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Πέμπτη 26 Μαρτίου 2020

Expression of PIWIL2 in oral cancer and leukoplakia: Prognostic implications and insights from tumors.
Related ArticlesExpression of PIWIL2 in oral cancer and leukoplakia: Prognostic implications and insights from tumors. Cancer Biomark. 2019;26(1):11-20 Authors: Wang S, Li F, Fan H, Xu J, Hu Z Abstract PIWIL2 is a human Argonaute protein, which is guided by small RNAs to its targets, plays a role in germ cell maintenance and has been proposed to be expressed in precancerous stem cells and tumor stem cells. However, the significance of PIWIL2 expression...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Acromegaly caused by a somatotroph adenoma in patient with neurofibromatosis type 1.
Related ArticlesAcromegaly caused by a somatotroph adenoma in patient with neurofibromatosis type 1. Endocr J. 2019 Oct 28;66(10):853-857 Authors: Hozumi K, Fukuoka H, Odake Y, Takeuchi T, Uehara T, Sato T, Inoshita N, Yoshida K, Matsumoto R, Bando H, Hirota Y, Iguchi G, Taniguchi M, Otsuki N, Nishigori C, Kosaki K, Hasegawa T, Ogawa W, Takahashi Y Abstract Although acromegaly has been reported in patients with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), these...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Reliability of Neck Mass Point-of-Care Ultrasound by Pediatric Emergency Physicians.
Related ArticlesReliability of Neck Mass Point-of-Care Ultrasound by Pediatric Emergency Physicians. J Ultrasound Med. 2019 Nov;38(11):2893-2900 Authors: Friedman N, Tseng F, Savic R, Diallo M, Fathi K, Mclean L, Tessaro MO Abstract OBJECTIVES: Neck masses are a common reason for presentations to the pediatric emergency department (PED). We sought to determine the agreement and time difference between point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) imaging by pediatric...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Ultrasound in the Assessment of Parotid Duct Stenosis.
Related ArticlesUltrasound in the Assessment of Parotid Duct Stenosis. J Ultrasound Med. 2019 Nov;38(11):2935-2943 Authors: Goncalves M, Mantsopoulos K, Schapher M, Iro H, Koch M Abstract OBJECTIVES: Parotid duct stenosis may occur with or without accompanying ductal anomalies, with associated differences in their pathogenesis and management. By identifying the characteristics of a stenosis, ultrasound (US) can assist in tailored management of parotid...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Amplification and Suppression of Traveling Waves along the Mouse Organ of Corti: Evidence for Spatial Variation in the Longitudinal Coupling of Outer Hair Cell-Generated Forces.
Related ArticlesAmplification and Suppression of Traveling Waves along the Mouse Organ of Corti: Evidence for Spatial Variation in the Longitudinal Coupling of Outer Hair Cell-Generated Forces. J Neurosci. 2019 03 06;39(10):1805-1816 Authors: Dewey JB, Applegate BE, Oghalai JS Abstract Mammalian hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity depend on a mechanical amplification process mediated by outer hair cells (OHCs). OHCs are situated within the...
AA pubmed: head and neck
A Child With Lymphangioma Due to Somatic Mutation in PIK3CA Successfully Treated With Everolimus.
Related ArticlesA Child With Lymphangioma Due to Somatic Mutation in PIK3CA Successfully Treated With Everolimus. Pediatr Neurol. 2019 02;91:65-67 Authors: Park S, Kim SH, Youn SE, Lee ST, Kang HC PMID: 30579634 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
AA pubmed: head and neck
When Do Pediatricians Call the Ethics Consultation Service? Impact of Clinical Experience and Formal Ethics Training.
Related ArticlesWhen Do Pediatricians Call the Ethics Consultation Service? Impact of Clinical Experience and Formal Ethics Training. AJOB Empir Bioeth. 2020 Mar 24;:1-8 Authors: Navin MC, Wasserman JA, Jain S, Baughman KR, Laventhal NT Abstract Background: Previous research shows that pediatricians inconsistently utilize the ethics consultation service (ECS). Methods: Pediatricians in two suburban, Midwestern academic hospitals were asked to reflect...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Investigating information seeking in ravens (Corvus corax).
