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Τετάρτη 25 Μαρτίου 2020

Keine Überzeitentschädigung nach Arbeitsgesetz bei Tätigkeit im Ausland : Kommentar zum Bundesgerichturteil vom 11. September 2013 (4A/103/2013)
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Surface pressure determines the interaction between poly(oxyethylene) and a surfactant bilayer
The first surface-pressure-dependent investigations of the interaction between poly(oxyethylene) and a surfactant bilayer of C(18)E(5) are reported. The measurements clearly indicate that only for surfactants having their natural head-group area Sigma(0) no attractive polymer surfactant interactions can be detected.
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Vereinbarkeit von Mindestpreisen für alkoholische Getränke mit dem Freihandelsabkommen und der Bundesverfassung
Die Alkoholhandelsgesetzgebung wird zurzeit revidiert. Dabei geht es auch um Massnahmen gegen den problematischen Alkoholkonsum besonders gefährdeter Bevölkerungsgruppen, u.a. um die Einführung von Mindestpreisen für alkoholische Getränke. Diese Massnahme ist nicht nur politisch, sondern auch rechtlich umstritten. In Frage steht insbesondere die Vereinbarkeit mit dem Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU (FHA) und der Wirtschaftsfreiheit der BV. Wichtige Aspekte sind die Verhältnismässigkeit einer solchen...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Der konkrete Fall – Berufsverbot für kontaminierte Pflegeperson?
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Inelastic scattering and solvent scattering reduce dynamical diffraction in biological crystals
Multi-slice simulations of electron diffraction by three-dimensional protein crystals have indicated that structure solution would be severely impeded by dynamical diffraction, especially when crystals are more than a few unit cells thick. In practice, however, dynamical diffraction turned out to be less of a problem than anticipated on the basis of these simulations. Here it is shown that two scattering phenomena, which are usually omitted from multi-slice simulations, reduce the dynamical effect:...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
On Nanodroplets and Bicontinuous States in Percolated W/O Microemulsions
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Water/oil microemulsions from binary ionic-nonionic surfactants
The addition of a second surfactant to an otherwise thermodynamically stable microemulsion causes interfacial and bulk effects: the combination of AOT and C12E5 supports the formation of planar interfaces (considering the molecular geometries of the surfactants) which induces a sphere to oblate ellipsoid (≈ disk) transition ensuing a lamellar liquid crystalline phase. Heats of adsorption of C12E5 (adsorbed on an H2O/AOT/i-C8H18 interface) corroborate the existence of two different interfacial states....
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Ungerechtfertigte Entlassung einer teilinvaliden Pflegefachfrau – insgesamt 14 Monatslöhne Entschädigung (Bemerkungen zum Urteil des Verwaltungsgerichts des Kantons Zürich vom 04. Juli 2013 (VB.2012.00463)
Eine Einschränkung der Arbeitsfähigkeit auf fünf Stunden pro Tag stellt keinen sachlichen Grund für eine Entlassung dar. Einem Betrieb mit 2400 Pflegefachleuten muss es möglich sein, eine teilinvalide Pflegefachfrau in ihrem Beruf zu beschäftigen, die Entlassung erweist sich deshalb als nicht rechtmässig, und die Arbeitgeberin muss eine Entschädigung wegen missbräuchlicher Entlassung von vier Monatslöhnen sowie eine Abgangsentschädigung von zehn Monatslöhnen leisten.
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Electric, dielectric and Kerr effect investigations in water-in-oil microemulsions
Conductivity, dielectric and electric birefringence measurements play an important role in the characterization of the structure and dynamics of water-in-oil-microemulsions. While the improvement of these techniques stagnates, application of the methods seems to have turned increasingly to characterization of new materials derived from microemulsions.
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Recht auf Vergessen bei Suchmaschinen
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Der konkrete Fall – Dokumentationspflicht in der Pflege?
