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Πέμπτη 13 Αυγούστου 2020

 Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 411: Influence of Sedation Level and Ventilation Status on the Diagnostic Validity of Delirium Screening Tools in the ICU—An International, Prospective, Bi-Center Observational Study (IDeAS)

Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 411: Influence of Sedation Level and Ventilation Status on the Diagnostic Validity of Delirium Screening Tools in the ICU—An International, Prospective, Bi-Center Observational Study (IDeAS) Medicina doi: 10.3390/medicina56080411 Authors: Flavio E. Nacul Nicolas Paul Claudia D. Spies Henriette Sechting Thomas Hecht Jörn S. Dullinger Sophie K. Piper Alawi Luetz Felix S. Balzer Klaus-Dieter Wernecke Anna Karinina Sa Carolina Barros Ferreira...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 407: COVID-19 and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Patient Knowledge and Perceptions in a Single Center Survey
Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 407: COVID-19 and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Patient Knowledge and Perceptions in a Single Center Survey Medicina doi: 10.3390/medicina56080407 Authors: Rocco Spagnuolo Tiziana Larussa Chiara Iannelli Cristina Cosco Eleonora Nisticò Elena Manduci Amalia Bruno Luigi Boccuto Ludovico Abenavoli Francesco Luzza Patrizia Doldo Background and objectives: Spreading of SARS-CoV-2 infection from China to countries with a higher prevalence...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 409: Equal Opportunities for Stroke Survivors’ Rehabilitation: A Study on the Validity of the Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scale Translated and Adapted into Romanian
Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 409: Equal Opportunities for Stroke Survivors’ Rehabilitation: A Study on the Validity of the Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scale Translated and Adapted into Romanian Medicina doi: 10.3390/medicina56080409 Authors: Nadinne Roman Roxana Miclaus Angela Repanovici Cristina Nicolau Background and objectives: The Upper Extremity Fugl-Meyer Assessment (UEFMA) is one of the most recommended and used methods of clinical evaluation not only for post-stroke...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 406: Knowledge about Cervical Cancer and Awareness of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV Vaccine among Female Students from Serbia
Medicina, Vol. 56, Pages 406: Knowledge about Cervical Cancer and Awareness of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV Vaccine among Female Students from Serbia Medicina doi: 10.3390/medicina56080406 Authors: Nataša K. Rančić Milan B. Golubović Mirko V. Ilić Aleksanda S. Ignjatović Radomir M. Živadinović Saša N. Đenić Stefan D. Momčilović Biljana N. Kocić Zoran G. Milošević Suzana A. Otašević Background and objectives: Persistent infection with carcinogenic human...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 185: PVDF-Modified Nafion Membrane for Improved Performance of MFC
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 185: PVDF-Modified Nafion Membrane for Improved Performance of MFC Membranes doi: 10.3390/membranes10080185 Authors: Liping Fan Junyi Shi Yaobin Xi Low power production and unstable power supply are important bottlenecks restricting the application of microbial fuel cells (MFCs). It is necessary to explore effective methods to improve MFC performance. By using molasses wastewater as fuel, carbon felt as an electrode, and the mixture of K3[Fe(CN)6] and...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 184: Integrated Membrane–Electrocoagulation System for Removal of Celestine Blue Dyes in Wastewater
Membranes, Vol. 10, Pages 184: Integrated Membrane–Electrocoagulation System for Removal of Celestine Blue Dyes in Wastewater Membranes doi: 10.3390/membranes10080184 Authors: Muhammad Syaamil Saad Lila Balasubramaniam Mohd Dzul Hakim Wirzal Nur Syakinah Abd Halim Muhammad Roil Bilad Nik Abdul Hadi Md Nordin Zulfan Adi Putra Fuad Nabil Ramli The textile industry provides for the needs of people especially in apparel and household items. The industry also discharges...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 331: Antibiotics Effects on the Fecal Metabolome in Preterm Infants
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 331: Antibiotics Effects on the Fecal Metabolome in Preterm Infants Metabolites doi: 10.3390/metabo10080331 Authors: Laura Patton Nan Li Timothy J. Garrett J. Lauren Ruoss Jordan T. Russell Diomel de la Cruz Catalina Bazacliu Richard A. Polin Eric W. Triplett Josef Neu Within a randomized prospective pilot study of preterm infants born at less than 33 weeks’ gestation, weekly fecal samples from 19 infants were collected...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 330: Associations of BMI and Body Fat with Urine Metabolome in Adolescents Are Sex-Specific: A Cross-Sectional Study
Metabolites, Vol. 10, Pages 330: Associations of BMI and Body Fat with Urine Metabolome in Adolescents Are Sex-Specific: A Cross-Sectional Study Metabolites doi: 10.3390/metabo10080330 Authors: Christian Brachem Julia Langenau Leonie Weinhold Matthias Schmid Ute Nöthlings Kolade Oluwagbemigun Epidemiologic studies examining the relationship between body composition and the urine metabolome may improve our understanding of the role of metabolic dysregulation in body composition-related...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
MPs, Vol. 3, Pages 58: Comparison of Opioid-Free Anesthesia Versus Opioid-Containing Anesthesia for Elective Laparoscopic Surgery (COFA: LAP): A Protocol Measuring Recovery Outcomes
MPs, Vol. 3, Pages 58: Comparison of Opioid-Free Anesthesia Versus Opioid-Containing Anesthesia for Elective Laparoscopic Surgery (COFA: LAP): A Protocol Measuring Recovery Outcomes Methods and Protocols doi: 10.3390/mps3030058 Authors: Anthony Eidan Angela Ratsch Elizabeth A. Burmeister Geraldine Griffiths The administration of opioids is a central element in contemporary anesthetic techniques in Australia; however, opioids have a range of side effects. As an alternative, opioid-free...
