Thu Jun 25, 2020 18:57
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Introduction: The advantages of the robotic approach in surgery are undisputed. However, during surgical training, how this technique influences the learning curve has not been described. We provide a tentative model for analyzing the learning curves associated with observation and active participation in learning different surgical techniques, using functional imaging. Methods: Forty medical students were enrolled and assigned to 4 groups who underwent training in robotic (ROB), laparoscopic (LAP),...
European surgical research. Europäische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales européennes
Thu Jun 25, 2020 09:07
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Publication date: Available online 24 June 2020Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Akash Babulal Vadher, Manish Shaw, Niraj Nirmal Pandey, Arun Sharma, Sanjeev Kumar
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Abstract Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) is a protective response to restore protein homeostasis by activating the unfolded protein response (UPR). However, UPR can trigger cell death under severe and/or persistently high ERS. The NLRP3 inflammasome is a complex of multiple proteins that activates the secretion of the proinflammatory cytokine IL-1β in a caspase-1-dependent manner to participate in the regulation of inflammation. The NLRP3 inflammasome...
Abstract This study reports the effects of early-life lactoferrin (LF) intervention on the colonic microbiota, intestinal function and mucosal immunity in suckling piglets. A total of 60 Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire suckling piglets from six sows were assigned to the control (CON) and LF groups in litters. The LF group piglets were fed 0.5 g/kg body weight of LF solution per day, and the CON group piglets were fed the same dose of physiological saline for a week. Six piglets...
Abstract Brasiliamides are a class of piperazine-containing alkaloids produced by Penicillium brasilianum with a range of pharmaceutical activities. The mechanism of brasiliamide biosynthesis, including piperazine ring formation and multiple tailoring modifications, still remains unclear. In this study, the biosynthetic gene cluster of brasiliamides, brs, was identified from the marine-derived fungal strain Penicillium brasilianum WZXY-M122-9. Deletion...
Abstract Melanin is a natural pigment present in almost all biological groups, and is composed of indolic polymers and characterized by black-brown colorization. Furthermore, it is one of the pigments produced by extremophiles including those living in the Antarctic desert, and is mainly involved in their protection from high UV radiation, desiccation, salinity and oxidation. Previous studies have shown that melanized species have an increased capability...
Abstract In order to provide more alternative epoxide hydrolases for industrial production, a novel cDNA gene Rpeh-encoding epoxide hydrolase (RpEH) of Rhodotorula paludigena JNU001 identified by 26S rDNA sequence analysis was amplified by RT-PCR. The open-reading frame (ORF) of Rpeh was 1236 bp encoding RpEH of 411 amino acids and was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The substrate spectrum of expressed RpEH showed that the transformant E. coli/Rpeh had...
Abstract Porcine enteric coronaviruses (CoVs) cause highly contagious enteric diarrhea in suckling piglets. These COV infections are characterized by clinical signs of vomiting, watery diarrhea, dehydration, and high morbidity and mortality, resulting in significant economic losses and tremendous threats to the pig farming industry worldwide. Because the clinical manifestations of pigs infected by different CoVs are similar, it is difficult to differentiate...
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The needle revision procedure to address failing filtering blebs is a blind technique that might easily damage the scleral flap, conjunctiva, and choroid. We propose a new surgical procedure, infrared monitor-guided bleb revision, to perform bleb revision minimally invasively and effectively, and demonstrate the procedure in a patient. We developed the guided procedure with the infrared monitor to observe the bleb interior with greater contrast. Under the monitor, we dissect the hard fibrotic tissue...
A previously healthy 10-year-old girl developed painless visual loss. She was diagnosed with a spasm of accommodation confirmed by cycloplegic refraction. She was prescribed low-dose atropine and again reported acute visual loss that was inconsistent with the level of daily function. She was referred to a pediatric psychiatrist with suspicion for a nonorganic visual disorder and was diagnosed with conversion disorder. She received psychotherapy and continued the treatment with low-dose atropine....
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Purpose of review New biological agents, in addition to the well-established omalizumab, have been nowadays introduced into clinical practice for severe asthma. This suggested the possibility of an at-home self-administration, as currently happening for other biological agents for immune-mediated diseases. Recent findings In the very recent years, there were structured clinical trials investigating the self at home administrations of biologicals for severe asthma, showing with different principles,...
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Purpose of review As drug allergy research aims to inform clinical practice, implementation of best practices may be influenced by financial resources required to incorporate new interventions and the resulting clinical and economic returns on those resource investments. The present review summarizes new insights into the economics of drug allergy over the past year. Recent findings While considering economic implications of recent drug allergy research, many studies have addressed different...
