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Πέμπτη 27 Αυγούστου 2020


Flashlights for emergency scenarios and outdoor fun
Lead the way. (Nathan Anderson via Unsplash/)A flashlight is an invaluable tool, whether you’re rummaging through a dark basement, tromping through the woods on a nighttime hike, or stuck on the side of the road in the evening with a flat tire. Gone are the days of cheap, incandescent bulbs; today’s flashlights employ advanced LED technology to deliver bright beams while lasting days without draining the batteries. They often feature multiple brightness levels and strobe functions for emergencies,...
Popular Science
Twinkle lights that instantly cheer up your home
Brighten up your space. (Sharon McCutcheon via Unsplash/)If you want to make your house feel a little brighter and cozier, string lights can help do the trick. Drape them around your window, patio, garden, or bed frame and you’ll enjoy a warm, home-y glow. We found twinkle lights that offer a cute decor touch and additional perks, like waterproof features and multiple brightness modes.Comes with energy saving bulbs. (Amazon/)These pretty, star-shaped string lights come in warm white, white or multicolored...
Popular Science
Water flossers that get between your teeth
Add to your nightly routine. (Matheus Ferrero via Unsplash/)If you’ve had braces, you likely know about water flossers. These dental care appliances shoot a pinpoint jet of water at teeth to dislodge any food particles—particularly around the wires and brackets of orthodontic appliances. But they’re also useful tools for everyone else, cleaning teeth while massaging gums to promote good oral health. They’re also ideal for people who, because of reduced manual dexterity, might not be able to use traditional...
Popular Science
Clumps of bacteria could spread life between planets
The bacterial exposure experiment took place from 2015 to 2018 using the Exposed Facility located on the exterior of Kibo, the Japanese Experimental Module of the International Space Station. (JAXA/NASA/)For decades, astronomers have theorized microbes could drift through the vastness of space like pollen in the wind, planting the seeds of life across the cosmos. New research from the astrobiology mission “Tanpopo,” appropriately named ‘dandelion’ in Japanese, suggests they very well might be. That...
Popular Science
How aerial firefighters battle blazes from the skies
An Erickson Aero Tanker aircraft, left, dropping fire retardant. (Shelby Snow /)The most dramatic way to fight a fire is from the sky.An air tanker may fly about 150 feet off the ground at 161 miles per hour and can paint up to a mile-long line of retardant on the ground. A big helicopter could dump as much as 2,000 gallons of water to try to save a house. And smokejumpers fling themselves from airplanes 3,000 feet above their landing area below to snuff out a small fire in a remote area before it...
Popular Science
Thu Aug 27, 2020 21:29
The CDC’s new COVID-19 testing guidelines could make the pandemic worse
Experts worry that the decision is based more in politics than scientific fact. (Photographer: James Gathany/)Follow all of PopSci’s COVID-19 coverage here, including tips on cleaning groceries, ways to tell if your symptoms are just allergies, and a tutorial on making your own mask.American policy surrounding COVID-19 has been nearly universally confusing, and yesterday things became even more mangled. A controversial change in the CDC’s coronavirus testing policy makes it so that fewer people require...
Popular Science
Thu Aug 27, 2020 20:50
Toilet training your cat isn’t as great as it sounds
Litter boxes allow cats to fulfill their natural instincts, such as digging and covering after going to the bathroom. (Unsplash/)Ever wish you could peer into your cat, dog, skink, or betta fish’s brain? It would give you a far better perspective of the world—or at least help you be a smarter pet parent. We’re here to demystify your animals (to some extent), while also shedding advice on how you can best thrive together. Welcome to Pet Psychic.A cat politely peeing into a toilet—it almost sounds...
Popular Science
Thu Aug 27, 2020 19:00
Five cool ways to upcycle old coffee sacks
You see burlap, we see couture. ( Thomas Thompson / Unsplash/)Fresh coffee goes stale too fast to travel far. The beans in that daily espresso you get from your local shop were probably roasted just a few miles down the road—or even in the shop itself.Your local independent roaster is probably buying big bags of raw coffee from Asia, South America, or Africa, and the burlap bags it comes in—produced by the millions each year—are mostly a waste product. Unless someone does something with them.Where...
