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Κυριακή 11 Αυγούστου 2019

DREAM and RB cooperate to induce gene repression and cell-cycle arrest in response to p53 activation.
Related ArticlesDREAM and RB cooperate to induce gene repression and cell-cycle arrest in response to p53 activation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Aug 10;: Authors: Uxa S, Bernhart SH, Mages CFS, Fischer M, Kohler R, Hoffmann S, Stadler PF, Engeland K, Müller GA Abstract Most human cancers acquire mutations causing defects in the p53 signaling pathway. The tumor suppressor p53 becomes activated in response to genotoxic stress and is essential for arresting...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
How Tubular Epithelial Cell Injury Contributes to Renal Fibrosis.
Related ArticlesHow Tubular Epithelial Cell Injury Contributes to Renal Fibrosis. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2019;1165:233-252 Authors: Liu BC, Tang TT, Lv LL Abstract The renal tubules are the major component of the kidney and are vulnerable to a variety of injuries including ischemia, proteinuria, toxins, and metabolic disorders. It has long been believed that tubules are the victim of injury. In this review, we shift this concept to renal tubules as a driving...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
A randomized phase 2 trial of apatinib vs observation as maintenance treatment following first-line induction chemotherapy in extensive- stage small cell lung cancer.
Related ArticlesA randomized phase 2 trial of apatinib vs observation as maintenance treatment following first-line induction chemotherapy in extensive- stage small cell lung cancer. Invest New Drugs. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Luo H, Zhang L, Yang B, Feng Y, Xiong Y, Zhang S, Li X, Qian C, Dong W, Dai N Abstract Background The 5-year survival rate for extensive-disease small-cell lung carcinoma (ED-SCLC) is only 1%. Recently, apatinib exerted promising...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Bioactive sesquiterpenoids and sesquiterpenoid glucosides from the flowers of Inula japonica.
Related ArticlesBioactive sesquiterpenoids and sesquiterpenoid glucosides from the flowers of Inula japonica. Fitoterapia. 2019 Aug 06;:104292 Authors: Yu ZP, Zhang JS, Zhang Q, Yu SJ, Zhang Y, Yu JH, Zhang H Abstract Three new sesquiterpenoids (1-3) and two new sesquiterpenoid glucosides (4 &5), along with 24 known analogues (6-29), were obtained from the flowers of Inula japonica. Structures of the new compounds were determined by interpretation...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Downregulation of CPA4 inhibits non small-cell lung cancer growth by suppressing the AKT/c-MYC pathway.
Related ArticlesDownregulation of CPA4 inhibits non small-cell lung cancer growth by suppressing the AKT/c-MYC pathway. Mol Carcinog. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Fu Y, Su L, Cai M, Yao B, Xiao S, He Q, Xu L, Yang L, Zhao C, Wan T, Shao L, Wang L, Huang X Abstract Carboxypeptidase A4 (CPA4) is a member of the metallocarboxypeptidase family. A previous study indicated that CPA4 may participate in the modulation of peptide hormone activity and hormone-regulated...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Long non-coding RNA GAS5 promotes PC12 cells differentiation into Tuj1-positive neuron-like cells and induces cell cycle arrest.
Related ArticlesLong non-coding RNA GAS5 promotes PC12 cells differentiation into Tuj1-positive neuron-like cells and induces cell cycle arrest. Neural Regen Res. 2019 Dec;14(12):2118-2125 Authors: Zhao HY, Zhang ST, Cheng X, Li HM, Zhang L, He H, Qin JB, Zhang WY, Sun Y, Jin GH Abstract Growth arrest-specific 5 (GAS5) is an anti-oncogene that has been extensively studied in tumors. However, research on GAS5 in the context of nervous system disease is...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Knockdown of SP1/Syncytin1 axis inhibits the proliferation and metastasis through the AKT and ERK1/2 signaling pathways in non-small cell lung cancer.
