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Κυριακή 11 Αυγούστου 2019

Improvement in viability and mineralization of osteoporotic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell through combined application of photobiomodulation therapy and oxytocin
Abstract The probable positive effects of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) and oxytocin (OT) treatments together or alone were evaluated on cell viability along with the changes in the gene expression of Osteocalcin (OC), Osteoprotegerin (OPG), and Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) levels of sham (healthy)-Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell(BMMSC) and ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis (OVX)-BMMSC. BMMSC was harvested from healthy and OVX rats and was cultured in osteogenic...
Laser-assisted prevention of enamel caries: a 10-year review of the literature
Abstract Since the invention of lasers in dentistry, investigations in caries prevention by the use of laser radiation have been proposed. There are several mechanisms stated for this purpose such as photothermal and/or photochemical interaction processes with the enamel. Alone or in conjugation with topical fluoride application, this treatment modality may improve enamel acid resistance in high-caries-risk populations. Data collection was done by searching the keywords caries,...
Effects of substrate patterning on cellular spheroid growth and dynamics measured by gradient light interference microscopy (GLIM)
Abstract The development of 3D cellular architectures during development and pathological processes involves intricate migratory patterns that are modulated by genetics and the surrounding microenvironment. The substrate composition of cell cultures has been demonstrated to influence growth, proliferation, and migration in 2D. Here we study the growth and dynamics of mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cultures patterned in a tissue sheet which then exhibits 3D growth. Using gradient light interference...
Journal of Biophotonics
Characterization of the human myocardium by optical coherence tomography
Optical coherence tomography can provide high‐resolution imaging of the human heart valuable for treating cardiovascular disease. However, comprehensive optical coherence tomography imaging data in the human heart is lacking. This study provides imaging data from a large sample size of human hearts, and qualitative and quantitative imaging features corresponding to a variety of cardiac tissue types are described, providing guidance to future cardiac applications of optical coherence tomography. This...
Journal of Biophotonics
OptCAM: an ultra‐fast all‐optical architecture for DNA variant discovery
Abstract Nowadays, the accelerated expansion of genetic data challenges speed of current DNA sequence alignment algorithms due to their electrical implementations. Essential needs of an efficient and accurate method for DNA variant discovery demand new approaches for parallel processing in real time. Fortunately, photonics, as an emerging technology in data computing, proposes optical correlation as a fast similarity measurement algorithm; while complexity of existing local alignment algorithms...
Journal of Biophotonics
Issue Information
Journal of Biophotonics
Inside Cover: Optimization of the photodynamic inactivation of prions by a phthalocyanine photosensitizer: The crucial involvement of singlet oxygen (J. Biophotonics 8/2019)
Photodynamic inactivation of prions by disulfonated hydroxyaluminum phthalocyanine. Further details can be found in the article by Marie Kostelanska, Jaroslav Freisleben, Zdenka Backovska Hanusova, et al. (e201800430). Photodynamic inactivation of prions by disulfonated hydroxyaluminum phthalocyanine. Further details can be found in the article by Marie Kostelanska, Jaroslav Freisleben, Zdenka Backovska Hanusova, et al. (e201800430).
Journal of Biophotonics
Front Cover: An open‐source code for Mie extinction extended multiplicative signal correction for infrared microscopy spectra of cells and tissues (J. Biophotonics 8/2019)
Spectra from microscopic tissue sections are strongly distorted by Mie‐type scattering and require correction by the ME‐EMSC algorithm. In the upper right, Mie extinction curves, which are simulated by the ME‐EMSC algorithm, are shown. Two measured spectra are shown in the foreground, a raw spectrum which contains Mie scattering, and the spectrum corrected by the ME‐EMSC algorithm. The cover figure was designed by Dr. Boris Zimmermann. Further details can be found in the article by Johanne H. Solheim,...
Journal of Biophotonics
Inside Cover: Surface analysis of sheep menisci after meniscectomy via infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy (J. Biophotonics 8/2019)
Infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy is an emerging label‐free method for analyzing the degree of damage in cartilage samples. In the present study, sheep menisci have been characterized after meniscectomy via the variances of relevant biomolecules at the incision surface. Further details can be found in the article by Angela I. López‐Lorente et al. (e201800429). Infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy is an emerging label‐free method for analyzing the degree of damage...
Journal of Biophotonics
Inside Cover: Measuring expansion from macro‐ to nanoscale using NPC as intrinsic reporter (J. Biophotonics 8/2019)
Nuclear pore complex imaged at three different resolutions by confocal, expansion, and Ex‐STED microscopy, respectively. NUP become a ruler to measure the expansion process. Further details can be found in the article by Luca Pesce, Marco Cozzolino, Luca Lanzanò, Alberto Diaspro, and Paolo Bianchini (e201900018). Nuclear pore complex imaged at three different resolutions by confocal, expansion, and Ex‐STED microscopy, respectively. NUP become a ruler to measure the expansion process. Further...
Journal of Biophotonics
Inside Cover: Label‐free multi‐parametric imaging of single cells: dual picosecond optoacoustic microscopy (J. Biophotonics 8/2019)
Sub‐picosecond light pulses are used to launch high‐frequency ultrasound in cells. The dual detection of acoustic echoes and of the time‐domain Brillouin scattering allows mapping remotely and in a single run experiment the cell adhesion, thickness, storage modulus and mass density, all with micron resolution. The dual picosecond opto‐acoustic microscope is demonstrated with the multiple imaging of a mitotic macrophage‐like cell. This novel modality is compatible with simultaneous fluorescence imaging....