Related ArticlesInvestigating information seeking in ravens (Corvus corax). Anim Cogn. 2020 Mar 21;: Authors: Lambert ML, Osvath M Abstract Measuring the responses of non-human animals to situations of uncertainty is thought to shed light on an animal's metacognitive processes; namely, whether they monitor their own knowledge states. For example, when presented with a foraging task, great apes and macaques selectively seek information about the location...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine Experts Committee Consensus Statement on ICU Planning and Designing, 2020.
Related ArticlesIndian Society of Critical Care Medicine Experts Committee Consensus Statement on ICU Planning and Designing, 2020. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2020 Jan;24(Suppl 1):S43-S60 Authors: Rungta N, Zirpe KG, Dixit SB, Mehta Y, Chaudhry D, Govil D, Mishra RC, Sharma J, Amin P, Rao BK, Khilnani GC, Mittal K, Bhattacharya PK, Baronia AK, Javeri Y, Myatra SN, Rungta N, Tyagi R, Dhanuka S, Mishra M, Samavedam S Abstract Background: Indian Society of...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Decompression alone versus fusion and Coflex in the treatment of lumbar degenerative disease: A network meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesDecompression alone versus fusion and Coflex in the treatment of lumbar degenerative disease: A network meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Mar;99(11):e19457 Authors: Fan Y, Zhu L Abstract BACKGROUND: Lumbar degenerative disease (LDD) is a very common disease. And decompression alone, posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF), and interspinous device (Coflex) are generally accepted surgical techniques. However, the effectiveness...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Safe and effective: Northern Ireland and beyond.
Related ArticlesSafe and effective: Northern Ireland and beyond. Br J Nurs. 2020 Mar 12;29(5):263 Authors: Peate I PMID: 32167804 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
The Role of PTSD in Perception of Health-Related Quality of Life and Social Support among Croatian War Veterans.
Related ArticlesThe Role of PTSD in Perception of Health-Related Quality of Life and Social Support among Croatian War Veterans. Psychiatr Danub. 2019 Dec;31(Suppl 5):761-768 Authors: Braš M, Brajković L, Đorđević V, Pjevač N, Braš B Abstract BACKGROUND: Different studies clearly show that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is important factor in a reduction of the overall quality of life. PTSD remains a substantial problem in Croatia, nearly three...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Changes in health-related quality of life with intensive behavioural therapy combined with liraglutide 3.0 mg per day.
Related ArticlesChanges in health-related quality of life with intensive behavioural therapy combined with liraglutide 3.0 mg per day. Clin Obes. 2019 Dec;9(6):e12340 Authors: Chao AM, Wadden TA, Walsh OA, Gruber KA, Alamuddin N, Berkowitz RI, Tronieri JS Abstract This study examined the effects of intensive behavioural therapy (IBT) for obesity (IBT-alone), IBT plus liraglutide 3.0 mg/day (IBT-liraglutide), and IBT-liraglutide combined with 12 weeks...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Patient With Poor Prognosis, Family Wishes to Pursue All Options, Care Team Cannot Reach Consensus.
Related ArticlesPatient With Poor Prognosis, Family Wishes to Pursue All Options, Care Team Cannot Reach Consensus. Ann Thorac Surg. 2019 11;108(5):1284-1286 Authors: Morris SA, Ghanayem NS PMID: 31653290 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Parents Request Withdrawing Feeding From Neurologically Impaired Newborn.
Related ArticlesParents Request Withdrawing Feeding From Neurologically Impaired Newborn. Ann Thorac Surg. 2019 11;108(5):1280-1282 Authors: Kwiatkowski DM, Fifer CG, Cohen MS PMID: 31653288 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Trisomy 13, Large Ventricular Septal Defect With Failure to Thrive: Family Wishes to Have Complete Repair.
Related ArticlesTrisomy 13, Large Ventricular Septal Defect With Failure to Thrive: Family Wishes to Have Complete Repair. Ann Thorac Surg. 2019 11;108(5):1278-1280 Authors: Harahsheh AS, Cohen MS PMID: 31653287 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Introduction to the Mini-Symposium: Ethical Dilemmas in Caring for the Hearts of Children.
