Τρίτη 11 Αυγούστου 2020


Clinicopathological and Prognostic Value of Long Noncoding RNA SNHG15 in Human Cancers: a Meta-Analysis and Bioinformatics.
Clinicopathological and Prognostic Value of Long Noncoding RNA SNHG15 in Human Cancers: a Meta-Analysis and Bioinformatics. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Ge Y, Yang L, Chen X, Shan H, Su Y, Zhou B, Shao Q Abstract BACKGROUND: Recently, accumulating evidence has suggested that the long noncoding RNA small nucleolar RNA host gene 15 (lncRNA SNHG15) was elevated in various malignancies and correlated to poor clinical outcome of patients....
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
MiR-15a Functions as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Coronary Artery Disease.
MiR-15a Functions as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Coronary Artery Disease. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Pan X, He Y, Ling S, Chen Z, Yan G Abstract BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to explore the diagnostic value of miR-15a in coronary artery disease (CAD). METHODS: After recruiting all the participants, peripheral blood samples were obtained according to the instructions. miR-15a expression was evaluated using real-time...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Effects of Blood Storage on Cell Population Data.
Effects of Blood Storage on Cell Population Data. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Sun T, Li J, Wu B, Huang H, Luo J, Xu D, Deng S Abstract BACKGROUND: Cell population data (CPD) are leukocyte morphologic parameters, measured by automated hematology analyzers with VCS technology. Many studies have demonstrated that these parameters may have clinical utility for diagnosing or screening certain pathological conditions. This study is to investigate...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Premarital Screening Program for Congenital Factor XIII Deficiency in Iran.
Premarital Screening Program for Congenital Factor XIII Deficiency in Iran. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Daneshi M, Dorgalaleh A, Tabibian S, Safa M, Naderi M, Kazemi A Abstract BACKGROUND: Factor XIII deficiency is one of the most severe congenital bleeding disorders with high rate of life-threatening bleeding including central nervous system bleeding, umbilical cord bleeding, and recurrent miscarriages. Due to the highest global...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
The Importance of Establishing Reference Intervals - is it still a Current Problem for Laboratory and Doctors?
The Importance of Establishing Reference Intervals - is it still a Current Problem for Laboratory and Doctors? Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Płaczkowska S, Terpińska M, Piwowar A Abstract BACKGROUND: Diagnostics utility of the obtained laboratory test results strictly depends on their possible interpretation in the context of distinguishing of both the health and disease state as well as the desired effects of therapeutic interventions....
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Age-Related Co-Expression of BCOR and BCORL1 mRNA in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Age-Related Co-Expression of BCOR and BCORL1 mRNA in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Coskun FR, Percin-Pacal F, Emrence Z, Ar MC, Abaci N, Unuvar A, Eskazan AE, Elverdi T, Salihoglu A, Seflekci Y, Karakas Z, Soysal T, Sirma-Ekmekci S Abstract BACKGROUND: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive hematological malignancy caused by a variety of genetic abnormalities and epigenetic dysregulation. The incidence...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
A Rapid Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Total Vitamin D Status Assessment in Fingertip Blood.
A Rapid Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Total Vitamin D Status Assessment in Fingertip Blood. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Chen X, Sun S, Liu Q, Ren F, Bai Z, Wang C Abstract BACKGROUND: Almost all the automated chemiluminescence analyzers in the market cannot detect total 25-hy-droxyvitamin D (25-OH VD) in fingertip blood sample due to the limited volume. This study aimed to develop a relatively simple pretreatment method to obtain...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Is Thiol-Disulphide Homeostasis an Indicative Marker in Prediction of Metastasis in Lung Cancer Patients.
Is Thiol-Disulphide Homeostasis an Indicative Marker in Prediction of Metastasis in Lung Cancer Patients. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Yalcin S, Kurt O, Cifci A, Erel O Abstract BACKGROUND: Thiol/disulfide (SH/SS) homeostasis plays an essential and dynamic role in our body and in various cellular activities and pathways such as cell death, regulation of enzyme activities, mechanisms of transcription and cellular signal transduction....
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Reply to "Effect of Neprilysin Inhibition on Various Natriuretic Peptide Assays".
Reply to "Effect of Neprilysin Inhibition on Various Natriuretic Peptide Assays". Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Gruson D, Fillée C, Pouleur AC PMID: 32776734 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Survival in Malignant Pleural Effusion.
Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and Survival in Malignant Pleural Effusion. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Garcia-Pachon E, Soler-Sempere MJ, Zamora-Molina L, Baeza-Martinez C, Grau-Delgado J, Padilla-Navas I Abstract BACKGROUND: Efforts have been made to search for parameters that facilitate the prediction of the 3-month survival for clinical decisions in patients with malignant pleural effusion (MPE). We sought to evaluate whether the...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
National Survey on Patient Satisfaction of Clinical Laboratories in China.
