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Τετάρτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Documenting Physical Therapy Dose for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy: A Quality Improvement Initiative
imagePurpose: To describe the quality improvement (QI) activities used to improve treatment dose documentation for individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and to discuss insights gained from this project. Methods: Global and smart aims were established and interventions were tested from January 2017 through February 2018 using Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles. Performance was tracked overtime using run and control charts. Results: The QI initiative resulted in a sustainable increase in percentage of dose elements present in the electronic medical record from 78% to 94%. Key drivers of improvement included (1) knowledge and awareness of dose, (2) clinician buy-in, (3) effective engagement of child and parent, (4) therapist knowledge of evidence-based treatments, (5) transparent and reliable documentation system, and (6) audit and clinician feedback. Conclusions: QI methods provided the tools to improve workflow and increase dose documentation for individuals with CP.
Commentary on “Documenting Physical Therapy Dose for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy: A Quality Improvement Initiative”
No abstract available
Early Intervention Therapy Services for Infants With or at Risk for Cerebral Palsy
imageObjective: The purpose of this study was to explore the practices physical therapists and occupational therapists use in early intervention (EI) for infants with or at risk for cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: A survey was disseminated nationally to EI providers using an online anonymous link. Results: Two hundred sixty-nine therapists completed at least 50% of the survey. Four percent of therapists use the General Movement Assessment to predict CP, 57% reported infants at risk for CP receive therapy once a week, 89% identified parents' goals as the most important factor in customizing the EI program, and 75% provide parents with home programs. However, 73% never or rarely use outcome measures to prioritize parents' goals; 31% provide parents with individualized home program and more than 60% never assess environmental enrichment. Conclusion: Therapists do not incorporate sufficient strategies for goal-oriented interventions, comprehensive parent education, and optimum environmental enrichment.
Commentary on “Early Intervention Therapy Services for Infants With or at Risk for Cerebral Palsy”
No abstract available
Relationships Among 3 Movement Analysis Tests in Preterm Infants
imagePurpose: To investigate the relationships among the Infant Motor Profile (IMP), the Neuro-Sensory Motor Developmental Assessment (NSMDA), and the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) in prematurely born infants. Methods: Sixty-one preterm infants with a birth weight under 2500 g were assessed by the IMP, the NSMDA, and the AIMS. Results: There was a significant correlation between the IMP total score and the AIMS percentile and between the IMP total score and the NSMDA functional levels. There were significant correlations between the AIMS percentile age and the NSMDA functional levels and between the AIMS total scores and the IMP total scores. In the infants with atypical development, the relationship was significant between the AIMS and the IMP; however, there was no relationship between the IMP and the NSMDA. Conclusions: The 3 movement analysis tests are related. The IMP was found to be consistent with other movement analysis tests.
Commentary on “Relationships Among 3 Movement Analysis Tests in Preterm Infants”
No abstract available
Sitting Matters! Differences Between Sitters and Nonsitters at 6 Months' Adjusted Age in Infants At-Risk and Born Preterm
imagePurpose: Sitting delays in infants born preterm compound cognitive and language deficits. This retrospective study examines differences in prematurity-related risk and compares developmental outcomes between sitters and nonsitters at 6 months' adjusted age. Methods: A total of 105 graduates of the neonatal intensive care unit met inclusion criteria. Infant demographic and medical risk profiles and 6-month Bayley Scales of Infant Development-3rd edition (BSID-III) cognitive and language scores were retrieved. Infants who sat with hands free greater than 60 seconds were classified as “sitters.” Results: Sixty-nine percent of the sample were nonsitters and were born earlier, had lower birth weights, were chronologically older at follow-up, and spent more days with respiratory support. BSID-III scores were significantly higher in sitters but did not differ by gender, multiple birth, head ultrasound results, payment type, or race/ethnicity. Conclusion: Sitting abilities at 6 months' adjusted age are associated with prematurity risk factors. Cognitive and language scores differ significantly between sitters and nonsitters.
Commentary on “Sitting Matters! Differences Between Sitters and Nonsitters at 6 Months' Adjusted Age in Infants At-Risk and Born Preterm”
No abstract available
Stretching and Progressive Resistance Exercise in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
imagePurpose: To evaluate the effect of stretching and progressive resistance exercise on range of motion and muscle strength in children with cerebral palsy. Methods: Thirty-seven children with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy and Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I to III were randomized to an intervention and a comparison group. The intervention included stretching of hamstrings and progressive resistance exercise, targeting the lower extremities for 16 weeks, followed by a 16-week maintenance program. Passive and active popliteal angle and muscle strength were evaluated at 0, 16, and 32 weeks. Results: After 16 weeks nonsignificant improvements were found in passive, active popliteal angle and quadriceps and hamstrings strength. Conclusion: A 16-week stretching and progressive resistance exercise program followed by a 16-week maintenance program showed nonsignificant improvements in passive, active popliteal angle and muscle strength for the intervention group.

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