Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Any elective surgery should be as atraumatic to the patient as possible allowing for comfortable post-operative recovery. This study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of pre-surgical regional blocks in reducing pain, discomfort and analgesic use in patients scheduled to undergo bimaxillary surgery.
The Midfacial Advancement Line - a comparative evaluation of a new measurement method in orthognathic surgery
For planning an intraoral quadrangular Le Fort II osteotomy (IQLFIIO), simulation of hard- and soft tissue changes is important at the infraorbital, Le Fort I and incisor level. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new method for visualization and quantification.
News and Announcements
The first woman in the history of the AAOMS Board of Trustees – Dr Debra M. Sacco – was elected by the House of Delegates during the 2019 AAOMS Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. The 2019-20 AAOMS Officers and Trustees are:
Endoscopic Infraorbital Microdissection for Localized V2 Trigeminal Neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic and debilitating syndrome characterized by short paroxysms of lancinating facial pain. Patients may be medically managed; however, in cases of medically refractory trigeminal neuralgia surgical management is often required.
Long Term Post-Operative Cone Beam Commuted Tomography Analysis of Secondary Bone Grafting in 79 Patients with Unrepaired Alveolar Clefts
Use cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) analysis to assess the long term radiographic outcomes of early secondary alveolar bone grafting.
Apicoecto-Guide 3D: optimizing access for apicoectomies
When conventional endodontic treatment resources are depleted, endodontic surgery becomes an alternative treatment for apical periodontitis to remove unreachable infected areas and seal the root canal. Digital workflows have been used more frequently in many dental applications in recent years. In endodontics, virtual 3D planning and endodontic guidance are new aspects important for the treatment of complex cases. This report aimed to present Apicoecto-Guide 3D (AG3D), a novel method of performing guided ultraconservative endodontic surgery with conventional implant guided drills, and to describe its application in a case with a complex anatomic scenario and intimate contact with the maxillary sinus.
Vascular compromise following soft tissue facial fillers: Case report and review of current treatment protocols
The use of facial fillers for soft tissue augmentation is becoming a mainstream treatment modality for patients. Due to the relative ease of administration, as well as the lucrative nature of such procedures, the number of providers offering facial fillers has been expanding. While many of these are minor and localized to the site of injection, one potential serious, albeit uncommon, adverse effect of facial filler treatment is avascular necrosis. Herein, the authors report a review of soft tissue filler complications describing a case of a 52-year-old female who developed vascular compromise following facial filler administration.
Facial Versus Skeletal Landmarks for AP Diagnosis in Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics: Are They The Same?
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the diagnostic agreement in anterior-posterior categorization of the maxilla and mandible between a skeletal landmark analysis versus a facial landmark analysis for treatment planning orthognathic surgery and orthodontics.
In Reply
We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the interesting letter from Dr Omami about the sinus imaging and the clinical findings of sinusitis especially related to our recent article.1 In our study, we investigated the posterior superior alveolar artery and maxillary sinus pathology using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images and found a significant relationship between these parameters.1 The maxillary pathologic entity types were categorized as localized mucosal thickening, generalized mucosal thickening, polypoid mucosal thickening, partial opacification (air-fluid level), and total opacification.
Sinus Imaging of Asymptomatic Patients: Putting the Cart Before the Horse
The recent article by Yalcin and Akyol1 suggests a significant association between the posterior superior alveolar artery and maxillary sinus pathology. Aside from the authors' stated limitation with respect to using retrospective data, they apparently failed to take into account a number of important facts in reaching such a conclusion.

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