Related ArticlesKnockdown of SP1/Syncytin1 axis inhibits the proliferation and metastasis through the AKT and ERK1/2 signaling pathways in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Med. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Li X, Fu Y, Xia X, Zhang X, Xiao K, Zhuang X, Zhang Y Abstract Syncytin 1 is considered as an oncogene in various malignant tumors, but its effect on non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has not been reported. We investigated the specific role of Syncytin...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
FoxO transcription factors 1 regulate mouse preimplantation embryo development.
Related ArticlesFoxO transcription factors 1 regulate mouse preimplantation embryo development. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Kuscu N, Gungor-Ordueri NE, Sozen B, Adiguzel D, Celik-Ozenci C Abstract PURPOSE: The aim of the present study is to investigate role of FoxO transcription factors in preimplantation embryo development by knocking down FoxO1, FoxO3, and FoxO4 genes and also to assess cell cycle arrest related proteins, p53 and...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
1,25(OH)2D3 regulates the proangiogenic activity of pericyte through VDR-mediated modulation of VEGF production and signaling of VEGF and PDGF receptors.
Related Articles1,25(OH)2D3 regulates the proangiogenic activity of pericyte through VDR-mediated modulation of VEGF production and signaling of VEGF and PDGF receptors. FASEB Bioadv. 2019 Jul;1(7):415-434 Authors: Jamali N, Song YS, Sorenson CM, Sheibani N Abstract We have previously demonstrated that the active form of vitamin D (calcitriol; 1,25(OH)2D3) is a potent inhibitor of retinal neovascularization. However, the underlying molecular and cellular...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
LncRNA FOXC2 antisense transcript accelerates non-small-cell lung cancer tumorigenesis via silencing p15.
Related ArticlesLncRNA FOXC2 antisense transcript accelerates non-small-cell lung cancer tumorigenesis via silencing p15. Am J Transl Res. 2019;11(7):4552-4560 Authors: Sun Z, He C, Xiao M, Wei B, Zhu Y, Zhang G, Zhou H, Yuan J, Hu X, Yi Y Abstract Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been demonstrated to modulate the oncogenesis of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), especially the long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). However, the role of lncRNA FOXC2-AS1 in the...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Elevated TRIP13 drives cell proliferation and drug resistance in bladder cancer.
Related ArticlesElevated TRIP13 drives cell proliferation and drug resistance in bladder cancer. Am J Transl Res. 2019;11(7):4397-4410 Authors: Lu S, Guo M, Fan Z, Chen Y, Shi X, Gu C, Yang Y Abstract Dysregulation of mitotic processes can induce chromosome instability, which results in aneuploidy, tumorigenesis, and chemo-resistance. Thyroid hormone receptor interactor 13 (TRIP13) is a critical mitosis regulator, and recent studies suggest that it functions...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
The expression of cerebrospinal fluid exosomal miR-630 plays an important role in the dysfunction of endothelial cells after subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Related ArticlesThe expression of cerebrospinal fluid exosomal miR-630 plays an important role in the dysfunction of endothelial cells after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 08;9(1):11510 Authors: Sun L, Zhang W, Li Z, Li M, Guo J, Wang H, Wang X Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of brain microvascular endothelial cell (BMECs) function and the exosomal miR-630 expression after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)....
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Basal Level p53 Suppresses Antiviral Immunity against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus.
Related ArticlesBasal Level p53 Suppresses Antiviral Immunity against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus. Viruses. 2019 Aug 07;11(8): Authors: Zhang T, Chen H, Liu X, Qi L, Gao X, Wang K, Yao K, Zhang J, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Wu R Abstract Tumor suppressor protein p53 (p53) is a master transcription factor that plays key roles in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, senescence, and metabolism, as well as regulation of innate immunity during virus infection. In order to...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Cardamonin induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis via activation of the JNK-FOXO3a pathway in breast cancer cells.
Related ArticlesCardamonin induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis via activation of the JNK-FOXO3a pathway in breast cancer cells. Cell Biol Int. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Kong W, Li C, Qi Q, Shen J, Chang K Abstract Cardamonin (CD), a naturally occurring chalcone isolated from large black cardamom, was previously reported to suppress the proliferation of breast cancer cells. However, its precise molecular antitumor mechanisms have not been well elucidated....