Journal of Biophotonics
Biomechanical modeling and computer simulation of the brain during neurosurgery
Abstract Computational biomechanics of the brain for neurosurgery is an emerging area of research recently gaining in importance and practical applications. This review paper presents the contributions of the Intelligent Systems for Medicine Laboratory and it's collaborators to this field, discussing the modeling approaches adopted and the methods developed for obtaining the numerical solutions. We adopt a physics‐based modeling approach, and describe the brain deformation in mechanical terms (such...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Optimization methodology for the material assignation in bioprinted scaffolds to achieve the desired stiffness over time
Abstract The optimum scaffold for tissue engineering must guarantee the mechanical integrity in the damaged zone and ensure an appropriate stiffness to regulate the cellular function. For this to happen, scaffolds must be designed to match the stiffness of the native tissue. Moreover, the degradation rate in the case of bioresorbable materials must be also considered to fit the tissue regeneration rate. This paper presents a methodology based on Design of Experiments, Finite Element Analysis, metamodels...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
On the importance of modeling balloon folding, pleating, and stent crimping: a FE study comparing experimental inflation tests
Abstract FE‐based studies of preoperative processes such as folding, pleating, and stent crimping with a comparison to experimental inflation tests are not yet available. Therefore, a novel workflow is presented in which residual stresses of balloon folding and pleating as well as stent crimping, and the geometries of all contact partners were ultimately implemented in a FE code to simulate stent expansion by using an implicit solver. The numerical results demonstrate that the incorporation of residual...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Impact of baseline coronary flow and its distribution on Fractional Flow Reserve prediction
Abstract Model‐based prediction of Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) in the context of stable Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) diagnosis requires a number of modelling assumptions. One of these assumptions is the definition of a baseline coronary flow, i.e. total coronary flow at rest prior to the administration of drugs needed to perform invasive measurements. Here we explore the impact of several methods available in the literature to estimate and distribute baseline coronary flow on FFR predictions...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Computational Modelling of Magnesium Stent Mechanical Performance in a Remodelling Artery: Effects of Multiple Remodelling Stimuli
Abstract Significant research has been conducted in the area of coronary stents/scaffolds made from resorbable metallic and polymeric biomaterials. These next generation bioabsorbable stents have the potential to completely revolutionise the treatment of coronary artery disease. The primary advantage of resorbable devices over permanent stents is their temporary presence which, from a theoretical point of view, means only a healed coronary artery will be left behind following degradation of the...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Physiopathology and current treatments of androgenetic alopecia: going beyond androgens and anti‐androgens
Abstract Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most diagnosed hair loss dysfunction. Its physiopathology comprises a genetic predisposition affording an exacerbated response of the hair follicles cells to androgens aggravated by scalp inflammation and extrinsic factors. Objective To review the mechanisms and extrinsic factors involved in the AGA physiopathology as well as its conventional and emerging treatments. Design The research focused on reports regarding AGA physiopathology and...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Methylprednisolone pulse therapy plus adjuvant therapy for Pemphigus Vulgaris; an analysis of ten years' experience on 312 patients
Abstract Introduction Steroid pulse therapy has shown satisfactory efficacy and safety in treating pemphigus vulgaris. However, there is a paucity of data about the efficacy and safety of methylprednisolone, despite its frequent administration. Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of steroid pulse therapy in treating pemphigus vulgaris. Material and method In this ten‐year retrospective cohort study, 312 patients with pemphigus vulgaris, who had received methylprednisolone...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Patient experiences with biologics and apremilast in pityriasis rubra pilaris: a patient survey
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Cover Image, Volume 32 Issue 4
The cover image is based on the Special Issue Article Local hyperthermia cleared multifarious viral warts in a patient with Cushing's syndrome by Ming‐Han Mu et al., https://doi.org/10.1111/dth.12815. Cover design credit: Rui‐Qun Qi. Photo credit: Min‐Han Mu and Yi‐Ning Wang. Institution credit: The First Hospital of China Medical University.
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Issue Information
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
The results of radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinomas of the skin
ABSTRACT Skin cancer patients with non‐melanoma skin cancer who have the highest risk of disease‐specific death are squamous cell carcinoma. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics (age, sex), indications and doses of lesions and radiotherapy, loco‐regional control, relapse‐free survival and overall survival rates in squamous cell carcinomas of the skin patients treated and followed at our clinic. For this purpose, 153 patients treated with radiotherapy and followed between January‐1996...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Belimumab treatment in Rhupus: A case report with severe skin involvement
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Comment on “Corticosteroid injection in treatment of persistent oral lichen planus: Three cases”
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Highly Stable Li Metal Anode Interface via Molecular Layer Deposition Zircone Coatings for Long Life Next‐Generation Battery Systems
Herein, molecular layer deposition is used to form a nanoscale “zircone” protective layer on Li metal to achieve stable and long life Li metal anodes. The zircone‐coated Li metal shows enhanced air stability, electrochemical performance and high rate capability in symmetrical cell testing. Moreover, as a proof of concept, the protected Li anode is used in a next‐generation Li‐O2 battery system and is shown to extend the lifetime by over 10‐fold compared to the batteries with untreated Li metal. Furthermore,...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Ultrastable Matryoshka [Hf13] Nanocluster as a Luminescence Sensor for Concentrated Alkali and Acid
Stable metal clusters that can resist both highly concentrated acid and alkali are unknown. Herein, we present the first discrete neutral cluster, Hf13(μ4‐O)8(OCH3)36 (1), which features extraordinary chemical stability with preserving crystalline state in both concentrated acid (10 M HNO3) and alkali (20 M boiling NaOH) aqueous solution. Importantly, 1 is the first luminescence probe for detecting both concentrated alkali (20 M NaOH) and strong acid (1 M HNO3) with high selectivity and repeatability....
