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Δευτέρα 7 Οκτωβρίου 2019

ROS from Physical Plasmas: Redox Chemistry for Biomedical Therapy
Physical plasmas generate unique mixes of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS or ROS). Only a bit more than a decade ago, these plasmas, operating at body temperature, started to be considered for medical therapy with considerably little mechanistic redox chemistry or biomedical research existing on that topic at that time. Today, a vast body of evidence is available on physical plasma-derived ROS, from their spatiotemporal resolution in the plasma gas phase to sophisticated chemical and biochemical...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Relationship between Hand Eczema Severity and Occupational Stress: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background. Stress has been recently implicated as a contributing factor of hand eczema (HE) severity. However, published data are both rare and contradictory justifying the need of further research. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relation between stress and HE severity. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study enrolling all patients who have been attending the Dermato-allergology unit of Farhat Hached University Hospital of Sousse over a period of one year. The HE severity was assessed...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Cancer Etiology: A Metabolic Disease Originating from Life’s Major Evolutionary Transition?
A clear understanding of the origins of cancer is the basis of successful strategies for effective cancer prevention and management. The origin of cancer at the molecular and cellular levels is not well understood. Is the primary cause of the origin of cancer the genomic instability or impaired energy metabolism? An attempt was made to present cancer etiology originating from life’s major evolutionary transition. The first evolutionary transition went from simple to complex cells when eukaryotic...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Andrographolide Protects against HG-Induced Inflammation, Apoptosis, Migration, and Impairment of Angiogenesis via PI3K/AKT-eNOS Signalling in HUVECs
Andrographolide (Andr) is a major component isolated from the plant Andrographis paniculata. Inflammation, apoptosis, and impaired angiogenesis are implicated in the pathogenesis of high glucose (HG)-induced injury of vascular endotheliocytes. Our study is aimed at evaluating the effect of Andr on HG-induced HUVEC injury and the underlying mechanism. HUVECs were exposed to HG levels (33 mM) and treated with Andr (0, 12.5, 25, and 50 μM). Western blot analysis, real-time PCR, immunofluorescence staining,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 17:05
Deformation and Failure Characteristics of Soil-Rock Mixture considering Material Composition and Random Structure
The soil-rock mixture is a cohesive-frictional geomaterial subjected to impacts of composition and structure seriously. When it suffers from gravity or other kinds of loadings, the loss of its bearing capacity always appears a progressive failure. In this study, the ultimate criterion of the frictional material changing from the deformation stage to the failure stage is analyzed first and then the deformation and failure characteristics of the soil-rock mixture with different compositions and structures...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 17:05
Satellite-Based Assessment of Various Cloud Microphysics Schemes in Simulating Typhoon Hydrometeors
The accurate simulation of typhoon hydrometeors remains a challenge. This study attempts to evaluate the performances of five microphysics schemes (MPSs) in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model in simulating the supertyphoon Neoguri in July 2014. The observed microwave brightness temperature, as well as retrieved data from the microwave radiometer imager (MWRI) onboard Chinese FY-3B satellite, are used to test hydrometeor simulations. In particular, two MWRI radiance indices, including...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 15:05
Prognostic Nutritional Index and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Are Respectively Associated with Prognosis of Gastric Cancer with Liver Metatasis Undergoing and without Hepatectomy
Background. To clarify the efficacy of hepatectomy for gastric cancer liver metastasis (GCLM) and to investigate the association between prognostic nutrition index (PNI) or neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and prognosis of GCLM undergoing or without hepatectomy. Methods. We retrospectively studied 374 patients with GCLM. The ROC curve was used to determine the optimal cut-off of PNI and NLR. Patients were divided into groups based on whether hepatectomy was performed, and survival analysis was...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 15:05
Dynamic Changes of Th1 Cytokines and the Clinical Significance of the IFN-γ/TNF-α Ratio in Acute Brucellosis
Background. T-helper type 1 (Th1) cells and Th1-produced cytokines play essential roles in the immune response to foreign pathogens, such as Brucella spp. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dynamic changes of Th1 cells and Th1-produced cytokines in patients with acute brucellosis and their impact on clinical decision-making. Methods. Fifty-one individuals with acute brucellosis and 17 healthy subjects were enrolled in this study. The brucellosis patients were diagnosed based on clinical symptoms,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:05