Purpose of review Omalizumab has been proposed for controlling adverse reactions during drug desensitization. Our aim is to know the current evidence involving the use of omalizumab in drug-allergy desensitization. Recent findings Drug-allergy desensitization is not risk free, but it is a useful procedure and has been applied for drug hypersensitivity reactions with mast cells degranulation through IgE and non-IgE mechanisms. Since 2007, omalizumab has been considered as a potential strategy...
Purpose of review To review recent evidence on the association of urticaria and the gut diseases, focusing on the roles of chronic inflammation with or without Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) infection. Recent findings The connection between the gut and urticaria has been discussed for a long time. Some publications have shown that H. pylori can induce chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). Recently, it was reported that upper gastrointestinal inflammatory disorders can cause CSU and trigger...
Purpose of review The purpose of this review is to provide an update on how best to manage the investigation of suspected perioperative hypersensitivity reactions based on recent literature and key publications. Recent findings In the past two years, several very important initiatives have been taken in the field of perioperative hypersensitivity. The 6th national audit project in the United Kingdom has provided new knowledge through a series of studies, including a nationwide prospective...
Purpose of review The aim of the article is to examine the contributions made in recent years by evidence-based medicine to the understanding, positioning, and use of drugs for the treatment of the main allergic conditions. Recent findings Several antiasthmatic drugs have been reappraised for their efficacy characteristics and drug interactions in Cochrane reviews. The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines have been reformulated in evidence-based medicine (EBM) terms...
Purpose of review This review summarizes the current knowledge of the pathogenic mechanisms of biologics-induced anaphylaxis, and the diagnostic and prophylactic strategies in the management of potentially reactive patients, to improve the safety profile of biologics. Recent findings The recent knowledge on the topic highlights the involvement of both effector and regulatory mechanisms in the immune response to biological agents. In addition, the impact of biological's immunogenicity on hypersensitivity...
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Purpose of review Glycopeptide antibiotics such as vancomycin are frequently utilized to treat resistant Gram-positive infections such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The current literature on glycopeptide and lipoglycopeptide structure, hypersensitivity and potential cross-reactivity was reviewed, highlighting implications for safe prescribing. Recent findings Structurally similar, glycopeptides could theoretically cross-react. Immediate reactions to vancomycin include non-IgE-mediated...
Purpose of review This review reports on published clinical studies (full publications) with novel therapeutic agents on the treatment of atopic dermatitis with a focus on the last 2 years. Recent findings Atopic dermatitis is a T-cell driven complex inflammatory skin disease. The secretion of cytokines involving not only particularly Th2 but also Th17 and Th22 cell subsets provides a broad spectrum of potential therapeutical targets. A couple of studies on atopic dermatitis with new therapeutical...
Purpose of review Although rare and counterintuitive, hypersensitivity reactions to corticosteroids have been reported since the 1950s. Delayed hypersensitivity reactions following cutaneous exposure (contact allergy) are well understood and principles of testing, as well as cross-reactivity patterns, have been established. In contrast, understanding of immediate hypersensitivity reactions and delayed hypersensitivity reactions after systemic exposure is evolving more slowly. However, progress...
Purpose of review The objective of this article is to review the available literature regarding the risks associated with sublingual immunotherapy and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or β-blocker use. It also evaluates for any differences in these risks among the available sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablets. Recent findings A literature search was conducted in PubMed to identify peer-reviewed articles using the following keywords: anaphylaxis, ACE inhibitor, β-blocker,...
Purpose of review Allergic skin diseases such as urticaria, atopic dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis are among the most common skin diseases with severe socioeconomic consequences. The pathogenesis of allergic skin diseases is complex. This review provides an overview of cytocines IL-17, IL-23, IL-31 and IL-33. Recent findings Current research results show a variety of immunological processes in the pathogenesis of the allergic skin diseases, including the role of cytokines. In addition...
Purpose of review Ocular allergies affect an estimated 40% of the population, 98% of which are because of allergic conjunctivitis. With the current advent of both repurposed drugs for ocular allergies, as well as novel drugs and methods of administration, there is a need for an updated review of current available medications. A clear characterization of each treatment will ultimately allow treating physicians to restore patients’ quality of life and decrease burden of disease. Recent findings...
Purpose of review The route of allergen sensing via the skin appears to influence the immune system towards mounting a type 2 response, especially in genetically predisposed individuals. Allergens recognized this way may derive from microbial, animal, food, or other plant sources and trigger atopic dermatitis. Allergens can be grouped into families depending on their structure and function, harboring significant structural and sequence similarities. Cross-reactivity between allergens is believed...