National Survey on Patient Satisfaction of Clinical Laboratories in China. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: He S, Zhang L, Wang W, He F, Yuan S, Zhong K, Wang Z Abstract BACKGROUND: Customer satisfaction is one of quality indicators which can be used to identify quality defects in the total process and remind clinical laboratories to take measures to improve the process. This study mainly reviewed and analyzed the general situation through...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Decreased Plasma Level of TRIB3 is Associated with Circulating miR-124a in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.
Decreased Plasma Level of TRIB3 is Associated with Circulating miR-124a in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Parsa E, Doustimotlagh AH, Rezaeinejad F, Alipoor S, Esmaeeli M, Sharifi A, Alipoor B Abstract BACKGROUND: Recent evidence indicates that TRIB3 and miR-124 levels have been deregulated in type 2 diabetes (T2D); however, the simultaneous evaluation of these markers in diabetic patients has not been investigated...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Evaluation of Golgi Protein 73 (GP73) as a Potential Biomarkers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Evaluation of Golgi Protein 73 (GP73) as a Potential Biomarkers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Shaker MK, Attia FM, Hassan AA, Shedid MM, Aboelmagd MA, Faisal AS Abstract BACKGROUND: Early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma is very important in the treatment which is feasible. Alpha-fetoprotein plus ultrasound in surveillance programs is controversial. GP73 is a protein. Golgi increase significantly in...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Performance Evaluation of the Third-Generation Elecsys FT4 III Assay for Free Thyroxine.
Performance Evaluation of the Third-Generation Elecsys FT4 III Assay for Free Thyroxine. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Kim SK, Jeong TD Abstract BACKGROUND: Roche Diagnostics has recently released the Elecsys FT4 III, Roche's third-generation reagent for free thyroxine. We aim to evaluate the analytical performance of the Elecsys FT4 III. METHODS: The precision and linearity of the Elecsys FT4 III assay were evaluated according...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Establishment of Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Model Based on Logistic Regression in Clinical Laboratory.
Establishment of Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Model Based on Logistic Regression in Clinical Laboratory. Clin Lab. 2020 Aug 01;66(8): Authors: Cui R, Zhang S, Wang M, Jia T, Zhai Y, Yue Y, Zhang R, Liang Y, Wang Q Abstract BACKGROUND: Due to the insidious onset of multiple myeloma (MM), missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis have a serious impact on the health of MM patients. Simple, rapid, and valid laboratory screening is critical for MM clinical...
Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 16:42
Familial and genetic factors in laryngeal cleft: Have we learned anything?
Familial and genetic factors in laryngeal cleft: Have we learned anything? Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jul 29;138:110283 Authors: Dombrowski ND, Li Y, Zhao CX, Agrawal PB, Rahbar R Abstract INTRODUCTION: Laryngeal clefts are rare congenital anomalies characterized by failed fusion of the posterior cricoid lamina or incomplete development of the tracheoesophageal septum. While most cases are sporadic, laryngeal cleft may be associated...
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,http://goo.gl/4YdRhz
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:40
Quantitative comparisons of block thresholds and onset responses for charge-balanced kilohertz frequency waveforms.
Quantitative comparisons of block thresholds and onset responses for charge-balanced kilohertz frequency waveforms. J Neural Eng. 2020 Aug 10;: Authors: Peña E, Pelot NA, Grill WM Abstract OBJECTIVE: There is growing interest in delivering kilohertz frequency (KHF) electrical signals to block conduction in peripheral nerves for treatment of various diseases. Previous studies used different KHF waveforms to achieve block, and it remains unclear...
J Neural Eng
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:37
Intralesional antigen immunotherapy for warts in the era of COVID-19.
Intralesional antigen immunotherapy for warts in the era of COVID-19. J Dermatolog Treat. 2020 Aug 08;:1-4 Authors: Nofal A, Fawzy MM, Abdelmaksoud A, El-Hawary EE PMID: 32772744 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Journal of Dermatological Treatment
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:52
Examining recommendations for the use of biologics and other systemic therapies during COVID-19: a review and comparison of available dermatology guidelines and patient registries.
Examining recommendations for the use of biologics and other systemic therapies during COVID-19: a review and comparison of available dermatology guidelines and patient registries. J Dermatolog Treat. 2020 Aug 08;:1-17 Authors: Gadarowski MB, Balogh EA, Bashyam AM, Feldman SR Abstract BACKGROUND: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has an affinity for almost every organ system, including the skin. This review article will compile and compare dermatology...
Journal of Dermatological Treatment
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:52
Urticaria and COVID-19 infection: a critical appraisal.
Urticaria and COVID-19 infection: a critical appraisal. J Dermatolog Treat. 2020 Aug 08;:1-4 Authors: Pathania YS PMID: 32772600 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Journal of Dermatological Treatment
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:52
Testing Targeted Therapies in Cancer using Structural DNA Alteration Analysis and Patient-Derived Xenografts.