Methods and Protocols
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1237: Patents on Endophytic Fungi for Agriculture and Bio- and Phytoremediation Applications
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1237: Patents on Endophytic Fungi for Agriculture and Bio- and Phytoremediation Applications Microorganisms doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081237 Authors: Humberto E. Ortega Daniel Torres-Mendoza Luis Cubilla-Rios Plant endophytic fungi spend all or part of their lives inside host tissues without causing disease symptoms. They can colonize the plant to protect against predators, pathogens and abiotic stresses generated by drought, salinity, high concentrations...
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1235: Evaluation of the Diagnostic Potential of Recombinant Coxiella burnetii Com1 in an ELISA for the Diagnosis of Q Fever in Sheep, Goats and Cattle
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1235: Evaluation of the Diagnostic Potential of Recombinant Coxiella burnetii Com1 in an ELISA for the Diagnosis of Q Fever in Sheep, Goats and Cattle Microorganisms doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081235 Authors: Mareike Stellfeld Claudia Gerlach Ina-Gabriele Richter Peter Miethe Dominika Fahlbusch Birgitta Polley Reinhard Sting Martin Pfeffer Heinrich Neubauer Katja Mertens-Scholz Coxiella burnetii is the causative agent of Q fever,...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1236: Compassionate Use of Cefiderocol to Treat a Case of Prosthetic Joint Infection Due to Extensively Drug-Resistant Enterobacter hormaechei
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1236: Compassionate Use of Cefiderocol to Treat a Case of Prosthetic Joint Infection Due to Extensively Drug-Resistant Enterobacter hormaechei Microorganisms doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081236 Authors: Soline Siméon Laurent Dortet Frédérique Bouchand Anne-Laure Roux Rémy A. Bonnin Clara Duran Jean-Winoc Decousser Simon Bessis Benjamin Davido Grégory Sorriaux Aurélien Dinh We report the case of a 67-year old man with a right...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1234: Four New Genes of Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 Are Responsible for Sensitivity to 2-Nonanone
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1234: Four New Genes of Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 Are Responsible for Sensitivity to 2-Nonanone Microorganisms doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081234 Authors: Olga A. Koksharova Alexandra A. Popova Vladimir A. Plyuta Inessa A. Khmel Microbial volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are cell metabolites that affect many physiological functions of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Earlier we have demonstrated the inhibitory effects...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1233: Rapid Detection and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli by Flow Cytometry
Microorganisms, Vol. 8, Pages 1233: Rapid Detection and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli by Flow Cytometry Microorganisms doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8081233 Authors: Alexandra Mihaela Velican Luminiţa Măruţescu Crina Kamerzan Violeta Corina Cristea Otilia Banu Elvira Borcan Mariana-Carmen Chifiriuc Background: Early preliminary data on antibiotic resistance patterns available before starting the empiric therapy of urinary tract infections...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3702: Encapsulation of Cinnamic Acid by Cucurbit[7]uril for Enhancing Photoisomerization
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3702: Encapsulation of Cinnamic Acid by Cucurbit[7]uril for Enhancing Photoisomerization Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163702 Authors: Na’il Saleh Muna S. Bufaroosha Ziad Moussa Rukayat Bojesomo Hebah Al-Amodi Asia Al-Ahdal Cis- or Z-configuration is required for the plant growth-promoting activity of cinnamic acid (CA), whereas the E-form is inactive. Herein, we describe the encapsulation of E-CA by cucurbit[7]uril (CB7) and show that photoisomerization...