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Voltage‐switchable HCl transport enabled by lipid headgroup‐transporter interactions
Synthetic anion transporters that facilitate transmembrane H+/Cl− symport (cotransport) have anti‐cancer potential due to their ability to neutralize pH gradients and inhibit autophagy in cells. However, compared to the natural product prodigiosin, synthetic anion transporters have low‐to‐modest H+/Cl− symport activity and their mechanism of action remains less well understood. We report a chloride‐selective tetraurea macrocycle that has a record‐high H+/Cl− symport activity similar to that of prodigiosin...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Fast and Quantitative NMR Metabolite Analysis Afforded by a Paramagnetic Co‐Solute
NMR spectroscopy is an indispensable technique for the determination of the chemical identity and structure of small molecules. The technique is especially recognized for its robustness and intrinsically quantitative nature and has manifested itself as a key analytical platform for diverse fields of application, ranging from chemical synthesis to metabolomics. Unfortunately, the slow recovery of nuclear spin polarization by spin‐lattice (T1) relaxation causes most experiment time to be lost on idle...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Expanding APEX2 Substrates for Proximity‐Dependent Labeling of Nucleic Acids and Proteins in Living Cells
Place label here: A panel of biotin‐conjugated aromatic probes were synthesized and screened for APEX2‐mediated proximity labeling of protein, DNA, and RNA. Among these, biotin‐aniline emerged as an efficient probe for capturing the subcellular transcriptome in living cells with high spatial specificity. Abstract The subcellular organization of biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids is intimately linked to their biological functions. APEX2, an engineered ascorbate peroxidase that enables...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Genetically Encoded, Phage‐Displayed Cyclic Peptide Library
Superior to linear peptides in biological activities, cyclic peptides are considered to have great potentials used as therapeutic agents. In order to identify cyclic peptide ligands for therapeutic targets, selection from phage‐displayed peptide libraries in which cysteines are conjugated covalently through either the disulfide bond or organic linkers has been widely adopted with great success. To resolve some technical drawbacks related to cysteine conjugation, we have invented a novel phage display...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Bridging the Gap between Structurally Distinct 2D Lamellar Zeolitic Precursors through a 3D Germanosilicate Intermediate
There is broad scientific interest in lamellar zeolitic materials for a large variety of technological applications. The traditional synthetic methodologies towards two‐dimensional (2D) zeolitic precursors have made a great impact in the construction of families of related zeolites; however, the connection between structurally distinct 2D zeolitic precursors is much sparser by comparison, resulting in a synthetic obstacle that theoretically limits the types of zeolites that can be constructed based...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Potent lymphatic translocation and spatial control over innate immune activation by polymer‐lipid amphiphile conjugates of small molecule TLR7/8 agonists
Innate immune activation is an important hallmark in fighting infectious diseases and cancer and can be provoked by potent small molecule agonists of pathogen associated molecular patterns. However, uncontrolled triggering evokes systemic inflammatory immune responses and has hampered clinical translation of several classes of small molecule immune‐modulators such as imidazoquinoline TLR7/8 agonists. Taking advantage of the inherent serum protein‐binding property of lipid motifs and their tendency...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Dual Killing Strategy — Photocatalytic Generation of Singlet Oxygen with Concomitant Pt(IV) Prodrug Activation
A Ruthenium‐based mitochondrial‐targeting photosensitiser that undergoes efficient cell uptake, enables the rapid catalytic conversion of Pt(IV) prodrugs into their active Pt(II) counterparts and drives the generation of singlet oxygen was designed. This duality drives two orthogonal killing mechanisms with cytotoxicity mediated with temporal and spatial control and was shown to elicit cell death of a panel of cancer cell lines including those showing oxaliplatin‐resistance.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Pyridine‐Pyridine Cross‐Coupling Reaction via Dearomatized Radical Intermediates.
A pyridine‐pyridine coupling reaction has been developed between pyridyl phosphonium salts and cyanopyridines using B2pin2 as an electron‐transfer reagent. Complete regio‐ and cross‐selectivity are observed when forming a range of valuable 2,4’‐bipyridines. Phosphonium salts were found to be the only viable radical precursors in this process, and mechanistic studies indicate that the process does not proceed via Minisci‐type coupling involving a pyridyl radical. Instead, a radical‐radical coupling...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Redox‐Neutral Coupling between Two C(sp3)–H Bonds Enabled by 1,4‐Palladium Shift for the Synthesis of Fused Heterocycles
The intramolecular coupling of two C(sp3)–H bonds to forge a C(sp3)–C(sp3) bond is enabled by 1,4‐Pd shift from a trisubstituted aryl bromide. Contrary to most C(sp3)–C(sp3) cross‐dehydrogenative couplings, this reaction operates under redox‐neutral conditions, with the C–Br bond acting as an internal oxidant. In addition, it allows the coupling between two moderately acidic primary or secondary C–H bonds, i. e. adjacent to an oxygen or nitrogen atom on one side, and benzylic or adjacent to a carbonyl...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Control of Multicolor and White Emissions by Tuning Equilibrium Between Fluorophores, Lewis Acids, and Their Complexes Using Polymers
Multicolor emissive materials consisting of a single luminophore, a Lewis acid, and their complex were developed. The emissive colors can be tuned by changing the concentration of the solution and the ratio of mixed solvents. Various emissive colors in the solid state were observed by mixing the complexes into polymers in different amounts. The color change is due to equilibrium disruption between the single luminophore, Lewis acid, and its complex. White emission was observed by appropriately controlling...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Synthesis of A Pincer‐Ir(V) Complex with A Base‐Free Alumanyl Ligand and Its Application toward Dehydrogenation of Alkanes