Testing Targeted Therapies in Cancer using Structural DNA Alteration Analysis and Patient-Derived Xenografts. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 25;(161): Authors: Zhang P, Kovtun IV Abstract We present here an integrative approach for testing efficacy of targeted therapies that combines the next generation sequencing technolo-gies, therapeutic target analyses and drug response monitoring using patient derived xenografts (PDX). This strategy was validated...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation and Detection of Prevalence of IgA-Coated Bacteria in the Gut.
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation and Detection of Prevalence of IgA-Coated Bacteria in the Gut. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 23;(161): Authors: Zhang Q, Lu Q, Luo Y Abstract Gut microbiota exert pleiotropic roles in human health and disease. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is an effective method to investigate the biological function of intestinal bacteria as a whole or at the species level. Several different FMT methods have been published....
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Traction Force Microscopy to Study B Lymphocyte Activation.
Traction Force Microscopy to Study B Lymphocyte Activation. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 23;(161): Authors: Kumari A, Pineau J, Lennon-Duménil AM, Balland M, Pierobon P Abstract Traction force microscopy (TFM) enables the measurement of forces produced by a cell on a substrate. This technique infers traction force measurements from an experimentally observed displacement field produced by a cell pulling on an elastic substrate. Here, we adapted...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Intratracheal Administration of Dry Powder Formulation in Mice.
Intratracheal Administration of Dry Powder Formulation in Mice. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 25;(161): Authors: Qiu Y, Liao Q, Chow MYT, Lam JKW Abstract In the development of inhalable dry powder formulations, it is essential to evaluate their biological activities in preclinical animal models. This paper introduces a noninvasive method of intratracheal delivery of dry powder formulation in mice. A dry powder loading device that consists of a...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Discovery of Driver Genes in Colorectal HT29-derived Cancer Stem-Like Tumorspheres.
Discovery of Driver Genes in Colorectal HT29-derived Cancer Stem-Like Tumorspheres. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 22;(161): Authors: Cheng CC, Hsu PJ, Sie ZL, Chen FH Abstract Cancer stem cells play a vital role against clinical therapies, contributing to tumor relapse. There are many oncogenes involved in tumorigenesis and the initiation of cancer stemness properties. Since gene expression in the formation of colorectal cancer-derived tumorspheres...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Assessing Binocular Central Visual Field and Binocular Eye Movements in a Dichoptic Viewing Condition.
Assessing Binocular Central Visual Field and Binocular Eye Movements in a Dichoptic Viewing Condition. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 21;(161): Authors: Raveendran RN, Krishnan AK Abstract Macular degeneration typically results in heterogeneous binocular central visual defects. Currently available approaches to assess central visual field, like the microperimetry, can test only one eye at a time. Therefore, they cannot explain how the defects in...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Isolation and Enrichment of Human Lung Epithelial Progenitor Cells for Organoid Culture.
Isolation and Enrichment of Human Lung Epithelial Progenitor Cells for Organoid Culture. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 21;(161): Authors: Konda B, Mulay A, Yao C, Beil S, Israely E, Stripp BR Abstract Epithelial organoid models serve as valuable tools to study the basic biology of an organ system and for disease modeling. When grown as organoids, epithelial progenitor cells can self-renew and generate differentiating progeny that exhibit cellular...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Optogenetic Activation of Afferent Pathways in Brain Slices and Modulation of Responses by Volatile Anesthetics.
Optogenetic Activation of Afferent Pathways in Brain Slices and Modulation of Responses by Volatile Anesthetics. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 23;(161): Authors: Murphy CA, Raz A, Grady SM, Banks MI Abstract Anesthetics influence consciousness in part via their actions on thalamocortical circuits. However, the extent to which volatile anesthetics affect distinct cellular and network components of these circuits remains unclear. Ex vivo brain slices...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
In vivo Structural Assessments of Ocular Disease in Rodent Models using Optical Coherence Tomography.
In vivo Structural Assessments of Ocular Disease in Rodent Models using Optical Coherence Tomography. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 24;(161): Authors: Allen RS, Bales K, Feola A, Pardue MT Abstract Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) is useful for visualizing retinal and ocular structures in vivo. In research, SD-OCT is a valuable tool to evaluate and characterize changes in a variety of retinal and ocular disease and injury models....
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Management of Respiratory Motion Artefacts in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography using an Amplitude-Based Optimal Respiratory Gating Algorithm.
Management of Respiratory Motion Artefacts in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography using an Amplitude-Based Optimal Respiratory Gating Algorithm. J Vis Exp. 2020 Jul 23;(161): Authors: Grootjans W, Kok P, Butter J, Aarntzen E Abstract Positron emission tomography (PET) combined with X-ray computed tomography (CT) is an important molecular imaging platform that is required for accurate diagnosis and clinical staging of a...