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3700: Annexin A1: A Bane or a Boon in Cancer? A Systematic Review
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3700: Annexin A1: A Bane or a Boon in Cancer? A Systematic Review Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163700 Authors: Thanusha Ganesan Ajantha Sinniah Zaridatul Aini Ibrahim Zamri Chik Mohammed Abdullah Alshawsh Annexin A1 has been extensively investigated as an anti-inflammatory protein, but its role in different types of cancer has not been consolidated in a single systematic review to date. Thus, the aim of this paper is to systematically review...
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3701: Effect of Drying Methods on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Grape Skin Residues from the New Hybrid Variety “BRS Magna”
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3701: Effect of Drying Methods on Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Grape Skin Residues from the New Hybrid Variety “BRS Magna” Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163701 Authors: Gabriela Viana da Silva Bruna Aparecida Souza Machado Walkia Polliana de Oliveira Camilla Fernanda Godinho da Silva Cedenir Pereira de Quadros Janice Izabel Druzian Ederlan de Souza Ferreira Marcelo Andrés Umsza-Guez The effects of the drying process...
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3698: Impact of the Physicochemical Composition and Microbial Diversity in Apple Juice Fermentation Process: A Review
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3698: Impact of the Physicochemical Composition and Microbial Diversity in Apple Juice Fermentation Process: A Review Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163698 Authors: Al Daccache Koubaa Maroun Salameh Louka Vorobiev Fermented apple beverages are produced all over the world with diverse characteristics associated with each country. Despite the diversifications, cider producers are confronted with similar issues and risks. The nature of the...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3699: Enhancement of an In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Oleanolic Acid through Glycosylation Occurring Naturally in Stauntonia hexaphylla
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3699: Enhancement of an In Vivo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Oleanolic Acid through Glycosylation Occurring Naturally in Stauntonia hexaphylla Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163699 Authors: Le Ba Vinh Nguyen Thi Minh Nguyet Liu Ye Gao Dan Nguyen Viet Phong Hoang Le Tuan Anh Young Ho Kim Jong Seong Kang Seo Young Yang Inkyu Hwang Stauntonia hexaphylla (Lardizabalaceae) has been used as a traditional herbal medicine in Korea and...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3697: Effects of Decursin and Angelica gigas Nakai Root Extract on Hair Growth in Mouse Dorsal Skin via Regulating Inflammatory Cytokines
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3697: Effects of Decursin and Angelica gigas Nakai Root Extract on Hair Growth in Mouse Dorsal Skin via Regulating Inflammatory Cytokines Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163697 Authors: Tae-Kyeong Lee Bora Kim Dae Won Kim Ji Hyeon Ahn Hyejin Sim Jae-Chul Lee Go Eun Yang Young Her Joon Ha Park Hyun Sook Kim Tae Heung Sim Hyun Sam Lee Moo-Ho Won This current study investigates the facilitative effects and mechanisms of decursin,...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3695: Investigations into the Effects of pH on Quantitative Measurements of Lactate in Biological Media Using ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3695: Investigations into the Effects of pH on Quantitative Measurements of Lactate in Biological Media Using ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163695 Authors: Nystha Baishya Mohammad Mamouei Karthik Budidha Meha Qassem Pankaj Vadgama Panayiotis A. Kyriacou Quantification of lactate/lactic acid in critical care environments is essential as lactate serves as an important biochemical marker for the adequacy of the haemodynamic...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3693: The Structural Characteristics and Biological Activities of Intracellular Polysaccharide Derived from Mutagenic Sanghuangporous sanghuang Strain
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3693: The Structural Characteristics and Biological Activities of Intracellular Polysaccharide Derived from Mutagenic Sanghuangporous sanghuang Strain Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163693 Authors: Tingting Li Linjun Chen Di Wu Guochao Dong Wanchao Chen Henan Zhang Yan Yang Wenhui Wu Sanghuangporous sanghuang is a rare medicinal fungus which contains polysaccharide as the main active substance and was used to treat gynecological diseases...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3694: Inhibition of Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase 1 by Lipophilic Pyrimidine Nucleosides
