Article Summaries for October 2019 Psychosomatic Medicine, Volume 81, Issue 8 No abstract available
Emotions in Social Relationships and Their Implications for Health and Disease: Introduction to the Special Issue of: Psychosomatic Medicine
Social relationships and emotions are important to health and disease, but research in this area has largely progressed along parallel and distinct historical paths. These areas are critically linked because relationships are among the most powerful elicitors of health-relevant emotions and emotions can in turn influence relationships for better or worse. Conceptually, relationships and emotions can have mediational, reciprocal, and interactive influences on health outcomes, associations that seem dependent on the broader sociocultural context. The articles in this issue of Psychosomatic Medicine are based on a joint meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society and the Society for Affective Science titled “Emotions in social relationships: implications for health and disease.” Recent research and conceptual models that fall at the interface of relationships, emotions, and health are highlighted in this special issue. Future work that capitalizes on these links will be critical if this area is to fulfill its potential in terms of new scientific insights and intervention opportunities.
Emotion, Social Relationships, and Physical Health: Concepts, Methods, and Evidence for an Integrative Perspective Emotional characteristics and processes are robust predictors of the development and course of major medical illnesses and premature mortality, as are a variety of indicators of the presence and quality of personal relationships. Despite clear evidence of close interconnection between these two domains of risk and protection, affective characteristics and relationships have largely been studied separately as influences on health. After a recent conference on integrative perspectives on emotions, relationships and health co-sponsored by the American Psychosomatic Society and the Society for Affective Science, the present review builds on prior calls for integration, related theory, and current research to outline what is known about the interconnection of these domains as it specifically relates to their overlapping influences on health. Areas of interest include the following: their interconnected roles over the course of development, which may inform current efforts to understand the influence of early life events on adult health; the parallel positive and negative factors in both domains that could have distinct influences on health; the role of emotion regulation in relationship contexts; and measurement, design, and analysis approaches to capture the dyadic and dynamic aspects of these interconnected influences on health. We conclude with a discussion of an emerging research agenda that includes the following: common biological foundations of affective and relationship processes, the cultural embeddedness of affective and relationship processes, the potential contribution of affective-relational processes to health disparities, and implications for intervention research.
Emotions, Bodily Changes, and the Social Environment: How Did Early Psychosomatic Medicine Consider the Social Dimension in Health and Disease?
Objective Social relationships play an important role in human health and disease processes, and the field of psychosomatic medicine currently integrates social factors in its theoretical models and clinical interventions. This article provides a historical perspective on the field of psychosomatic medicine in the United States and examines the extent to which early American psychosomatic medicine incorporated the impact of social relationships on health and disease outcomes. Methods We searched PubMed across all issues of Psychosomatic Medicine for key words related to emotions versus social processes. Article counts are compared for these key words. We then performed a narrative review to analyze how concepts of associations among emotional, interpersonal, and physiological variables evolved in early publications. Results Of 5023 articles found in Psychosomatic Medicine, 1453 contained an emotional, 936 a social search term, and 447 contained both. In the qualitative review, influences of the social environment on emotional states and physiology were recognized already in the 1930s but they only played a subordinate role in early Psychosomatic Medicine. Publications often lacked a clear working model how interpersonal events exert their impact on physiology. With increasing understanding of developmental and neural mechanisms, a more differentiated view evolved. Conclusions Early publications in psychosomatic medicine mainly focused on associations between emotions and physiology. However, some highlighted the importance of interpersonal and social factors. Later, the understanding of emotions, social relationships, and physiology with their developmental and neurobiological correlates have led to a fuller “biopsychosociocultural” understanding of health and disease, although more research on and within these networks is urgently needed.