A pincer‐iridium complex bearing a Lewis‐base‐free X‐type alumanyl ligand was synthesized. X‐ray diffraction study, NMR, IR and XANES analysis confirmed its tetrahydrido‐Ir(V) structure and Lewis acidity at the Al center as supported by DFT calculations. The resulting complex was applied as a catalyst for transfer dehydrogenation of cyclooctane.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Modular design of small enzymatic reaction networks based on reversible and cleavable inhibitors
Systems chemistry aims to mimic the functional behavior of living systems by constructing chemical reaction networks with well‐defined dynamic properties. Enzymes can play a key role in such networks, but there is currently no general and scalable route to the design and construction of enzymatic reaction networks. Here, we introduce reversible, cleavable peptide inhibitors that can link proteolytic enzymatic activity into simple network motifs. As a proof‐of‐principle, we show auto‐activation topologies...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Crystal‐to‐Gel Transformation Stimulated by a Solid‐State E→Z Photoisomerization
The molecule (E)‐(5‐(3‐anthracen‐9‐yl‐allylidene)‐2,2‐dimethyl‐[1,3] dioxane‐4,6‐dione) (E‐AYAD) undergoes an E→Z photoisomerization. In the solid‐state, this photoisomerization can initiate a physical transformation of the crystal that is accompanied by a large volume expansion (~10 times), loss of crystallinity, and the growth of large pores. This physical change requires conversion of the ~10% conversion of the E to Z isomer and results in a gel‐like solid with decreased stiffness that still...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Global Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity in Porphyrin Nanoring Anions
Doping, through oxidation or reduction, is often used to modify the properties of π‐conjugated oligomers. In most cases, the resulting charge distribution is difficult to determine. If the oligomer is cyclic and doping establishes global aromaticity or antiaromaticity, then it is certain that the charge is fully delocalized over the entire perimeter of the ring. Here we show that reduction of a six‐porphyrin nanoring using decamethylcobaltocene results in global aromaticity (in the 6– state; [90...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Late‐Stage 18F‐Difluoromethyl Labeling of N‐Heteroaromatics with High Molar Activity for PET Imaging
Make a trace: A new flow photoredox methodology allows the 18F‐difluoromethylation of heteroaromatics by C−H activation. The method is applicable to a wide range of heteroaromatics and can be used for the preparation of radiotracers with high molar activities, tracers suitable for positron emission tomography studies. Abstract Despite a growing interest in CHF2 in medicinal chemistry, there is a lack of efficient methods for the insertion of CHF18F into druglike compounds. Herein described...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Structurally Precise Silver Sulfide Nanoclusters Protected by Rhodium(III) Octahedra with Aminothiolates
A novel 60‐nuclear silver sulfide nanocluster with a highly positive charge (1) whose spherical surface is protected by a chiral octahedral rhodium(III) complex with 2‐aminoethanethiolates is reported. 1 is easily synthesized by mixing the rhodium(III) complex, silver(I) nitrate, and D‐penicillamine in water under mild conditions, with the C‐S bond cleavage of the D‐penicillamine supplying sulfide ions. While 1 does not contain D‐penicillamine, it is optically active due to the enantio‐excess of...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Nickel‐Diamine/Mesoporous Silica Composite as a Heterogeneous Chiral Catalyst for Asymmetric 1,4‐Addition Reactions
A chiral composite material, derived from a chiral nickel‐diamine complex and MCM‐41, was shown to be an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for asymmetric 1,4‐addition reactions. MCM‐41 enhanced reactivity and improved stability of the chiral nickel complex that resided within the mesoporous material. Abstract A chiral composite material, derived from the deposition of a chiral nickel–diamine complex via wet impregnation to MCM‐41, was shown to be an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for asymmetric...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
C3‐Symmetric Assemblies from Trigonal Polycarbene Ligands and MI Ions for the Synthesis of Three‐Dimensional Polyimidazolium Cations
Trigonal hexakis‐ and nonakisimidazolium salts were used to prepare metallosupramolecular assemblies featuring 6 or 9 MI (M=Ag, Au) ions. Functionalization of the trigonal poly‐NHCs enabled a photochemically induced [2+2] cycloaddition connecting the poly‐NHCs via cyclobutane linkers. Removal of the template metal ions yielded polyimidazolium cations with 12 or 18 imidazolium groups and potentially large cavities. Abstract Metallosupramolecular poly‐NHC‐metal assemblies were prepared from trigonal...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Karplus equation for the conformational analysis of organic molecular crystals
Vicinal scalar couplings (3J) are extensively used for conformational analysis of organic compounds in the liquid state through the use of empirical Karplus equations. Contrastingly, there are no examples of such use for structural investigation of solids. With the support of first principles calculations, we demonstrate here that 13C‐13C 3J (3JCC) measured on a series of isotopically‐enriched solid amino acids and sugars can be related to dihedral angles by a simple Karplus‐like relationship, and...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Thermal Oxidation of Carbonaceous Nanomaterials Revisited: Evidence of Mechanism Changes
Burn, baby, burn! A novel thermogravimetric method has been developed for the rapid extraction of precise kinetic data. Studies on the combustion of carbon show that the mechanism changes depending on the temperature. This technique can be applied directly to other disciplines and fields for obtaining fast and precise kinetic data from thermogravimetric experiments. Abstract Kinetic data, for example, activation energy and reaction order, are crucial for the understanding of chemical reactions...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Facile Molecular Machine: Optically Triggered Counterion Migration by Charge Transfer of Linear Donor‐π‐Acceptor Phosphonium Fluorophores
Pair at work: Optically driven charge transfer in nondissociated donor–acceptor ion pairs induces a counterion migration, reminiscent of a molecular machine. This motion leads to relocation of the cation and anion, and results in unusual dual fluorescence through the previously unrecognized properties of ionic D‐π‐A systems in nonpolar media. Abstract The D‐π‐A type phosphonium salts in which electron acceptor (A=‐+PR3) and donor (D=‐NPh2) groups are linked by polarizable π‐conjugated spacers...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