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3694: Inhibition of Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterase 1 by Lipophilic Pyrimidine Nucleosides Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163694 Authors: Alexandra L. Zakharenko Mikhail S. Drenichev Nadezhda S. Dyrkheeva Georgy A. Ivanov Vladimir E. Oslovsky Ekaterina S. Ilina Irina A. Chernyshova Olga I. Lavrik Sergey N. Mikhailov Inhibition of DNA repair enzymes tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 and poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases 1 and 2 in the presence...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3691: Partition Coefficients (logP) of Hydrolysable Tannins
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3691: Partition Coefficients (logP) of Hydrolysable Tannins Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163691 Authors: Valtteri Virtanen Maarit Karonen The partition coefficients (logP) between n-octanol and water of 47 purified and characterized hydrolysable tannins were measured with the shake flask method utilizing UPLC and HPLC with UV detection. Results show that galloyl glucoses and gallotannins are clearly more hydrophobic than ellagitannins but the differences...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3696: Comparative Evaluation of Bioactive Compounds and Volatile Profile of White Cabbages
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3696: Comparative Evaluation of Bioactive Compounds and Volatile Profile of White Cabbages Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163696 Authors: Ante Lončarić Tihana Marček Domagoj Šubarić Antun Jozinović Jurislav Babić Borislav Miličević Karmen Sinković Drago Šubarić Đurđica Ačkar Cabbage is an important source of bioactive compound, which is available throughout the year. However, a lot of different traditional, and hybrid varieties with...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3690: Modified Enzyme Substrates for the Detection of Bacteria: A Review
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3690: Modified Enzyme Substrates for the Detection of Bacteria: A Review Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163690 Authors: Laura Pala Teja Sirec Urs Spitz The ability to detect, identify and quantify bacteria is crucial in clinical diagnostics, environmental testing, food security settings and in microbiology research. Recently, the threat of multidrug-resistant bacterial pathogens pushed the global scientific community to develop fast, reliable, specific...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3692: Platinum (IV) Recovery from Waste Solutions by Adsorption onto Dibenzo-30-crown-10 Ether Immobilized on Amberlite XAD7 Resin—Factorial Design Analysis
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3692: Platinum (IV) Recovery from Waste Solutions by Adsorption onto Dibenzo-30-crown-10 Ether Immobilized on Amberlite XAD7 Resin—Factorial Design Analysis Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163692 Authors: Buriac Ciopec Duţeanu Negrea Negrea Grozav Platinum is a precious metal with many applications, such as: catalytic converters, laboratory equipment, electrical contacts and electrodes, digital thermometers, dentistry, and jewellery. Due...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3688: Mutual Relations between Substituent Effect, Hydrogen Bonding, and Aromaticity in Adenine-Uracil and Adenine-Adenine Base Pairs
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3688: Mutual Relations between Substituent Effect, Hydrogen Bonding, and Aromaticity in Adenine-Uracil and Adenine-Adenine Base Pairs Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163688 Authors: Paweł A. Wieczorkiewicz Halina Szatylowicz Tadeusz M. Krygowski The electronic structure of substituted molecules is governed, to a significant extent, by the substituent effect (SE). In this paper, SEs in selected nucleic acid base pairs (Watson-Crick, Hoogsteen, adenine-adenine)...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3689: NIR Absorbing AzaBODIPY Dyes for pH Sensing
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3689: NIR Absorbing AzaBODIPY Dyes for pH Sensing Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163689 Authors: Gugu Kubheka John Mack Tebello Nyokong Zhen Shen Two near-infrared (NIR) absorbing di(thien-2-nyl)-di(dimethylanilino)azaBODIPY dyes 2a and 2b were synthesized and characterized that differ depending on whether the dimethylaniline substituents are introduced at the 3,5- or 1,7-positions of the azaBODIPY core. The main spectral bands lie at 824 and 790...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3686: G-Quadruplexes at Telomeres: Friend or Foe?