Marriage and Gut (Microbiome) Feelings: Tracing Novel Dyadic Pathways to Accelerated Aging
Within a couple, partners influence each other’s mental and physical health. This review focuses on how couples’ relationships, the partners’ individual and joint vulnerabilities, and their health behaviors influence health through changes in the gut microbiota, metabolism, and immune function. Couples’ shared stressors and emotions and their intertwined lifestyles and routines serve to promote common disease risks in part through parallel changes in their gut microbiotas. Marital discord, stress, and depression have strong bidirectional links, fueling one another. Chronic marital stress and depression can elevate the risk for obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease by altering resting energy expenditure, insulin production, and triglyceride responses after unhealthy meals. During stressful times, health behaviors typically suffer—and sleep disturbances, poor diets, and sedentary behavior all influence these metabolic pathways while also promoting gut dysbiosis. Dysbiosis increases intestinal permeability (gut leakiness), providing a mechanistic pathway from marital distress and depression to heightened inflammation and accelerated aging. Age-related changes in the gut microbiota’s composition and gut leakiness foster immunosenescence, as well as the progression of inflamm-aging; these age-related risks may be altered by stress and depression, diet, sleep, exercise habits, and developmental shifts in emotion regulation strategies. Consideration of the strong mutual influences that partners have on each other’s mood and health behaviors, as well as the biological pathways that underlie these influences, provides a new way to view marriage’s health implications.
Two Distinct Immune Pathways Linking Social Relationships With Health: Inflammatory and Antiviral Processes
Objective Social relationships can both influence and be influenced by immune processes. Past work implicates two distinct pathways along which this interaction may occur: inflammatory processes and antiviral processes. This article reviews how social behavior is modulated by these two immune processes and how such processes may in turn regulate social behavior. Methods This narrative review outlines existing work on social behavior and both inflammatory and antiviral processes. We propose an evolutionary framework that aims to integrate these findings. Specifically, social isolation has evolutionarily increased the likelihood of wounding and therefore increased the need for inflammation, which works to promote healing. Conversely, broader social networks provide protection from physical threats but also lead to increased pathogen exposure, necessitating a more robust antiviral response. Results This review highlights that social adversity, such as social exclusion or loneliness, is associated with increased inflammation, whereas social contact is associated with increased antiviral immunity. Furthermore, increased inflammation leads to sensitivity to social stimuli, presumably to avoid hostile conspecifics and approach allies who may provide care while vulnerable. Individuals with inadequate antiviral immunity engage in behaviors that minimize pathogen exposure, such as reduced affiliative behavior. Conclusions This review suggests that adverse social experiences (social isolation, perceived social threat) may induce inflammatory responses while suppressing antiviral immunity, whereas positive experiences of social connection may reduce inflammation and bolster antiviral responses. Although acutely elevated inflammation would be adaptive under conditions where wounding is likely, chronic inflammation related to continued social adversity may have detrimental health consequences.
Stress and Illness: A Role for Specific Emotions
Research on stress and disease has often afforded an important role to emotion, typically conceptualized in broad categories (e.g., negative emotions), viewed as playing a causal role (e.g., anger contributing to pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease), and measured using self-report inventories. In this article, I argue for the value of evaluating specific emotions, considering bidirectional causal influences, and assessing actual emotional responding when considering the role that emotions play in the stress-disease relationship. In terms of specificity, specific emotions (e.g., anger, sadness, and embarrassment) can be linked with particular health outcomes (e.g., cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal disease). In terms of bidirectionality, the influences of emotions on disease as well as the influences of disease on emotional functioning can be considered. In terms of assessing actual emotional responding, emotions can be studied in vivo under controlled conditions that allow behavioral, physiological, and subjective responses to be measured during different kinds of emotional functioning (e.g., responding to emotional stimuli, interacting with relationship partners, and downregulating emotional responses). With these considerations in mind, I review early theories and empirical studies in psychosomatic medicine that considered the role of specific emotions and emotion-related behaviors. Studies from our laboratory are presented that illustrate a) differences in patterns of autonomic nervous system responding associated with specific emotions, b) relationships between specific emotions and particular health outcomes in the context of social relationships, c) age as a moderator of the relationship between specific emotions and well-being, d) bidirectional influences (emotions influencing disease and disease influencing emotional functioning), and e) impact of changes in emotional functioning in individuals with neurodegenerative diseases on the health of familial caregivers.