How Small Heterocycles Make a Reaction Network of Amino Acids and Nucleotides Efficient in Water
Organocapture, in which a small heterocycle captures reactive intermediates by reacting with them, thereby suppressing their hydrolysis, and modulating their reactivity, could have facilitated the formation of biosynthetic networks in the absence of enzymes on the early earth. Abstract Organisms use enzymes to ensure a flow of substrates through biosynthetic pathways. How the earliest form of life established biosynthetic networks and prevented hydrolysis of intermediates without enzymes is...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Supercapacitors in Motion: Autonomous Microswimmers for Natural‐Resource Recovery
High‐performing swimmers: The performance of autonomous microswimmers for the recovery of valuable metals such as lithium is studied. This method is based on an electroadsorption mechanism taking advantage of the high electrostatic double‐layer capacitance of graphite and bismuth with the layered crystal structures. Notably, because of the interlayer spacing of these materials, it is possible to store metals in >400 layers. Abstract An electroadsorption technique similar to the ultrafast...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Merging Regiodivergent Catalysis with Atom‐Economical Radical Arylation
Herein, we describe a titanocene catalyzed regiodivergent radical arylation that allows access to either enantiomerically pure tetrahydroquinolines or indolines from a common starting material. The regioselectivity of epoxide opening that results in the high selectivity of heterocycle formation is controlled by two factors, the absolute configuration of the enantiopure ligands of the (C5H4R)2TiX2 catalyst and the inorganic ligand X (X = ‐Cl, ‐OTs). The overall reaction is atom‐economical, and constitutes...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Regio‐ and Enantioselective Preparation of Chiral Allylic Sulfones Featuring Elusive Quaternary Stereocenters
We describe here the first general asymmetric synthesis of sterically encumbered alfa,alfa‐disubstituted allylic sulfones via Pdcatalyzed allylic substitution. The design and application of a new and highly efficient phosphoramidite ligand (L10) proved to be crucial, and a wide variety of challenging allylic sulfones featuring quaternary stereocenters could be obtained in good yields and with good to excellent levels of regio‐ and enantioselectivities under attractive process conditions. The developed...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Halogen‐Bond Donor Catalyst for Templated Macrocyclization
A halogen‐bond templated 1:1 macrocyclization in solution is reported. Tetra(iodoperfluorophenyl) ethers were used as halogen‐bonded exotemplates in a substoichiometric amount (5 mol%). Pyridine‐containing macrocyclic architectures were formed by ruthenium‐catalyzed tandem metathesis/transfer hydrogenation sequence using sodium borohydride and methanol as non‐dihydrogen hydrogen source. The halogen‐bonded stabilization energies were analyzed relying on density functional theory.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Supported intermetallic PdZn nanoparticles as bifunctional catalysts for the direct synthesis of dimethyl ether from CO‐rich synthesis gas
The single‐step syngas‐to‐dimethyl ether (STD) process entails economic and technical advantages over the current industrial two‐step process. Pd/ZnO‐based catalysts have recently emerged as interesting alternatives to currently used Cu/ZnO/Al₂O₃ catalysts, but the nature of the active site(s), the reaction mechanism and the role of Pd and ZnO in the solid catalyst are not well established. Here Zn‐stabilized Pd colloids with a size of 2 nm served as the key building blocks for the methanol active...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
De‐aromatization Approach Toward Superbenzoquinone Based Diradicaloid, Tetraradicaloid, and Hexaradicaloid
We report step‐by‐step de‐aromatization of a highly aromatic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), the hexa‐peri‐hexabenzocoronene (also called as “superbenzene”), to give a series of superbenzoquinones containing two, four and six ketone groups. Different from traditional PAH‐based quinones, these superbenzoquinones show open‐shell multi‐radical character via re‐aromatization in the open‐shell forms, which was experimentally validated by X‐ray crystallographic analysis, NMR, ESR, and FT‐IR measurements,...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Enantiospecific desorption by circularly polarized light
The interest in enantio‐separation and enantio‐purification of chiral molecules has been drastically increasing over the past decades, as these are important steps in various disciplines such as pharmaceutical industry, asymmetric catalysis and chiral sensing. By exposing racemic samples of BINOL (1,1’‐bi‐2‐naph­thol) coated onto achiral glass substrates to circularly polarized light, we unambiguously demonstrate that by controlling the handedness of circularly polarized light, preferential desorption...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Selective Late‐Stage Oxygenation of Sulfides with Ground‐State Oxygen by Uranyl Photocatalysis
The late‐stage oxygenation of sulfur‐containing complex molecules was achieved with ground‐state oxygen under ambient conditions. Use of the uranyl cation (UO22+) as the active photocatalyst enabled the synthesis of sulfone and sulfoxide derivatives of 32 pharmaceuticals in an atom‐ and step‐efficient manner. Abstract Oxygenation is a fundamental transformation in synthesis. Herein, we describe the selective late‐stage oxygenation of sulfur‐containing complex molecules with ground‐state oxygen...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Artemisinin–(Iso)quinoline Hybrids by C−H Activation and Click Chemistry: Combating Multidrug‐Resistant Malaria
ARTful hybrids: Artemisinin (ART)‐based hybrids that are highly potent against CQ/drug‐sensitive and multidrug‐resistant parasites and of strong efficacy in experimental malaria were synthesized. New putatively hybrid‐binding proteins, in addition to known target proteins of quinoline and artemisinin, were identified by chemical proteomics, suggesting that the hybrids act through multiple modes of action to overcome resistance. Abstract A substantial challenge worldwide is emergent drug resistance...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Positional and Geometrical Isomerisation of Alkenes: The Pinnacle of Atom Economy
