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Πέμπτη 20 Αυγούστου 2020


Measurement of laryngeal elevation time using a flexible surface stretch sensor
Abstract Background Dysphagia is a growing health problem in aging societies. An observational cohort study targeting community‐dwelling populations revealed that 16% of elderly subjects present with dysphagia. There is a need in elderly communities for systematic dysphagia assessment. Objective This study aimed to verify whether laryngeal elevation in the pharyngeal phase could be measured from the body surface using thin and flexible stretch sensors. Methods Thirty‐two elderly subjects...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Wed Aug 19, 2020 22:51
Why using ‘harmless behaviour’, ‘risk factor’ and ‘protective factor’ as terms describing the various possible consequences of bruxism is still the best option
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Wed Aug 19, 2020 22:39
Somatosensory and psychosocial profile of patients with painful Temporomandibular joint clicking
SUMMARY Background Determining the somatosensory and psychosocial profile of patients with painful temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clicking can help to understand the pain mechanisms in cases of TMJ clicking. Objective To characterize the somatosensory and psychosocial profile of patients with painful TMJ clicking when compared to patients with painless TMJ clicking and healthy control group. Methods Somatosensory and psychosocial functions were assessed in 90 individuals: patients...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Wed Aug 19, 2020 22:29
Short‐term effects of the Sander Bite‐Jumping Appliance on the pharyngeal airways in subjects with skeletal Class II malocclusion: a retrospective case‐control study
Abstract Background Skeletal Class II subjects present often a retruded mandible that might increase the probability of breathing disorders. Objective To evaluate the effects of functional treatment by means of the Sander Bite‐Jumping appliance (BJA) on the upper airways of growing subjects. Methods Thirty‐four subjects (21 males, 13 females; mean age 11.1±1.2 years) with skeletal Class II malocclusion due to mandibular retrusion were treated with the Sander BJA (BJA group). The control...
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:59

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