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Untargeted metabolomics links glutathione to bacterial cell cycle progression
Cell cycle progression requires the coordination of cell growth, chromosome replication, and division. Consequently, a functional cell cycle must be coupled with metabolism. However, direct measurements of metabolome dynamics remained scarce, in particular in bacteria. Here, we describe an untargeted metabolomics approach with synchronized; Caulobacter crescentus; cells to monitor the relative abundance changes of ~400 putative metabolites as a function of the cell cycle. While the majority of metabolite...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Electric Conductivity near the Percolation Transition of a Nonionic Water-in-Oil Microemulsion
The electric conductivity of a nonionic water-in-oil microemulsion has been measured in the presence of small amounts of carrier electrolyte. Two distinct regimes can be distinguished: the conductivity increases linearly for small nanodroplet concentration, while it decreases above a critical value. The qualitative change occurs close to a concentration where the system is known to have formed a system-spanning nonconducting cluster of nanodroplets. This behaviour of the conductivity is shown to...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
New Nonionic Head Type Polysoaps:  A Way to Reversed Liquid Crystalline Phases
The preparation and characterization of new oligooxyethylene alkyl ether surfactants and their corresponding polysoaps are described. The monomers are epoxy-terminated at their hydrophilic end, which allows an AcAc/H2O/AlEt3 catalyzed polymerization to high molecular weight polymers with a water-soluble backbone. The behavior of the monomers and polymers in water and organic solvents is characterized by static and dynamic light scattering. The binary phase diagrams of these surfactants with water...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Nanostrukturierte Polymere: Neue maerialien mit aussergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
The Periplasmic Chaperones Skp and SurA
The periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria contains a specialized chaperone network that facilitates the transport of unfolded membrane proteins to the outer membrane as its primary functional role. The network, involving the chaperones Skp and SurA as key players and potentially additional chaperones, is indispensable for the survival of the cell. Structural descriptions of the apo forms of these molecular chaperones were initially provided by X-ray crystallography. Subsequently, a combination of experimental...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
An integrative protocol for the structure determination of the mouse ASC-PYD filament
Several inflammasomes that activate as part of the eukaryotic innate immune response contain long helical filaments of the adaptor protein ASC as a central structural element. Here, we describe a technical protocol that has enabled the structure determination of the filament of the ASC pyrin domain. The protocol integrates data from cryo-electron microscopy and solid-state NMR spectroscopy into a single simulated annealing protocol to determine structural coordinates that fit all input data optimally....
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. Race and Natural History, 1750-1850
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
RTI Images for Documentation in Archaeology: The Case of the Iron Age Female Terracotta Figurines from Buṣayra, Jordan
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Macrophages Reduce the Sensitivity of Osteosarcoma to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Drugs by Secreting Interleukin-1 Beta
Publication date: Available online 24 March 2020Source: Cancer LettersAuthor(s): Xin Liang, Wei Guo, Tingting Ren, Yi Huang, Kunkun Sun, Hongliang Zhang, Yiyang Yu, Wei Wang, Jianfang Niu
Cancer Letters
MARCKS inhibition cooperates with autophagy antagonists to potentiate the effect of standard therapy against drug-resistant multiple myeloma
Publication date: Available online 24 March 2020Source: Cancer LettersAuthor(s): Lun Zhang, Nasrin Rastgoo, Jian Wu, Min Zhang, Maryam Pourabdollah, Eldad Zacksenhaus, Yan Chen, Hong Chang
Cancer Letters
The chemokine CCL7 regulates invadopodia maturation and MMP-9 mediated collagen degradation in liver-metastatic carcinoma cells
Publication date: Available online 23 March 2020Source: Cancer LettersAuthor(s): Shu Qi, Stephanie Perrino, Xinyu Miao, Nathalie Lamarche-Vane, Pnina Brodt
Cancer Letters
TLR4 abrogates the Th1 immune response through IRF1 and IFN-β to prevent immunopathology during <i>L</i>. <i>infantum</i> infection
by Laís Amorim Sacramento, Luciana Benevides, Sandra Regina Maruyama, Lucas Tavares, Kiyoshi Ferreira Fukutani, Marcela Francozo, Tim Sparwasser, Fernando Queiroz Cunha, Roque Pacheco Almeida, João Santana da Silva, Vanessa Carregaro A striking feature of human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is chronic inflammation in the spleen and liver, and VL patients present increased production levels of multiple inflammatory mediators, which contribute to tissue damage and disease severity. Here, we combined...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