Popular Science
Thu Aug 27, 2020 18:00
Hurricane Laura is the strongest storm to hit Louisiana in more than a century
Hurricane Laura sweeping inland on Thursday morning (NOAA/)Hurricane Laura made landfall as a Category 4 storm in the early hours of Thursday morning, with winds just a few miles per hour shy of the Category 5 mark. Wind speeds hit 150 mph, tying with a hurricane from 1856 for the strongest storm to ever hit Louisiana. Laura has now been downgraded to Category 2 storm, but it’s still barreling over Louisiana with winds of 110 mph.The full extent of the damage isn’t clear yet, since the storm is still...
Popular Science
How a 19-year-old lion fathered 35 cubs in 18 months
Lion tamer at work. Though no evidence is available, the mustachioed man is unlikely to have survived this scene. (Library of Congress, 1873/)Popular Science’s WILD LIVES is a monthly video series that dives like an Emperor penguin into the life and times of history’s noteworthy animals. With every episode debut on Youtube, we’ll be publishing a story about the featured beasts, plus a lot more fascinating facts about the natural world. Click here to subscribe.Feature Creature: Frasier the Sensuous...
Popular Science
Thu Aug 27, 2020 17:42
California and the Forest Service have a plan to prevent future catastrophic fires
A road during the Jones Fire (Marcus Kauffman/)As hundreds of fires scorch California, state officials and federal forest agents signed an agreement that may help the state be able to better weather future fire seasons.Right now, the second and third largest fires in the state’s history are ripping through coastal forests and inland shrubland in Northern California. The flames have claimed more than 1,100 homes and other buildings, along with 1.4 million acres of land. Climate change is culpable...
Popular Science
Thu Aug 27, 2020 13:00
Hangover τέλος! Το χάπι που σας απαλλάσσει από ναυτία και πονοκέφαλο
Τη λύση στα ενοχλητικά παρελκόμενα του hangover, όπως η ναυτία και ο πονοκέφαλος, φαίνεται πως ανακάλυψαν οι επιστήμονες, η οποία είναι συν τοις άλλοις εξαιρετικά οικονομική. Πρόκειται για ένα χάπι που περιέχει την ουσία L-κυστεΐνη, ένα αμινοξύ που υπάρχει ήδη στο σώμα μας. Η L-κυστεΐνη, η οποία προστίθεται και στο ψωμί για την διατήρησή του ενώ πωλείται και ως συμπλήρωμα διατροφής, θεωρείται σημαντική για την παραγωγή πρωτεϊνών στο σώμα και την ενίσχυση άλλων μεταβολικών λειτουργιών....
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Aug 27, 2020 14:15
Κορωνοϊός: Ο πιο εύκολος τρόπος να μη θέσετε τη ζωή σας σε κίνδυνο
Σε άρθρο του με τίτλο «Οι μάσκες σώζουν ζωές» ο διευθυντής του Εθνικού Ινστιτούτου Υγείας των ΗΠΑ (NIH) (25/08/20, https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2020/08/25/masks-save-lives/) Δρ. Φράνσις Κόλλινς μας θυμίζει ότι η αποφυγή της μετάδοσης του νέου κορωνοϊού SARS-CoV-2 με τη χρήση μάσκας προσώπου είναι απαραίτητη και επιστημονικά τεκμηριωμένη. Τα σημαντικότερα σημεία του άρθρου συνοψίζονται από τους Ιατρούς της Θεραπευτικής Κλινικής του ΕΚΠΑ Ιωάννη Ντάναση, Θεοδώρα Ψαλτοπούλου και Θάνο Δημόπουλο (Πρύτανη...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Aug 27, 2020 13:31
Βγάλτε selfies! Κάνουν καλό – Δύο Έλληνες γιατροί αποκαλύπτουν το λόγο
Νέα μελέτη καταδεικνύει για πρώτη φορά πως είναι εφικτή η χρήση της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και αλγορίθμου βαθιάς μάθησης για τη διάγνωση της στεφανιαίας νόσου μέσω της ανάλυσης τεσσάρων φωτογραφιών του προσώπου ενός ατόμου. Αν και ο αλγόριθμος πρέπει να αναπτυχθεί περαιτέρω και να δοκιμαστεί σε μεγαλύτερες πληθυσμιακές ομάδες και διαφορετικές εθνότητες, οι ερευνητές εκτιμούν ότι έχει τη δυναμική να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως αρχικό εργαλείο διαλογής ασθενών που θα μπορούσαν εν συνεχεία να παραπεμφθούν για κλινικό...
Επιστημονικές Εξελίξεις – ygeiamou | Το αξιόπιστο site για την Υγεία, τη Διατροφή και την Ευεξία
Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:58

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