin E acetate has the potential to produce exceptionally toxic ketene gas, which may be a contributing factor to the upsurge in pulmonary injuries associated with using e-cigarette/vaping products. Additionally, the pyrolysis of vitamin E acetate also...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Spatiotemporal gating of SIRT1 functions by O-GlcNAcylation is essential for liver metabolic switching and prevents hyperglycemia [Physiology]
Inefficient physiological transitions are known to cause metabolic disorders. Therefore, investigating mechanisms that constitute molecular switches in a central metabolic organ like the liver becomes crucial. Specifically, upstream mechanisms that control temporal engagement of transcription factors, which are essential to mediate physiological fed–fast–refed transitions are less understood. SIRT1, a NAD+-dependent...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Optofluidic control of rodent learning using cloaked caged glutamate [Chemistry]
Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain, and photochemical release of glutamate (or uncaging) is a chemical technique widely used by biologists to interrogate its physiology. A basic prerequisite of these optical probes is bio-inertness before photolysis. However, all caged glutamates are known to have strong antagonism toward...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Social dimensions of fertility behavior and consumption patterns in the Anthropocene [Sustainability Science]
We consider two aspects of the human enterprise that profoundly affect the global environment: population and consumption. We show that fertility and consumption behavior harbor a class of externalities that have not been much noted in the literature. Both are driven in part by attitudes and preferences that are not...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Spatially separating redox centers on 2D carbon nitride with cobalt single atom for photocatalytic H2O2 production [Engineering]
Redox cocatalysts play crucial roles in photosynthetic reactions, yet simultaneous loading of oxidative and reductive cocatalysts often leads to enhanced charge recombination that is detrimental to photosynthesis. This study introduces an approach to simultaneously load two redox cocatalysts, atomically dispersed cobalt for improving oxidation activity and anthraquinone for improving reduction...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Early globalized industrial chain revealed by residual submicron pigment particles in Chinese imperial blue-and-white porcelains [Anthropology]
The success of early Chinese blue-and-white porcelains relied heavily on imported cobalt pigment from the West. In contrast to art-historical concept, which contains both typological evidence and literature records, it is assumed that imported Sumali blue was completely superseded by domestic Chinese asbolane ore based on the analytical results of...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Potent CRISPR-Cas9 inhibitors from Staphylococcus genomes [Biochemistry]
Anti-CRISPRs (Acrs) are small proteins that inhibit the RNA-guided DNA targeting activity of CRISPR-Cas enzymes. Encoded by bacteriophage and phage-derived bacterial genes, Acrs prevent CRISPR-mediated inhibition of phage infection and can also block CRISPR-Cas-mediated genome editing in eukaryotic cells. To identify Acrs capable of inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SauCas9), an...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Ostrich eggshell bead strontium isotopes reveal persistent macroscale social networking across late Quaternary southern Africa [Anthropology]
Hunter-gatherer exchange networks dampen subsistence and reproductive risks by building relationships of mutual support outside local groups that are underwritten by symbolic gift exchange. Hxaro, the system of delayed reciprocity between Ju/’hoãn individuals in southern Africa’s Kalahari Desert, is the best-known such example and the basis for most analogies and...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
Molecular recognition of a host protein by NS1 of pandemic and seasonal influenza A viruses [Biophysics and Computational Biology]
The 1918 influenza A virus (IAV) caused the most severe flu pandemic in recorded human history. Nonstructural protein 1 (NS1) is an important virulence factor of the 1918 IAV. NS1 antagonizes host defense mechanisms through interactions with multiple host factors. One pathway by which NS1 increases virulence is through the...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
DNA origami protection and molecular interfacing through engineered sequence-defined peptoids [Applied Biological Sciences]
DNA nanotechnology has established approaches for designing programmable and precisely controlled nanoscale architectures through specific Watson−Crick base-pairing, molecular plasticity, and intermolecular connectivity. In particular, superior control over DNA origami structures could be beneficial for biomedical applications, including biosensing, in vivo imaging, and drug and gene delivery. However, protecting DNA origami...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
How cortical waves drive fission of motile cells [Cell Biology]
Cytokinesis—the division of a cell into two daughter cells—is a key step in cell growth and proliferation. It typically occurs in synchrony with the cell cycle to ensure that a complete copy of the genetic information is passed on to the next generation of daughter cells. In animal cells, cytokinesis...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
High-throughput, combinatorial synthesis of multimetallic nanoclusters [Applied Physical Sciences]
Multimetallic nanoclusters (MMNCs) offer unique and tailorable surface chemistries that hold great potential for numerous catalytic applications. The efficient exploration of this vast chemical space necessitates an accelerated discovery pipeline that supersedes traditional “trial-and-error” experimentation while guaranteeing uniform microstructures despite compositional complexity. Herein, we report the high-throughput synthesis of an...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue

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