<i>Mycobacterium abscessus</i> infection leads to enhanced production of type 1 interferon and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in murine macrophages via mitochondrial oxidative stress
by Bo-Ram Kim, Byoung-Jun Kim, Yoon-Hoh Kook, Bum-Joon Kim Mycobacterium abscessus (MAB) is a rapidly growing mycobacterium (RGM), and infections with this pathogen have been increasing worldwide. Recently, we reported that rough type (MAB-R) but not smooth type (MAB-S) strains enhanced type 1 interferon (IFN-I) secretion via bacterial phagosome escape, contributing to increased virulence. Here, we sought to investigate the role of mitochondrial oxidative stress in bacterial survival, IFN-I...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
When a Palearctic bacterium meets a Nearctic insect vector: Genetic and ecological insights into the emergence of the grapevine Flavescence dorée epidemics in Europe
by Sylvie Malembic-Maher, Delphine Desqué, Dima Khalil, Pascal Salar, Bernard Bergey, Jean-Luc Danet, Sybille Duret, Marie-Pierre Dubrana-Ourabah, Laure Beven, Ibolya Ember, Zoltan Acs, Michele Della Bartola, Alberto Materazzi, Luisa Filippin, Slobodan Krnjajic, Oliver Krstić, Ivo Toševski, Friederike Lang, Barbara Jarausch, Maria Kölber, Jelena Jović, Elisa Angelini, Nathalie Arricau-Bouvery, Michael Maixner, Xavier Foissac Flavescence dorée (FD) is a European quarantine grapevine disease transmitted...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Molecular basis of P[II] major human rotavirus VP8* domain recognition of histo-blood group antigens
by Shenyuan Xu, Luay U. Ahmed, Michael Robert Stuckert, Kristen Rose McGinnis, Yang Liu, Ming Tan, Pengwei Huang, Weiming Zhong, Dandan Zhao, Xi Jiang, Michael A. Kennedy Initial cell attachment of rotavirus (RV) to specific cell surface glycan receptors, which is the essential first step in RV infection, is mediated by the VP8* domain of the spike protein VP4. Recently, human histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) have been identified as receptors or attachment factors for human RV strains. RV...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Surfing motility is a complex adaptation dependent on the stringent stress response in <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i> LESB58
by Daniel Pletzer, Evelyn Sun, Caleb Ritchie, Lauren Wilkinson, Leo T. Liu, Michael J. Trimble, Heidi Wolfmeier, Travis M. Blimkie, Robert E. W. Hancock Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that affects mucin-producing body organs such as the lungs. Characteristic of CF is the production of thick, viscous mucus, containing the glycoprotein mucin, that can lead to progressive airway obstruction. Recently, we demonstrated that the presence of mucin induced a rapid surface adaptation in motile...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Variations in microbiota composition of laboratory mice influence <i>Citrobacter rodentium</i> infection via variable short-chain fatty acid production
by Lisa Osbelt, Sophie Thiemann, Nathiana Smit, Till Robin Lesker, Madita Schröter, Eric J. C. Gálvez, Kerstin Schmidt-Hohagen, Marina C. Pils, Sabrina Mühlen, Petra Dersch, Karsten Hiller, Dirk Schlüter, Meina Neumann-Schaal, Till Strowig The composition of the intestinal microbiota influences the outcome of enteric infections in human and mice. However, the role of specific members and their metabolites contributing to disease severity is largely unknown. Using isogenic mouse lines harboring...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
BRD4 inhibition exerts anti-viral activity through DNA damage-dependent innate immune responses
by Jiang Wang, Guo-Li Li, Sheng-Li Ming, Chun-Feng Wang, Li-Juan Shi, Bing-Qian Su, Hong-Tao Wu, Lei Zeng, Ying-Qian Han, Zhong-Hu Liu, Da-Wei Jiang, Yong-Kun Du, Xiang-Dong Li, Gai-Ping Zhang, Guo-Yu Yang, Bei-Bei Chu Chromatin dynamics regulated by epigenetic modification is crucial in genome stability and gene expression. Various epigenetic mechanisms have been identified in the pathogenesis of human diseases. Here, we examined the effects of ten epigenetic agents on pseudorabies virus (PRV)...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Commensal <i>Neisseria cinerea</i> impairs <i>Neisseria meningitidis</i> microcolony development and reduces pathogen colonisation of epithelial cells
by Rafael Custodio, Errin Johnson, Guangyu Liu, Christoph M. Tang, Rachel M. Exley It is increasingly being recognised that the interplay between commensal and pathogenic bacteria can dictate the outcome of infection. Consequently, there is a need to understand how commensals interact with their human host and influence pathogen behaviour at epithelial surfaces. Neisseria meningitidis, a leading cause of sepsis and meningitis, exclusively colonises the human nasopharynx and shares this niche...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Multivariate multilevel modeling of quality of life dynamics of HIV infected patients
Longitudinal quality of life (QoL) is an important outcome in many chronic illness studies aiming to evaluate the efficiency of care both at the patient and health system level. Although many QoL studies invol...