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
MicroRNA-140-5p inhibits the tumorigenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma by targeting p21 activated kinase 4.
Related ArticlesMicroRNA-140-5p inhibits the tumorigenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma by targeting p21 activated kinase 4. Cell Biol Int. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Peng M, Pang C Abstract Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a serious global health problem. Recently, accumulating microRNA (miRNA) has emerged as crucial players in the development and progression of carcinomas including OSCC. Our study aimed to further investigate the roles of microRNA-140-5p...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
DNA damage kinase signaling: checkpoint and repair at 30 years.
Related ArticlesDNA damage kinase signaling: checkpoint and repair at 30 years. EMBO J. 2019 Aug 08;:e101801 Authors: Lanz MC, Dibitetto D, Smolka MB Abstract From bacteria to mammalian cells, damaged DNA is sensed and targeted by DNA repair pathways. In eukaryotes, kinases play a central role in coordinating the DNA damage response. DNA damage signaling kinases were identified over two decades ago and linked to the cell cycle checkpoint concept proposed...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Long noncoding RNA MEG3 silencing protects against hypoxia-induced pheochromocytoma-12 cell injury through inhibition of TIMP2 promoter methylation.
Related ArticlesLong noncoding RNA MEG3 silencing protects against hypoxia-induced pheochromocytoma-12 cell injury through inhibition of TIMP2 promoter methylation. J Cell Physiol. 2019 Aug 07;: Authors: Zheng XY, Lei BX, Lin YY, Sui MH, Zhang ML, Zhuang ZQ, Dong JT, Jin DM, Yan TB Abstract Hypoxia is a common pathological process caused by insufficient oxygen. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been proven to participate in this pathology. Hypoxia is...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
SPOP regulates the DNA damage response and lung adenocarcinoma cell response to radiation.
Related ArticlesSPOP regulates the DNA damage response and lung adenocarcinoma cell response to radiation. Am J Cancer Res. 2019;9(7):1469-1483 Authors: Dong Y, Zhang D, Cai M, Luo Z, Zhu Y, Gong L, Lei Y, Tan X, Zhu Q, Han S Abstract Speckle-type POZ protein (SPOP) plays an important role in maintaining genome stability. Disability or mutation of the SPOP gene has been reported to contribute to prostate cancer incidence and prognosis. However, the functions...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Nimbolide Represses the Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion of Bladder Carcinoma Cells via Chk2-Mediated G2/M Phase Cell Cycle Arrest, Altered Signaling Pathways, and Reduced Transcription Factors-Associated MMP-9 Expression.
Related ArticlesNimbolide Represses the Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion of Bladder Carcinoma Cells via Chk2-Mediated G2/M Phase Cell Cycle Arrest, Altered Signaling Pathways, and Reduced Transcription Factors-Associated MMP-9 Expression. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2019;2019:3753587 Authors: Shin SS, Hwang B, Muhammad K, Gho Y, Song JH, Kim WJ, Kim G, Moon SK Abstract Nimbolide, an active chemical constituent of Azadirachta indica, reportedly...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Role of p53 isoforms in the DNA damage response during Drosophila oogenesis.
Related ArticlesRole of p53 isoforms in the DNA damage response during Drosophila oogenesis. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 07;9(1):11473 Authors: Park JH, Nguyen TTN, Lee EM, Castro-Aceituno V, Wagle R, Lee KS, Choi J, Song YH Abstract The tumor suppressor p53 is involved in the DNA damage response and induces cell cycle arrest or apoptosis upon DNA damage. Drosophila p53 encodes two isoforms, p53A and p53B, that induce apoptosis in somatic cells. To investigate...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
[Exploration of novel therapeutic targets in acute myeloid leukemia via genome-wide CRISPR screening].
Related Articles[Exploration of novel therapeutic targets in acute myeloid leukemia via genome-wide CRISPR screening]. Rinsho Ketsueki. 2019;60(7):810-817 Authors: Yamauchi T Abstract Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) remains a devasting disease. Progress has been made to define molecular mechanisms underlying disease pathogenesis due, in part, to the near-complete understanding of AML genome. Nonetheless, functional studies are necessary to assess the significance...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Molecular Mechanisms of lncRNAs in Regulating Cancer Cell Radiosensitivity.