Related ArticlesIntroduction to the Mini-Symposium: Ethical Dilemmas in Caring for the Hearts of Children. Ann Thorac Surg. 2019 11;108(5):1277 Authors: Eghtesady P, Krawczeski CD, Newburger JW PMID: 31653286 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Early Exploratory Analysis for Patient-reported Quality of Life and Dosimetric Correlates in Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Low-risk and Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer: Interim Results from a Prospective Phase II Clinical Trial.
Related ArticlesEarly Exploratory Analysis for Patient-reported Quality of Life and Dosimetric Correlates in Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for Low-risk and Intermediate-risk Prostate Cancer: Interim Results from a Prospective Phase II Clinical Trial. Am J Clin Oncol. 2019 11;42(11):856-861 Authors: Iarrobino NA, Gill B, Sutera PA, Kalash R, D' Ambrosio D, Heron DE Abstract OBJECTIVES: Given the relative novelty of stereotactic...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Assessing Wellbeing in People Living with Dementia Using Reminiscence Music with a Mobile App (Memory Tracks): A Mixed Methods Cohort Study.
Related ArticlesAssessing Wellbeing in People Living with Dementia Using Reminiscence Music with a Mobile App (Memory Tracks): A Mixed Methods Cohort Study. J Healthc Eng. 2019;2019:8924273 Authors: Cunningham S, Brill M, Whalley JH, Read R, Anderson G, Edwards S, Picking R Abstract The number of people living with dementia is growing, leading to increasing pressure upon care providers. The mechanisms to reduce symptoms of dementia can take many forms...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Design and rationale for the "Me & My Heart" (eMocial) study: A randomized evaluation of a new smartphone-based support tool to increase therapy adherence of patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Related ArticlesDesign and rationale for the "Me & My Heart" (eMocial) study: A randomized evaluation of a new smartphone-based support tool to increase therapy adherence of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Clin Cardiol. 2019 Nov;42(11):1054-1062 Authors: Krackhardt F, Maier LS, Appel KF, Köhler T, Ghanem A, Tschoepe C, Dahl JV, Degenhardt R, Niklasson A, Ahlqvist M, Waliszewski MW, Jörnten-Karlsson M Abstract A novel smartphone-based patient...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Ancient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe.
Related ArticlesAncient pigs reveal a near-complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 08 27;116(35):17231-17238 Authors: Frantz LAF, Haile J, Lin AT, Scheu A, Geörg C, Benecke N, Alexander M, Linderholm A, Mullin VE, Daly KG, Battista VM, Price M, Gron KJ, Alexandri P, Arbogast RM, Arbuckle B, Bӑlӑşescu A, Barnett R, Bartosiewicz L, Baryshnikov G, Bonsall C, Borić D, Boroneanţ A, Bulatović J, Çakirlar C, Carretero...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Quality of Warfarin Therapy and Quality of Life are Improved by Self-Management for Two Years.
Related ArticlesQuality of Warfarin Therapy and Quality of Life are Improved by Self-Management for Two Years. Thromb Haemost. 2019 Oct;19(10):1632-1641 Authors: Sølvik UØ, Løkkebø E, Kristoffersen AH, Brodin E, Averina M, Sandberg S Abstract BACKGROUND:  Studies from several countries show that self-management of vitamin K antagonist (e.g., warfarin) therapy reduce the risk of complications compared with conventional management. OBJECTIVES:...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Prevalence of impaired functional reading ability and its association with quality of life, daily activity, mobility and social participation among general older adults in Germany.
Related ArticlesPrevalence of impaired functional reading ability and its association with quality of life, daily activity, mobility and social participation among general older adults in Germany. BMC Geriatr. 2019 06 25;19(1):176 Authors: Radicke F, Schwaneberg T, Meinke-Franze C, Jürgens C, Grabe HJ, Hoffmann W, Tost F, van den Berg N Abstract BACKGROUND: The prevalence of visual impairment and of impaired functional reading ability rapidly increase...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Prevalence of dementia diagnoses not otherwise specified in eight European countries: a cross-sectional cohort study.
Related ArticlesPrevalence of dementia diagnoses not otherwise specified in eight European countries: a cross-sectional cohort study. BMC Geriatr. 2019 06 24;19(1):172 Authors: Lethin C, Rahm Hallberg I, Renom Guiteras A, Verbeek H, Saks K, Stolt M, Zabalegui A, Soto-Martin M, Nilsson C Abstract BACKGROUND: Dementia is a syndrome, with a wide range of symptoms. It is important to have a timely diagnosis during the disease course to reduce the risk...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Predictors of favorable quality of life outcome following kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty.