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3686: G-Quadruplexes at Telomeres: Friend or Foe? Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163686 Authors: Tracy M. Bryan Telomeres are DNA-protein complexes that cap and protect the ends of linear chromosomes. In almost all species, telomeric DNA has a G/C strand bias, and the short tandem repeats of the G-rich strand have the capacity to form into secondary structures in vitro, such as four-stranded G-quadruplexes. This has long prompted speculation that G-quadruplexes...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3687: Comparative Study of Conduction Mechanisms in Disodium Phthalocyanine-Based Organic Diodes for Flexible Electronics
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3687: Comparative Study of Conduction Mechanisms in Disodium Phthalocyanine-Based Organic Diodes for Flexible Electronics Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163687 Authors: Leon Hamui María Elena Sánchez-Vergara N. Díaz-Ortega Roberto Salcedo In the current work, flexible diodes with flat heterojunction and dispersed heterojunction architecture were manufactured with to study the behavior of thin films of disodium phthalocyanine (Na2Pc). The thin film...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3685: Lauryl Gallate Activity and Streptococcus mutans: Its Effects on Biofilm Formation, Acidogenicity and Gene Expression
Molecules, Vol. 25, Pages 3685: Lauryl Gallate Activity and Streptococcus mutans: Its Effects on Biofilm Formation, Acidogenicity and Gene Expression Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules25163685 Authors: Vika Gabe Mouhammad Zeidan Tomas Kacergius Maksim Bratchikov Mizied Falah Anwar Rayan Streptococcus mutans bacterium is implicated in the pathogenesis of dental caries due to the production of biofilm and organic acids from dietary sucrose. Despite the availability of various...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
MTI, Vol. 4, Pages 51: Integrating Gamification and Social Interaction into an AR-Based Gamified Point System
MTI, Vol. 4, Pages 51: Integrating Gamification and Social Interaction into an AR-Based Gamified Point System Multimodal Technologies and Interaction doi: 10.3390/mti4030051 Authors: Boyang Liu Jiro Tanaka A loyalty program is an important link between consumers and merchants in daily consumption. While new technologies (e.g. gamification, social networks, augmented reality, and so on) make it possible to strengthen this bond, their potential has not yet been fully exploited. In our...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
MTI, Vol. 4, Pages 50: Factors Influencing Viewing Behavior in Live Streaming: An Interview-Based Survey of Music Fans
MTI, Vol. 4, Pages 50: Factors Influencing Viewing Behavior in Live Streaming: An Interview-Based Survey of Music Fans Multimodal Technologies and Interaction doi: 10.3390/mti4030050 Authors: Minjeong Ham Sang Woo Lee V Live is a live-streaming service made by South Korean IT company in August 2015. The service provides diverse video contents specific to entertainment content. Most of V Live users are K-pop fans, and they actively express emotions on V Live content by writing comments,...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Nanomaterials, Vol. 10, Pages 1592: Gated Resonance Energy Transfer (gRET) Controlled by Programmed Death Protein Ligand 1
Nanomaterials, Vol. 10, Pages 1592: Gated Resonance Energy Transfer (gRET) Controlled by Programmed Death Protein Ligand 1 Nanomaterials doi: 10.3390/nano10081592 Authors: Hubert Grel Katarzyna Ratajczak Slawomir Jakiela Magdalena Stobiecka The resonance energy transfer (RET) between an excited fluorescent probe molecule and a plasmonic nanoparticle (AuNP) has been investigated to evaluate the effect of protein molecules on the RET efficiency. We have found that the energy transfer...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2442: Postprandial NMR-Based Metabolic Exchanges Reflect Impaired Phenotypic Flexibility across Splanchnic Organs in the Obese Yucatan Mini-Pig
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2442: Postprandial NMR-Based Metabolic Exchanges Reflect Impaired Phenotypic Flexibility across Splanchnic Organs in the Obese Yucatan Mini-Pig Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12082442 Authors: Marie Tremblay-Franco Nathalie Poupin Aurélien Amiel Cécile Canlet Didier Rémond Laurent Debrauwer Dominique Dardevet Fabien Jourdan Isabelle Savary-Auzeloux Sergio Polakof The postprandial period represents one of the most challenging phenomena in...
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2441: The Association between Dyslipidemia, Dietary Habits and Other Lifestyle Indicators among Non-Diabetic Attendees of Primary Health Care Centers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2441: The Association between Dyslipidemia, Dietary Habits and Other Lifestyle Indicators among Non-Diabetic Attendees of Primary Health Care Centers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12082441 Authors: Sumia Enani Suhad Bahijri Manal Malibary Hanan Jambi Basmah Eldakhakhny Jawaher Al-Ahmadi Rajaa Al Raddadi Ghada Ajabnoor Anwar Boraie Jaakko Tuomilehto Diet and other lifestyle habits have been reported to contribute...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2439: Iron Content of Commercially Available Infant and Toddler Foods in the United States, 2015
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2439: Iron Content of Commercially Available Infant and Toddler Foods in the United States, 2015 Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12082439 Authors: Marlana Bates Priya Gupta Mary Cogswell Heather Hamner Cria Perrine Objectives: To describe the iron content of commercially available infant and toddler foods. Methods: Nutrition Facts label data were used from a 2015 database of 1037 commercial infant and toddler food and drink products. Products were grouped...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2440: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caffeine Implications on the Eukaryotic Cell
Nutrients, Vol. 12, Pages 2440: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caffeine Implications on the Eukaryotic Cell Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu12082440 Authors: Lavinia Liliana Ruta Ileana Cornelia Farcasanu Caffeine–a methylxanthine analogue of the purine bases adenine and guanine–is by far the most consumed neuro-stimulant, being the active principle of widely consumed beverages such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and cola. While the best-known action of caffeine is to prevent...
Thu Aug 13, 2020 03:00

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