Related ArticlesMolecular Mechanisms of lncRNAs in Regulating Cancer Cell Radiosensitivity. Biosci Rep. 2019 Aug 07;: Authors: Zhu J, Chen S, Yang B, Mao W, Yang X, Cai J Abstract Radiotherapy is one of the main modalities of cancer treatment. However, tumor recurrence following radiotherapy occurs in many cancer patients. A key to solving this problem is the optimization of radiosensitivity. In recent years, long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), which affect...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Long non-coding RNA GAS5 inhibits DDP-resistance and tumor progression of epithelial ovarian cancer via GAS5-E2F4-PARP1-MAPK axis.
Related ArticlesLong non-coding RNA GAS5 inhibits DDP-resistance and tumor progression of epithelial ovarian cancer via GAS5-E2F4-PARP1-MAPK axis. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Aug 07;38(1):345 Authors: Long X, Song K, Hu H, Tian Q, Wang W, Dong Q, Yin X, Di W Abstract BACKGROUND: Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the malignant tumor of the female reproductive system with the highest fatality rate. Tolerance of chemotherapeutic drugs like cisplatin (DDP)...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Jingfukang induces anti-cancer activity through oxidative stress-mediated DNA damage in circulating human lung cancer cells.
Related ArticlesJingfukang induces anti-cancer activity through oxidative stress-mediated DNA damage in circulating human lung cancer cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Aug 07;19(1):204 Authors: Que Z, Zhou Z, Luo B, Dong C, Jiang Y, Li H, Tian J Abstract BACKGROUND: Metastasis is the main cause of lung cancer death. As a seed of metastasis, circulating tumor cells are an important target for metastasis intervention. The traditional Chinese medicine,...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
The synergistic antitumor effect of Huaier combined with 5-Florouracil in human cholangiocarcinoma cells.
Related ArticlesThe synergistic antitumor effect of Huaier combined with 5-Florouracil in human cholangiocarcinoma cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Aug 07;19(1):203 Authors: Fu Z, Ma K, Dong B, Zhao C, Che C, Dong C, Zhang R, Wang H, Wang X, Liang R Abstract BACKGROUND: 5-Florouracil (5-FU) is a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug for cholangiocarcinoma, whereas it has unsatisfactory effect, and patients often have chemo-resistance to it. The combination...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Interphase Cytogenetic Analysis of Micronucleated and Multinucleated Cells Supports the Premature Chromosome Condensation Hypothesis as the Mechanistic Origin of Chromothripsis.
Related ArticlesInterphase Cytogenetic Analysis of Micronucleated and Multinucleated Cells Supports the Premature Chromosome Condensation Hypothesis as the Mechanistic Origin of Chromothripsis. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Aug 06;11(8): Authors: Pantelias A, Karachristou I, Georgakilas AG, Terzoudi GI Abstract The discovery of chromothripsis in cancer genomes challenges the long-standing concept of carcinogenesis as the result of progressive genetic events....
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
MiR-200-3p Is Potentially Involved in Cell Cycle Arrest by Regulating Cyclin A during Aestivation in Apostichopus japonicus.
Related ArticlesMiR-200-3p Is Potentially Involved in Cell Cycle Arrest by Regulating Cyclin A during Aestivation in Apostichopus japonicus. Cells. 2019 Aug 06;8(8): Authors: Wang S, Chen M, Yin Y, Storey KB Abstract The sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) has become a good model organism for studying environmentally induced aestivation in marine invertebrates. We hypothesized that mechanisms that arrest energy-expensive cell cycle activity would contribute...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
NPM-ALK Is a Key Regulator of the Oncoprotein FOXM1 in ALK-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma.