Pinnacles: Reactions that emulate the remarkable efficiency of natural isomerases are academically stimulating and constitute the pinnacle of atom economy. This Minireview surveys strategies to achieve spatiotemporal regulation of pre‐existing alkenes by selective geometric and/or positional isomerisation. Abstract Strategies to achieve spatiotemporal regulation of pre‐existing alkenes via external stimuli are essential given the ubiquity of feedstock olefins in chemistry and their downstream...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Asymmetric Synthesis of Enantioenriched 2‐Aryl‐2,3‐Dihydrobenzofurans by a Lewis Acid Catalyzed Cyclopropanation/Intramolecular Rearrangement Sequence
Getting closure: Excellent yields, diastereoselectivity, and enantioselectivity of 2‐aryl‐2,3‐dihydrobenzofuran derivatives are obtained in the reaction of in situ generated ortho‐quinone methides with α‐diazoester compounds in the presence of a chiral oxazaborolidinium ion catalyst (COBI). Abstract A cyclopropanation/intramolecular rearrangement initiated by the Michael addition of in situ generated ortho‐quinone methides (o‐QMs) has been developed for the enantioselective synthesis of 2‐aryl‐2,3‐dihydrobenzofurans...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition

Metasurface‐Based Molecular Biosensing Aided by Artificial Intelligence
Metaresonances resolve matter: Metasurface‐based biospectroscopy has emerged as a highly sensitive tool for identifying and quantifying the constituents of biochemical systems. This Minireview showcases different metaresonator geometries and the unique possibilities they offer for molecular studies. Recently demonstrated dielectric metasurfaces with imaging‐based detection are emphasized, and the prospect of AI‐enhanced biosensing is highlighted. Abstract Molecular spectroscopy provides unique...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Rational Design of Crystalline Covalent Organic Frameworks for Efficient CO2 Photoreduction with H2O
COF catalysts: A series of crystalline covalent organic frameworks (COFs) was designed and applied for CO2 photoreduction coupled with H2O photooxidation, in the absence of photosensitizers and sacrificial agents, giving a more straightforward and clear understanding of the structure–function relationship of artificial photosynthesis. Abstract Solar energy‐driven conversion of CO2 into fuels with H2O as a sacrificial agent is a challenging research field in photosynthesis. Herein, a series...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Mechanistic Analysis of the Pd‐Catalyzed Formation of Branched Allylic Amines reveals the Origin of the Regio‐ and Enantioselectivity through a Unique Inner‐Sphere Pathway
A recently reported palladium‐catalyzed allylic substitution of vinyl‐substituted cyclic carbonates (VCCs) with aryl amines represents a rare example of a regio‐ and enantioselective synthesis of alfa,alfa‐disubstituted allylic N‐aryl amines. However, the underlying reasons for this unusual selectivity profile remain elusive. In the present work, density functional theory (DFT) calculations in combination with mechanistic control experiments were performed to elucidate in detail this allylic amination...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
A Surfactant‐Free and Scalable General Strategy for Synthesizing Ultrathin Two‐Dimensional Metal–Organic Framework Nanosheets for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Think thin: The so‐called 2D oxide sacrifice approach is developed to coordinate the metal atoms of amorphous metal oxide nanosheets with ligands to synthesize metal–organic framework (MOF) nanosheets. The resulting ultrathin FeCo MOF‐74 nanosheets (2.6 nm) shows an excellent oxygen evolution reaction (OER) activity owing to its abundant coordinatively unsaturated metal sites and heteroatom synergy. Abstract Metal–organic framework (MOFs) two‐dimensional (2D) nanosheets have many coordinatively...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Antimony‐Based Composites Loaded on Phosphorus‐Doped Carbon for Boosting Faradaic Efficiency of the Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction Reaction
Antimony‐based composites loaded on phosphorus‐doped carbon exhibit excellent Faradaic efficiency for the conversion of nitrogen to ammonia under ambient conditions in both acidic and neutral electrolytes. Two active species, namely P‐doped carbon and antimony phosphate, synergistically improve the nitrogen reduction reaction performance. Abstract A nanocomposite of PC/Sb/SbPO4 (PC, phosphorus‐doped carbon) exhibits a high activity and an excellent selectivity for efficient electrocatalytic...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
SPECT/CT and fusion ultrasound to target the efferent groin lymph node for lymphatic surgery
Abstract Introduction Pelvic lymphadenectomy (PL) causes changes to the inguinal lymph nodes with progressive loss of immune and lymphatic pump function. Efferent lymphatic vessel‐to‐venous anastomosis (ELVA) has been reported to address this problem. The aim of this report was to describe the feasibility of the SPECT/CT combined with ultrasound fusion imaging (UFI) to target the groin efferent lymph node (GELN) for ELVA. Patients and Methods Twelve patients with lower limb lymphedema after...
Germinal Immunogenetics predict treatment outcome for PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint inhibitors
Summary Background Checkpoint inhibitors bring marked benefits but only in a minority of patients and may also be associated with severe adverse events. Treatment outcome still cannot be faithfully predicted. The following study hypothesized that host genetics could be applied as predictive biomarkers for checkpoint inhibitor response and immune-related adverse events. We conducted a study based on germinal polymorphisms from genes coding for proteins involved in immune regulation....
Latest Results for Investigational New Drugs
A randomized phase 2 trial of apatinib vs observation as maintenance treatment following first­line induction chemotherapy in extensive­ stage small cell lung cancer
Summary Background The 5-year survival rate for extensive-disease small-cell lung carcinoma (ED-SCLC) is only 1%. Recently, apatinib exerted promising effects on cancer patients after failure of first-line chemotherapy. Methods This study enrolled 24 ED-SCLC patients to study the efficacy and toxicity of apatinib in combination with chemotherapy and maintenance therapy. The primary endpoints were overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). The secondary endpoints...
Latest Results for Investigational New Drugs
Y90-radioembolization via variant hepatic arteries: Is there a relevant risk for non-target embolization?