Grief: A Brief History of Research on How Body, Mind, and Brain Adapt
Objective Using an integrative view of psychology, neuroscience, immunology, and psychophysiology, the present review of literature curates the findings that have had an impact on the field of bereavement research and shaped its development. Methods Beginning with pivotal systematic descriptions of medical and psychological responses to the death of a loved one by Lindemann in the mid-1940s, this selective review integrates findings in bereavement research from studies that investigate medical outcomes after loss, their psychological predictors, and biopsychosocial mechanisms. Results Morbidity and mortality after the death of a loved one have long been a topic of research. Early researchers characterized somatic and psychological symptoms and studied immune cell changes in bereaved samples. More recent research has repeatedly demonstrated increased rates of morbidity and mortality in bereaved samples, as compared with married controls, in large epidemiological studies. Recent developments also include the development of criteria for prolonged grief disorder (also termed complicated grief). Newer methods, including neuroimaging, have observed that the greatest impact of the death of a loved one is in those who have the most severe psychological grief reactions. Research addressing the mechanisms tying bereavement to medical outcomes is relatively scarce, but differences in rumination, in inflammation, and in cortisol dysregulation between those who adapt well and those who do not have been offered with some evidence. Conclusions Recommendations to propel the field forward include longitudinal studies to understand differences between acute reactions and later adaptation, comparing samples with grief disorders from those with more typical responses, and integrating responses in brain, mind, and body.
Bidirectional Links Between Social Rejection and Sleep
Objective This set of studies examines the bidirectional links between social rejection and poor sleep, a ubiquitous and increasingly problematic health behavior. Methods In study 1, a multiday field experiment, 43 participants completed a neutral task just before sleep on night 1 and a social rejection task on night 2. Objective and subjective sleep, postrejection affect, and physiological responses were measured. In study 2, 338 participants reported typical sleep quality before coming to the laboratory where they received social rejection or social acceptance feedback from a stranger. Physiological and affective responses were measured throughout the session. Results In study 1, after social rejection, participants took longer going to bed (M [SD] = 38.06 [48.56] versus 11.18 [15.52], t(42) = 3.86, p < .001) and had shorter sleep durations (6:46 [1:27] versus 7:19 [1:38], t(41) = 2.92, p = .006) compared with the baseline night. Trait rumination moderated these effects, with high ruminators taking the longest to go to bed postrejection (t(38) = 2.90, p = .006). In both studies, there was (inconsistent) evidence that sleep influences reactions to rejection: some sleep measures predicted physiological reactivity during the rejection task in study 1 and greater negative affect after social rejection in study 2. Conclusions These studies provide evidence that social rejection may affect sleep outcomes, particularly for trait ruminators, and poor sleep in turn may exacerbate affective responses to social rejection. Given the mixed findings, small sample size, and no active control condition, more work is needed to confirm and build on these findings.
Quantifying Interpersonal Dynamics for Studying Socio-Emotional Processes and Adverse Health Behaviors
Objective We introduce a new statistical software R package, rties, that simplifies the use of dynamic models for investigating interpersonal emotional processes. We demonstrate the package by using it to test whether emotional dynamics in romantic couples can predict, or are predicted by, shared unhealthy behaviors (SUBs). Methods We use data from 74 romantic couples discussing their health behaviors. The conversations were videotaped and rated for evidence that the couples engaged in unhealthy behaviors that benefitted the relationship in some way (e.g., increasing closeness). Participants also provided video-prompted continuous recall of their emotional experience during the conversation. We use the rties package to estimate the parameters for inertia-coordination and coupled-oscillator models of the couples’ emotional experience. Those parameter estimates are then used as predictors and outcomes of the couple’s SUB. Results The coupled-oscillator model accounted for 17% of the variance in unhealthy behavior, with both partner’s amplification predicting higher unhealthy behavior (women: B = 0.95, SE = 0.31, t(63) = 3.06, p = .003, 95% confidence interval = 0.25–1.45; men: B = 0.9, SE = 0.29, t(63) = 3.09, p = .003, 95% confidence interval = 0.32–1.47). These results suggest that co-dysregulation, an unstable interpersonal pattern of amplified emotional oscillations is associated with more SUBs. In contrast, the dynamics assessed with inertia coordination were not associated with behavior. Conclusions The new rties package provides a set of relatively easy-to-use statistical models for representing and testing theories about interpersonal emotional dynamics. Our results suggest that emotional co-dysregulation may be a particularly detrimental pattern for health.
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