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Πέμπτη 27 Αυγούστου 2020


Exploiting defects in homologous recombination repair for metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer
Cancer Biology & Therapy: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
Wed Aug 26, 2020 13:42
Démocratie sanitaire : le patient partenaire de sa prise en charge
Publication date: Available online 27 August 2020Source: Cancer/RadiothérapieAuthor(s): T. Haaser, Y. Constantinidès, C. Dejean, A. Escande, P. Le Tallec, F. Lorchel, S. Marty, S. Thureau, F. Huguet, J.-L. Lagrange, pour la Commission éthique de la SFRO
Thu Aug 27, 2020 21:07
Tomographie par émission de positons (TEP) pour la radiothérapie : technique et innovations
Publication date: Available online 27 August 2020Source: Cancer/RadiothérapieAuthor(s): P. Decazes, S. Hapdey, A. Larnaudie, J. Thariat, S. Thureau
Thu Aug 27, 2020 21:07
Chimioradiothérapie concomitante des cancers des voies aérodigestives supérieures. Faut-il revoir les contraintes de dose dans les organes à risque ?
Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: Cancer/RadiothérapieAuthor(s): M. Lapeyre, J. Biau, J. Miroir, J. Moreau, B. Gleyzolle, L. Brun, S. Racadot, P. Graff-Cailleaud
Thu Aug 27, 2020 21:07
Oncologie-radiothérapie horizon 2030 : du microbiote au laser plasma
Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: Cancer/RadiothérapieAuthor(s): C. Beaudelot, E. Bayart, J. Thariat, C. Bourgier, F. Denis, M. Hatt, D. Pasquier, C. Verry, É. Deutsch, A. Levy
Thu Aug 27, 2020 21:07
Time of PTV is ending, robust optimization comes next
Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: Cancer/RadiothérapieAuthor(s): M.-C. Biston, S. Chiavassa, V. Grégoire, J. Thariat, T. Lacornerie
Thu Aug 27, 2020 21:07
Fertility preservation in women with cervical cancer
Publication date: Available online 27 August 2020Source: Critical Reviews in Oncology/HematologyAuthor(s): Edgardo Somigliana, Giorgia Mangili, Fabio Martinelli, Stefania Noli, Francesca Filippi, Alice Bergamini, Luca Bocciolone, Barbara Buonomo, Fedro Peccatori
Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology (open access)
Thu Aug 27, 2020 16:34
The concepts of rechallenge and retreatment in melanoma: A proposal for consensus definitions
Publication date: October 2020Source: European Journal of Cancer, Volume 138Author(s): Christoffer Gebhardt, Paolo Ascierto, Victoria Atkinson, Pippa Corrie, Reinhard Dummer, Dirk Schadendorf
European Journal of Cancer
Thu Aug 27, 2020 20:45
Feasibility of diaphragmatic interventions in cytoreductive surgery with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis: A 20-YEAR experience
Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: European Journal of Surgical OncologyAuthor(s): Fabio Carboni, Orietta Federici, Settimio Zazza, Isabella Sperduti, Mario Valle
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)
Thu Aug 27, 2020 19:59
Combined liver resection and cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC for metastatic colorectal cancer: Results of a worldwide analysis of 565 patients from the peritoneal surface oncology group international (PSOGI)
Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: European Journal of Surgical OncologyAuthor(s): R. Lo Dico, M. Faron, Y. Yonemura, O. Glehen, M. Pocard, A. Sardi, M. Hübner, D. Baratti, G. Liberale, A. Kartheuser, I. de Hingh, P. Sugarbaker, W. Ceelen, B. Moran, M. Robella, F. Quenet, L. Sideris, D. Goere, M. Limbert, P. Sammartino
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)
Thu Aug 27, 2020 19:59
Clinical implications of mismatch repair deficiency screening in patients with mixed neuroendocrine non-neuroendocrine neoplasms (MiNEN)
Publication date: Available online 26 August 2020Source: European Journal of Surgical OncologyAuthor(s): Lei Lou, Fengzhu Lv, Xin Wu, Yuehong Li, Xianghong Zhang
European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO)
Thu Aug 27, 2020 19:59
Systematic literature review of clinical outcomes in adults with metastatic or advanced synovial sarcoma
Future Oncology, Ahead of Print.