Related ArticlesNPM-ALK Is a Key Regulator of the Oncoprotein FOXM1 in ALK-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. Cancers (Basel). 2019 Aug 06;11(8): Authors: Haque M, Li J, Huang YH, Almowaled M, Barger CJ, Karpf AR, Wang P, Chen W, Turner SD, Lai R Abstract Forkhead Box M1 (FOXM1) is an oncogenic transcription factor implicated in the pathogenesis of solid and hematologic cancers. In this study, we examined the significance of FOXM1 in NPM-ALK-positive...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Cordycepin sensitizes breast cancer cells toward irradiation through elevating ROS production involving Nrf2.
Related ArticlesCordycepin sensitizes breast cancer cells toward irradiation through elevating ROS production involving Nrf2. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2019 02 01;364:12-21 Authors: Dong J, Li Y, Xiao H, Luo D, Zhang S, Zhu C, Jiang M, Cui M, Lu L, Fan S Abstract Radiation therapy toward malignancies is often ineffective owing to radioresistance of cancer cells. On the basis of anti-tumor properties of cordycepin, we examined the effects of cordycepin...
pubmed: cell cycle arrest
Evidence of adaptation of maternofetal transport of glutamine relative to placental size in normal mice, and in those with fetal growth restriction.
Related ArticlesEvidence of adaptation of maternofetal transport of glutamine relative to placental size in normal mice, and in those with fetal growth restriction. J Physiol. 2019 Aug 10;: Authors: McIntyre KR, Hayward CE, Sibley CP, Greenwood SL, Dilworth MR Abstract KEY POINTS: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a major risk factor for stillbirth and has significant impact upon lifelong health. A small, poorly functioning placenta, as evidenced by...
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Contribution of prostaglandins to exercise hyperaemia: Workload, ethnicity and sex matter!
Related ArticlesContribution of prostaglandins to exercise hyperaemia: Workload, ethnicity and sex matter! J Physiol. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Aiku AO, Marshall JM Abstract The contribution of prostaglandins (PGs) to exercise hyperaemia is controversial. In this review, we argue this is partly explained by differences between studies in exercise intensity. The effects of cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition and PG assays, PGs contribute more at moderate to...
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Optogenetic recruitment of spinal reflex pathways from large-diameter primary afferents in non-transgenic rats transduced with AAV9/Channelrhodopsin 2.
Related ArticlesOptogenetic recruitment of spinal reflex pathways from large-diameter primary afferents in non-transgenic rats transduced with AAV9/Channelrhodopsin 2. J Physiol. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Kubota S, Sidikejiang W, Kudo M, Inoue KI, Umeda T, Takada M, Seki K Abstract KEY POINTS: We demonstrated optical activation of primary somatosensory afferents with high selectivity to fast-conducting fibres by means of adeno-associated virus (AAV)9-mediated...
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Chronic statin therapy is associated with enhanced cutaneous vascular responsiveness to sympathetic outflow during passive heat stress.
Related ArticlesChronic statin therapy is associated with enhanced cutaneous vascular responsiveness to sympathetic outflow during passive heat stress. J Physiol. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Greaney JL, Stanhewicz AE, Kenney WL Abstract KEY POINTS: Impairments in both central sympathetic and peripheral microvascular function contribute to blunted reflex cutaneous vasodilation during heat stress in healthy older adults. Hypercholesterolemia is associated with...
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Can ketone esters support an appetite to perform and recover?
Related ArticlesCan ketone esters support an appetite to perform and recover? J Physiol. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Cervone DT, Hucik B, Wickham KA PMID: 31393012 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Inorganic phosphate, protons, and diprotonated phosphate may contribute to the exacerbated muscle fatigue in older adults.
Related ArticlesInorganic phosphate, protons, and diprotonated phosphate may contribute to the exacerbated muscle fatigue in older adults. J Physiol. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Hostrup M, Bangsbo J, Cairns SP PMID: 31393009 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
What's so special about lipid transport in the human placenta?
Related ArticlesWhat's so special about lipid transport in the human placenta? J Physiol. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Thornburg KL, Kolahi KS, Valent AM PMID: 31393008 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Restoring the autonomic balance to reduce liver steatosis.