Related ArticlesPredictors of favorable quality of life outcome following kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 May 24;31(3):389-396 Authors: Jones JC, Miller JA, Sudarshana DM, Thompson NR, Benzel EC, Mroz TE Abstract OBJECTIVE: In 2009, 2 randomized controlled trials demonstrated no improvement in pain following vertebral augmentation compared with sham surgery. However, a recent randomized trial demonstrated significant pain relief...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Novel radiographic parameters for the assessment of total body sagittal alignment in adult spinal deformity patients.
Related ArticlesNovel radiographic parameters for the assessment of total body sagittal alignment in adult spinal deformity patients. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 May 24;31(3):372-379 Authors: Kim YC, Cui JH, Kim KT, Park GT, Lee KH, Kim SM, Lenke LG Abstract OBJECTIVE: In this study, the authors' goal was to develop and validate novel radiographic parameters that better describe total body sagittal alignment (TBSA). METHODS: One hundred sixty-six...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Factors influencing patient satisfaction after adult scoliosis and spinal deformity surgery.
Related ArticlesFactors influencing patient satisfaction after adult scoliosis and spinal deformity surgery. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 May 10;31(3):408-417 Authors: Hayashi K, Boissière L, Guevara-Villazón F, Larrieu D, Núñez-Pereira S, Bourghli A, Gille O, Vital JM, Pellisé F, Sánchez Pérez-Grueso FJ, Kleinstück F, Acaroğlu E, Alanay A, Obeid I Abstract OBJECTIVE: Achieving high patient satisfaction with management is often one of the goals after adult...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
A Novel Digital Platform for a Monitored Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program.
Related ArticlesA Novel Digital Platform for a Monitored Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. J Vis Exp. 2019 04 19;(146): Authors: Dor-Haim H, Katzburg S, Leibowitz D Abstract Despite the evidence that cardiac rehabilitation (CR) reduces the risk of recurrent cardiac events, only a minority of eligible patients are willing to join existing programs at cardiac rehabilitation centers. The unique remote patient monitoring system presented here enables...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Beyond mistreatment: Learner neglect in the clinical teaching environment.
Related ArticlesBeyond mistreatment: Learner neglect in the clinical teaching environment. Med Teach. 2019 08;41(8):949-955 Authors: Buery-Joyner SD, Ryan MS, Santen SA, Borda A, Webb T, Cheifetz C Abstract Medical student mistreatment has been recognized as a deterrent to education as it interferes with the learning process and contributes to student burnout and attrition. Medical schools and leaders in undergraduate medical education have expended...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Yoga for symptom management in oncology: A review of the evidence base and future directions for research.
Related ArticlesYoga for symptom management in oncology: A review of the evidence base and future directions for research. Cancer. 2019 06 15;125(12):1979-1989 Authors: Danhauer SC, Addington EL, Cohen L, Sohl SJ, Van Puymbroeck M, Albinati NK, Culos-Reed SN Abstract Because yoga is increasingly recognized as a complementary approach to cancer symptom management, patients/survivors and providers need to understand its potential benefits and limitations...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Long-term fatigue in survivors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: The Lymphoma Study Association SIMONAL cross-sectional study.
Related ArticlesLong-term fatigue in survivors of non-Hodgkin lymphoma: The Lymphoma Study Association SIMONAL cross-sectional study. Cancer. 2019 07 01;125(13):2291-2299 Authors: Mounier N, Anthony S, Busson R, Thieblemont C, Ribrag V, Tilly H, Haioun C, Casasnovas RO, Morschhauser F, Feugier P, Delarue R, Ysebaert L, Sebban C, Broussais-Guillaumot F, Damaj G, Nerich V, Jais JP, Laborde L, Salles G, Henry-Amar M Abstract BACKGROUND: Long-term survivors...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Recovery Kinetics: Comparison of Patients Undergoing Primary or Revision Procedures for Adult Cervical Deformity Using a Novel Area Under the Curve Methodology.