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World journal of radiology
Genial tubercles: Morphological study of the controversial anatomical landmark using cone beam computed tomography.
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World journal of radiology
Positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging appearance of benign and classic "do not touch" osseous lesions.
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World journal of radiology
Gene cloning and characterization of Tk1281, a flap endonuclease 1 from Thermococcus kodakarensis
Abstract Flap endonuclease is a structure-specific nuclease which cleaves 5′-flap of bifurcated DNA substrates. Genome sequence of Thermococcus kodakarensis harbors an open reading frame, Tk1281, exhibiting high homology with archaeal flap endonucleases 1. The corresponding gene was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli, and the gene product was purified to apparent homogeneity. Tk1281 was a monomer of 38 kDa and catalyzed the cleavage of 5′-flap from double-stranded DNA substrate...
Latest Results for Folia Microbiologica
Dihydroisocoumarins produced by Diaporthe cf. heveae LGMF1631 inhibiting citrus pathogens
Abstract Citrus black spot (CBS) and post-bloom fruit drop (PFD), caused by Phyllosticta citricarpa and Colletotrichum abscissum, respectively, are two important citrus diseases worldwide. CBS depreciates the market value and prevents exportation of citrus fruits to Europe. PFD under favorable climatic conditions can cause the abscission of flowers, thereby reducing citrus production by 80%. An ecofriendly alternative to control plant diseases is the use of endophytic microorganisms,...
Latest Results for Folia Microbiologica
Pharmacologic potential of new nitro-compounds as antimicrobial agents against nosocomial pathogens: design, synthesis, and in vitro effectiveness
Abstract Nosocomial infections are an important cause of morbi-mortality worldwide. The increase in the rate of resistance to conventional drugs in these microorganisms has stimulated the search for new therapeutic options. The nitro moiety (NO2) is an important pharmacophore of molecules with high anti-infective activity. We aimed to synthesize new nitro-derivates and to evaluate their antibacterial and anti-Candida potential in vitro. Five compounds [3-nitro-2-phenylchroman-4-ol...
Latest Results for Folia Microbiologica
The effect of light quality and quantity on carbon allocation in Chromera velia
Abstract Chromera velia is a marine photosynthetic relative of human apicomplexan parasites. It has been isolated from coral reefs and is indicted for being involved in symbioses with hermatypic corals. C. velia has been subject to intensive research, but still very little is known of its response to light quality and quantity. Here, we have studied the growth and compositional responses of C. velia to culture under monochromatic light (blue, green or red), at two photon flux densities...
Latest Results for Folia Microbiologica
Serratia marcescens colonization in preterm neonates during their neonatal intensive care unit stay
Nosocomial sepsis is the main problem that preterms have to face during their stay at neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Serratia marcescens is an emerging cause of preterm sepsis but its epidemiology is still...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of selected Enterobacteriaceae in wastewater samples from health facilities, abattoir, downstream rivers and a WWTP in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Evaluation of antimicrobial susceptibility profile of various bacterial pathogens in the health facilities, abattoirs and related environment is important to assess potential risk of dissemination of resistant...
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Correction to: Cross-border comparison of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and AMR prevention measures: the healthcare workers’ perspective
The original article [1] contained a minor editorial typo in the following sentence which has now been corrected:
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - Latest Articles
Clinical factors affecting the translucency of monolithic Y-TZP ceramics
Abstract The use of monolithic yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) ceramics in aesthetically critical regions is questionable because of the insufficient translucency and opacity of the restorations. Intrinsic (manufacturing process) and extrinsic factors (laboratory procedures and clinical factors) can affect the translucency of monolithic zirconia. In this narrative review, the clinical factors (thickness, cementation type, colour of the monolithic zirconia,...
Inhibitory effect of activin A on IL-9 production by mouse NK cells through Smad3 signaling
Journal Name: Biological ChemistryIssue: Ahead of print
Biological Chemistry.

Alterations in rat adipose tissue transcriptome and proteome in response to prolonged fasting
Journal Name: Biological ChemistryIssue: Ahead of print
Biological Chemistry.
Study furthers radically new view of gene control
Researchers have discovered physical interactions between proteins and DNA that help explain why specialized droplets called condensates, which contain the machinery needed to copy DNA into RNA, tend to cluster at genomic regions that are particularly active in a given cell.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Additional Risk Stratification Using Local and Systemic Factors for Patients with Critical Limb Ischaemia Undergoing Endovascular Therapy in the WIfI Era
Publication date: Available online 10 August 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Yosuke Hata, Osamu Iida, Shin Okamoto, Takayuki Ishihara, Kiyonori Nanto, Takuya Tsujumura, Mitsuyoshi Takahara, Toshiaki ManoObjectivesWhile current guidelines describe the importance of assessing limb characteristics for predicting limb prognosis in patients with critical limb ischaemia (CLI), several reports have also suggested that systemic factors are associated with limb...
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Juxtarenal Aortic Aneurysm: Are We Ready for a Randomised Trial on Open versus Endovascular Repair? Commentary on “Durability of Open Repair of Juxtarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. A Multicentre Retrospective Study in Five French Academic Centres”
Publication date: Available online 9 August 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Sandro Lepidi, Francesco Squizzato
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome after Surgery for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Subgroups, Risk Factors, and Outcome
Publication date: Available online 9 August 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Samuel Ersryd, Khatereh Djavani Gidlund, Anders Wanhainen, Linn Smith, Martin BjörckObjectivesAbdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) is a serious complication after abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair. The aim was to investigate outcome among subgroups and factors associated with outcome, with emphasis on the duration of intra-abdominal hypertension before treatment.MethodsSince...