Related ArticlesRestoring the autonomic balance to reduce liver steatosis. J Physiol. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Bruinstroop E, Fliers E, Kalsbeek A PMID: 31393006 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]
Rhinovirus-16 induced temporal interferon responses in nasal epithelium links with viral clearance and symptoms.
Related ArticlesRhinovirus-16 induced temporal interferon responses in nasal epithelium links with viral clearance and symptoms. Clin Exp Allergy. 2019 Aug 10;: Authors: Ravi A, Chang M, van de Pol M, Yang S, Aliprantis A, Thornton B, Carayannopoulos LN, Bautmans A, Robberechts M, De Lepeleire I, Singh D, Hohlfeld JM, Sterk PJ, Krug N, Lutter R, U-BIOPRED Study Group Abstract RATIONALE: The temporal in vivo response of epithelial cells to a viral challenge...
Upper respiratory tract infection
Surveillance of antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Czech Republic, respiratory study results, 2010-2017.
Related ArticlesSurveillance of antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Czech Republic, respiratory study results, 2010-2017. Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol. 2019;68(2):75-81 Authors: Mališová L, Urbášková P, Jakubů V, Španělová P, Kozáková J, Musílek M, Žemličková H Abstract AIM: The purpose of the surveillance performed from October to December in 2010-2017 was to monitor the trends in the susceptibility to beta-lactam and macrolide antibiotics...
Upper respiratory tract infection

upper respiratory tract infection; +27 new citations
27 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/10PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
upper respiratory tract infection; +27 new citations
27 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/10PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
upper respiratory tract infection; +34 new citations
34 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/09PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
upper respiratory tract infection; +34 new citations
34 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: upper respiratory tract infection These pubmed results were generated on 2019/08/09PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Cell-intrinsic survival signals. The role of autophagy in metastatic dissemination and tumor cell dormancy.
Related ArticlesCell-intrinsic survival signals. The role of autophagy in metastatic dissemination and tumor cell dormancy. Semin Cancer Biol. 2019 Aug 07;: Authors: Vera-Ramirez L Abstract Metastasis is the main cause of cancer-related deaths. Disseminated tumor cells (DTCs), which seed metastasis, can remain undetected in a dormant state for decades after treatment of the primary tumor and their persistence is the main cause of late relapse and death...
Genetic and epigenetic analyses of aldosterone-producing adenoma with hypercortisolemia.
Related ArticlesGenetic and epigenetic analyses of aldosterone-producing adenoma with hypercortisolemia. Steroids. 2019 Aug 07;:108470 Authors: Kometani M, Yoneda T, Demura M, Aono D, Gondoh Y, Karashima S, Nishimoto K, Yasuda M, Horike SI, Takeda Y Abstract DNA methylation is associated with excess cortisol and aldosterone. The DNA encoding aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) and 11β-hydroxylase (CYP11B1), which catalyzes the final step of cortisol biosynthesis,...
The New Immunotherapy Combinations in the Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Reality and Perspectives.
Related ArticlesThe New Immunotherapy Combinations in the Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Reality and Perspectives. Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Rocco D, Gravara LD, Gridelli C Abstract BACKGROUND: In the recent years, immunotherapeutics and specifically immune-checkpoints inhibitors have marked a significant shift in the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm of non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), allowing us to use immunotherapy...
Artificial intelligence in digital pathology - new tools for diagnosis and precision oncology.
Related ArticlesArtificial intelligence in digital pathology - new tools for diagnosis and precision oncology. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Bera K, Schalper KA, Rimm DL, Velcheti V, Madabhushi A Abstract In the past decade, advances in precision oncology have resulted in an increased demand for predictive assays that enable the selection and stratification of patients for treatment. The enormous divergence of signalling and transcriptional...
Targeting sickle cell disease root-cause pathophysiology with small molecules.
Related ArticlesTargeting sickle cell disease root-cause pathophysiology with small molecules. Haematologica. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Saunthararajah Y Abstract The complex, frequently devastating, multi-organ pathophysiology of sickle cell disease has a single root-cause of polymerization of deoxygenated sickle hemoglobin. A logical approach to disease modification therefore is to interdict this root-cause. Ideally, such interdiction would utilize small...