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Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Accurately diagnose the cosmetic deformity and thoroughly understand the periorbital surface topography. 2. Develop a preoperative plan and pick the right operation. 3. Master technical tips. 4. Rejuvenate the lateral orbital area. 5. Manage complications. Summary: Getting good results in blepharoplasty requires understanding ideal surface topography, accurate diagnosis of the cosmetic deformity, thorough...
Background: Volume replacement oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (VR-OBCS) uses islanded or pedicled chest wall fasciocutaneous perforator flaps from outside of the breast footprint to replace the volume that has been excised during lumpectomy, extending the options for breast conservation to patients who may otherwise require mastectomy. This study compares outcomes for VR-OBCS with both standard volume displacement oncoplastic breast-conserving surgery (VD-OBCS) and mastectomy with immediate...
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Background: This study aims to characterize the effect of laser-assisted indocyanine green fluorescence angiography on fat necrosis and flap failure in deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap breast reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective review was performed on 1000 free flaps for breast reconstruction at a single center from 2010 to 2017. Indocyanine green angiography was used after completion of recipient-site anastomoses to subjectively assess for areas of hypoperfusion....
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Background: The anatomical descriptions of the attachments of the female breast to the chest wall vary in their structure, location, and terminology within the published literature. Methods: A dissection study of the attachments of the breast to the chest wall was conducted on 18 female embalmed breasts in the coronal (n = 15) and sagittal planes (n = 3). Results: Perimeter, posterior wall, and horizontal septum attachments were observed. The perimeter along its entire length was attached...
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Background: Breast implant–associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) has entered the spotlight, as several high-profile media outlets have begun to relay the evolving science to the public. This study aimed to gauge the baseline knowledge and concern regarding BIA-ALCL among adult laywomen within the United States. Methods: Mechanical Turk was used to survey 500 American women on self-reported demographics, prior experience with breast implants, and 11 questions regarding their...
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Summary: Chest masculinization is the most common gender-affirming operation performed. With increased access to care and improved insurance coverage, there has been a marked increase in the number of procedures performed. A video is presented with narration focused on the surgical technique of a “double-incision” mastectomy for gender-affirming chest masculinization. The Fisher grading scale used in technique selection of double-incision versus periareolar mastectomy, based on patient-specific...
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Background: Nonsurgical rhinoplasty using filler injections has become a common procedure in cosmetic practices. This is offered to patients that prefer a temporary outcome or would like to avoid general anesthesia. In addition, it can be used in postrhinoplasty patients to correct nasal deformities or irregularities. This systematic review highlights common filler types and injection techniques, and associated patient satisfaction and complications to further guide practitioners. Methods: ...
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Background: Surgical-site infection following complicated septorhinoplasty may result in serious complications. Therefore, efforts to prevent surgical-site infections after complicated septorhinoplasty are important. The purpose of this study was to analyze the microbiological profile of preoperative nasal swab cultures and to evaluate the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis and topical antibiotic decolonization according to the antibiotic sensitivity results of surgical-site infections in complicated...
Background: An understanding of financial trends is important to advance agreeable reimbursement models in plastic surgery. This study aimed to evaluate trends in Medicare reimbursement rates for the 20 most commonly billed reconstructive plastic surgery procedures from 2000 to 2019. Methods: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Physician and Other Supplier Public Use File was used to identify the 20 reconstructive procedures most commonly billed to Medicare by plastic surgeons...
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Background: There are different procedures for gluteal augmentation. The authors describe their gluteal augmentation technique, which combines buttock implant placement, frame liposuction, and lipoinjection in the lateral third of the buttock and a plane superficial to the gluteal implant. Methods: Patients of both sexes who underwent aesthetic gluteal augmentation with a volume deficit of the lateral third and limited fat available for grafting were included. Liposuction was performed on...
Topography of the Central Retinal Artery Relevant to Retrobulbar Reperfusion in Filler Complications
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Background: Operative procedures to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the feet are associated with risks. Minimally invasive procedures to volumize the dorsum of the foot are to this point not described. The present study investigates the safety and efficacy of such procedures in a retrospective clinical, anatomical, and ultrasound-based study. Methods: A total of 106 feet from 53 female patients (mean age, 64.1 ± 8.3 years) were investigated retrospectively after the injection of a commercially...