Related ArticlesRecovery Kinetics: Comparison of Patients Undergoing Primary or Revision Procedures for Adult Cervical Deformity Using a Novel Area Under the Curve Methodology. Neurosurgery. 2019 07 01;85(1):E40-E51 Authors: Segreto FA, Lafage V, Lafage R, Smith JS, Line BG, Eastlack RK, Scheer JK, Chou D, Frangella NJ, Horn SR, Bortz CA, Diebo BG, Neuman BJ, Protopsaltis TS, Kim HJ, Klineberg EO, Burton DC, Hart RA, Schwab FJ, Bess S, Shaffrey CI, Ames CP, Passias PG...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Long-term reported outcomes of transoral incisionless fundoplication: an 8-year cohort study.
Related ArticlesLong-term reported outcomes of transoral incisionless fundoplication: an 8-year cohort study. Surg Endosc. 2019 04;33(4):1304-1309 Authors: Chimukangara M, Jalilvand AD, Melvin WS, Perry KA Abstract BACKGROUND: Transoral incisionless fundoplication (TIF) offers an endoscopic approach to the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Controlled trials have demonstrated the short-term efficacy of this procedure, but long-term...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
How the "control-fate continuum" helps explain the genetic testing decision-making process: a grounded theory study.
Related ArticlesHow the "control-fate continuum" helps explain the genetic testing decision-making process: a grounded theory study. Eur J Hum Genet. 2020 Mar 16;: Authors: Zimmermann BM, Shaw D, Heinimann K, Knabben L, Elger B, Koné I Abstract Genetic testing decision-making for cancer predisposition is inherently complex. Understanding the mechanisms and influencing factors of the decision-making process is essential for genetic counselling and has...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Between innovation and precaution: how did offspring safety considerations play a role in strategies of introducing new reproductive techniques?
Related ArticlesBetween innovation and precaution: how did offspring safety considerations play a role in strategies of introducing new reproductive techniques? Hum Reprod Open. 2020;2020(2):hoaa003 Authors: Jans V, Dondorp W, Mastenbroek S, Mertes H, Pennings G, Smeets H, de Wert G Abstract The field of reproductive medicine has been criticized for introducing ARTs without systematic research on possible safety risks and for failing to meet the standards...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Relationship Between Serum Vitamin D Level and Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case-Control Study.
Related ArticlesRelationship Between Serum Vitamin D Level and Ectopic Pregnancy: A Case-Control Study. J Family Reprod Health. 2019 Sep;13(3):167-172 Authors: Sahhaf F, Saiyar-Sarai S, Piri R, Mohammadi S, Naghavi-Behzad M Abstract Objective: To compare the difference in Vitamin D level between women with ectopic pregnancy and control group. Materials and methods: In the present case-control study, 150 patients with ectopic pregnancy were included as...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
[Necessity of studies on intentional watch and wait strategy in rectal cancer from the perspective of history of surgical oncology].
Related Articles[Necessity of studies on intentional watch and wait strategy in rectal cancer from the perspective of history of surgical oncology]. Zhonghua Wei Chang Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2020 Mar 25;23(3):225-229 Authors: Wu AW Abstract The comprehensive treatment of solid tumor has become a mature treatment model. Under this model, many tumors, such as breast cancer, anal squamous cell carcinoma, rectal gastrointestinal stromal tumor and rectal cancer,...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
[Integration of sexual medicine into the care of HIV patients].
Related Articles[Integration of sexual medicine into the care of HIV patients]. Rev Med Suisse. 2020 Mar 18;16(686):539-542 Authors: Bolmont M, Bianchi-Demicheli F, Calmy A Abstract HIV affection affects sexual function, sexual health and relationships as well as mental health and quality of life. Due to the importance of sexual health for each individual and in order to ensure optimal and quality care, we have assessed the demand for sexual health and...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...
Comparison of the short-term effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and complex decongestive therapy on breast cancer-related lymphedema: A pilot study.
Related ArticlesComparison of the short-term effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and complex decongestive therapy on breast cancer-related lymphedema: A pilot study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Mar;99(11):e19564 Authors: Koo JH, Song SH, Oh HS, Oh SH Abstract Although there have been some reports that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is effective in treating breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), controversy regarding its therapeutic effects remains.We...
pubmed: philosophy for medic...

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