Future Oncology
Thu Aug 27, 2020 14:38
An Analysis of U54 Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) Publications
Abstract Using document review, we identified 963 publicly accessible NIH RePORT publications across the 16 funded U54 Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) center programs. Using the 868 publications that met criteria, we determined the frequency of publications across the funded PACHE programs by longevity; reported the frequency of studies focused on cancer health disparities; determined the proportion of institutions serving underserved health disparity populations,...
Journal of Cancer Education
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00
CircRNA hsa_circ_0002577 accelerates endometrial cancer progression through activating IGF1R/PI3K/Akt pathway
Endometrial cancer (EC) is a common gynecologic malignancy worldwide. This study investigated the regulatory effects of circular RNA (circRNA) hsa_circ_0002577 on the tumorigenesis of EC.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research - Latest Articles
Wed Aug 26, 2020 03:00
Antihistamine Drug Ebastine inhibits cancer growth by targeting Polycomb Group Protein EZH2
Enhancer of Zester Homolog 2 (EZH2), a histone lysine methyltransferase and the catalytic component of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2, has been extensively investigated as a chromatin regulator and a transcriptional suppressor by methylating H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27). EZH2 is upregulated or mutated in most cancers, and its expression levels are negatively associated with clinical outcomes. However, the current developed small molecule inhibitors targeting EZH2 enzymatic activities could not inhibit...
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Online First Articles
Thu Aug 27, 2020 18:05
Diagnostic yield of fluorescence-assisted frame-based stereotactic biopsies of intracerebral lesions in comparison with frozen-section analysis
Abstract Purpose Stereotactic biopsies are routinely used to establish a histological diagnosis of unclear cerebral pathologies. Intraoperatively, frozen-section analysis often confirms diagnostic tissue but also exhibits methodological pitfalls. Intraoperative five-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)-fluorescence has been described not only in gliomas but also in other cerebral pathologies. In this study, we assessed the 5-ALA contribution...
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00
The value of local consolidative therapy in Osimertinib-treated non-small cell lung cancer with oligo-residual disease
There was no study investigating real-world utilization and outcome of LCT in Osimertinib-treated NSCLC with oligo-residual disease. This study was to analyze the clinical value of local consolidative therapy ...
Radiation Oncology - Latest Articles
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00
Multicentre clinical radiotherapy audit in rectal cancer: results of the IROCA project
To perform a clinical audit to assess adherence to standard clinical practice for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of patients undergoing radiotherapy for rectal cancer treatment in four European countr...
Radiation Oncology - Latest Articles
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00
Non-operative management for oral cavity carcinoma: definitive radiation therapy as a potential alternative treatment approach
The majority of mucosal head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients are treated with definitive radiation therapy (RT) or concurrent chemoradiation (CRT). However, oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC) represents a unique entity in terms of its management and treatment outcomes. Surgery is the main treatment modality for OSCC while postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) is indicated mainly for patients with advanced disease (e.g. pT3-4, pN2-3) or adverse pathologic/treatment features...
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00
ESTRO ACROP guidelines for target volume definition in pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic RT has been used in the neo-adjuvant and adjuvant setting, and for the management of locally advanced or recurrent pancreatic tumours. The techniques, target volume definitions and fractionation schemes vary considerably in the published literature, even for the same indication. The aim of this technical RT guideline is to provide clinicians with consensus recommendations for target volume delineation (including imaging and patient-set up) for the treatment of pancreatic cancer in different...
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00
Role of 68-Ga-PSMA-PET/CT in pelvic radiotherapy field definitions for lymph node coverage in prostate cancer patients
Prostate cancer (PC) is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men worldwide [1]. According to D’Amico criteria, the risk of lymph node (LN) metastasis is minimal for low-risk cancer; however, up to 33% of patients with intermediate- or high-risk cancer present with LN metastases at diagnosis [2]. Thus, the benefits of pelvic nodal irradiation for patients with high-risk features of LN metastasis have been debated. Randomized trials have...
Radiotherapy and Oncology
Thu Aug 27, 2020 03:00

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