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE,http://www.jove.com/
Tue Aug 11, 2020 14:19
Letter to the Editor concerning "Tracheal injury complicating Sistrunk's thyroglossal cyst surgery".
Letter to the Editor concerning "Tracheal injury complicating Sistrunk's thyroglossal cyst surgery". Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2020 Aug 06;: Authors: Garcia D PMID: 32773334 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Tue Aug 11, 2020 15:49
Neck stiffness after transoral pharyngolaryngeal surgery for squamous cell carcinoma.
Neck stiffness after transoral pharyngolaryngeal surgery for squamous cell carcinoma. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2020 Aug 05;: Authors: Bartier S, Mazzaschi O, Sauvaget E Abstract INTRODUCTION: Pyogenic spondylodiscitis is a rare, destructive intervertebral disc infection. CASE SUMMARY: We describe a case of C2-C3 pyogenic spondylodiscitis after transoral surgery of the posterior pharyngeal wall in a 64-year-old man with...
Tue Aug 11, 2020 15:49
Drainage of amniotic fluid delays vocal fold separation and induces load-related vocal fold mucosa remodeling.
Drainage of amniotic fluid delays vocal fold separation and induces load-related vocal fold mucosa remodeling. Dev Biol. 2020 Aug 07;: Authors: Lungova V, Griffin KV, Lunga T, Thibeault SL Abstract In the present study, we investigated the role of mechanical load as generated by amniotic fluid in the vocal fold embryogenesis. In utero, amniotic fluid flows through the laryngeal inlet down into the lungs during fetal breathing and swallowing....
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:02
ROS-Mediated Therapeutic Strategy in Chemo-/Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer.
ROS-Mediated Therapeutic Strategy in Chemo-/Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2020;2020:5047987 Authors: Huang G, Pan ST Abstract Head and neck cancer is a highly genetic and metabolic heterogeneous collection of malignancies of the lip, oral cavity, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, paranasal sinuses, and larynx with five-year survival rates ranging from 12% to 93%. Patients with head and neck cancer typically...
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:02
Cricoarytenoid joint arthritis: a possible complication of dermatomyositis.
Cricoarytenoid joint arthritis: a possible complication of dermatomyositis. Pan Afr Med J. 2020;36:74 Authors: Farah C, Tabesh OA, Okais J, Hajjar A, Haddad A Abstract Cricoarytenoid joint arthritis is most frequently reported in Rheumatoid Arthritis and in other systemic diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Ankylosing Arthritis, Juvenile Chronic Arthritis, and autoimmune hepatitis but it has not been reported...
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:02
Neonatal Lateral Epiglottic Defects.
Neonatal Lateral Epiglottic Defects. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2020 Aug 08;:3489420948546 Authors: Peterson JD, Goyal V, Puricelli MD, Thatcher A, Smith RJ Abstract INTRODUCTION: Multiple congenital abnormalities of the epiglottis have been reported and iatrogenic injuries to the larynx and subglottis are well known. We present a new pattern of defect not previously reported in the literature. METHODS: Epiglottic abnormalities at two...
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:02
Factors affecting voice quality in early glottic cancer before and after radiotherapy.
Related Articles Factors affecting voice quality in early glottic cancer before and after radiotherapy. Radiol Oncol. 2019 10 18;53(4):459-464 Authors: Mekis J, Strojan P, Boltezar IH Abstract Background Radiotherapy (RT) is a successful mode of treatment for early glottic cancer. The aim of the study was to assess voice quality both before and 3 months after successful RT using multimodal methods while also identifying the factors affecting...
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:02
Selective perioperative steroid supplementation protocol in patients undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas.
Selective perioperative steroid supplementation protocol in patients undergoing endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Aug 09;: Authors: Chacko SR, Abraham AP, Asha HS, Kapoor N, Rajaratnam S, Chacko AG Abstract BACKGROUND: There is no consensus regarding the use of perioperative steroids for transsphenoidal pituitary surgery. We audited the effectiveness and safety of our selective perioperative...
leak of cerebrospinal fluid
Tue Aug 11, 2020 15:30
Quality and capacity indicators for hospitalized pediatric oncology patients with critical illness: A modified delphi consensus.
Quality and capacity indicators for hospitalized pediatric oncology patients with critical illness: A modified delphi consensus. Cancer Med. 2020 Aug 10;: Authors: Arias AV, Garza M, Murthy S, Cardenas A, Diaz F, Montalvo E, Nielsen KR, Kortz T, Sharara-Chami R, Friedrich P, McArthur J, Agulnik A Abstract BACKGROUND: Hospitalized pediatric hematology-oncology (PHO) patients are at high risk for critical illness, especially in resource-limited...
Tue Aug 11, 2020 13:31

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