EMT and Stemness-Key Players in Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells.
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Definition of synchronous oligo-metastatic non-small cell lung cancer - a consensus report.
Related ArticlesDefinition of synchronous oligo-metastatic non-small cell lung cancer - a consensus report. J Thorac Oncol. 2019 Aug 06;: Authors: Dingemans AC, Hendriks LEL, Berghmans T, Levy A, Hasan B, Faivre-Finn C, Giaj-Levra M, Giaj-Levra N, Girard N, Greillier L, Lantuéjoul S, Edwards J, O'Brien M, Reck M, Smit EF, Van Schil P, Postmus PE, Ramella S, Lievens Y, Gaga M, Peled N, Scagliotti GV, Senan S, Paz-Ares L, Guckenberger M, McDonald F, Ekman S, Cufer T, Gietema...
Consensus for vaginal stenosis prevention in patients submitted to pelvic radiotherapy.
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Ethnic disparity in clinical performance between multivariate index assay and CA125 in detection of ovarian malignancy.
Related ArticlesEthnic disparity in clinical performance between multivariate index assay and CA125 in detection of ovarian malignancy. Future Oncol. 2019 Aug 09;: Authors: Dunton C, Bullock RG, Fritsche H Abstract Aim: Based on evidence that African-American (AA) women have lower CA125 values than Caucasian (C) women, we investigated this to see if this disparity would have an impact on ovarian cancer detection using CA125 and multivariate index assay...
Evidence-based recommendations for the organization of long-term follow-up care for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors: a report from the PanCareSurFup Guidelines Working Group.
Related ArticlesEvidence-based recommendations for the organization of long-term follow-up care for childhood and adolescent cancer survivors: a report from the PanCareSurFup Guidelines Working Group. J Cancer Surviv. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Michel G, Mulder RL, van der Pal HJH, Skinner R, Bárdi E, Brown MC, Vetsch J, Frey E, Windsor R, Kremer LCM, Levitt G Abstract PURPOSE: To facilitate the implementation of long-term follow-up (LTFU) care and improve...
Electronic Health Record Phenotypes for Identifying Patients with Late-Stage Disease: a Method for Research and Clinical Application.
Related ArticlesElectronic Health Record Phenotypes for Identifying Patients with Late-Stage Disease: a Method for Research and Clinical Application. J Gen Intern Med. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Ernecoff NC, Wessell KL, Hanson LC, Lee AM, Shea CM, Dusetzina SB, Weinberger M, Bennett AV Abstract BACKGROUND: Systematic identification of patients allows researchers and clinicians to test new models of care delivery. EHR phenotypes-structured algorithms based...
Providing care to a family member affected by head and neck cancer: a phenomenological study.
Related ArticlesProviding care to a family member affected by head and neck cancer: a phenomenological study. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Aug 08;: Authors: Dri E, Bressan V, Cadorin L, Stevanin S, Bulfone G, Rizzuto A, Luca G Abstract BACKGROUND: Cancer is recognized as a family illness as many head and neck cancer (HNC) patients after treatment require assistance from a family caregiver throughout the rest of their life. The purpose of this study was...
Advanced Imaging Modalities to Monitor for Cardiotoxicity.
Related ArticlesAdvanced Imaging Modalities to Monitor for Cardiotoxicity. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2019 Aug 08;20(9):73 Authors: Seraphim A, Westwood M, Bhuva AN, Crake T, Moon JC, Menezes LJ, Lloyd G, Ghosh AK, Slater S, Oakervee H, Manisty CH Abstract OPINION STATEMENT: Early detection and treatment of cardiotoxicity from cancer therapies is key to preventing a rise in adverse cardiovascular outcomes in cancer patients. Over-diagnosis of cardiotoxicity...
Classification, History, and Future Prospects of Maxillofacial Prosthesis.