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Summary: Comprehensive knowledge of nasal anatomy is essential for obtaining aesthetically and functionally pleasing results in rhinoplasty. In this study, the authors described the anatomy, histology, and clinical relevance of the interdomal region, keystone, and scroll complex. The current study examined these areas in 26 fresh cadaver heads. All cadavers were fresh, and no conservation or freezing processes were applied. All dissections were performed by the first author. It was determined...
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Summary: When septal cartilage is lacking, commercially available costal cartilage allograft can be used. Such allografts have “off-the-shelf” accessibility, are available in multiple sizes, are aseptically processed to meet sterility, and are screened to minimize infectious risks. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of donor age, storage temperature, and orientation of a bilayered construct on the degree of warping of a commercialized fresh frozen costal cartilage allograft in...
Background: Differences in quality-of-life outcomes after different surgical breast cancer treatment options, including breast reconstruction, are relevant for counseling individual patients in clinical decision-making, and for (societal) evaluations such as cost-effectiveness analyses. However, current literature shows contradictory results, because of use of different patient-reported outcome measures and study designs with limited patient numbers. The authors set out to improve this evidence...
Background: Hypertrophic scars and keloids, which are abnormalities of fibrosis, often occur in surgical wounds; however, their exact cause and preventive measures are unknown. The administration of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors to humans is expected to suppress fibrosis in wounds and minimize hypertrophic scar and keloid formation. Methods: This study aimed to verify the suppressive effect of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors on the formation of hypertrophic scars or keloids using real...
Background: Plastic surgery continues to be one of the most competitive specialties in the residency match. Research productivity is a key component of the selection process. Nevertheless, potential applicants have a poor understanding of the strength of their research credentials in comparison to other applicants. Methods: The authors identified successful applicants from the 2012 to 2017 integrated plastic surgery residency application cycles. The authors performed a bibliometric analysis...
Background: Skeletal muscle trauma can produce grave functional deficits, but therapeutic options remain limited. The authors studied whether a decellularized skeletal muscle scaffold would provide benefits in inducing skeletal muscle regeneration over acellular dermal matrices. Methods: Eighty-two rat muscle defects were surgically created and assigned to no intervention or implantation of AlloDerm, Strattice, decellularized rat muscle, or decellularized rat dermis to 30 or 60 days. Decellularized...
Background: As social media continue to be widely used, understanding the current trend in social media use by plastic surgeons will help determine how the specialty can better harness its power and respect its risks. In this study, the authors performed a survey study of trainees, candidates, and members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons to determine current use and consensus on social media in plastic surgery. Methods: An electronic survey was sent to plastic surgery trainees,...
Background: Host defense peptides are a family of endogenous short peptides that are found in all living beings and play a critical role in innate immunity against infection. Methods: A nonsystematic review of host defense peptides was conducted with specific interest in properties and applications relevant to plastic and reconstructive surgery. Results: In addition to their direct antimicrobial actions against pathogens, including multidrug-resistant bacteria, they also demonstrate...
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Background: Nonsurgical management of de Quervain disease relies mainly on the use of oral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug administration, splint therapy, and corticosteroid injections. Although the latter is most effective, with documented success rates of 61 to 83 percent, there exists no clear consensus pertaining to conservative treatment protocols conferring the best outcomes. This article reports on all present conservative treatment modalities in use for the management of de Quervain...
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Background: The wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT) technique in hand surgery is gaining popularity. The authors aimed to prospectively analyze the frequency and type of arrhythmias in patients undergoing hand surgery under local anesthesia and to examine whether the addition of adrenaline affects their incidence. Methods: Adult patients undergoing hand surgery under local anesthesia were randomized into two groups: group 1, local anesthesia with lidocaine and tourniquet; and...
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Summary: Supercharge end-to-side anterior interosseous–to–ulnar motor nerve transfer is commonly performed in the authors’ institution to augment intrinsic hand function. Following observations of recovery patterns, the authors hypothesized that despite its more distal innervation, the first dorsal interosseous muscle recovers to a greater extent than the abductor digiti minimi muscle. The objective of this work was to evaluate the clinical and electrodiagnostic pattern of reinnervation of intrinsic...
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Background: Congenital microtia is highly variable in its clinical presentation, leading to many technical modifications to and controversies over treatment. The authors evaluated how surgical revisions and interdisciplinary interventions were involved in microtia reconstruction according to each subtype. Methods: Congenital unilateral microtia patients who underwent two-stage microtia reconstruction from June of 2001 to June of 2019 were reviewed. Patient and surgical variables were collected,...