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - Latest Articles
Conformational gating in ammonia lyases
Publication date: Available online 25 March 2020Source: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General SubjectsAuthor(s): Matteo Lambrughi, Željka Sanader Maršić, Veronica Saez-Jimenez, Valeria Mapelli, Lisbeth Olsson, Elena Papaleo
ScienceDirect Publication: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects
Visual hallucinations in neurological and ophthalmological disease: pathophysiology and management
Visual hallucinations are common in older people and are especially associated with ophthalmological and neurological disorders, including dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Uncertainties remain whether there is a single underlying mechanism for visual hallucinations or they have different disease-dependent causes. However, irrespective of mechanism, visual hallucinations are difficult to treat. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded a research programme to investigate visual hallucinations...
JNNP Online First
The effect of changing arterial blood pressure and carbon dioxide on cerebral blood flow
The short article entitled ‘Effect of alterations in the arterial carbon dioxide tension on the blood flow through the cerebral cortex at normal and low arterial blood pressures’, published in 1965 in the JNNP by A Murray Harper and HI Glass,1 is among the most cited articles ever published in the journal (429 citations as of 21 January 2020). Interestingly, the same first author published the subsequent year in the JNNP another highly cited article2 on a closely related subject (372 citations as...
JNNP Online First
Differential expression of circulating serum miR-1249-3p, miR-3195, and miR-3692-3p in non-small cell lung cancer
Abstract Global deregulation in miRNA expression is a hallmark of cancer cell. An estimated 2300 mature miRNAs are encoded by human genome; role of many of which in carcinogenesis and as cancer biomarkers remains unexplored. In this study, we investigated the utility of miR-3692-3p, miR-3195, and miR-1249-3p as biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). For this prospective study, 115 subjects, including 75 NSCLC patients and 40 controls, were recruited. The expression of...
Latest Results for Human Cell
'Gun shop projects for suicide prevention in the USA: current state and future directions
ObjectivesTo describe community-driven suicide prevention partnerships between firearm retailers and public health officials (‘gun shop projects’), including common elements and challenges.MethodsWe conducted qualitative interviews with leaders from state-level and national-level partnerships to determine common features, challenges and strategies used by these groups. Data were coded via theme analysis; two independent coders followed a shared codebook developed in an iterative fashion and with...
Injury Prevention Online First
Decade of fatal injuries in workers in New Zealand: insights from a comprehensive national observational study
IntroductionCurrent priorities and strategies to prevent work-related fatal injury (WRFI) in New Zealand (NZ) are based on incomplete data capture. This paper provides an overview of key results from a comprehensive 10-year NZ study of worker fatalities using coronial records.MethodsA data set of workers, aged 15–84 years at the time of death who died in the period 2005–2014, was created using coronial records. Data collection involved: (1) identifying possible cases from mortality records using...
Injury Prevention Online First
Correction to: Evaluation of the bioequivalence and food effect on the bioavailability of CC-486 (oral azacitidine) tablets in adult patients with cancer
In the original publication of the article the author has found few incorrect values in the Table 1.
Latest Results for Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
Loss of hsa_circ_0118530 inhibits human granulosa-like tumor cell line KGN cell injury by sponging miR-136
Publication date: Available online 24 March 2020Source: GeneAuthor(s): Chanwei Jia, Yushu Wang, Chenghong Yin, Lingyan Liu, Liying Zhou, Yanmin Ma

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