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Publication date: Available online 9 August 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Arindam Chaudhuri, Ramita Dey
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Trans-Iliac Bypass Grafting for Vascular Groin Complications
Publication date: Available online 8 August 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Florian K. Enzmann, Patrick Nierlich, Sebastian K. Eder, Manuela Aspalter, Werner Dabernig, Thomas Aschacher, Klaus Linni, Thomas J. HölzenbeinObjectivesGroin complications following vascular reconstruction, extensive trauma, or severe radiation induced scarring may complicate future revascularisation procedures of the lower limb. Although several techniques have been described,...
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Fumaric acids as a novel antagonist of TLR-4 pathway mitigates arsenic-exposed inflammation in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells.
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Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology
Struggling Prior to a Teaching Event Results in Superior Short-Term Skills Acquisition in Novice Learners
Publication date: Available online 9 August 2019Source: Journal of Surgical EducationAuthor(s): Ross Willis, Dylan Erwin, Fayette AdelajaObjectiveThe act of generating an answer/solution before a learning episode has been shown to enhance performance, even if the learner produces incorrect answers/solutions. This phenomenon has been termed the pretesting effect. In essence, allowing a learner to struggle prior to instruction may be beneficial. The benefits of the pretesting effect have been demonstrated...
Journal of Surgical Education
The Independent Plastic Surgery Match (2010-2018): Applicant and Program Trends, Predictors of a Successful Match, and Future Directions
Publication date: Available online 9 August 2019Source: Journal of Surgical EducationAuthor(s): Saïd C. Azoury, Geoff M. Kozak, John T. Stranix, David L. Colen, William Piwnica-Worms, Joshua Fosnot, Joseph M. Serletti, Stephen J. KovachObjectivesChanges were made to the independent plastic surgery residency in 2009 to 2010 that included full prerequisite training and increased from 2 to 3 years of independent residency. The authors sought to determine subsequent match trends and predictors of a successful...
Journal of Surgical Education
Algorithms for Immunochromatographic Assay: Review and Impact on Future Application
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN00964G, Critical ReviewQi Qin, Kan Wang, Jinchuan Yang, Hao Xu, Bo Cao, Yan Wo, Qing-Hui Jin, Daxiang CuiLateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) is a critical choice for applications of point-of-care testing (POCT) in clinical and laboratory environments because of its excellent features and versatility. To obtain authentic values...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN00944B, PaperMaxime R Eveque-Mourroux, Pieter J Emans, R RM Zautsen, Annelies ERCH Boonen, Ron M.A. Heeren, Berta Cillero PastorOsteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common musculoskeletal diseases, characterized by the progressive deterioration of articular cartilage. Although the disease has been well studied in the past few years,...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Upconversion Nanoparticles for Sensing pH
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN00236G, PaperEvaline S Tsai, Sandy F. Himmelstoß, Lisa-marie Wiesholler, Thomas Hirsch, Elizabeth A H HallUpconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) can provide a vehicle for chemical imaging by coupling chemically sensitive dyes and quenchers. The mechanism for coupling of two anthraquinone dyes, Calcium Red and Alizarin Red...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Carbon Dot-based Inverse-opal Hydrogels with Photoluminescence: Dual-mode Sensing of Solvent and Metal Ions
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01287G, PaperYuhua Zhu, Jianying Wang, Xiang Zhu, Jun Wang, Lijie Zhou, Jinhua Li, Tao Mei, Jingwen Qian, Lai Wei, Xianbao WangDual-mode sensing platform, including fluorescence and reflectance modes, have been demonstrated for highly sensitive and selective detection of solvent and metal ions based on carbon dot-based inverse opal hydrogels (CD-IOHs)....The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Target-controlled in-situ formation of G-quadruplex DNAzyme for sensitively visual assay of telomerase activity
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01271K, PaperYaocai Wang, Luzhu Yang, Yanjun Wang, Wei Liu, Baoxin Li, Yan Jint is of great importance to achieve facile and reliable detection of telomerase because it is an important cancer biomarker. The complex component of cell extract and ultra-low concentration of...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Compulsive sexual behavior and sexual offending: Differences in cognitive schemas, sensation seeking, and impulsivity.
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Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Switching to Degludec from Other Basal Insulins is Associated with Reduced Hypoglycemia Rates: a Prospective Study.
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American Goiter Association
Apolipoprotein(a) Kinetics in Statin-Treated Patients with Elevated Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Concentration.
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American Goiter Association
A narrative review of placental contribution to adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
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American Goiter Association
Carriers of a classic CYP21A2 mutation have a reduced mortality. A population-based national cohort study.
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American Goiter Association

Pregnancy and live birth in women with pathogenic LHCGR variants using their own oocytes.
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American Goiter Association
Longitudinal changes in fasting and glucose-stimulated GLP-1 and GIP in healthy older subjects.
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American Goiter Association
Intramyocardial Triglycerides among Women with vs. without HIV: Hormonal Correlates and Functional Consequences.
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American Goiter Association
Lavender products associated with premature thelarche and prepubertal gynecomastia: Case reports and EDC activities.
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American Goiter Association
Mobile DNA in Endocrinology: LINE-1 retrotransposon causing Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.
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American Goiter Association
Bones and Joints: The Effects of Cannabinoids on the Skeleton.
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American Goiter Association
Validation of the Maxillary Sinus Roof as a Landmark for Navigating the Pediatric Skull Base.
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otol rhinol
Intranasal Septal Splints: Prophylactic Antibiotics and Nasal Microbiology.
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otol rhinol
Estimated Substitution of Tea or Coffee for Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Was Associated with Lower Type 2 Diabetes Incidence in Case-Cohort Analysis across 8 European Countries in the EPIC-InterAct Study.
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Information Diffusion and Social Norms Are Associated with Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in Bangladesh.
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Mechanisms of Resistance to CDK4/6 Inhibitors: Potential Implications and Biomarkers for Clinical Practice.
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Screening of Drug Repositioning Candidates for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer.
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