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Background: Cleft lip and palate patients undergo a significant number of interventions during their childhood and adolescence. Although the intention of such interventions is to improve psychosocial functioning, there exists a paucity of data on the psychosocial outcomes of the burden of care on cleft children. In this work, the long-term effects of quantity and timing of childhood operations on teenagers with cleft lip and palate were evaluated. Methods: Cleft lip and palate patients (aged...
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Background: Improving surgeons’ technical performance may reduce their frequency of postoperative complications. The authors conducted a pilot trial to evaluate the feasibility of a surgeon-delivered audit and feedback intervention incorporating peer surgical coaching on technical performance among surgeons performing cleft palate repair, in advance of a future effectiveness trial. Methods: A nonrandomized, two-arm, unblinded pilot trial enrolled surgeons performing cleft palate repair. Participants...
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Background: Since their introduction to clinical medicine in 1989, botulinum toxin injections have been used for many indications. First used for nonsurgical management of strabismus, botulinum toxin injections are now widely used in plastic and reconstructive surgery for aesthetic indications; however, nonaesthetic indications of botulinum toxin have grown tremendously over the past two decades and span numerous specialties, including urology, dermatology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, gynecology,...
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Background: Health-related quality of life is decreased in burn survivors, with scars implicated as a cause. The authors aim to characterize the use of reconstructive surgery following hospitalization and determine whether patient-reported outcomes change over time. The authors hypothesized improvement in health-related quality of life following reconstructive surgery. Methods: Adult burn survivors undergoing reconstructive surgery within 24 months after injury were extracted from a prospective,...
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Background: Over the past 20 years, innovations in microsurgical technique have coincided with advances in orthoplastic approaches. However, no single algorithm exists to guide management of limb salvage versus amputation. As such, one would expect these procedures to be performed at equal rates given studies showing similar outcomes. Anecdotally, the observation at the authors’ institution is that amputations are being performed more frequently. The purpose of this study was to determine trends...
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Abstract Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs), a class of long RNAs, are longer than 200 nucleotides in length but lack protein‐coding capacity. LncRNAs, as critical genomic regulators, are involved in genomic imprinting regulation, histone modification and gene expression regulation as well as tumor initiation and progression. However, it is also found that lncRNAs are associated with drug resistance in several types of cancer. Drug resistance is an important reason for clinical chemotherapy...
Abstract Intellectual disability (ID) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by limitations in both intellectual and behavioral functioning. It can occur in non‐syndromic and syndromic forms involving multiple organs. While the majority of genetic variants linked to ID are de novo , inherited variants are also detected in some forms. Here we report a consanguineous Lebanese family presenting with an autosomal recessive syndromic ID characterized by neurodevelopmental delay, mild...
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Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate volume, vitality and diversity of biofilms on the abutment materials zirconia and titanium as a function of time using an in vivo model for the biofilm formation. Materials and methods The development of biofilms on zirconia and titanium grade 4 test specimens in the human oral cavity over time was analysed. After pretreatment, a total of 96 titanium and 96 zirconia discs were fixed on 12 composite splints, which were worn by 12...
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OBJECTIVE: To explore the correlation between angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) gene polymorphism and epilepsy secondary to cerebral infarction and its significance for the diagnosis of this disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 200 patients with epilepsy secondary to cerebral infarction were enrolled from our hospital as observation group, and 200 patients without epilepsy after cerebral infarction as control group. Genomic deoxyribonucleic acids (DNAs) were extracted from the peripheral...
OBJECTIVE: T helper 17 (Th17) cells are involved in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The present study aimed to explore the role of miR-1-3p in Th17 cell differentiation associated with MS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Expression of miR-1-3p in periphery blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, non-T cells and differentiated CD4+ T cells derived from healthy donors and MS patients during remitted and relapsed stages was detected. Level of ETS1 in...
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ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate if the combination of a monoscopic photogrammetry technique and smartphone‐recorded monocular video data could be appropriately applied to maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication. Materials and Methods Smartphone video and laser scanning data were recorded for five healthy volunteers (24.1 ±0.7 years). Three‐dimensional facial models were generated using photogrammetry software and a laser scanner. Smartphone‐recorded video data were used to generate a photogrammetric...
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L'articolo The hemagglutinin-esterase gene in human coronaviruses SARS-CoV-2, HKU1 and OC43 sembra essere il primo su European Review.
L'articolo The complement inhibitors in COVID-19: future expectations sembra essere il primo su European Review.
L'articolo Reply Letter – COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus 2019) – Recent trends sembra essere il primo su European Review.
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