Related ArticlesClassification, History, and Future Prospects of Maxillofacial Prosthesis. Int J Dent. 2019;2019:8657619 Authors: de Caxias FP, Dos Santos DM, Bannwart LC, de Moraes Melo Neto CL, Goiato MC Abstract This review presents a classification system for maxillofacial prostheses, while explaining its types. It also aims to describe their origin and development, currently available materials, and techniques, predicts the future requirements,...
Future Aspects of CDK5 in Prostate Cancer: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic Implications.
Related ArticlesFuture Aspects of CDK5 in Prostate Cancer: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic Implications. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Aug 09;20(16): Authors: Oner M, Lin E, Chen MC, Hsu FN, Shazzad Hossain Prince GM, Chiu KY, Teng CJ, Yang TY, Wang HY, Yue CH, Yu CH, Lai CH, Hsieh JT, Lin H Abstract Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) is a unique member of the cyclin-dependent kinase family. CDK5 is activated by binding with its regulatory proteins, mainly p35,...
Phase Ib Study of Combination Therapy with MEK Inhibitor Binimetinib and Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibitor Buparlisib in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors with RAS/RAF Alterations.
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State-of-the-Art Deep Learning in Cardiovascular Image Analysis.
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Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: biological hallmarks, current status, and future perspectives of combined modality treatment approaches.
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Harmonization of proton treatment planning for head and neck cancer using pencil beam scanning: first report of the IPACS collaboration group.
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Poor survival of non-small-cell lung cancer patients with main bronchus tumor: a large population-based study.
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Prodrugs as drug delivery system in oncology.
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Molecular Mechanisms of lncRNAs in Regulating Cancer Cell Radiosensitivity.
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A Novel Simple Puncture Positioning and Guidance System for Intracerebral Hematoma.
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Reversible central hypoventilation syndrome in Basilar Invagination: Case Report.
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Hemorrhage Risk of Untreated Isolated Cerebral Cavernous Malformations.
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Management of spinal emergencies in patients on direct oral anticoagulants.
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Spontaneous subgaleal abscess associated with lung adenocarcinoma: first description of this unusual association.
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Grade II Spondylolisthesis: Reverse Bohlman Procedure with Trans-Discal S1-L5 and S2Ai Screws Placed with Robotic Guidance.
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Revision for endoscopic discectomy: Is lateral lumbar interbody fusion an option?
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Why do poor grade subarachnoid hemorrhage patients die?
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The Effect of Using Visual Trepan to Treat Single Segment Ossification of Ligamentum Flavum (OLF) under the Endoscope.
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The efficacy analysis of robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery for the small volume spontaneous thalamic hemorrhage.
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Preservation of hypothalamic function with endoscopic endonasal resection of hypothalamus-invaded craniopharyngiomas.
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Occipital Sinus Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Presenting with Cerebellar Hemorrhage: A Case Report.
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Crossing the Cervicothoracic Junction in Posterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion: A Cohort Analysis.
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Intraoperative monitoring for vagus nerve stimulation.
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Clinical significance of tumor-related edema of the optic tract affecting visual function in patients with sellar and suprasellar tumors.
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Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications on spinal cord stimulation in the past two decades.
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Multilevel Pedicular Osteotomies for en-bloc Resection of a Primary Ewing Sarcoma of the Subaxial Cervical Spine with Pedicle Screw Reconstruction.
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Discrepancy between internal and external intracranial pressure transducers: quantification of an old source of error in EVDs?
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Anterior temporal approach for clipping of upper basilar artery aneurysms: Surgical techniques and treatment outcomes.
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Incidence, prevalence, and analysis of risk factors for surgical site Infection following lumbar fusion surgery: ≥2-year follow-up retrospective Study.
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Re-perfusion revision surgery for augmented vertebral nonunion with movable cement: A case report.
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Wounds in the head from Kitāb al-Dhakhīra fī 'Ilm al-Ṭibb by Thābit b. Qurra in the 9th century.
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Anterior Cervical Corpectomy and Fusion versus Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion for Treatment of Multilevel Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Insights from a National Registry.
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Multiple spinal chronic subdural hematomas associated with thoracic hematomyelia: a case report and literature review.
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