Impact of the Four-Sideband and Two-Sideband Theories in Designing of Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers
In this paper, we seek to compare the two design theories for fiber optical parametric amplifier through simulation. The two-sideband method (standard method) has been the most widely used method in fiber optical parametric amplifier design, but it does not predict the gain shrinkage around the pumps. This technique does not consider the gain shrinking dynamics around the pump(s). The four-sideband analytical technique is an alternative technique for fiber optical parametric amplifier design, and...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:05
Corrigendum to “Relationship between Color CIEL∗a∗b∗ and Total Organic Carbon in Compost”
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:05
Corrigendum to “Synthesis of Kojic Ester Derivatives as Potential Antibacterial Agent”
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:05
Determination of Gradation of Recycled Mixed Coarse Aggregates for Pavement Base or Subbase by Crushing Fractals
A loading crushing test of recycled mixed coarse aggregates in the same particle diameter range is carried out, and the crushed coarse aggregates are screened, manually sorted, and weighed to study the crushing characteristics of recycled mixed coarse aggregates. The results show that the effect of “reinforcing the strong and discarding the weak” exists between two types of recycled mixed coarse aggregates with different strength in the course of crushing. After crushing, the cumulative mass content...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:05
Investigation of Damage Diagnosis of Retaining Wall Structures Based on the Hilbert Damage Feature Vector Spectrum
To diagnose damages within the retaining wall structure, the Hilbert marginal energy spectrum was acquired via the Hilbert–Huang transformation of virtual impulse response functions of responses to the retaining wall under ambient excitations. Based on the Hilbert marginal energy spectrum, the Hilbert damage feature vector spectrum was created. On the basis of the damage feature vector spectrum, a damage identification index was proposed. Based on the damage feature vector spectrum and damage index,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:05
Predictors for Unfavorable Early Outcomes in Elective Total Hip Arthroplasty: Does Extreme Body Mass Index Matter?
Background. Studies of previous cohorts have demonstrated a controversial association between extreme body mass index (BMI) and complication rates following total hip arthroplasty (THA). The purpose of this study was to compare 30-day perioperative complications in underweight (BMI
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:05
Evaluation of Drug Susceptibility of Microorganisms in Odontogenic Inflammations and Dental Surgery Procedures Performed on an Outpatient Basis
Bacterial infections are the most common cause of purulent soft tissue inflammations in the head and neck area. These bacteria are also responsible for the majority of inflammatory complications after third molar removal. The key to success of antibacterial treatment in both cases is the use of an appropriate antibacterial agent. The aim of the study was to evaluate the susceptibility profile of bacteria isolated from material collected from patients with intraoral odontogenic abscesses. The test...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:05
Quality of Sliced Cured Pork Loin with Spinach: Effect of Incubation Period with Starter Culture
An increasing concern about the usage of chemical additives in meat products has resulted in the use of natural ingredients instead of chemical additives in meat products. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of incubation period on the physicochemical characteristics of meat products cured with spinach and starter culture containing Staphylococcus carnosus. The pH, color, TBARS lipid oxidation, volatile basic nitrogen, residual nitrite content, and microbial number in cured pork...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
Optically Transparent Anionic Nanofibrillar Cellulose Is Cytocompatible with Human Adipose Tissue-Derived Stem Cells and Allows Simple Imaging in 3D
The anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties of human mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a focus within regenerative medicine. However, 2D cultivation of MSCs for extended periods results in abnormal cell polarity, chromosomal changes, reduction in viability, and altered differentiation potential. As an alternative, various 3D hydrogels have been developed which mimic the endogenous niche of MSCs. Nevertheless, imaging cells embedded within 3D hydrogels often suffers from low signal-to-noise...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
Expectant Management of a Twin Pregnancy with Complete Hydatidiform Mole and Coexistent Normal Fetus
Twin pregnancies complicated by complete hydatidiform mole coexisting with a viable fetus are rare and may result in significant complications. We describe the expectant management and our surgical approach in a 27-year-old Rh-negative woman presenting with recurrent episodes of vaginal bleeding and a twin pregnancy consisting of a molar pregnancy coexisting with a normal fetus. Inpatient management was undertaken with close maternal and fetal monitoring until cesarean delivery of a healthy female...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05

Autoimmune Limbic Encephalitis in a Patient with Acute Encephalopathy and Hyponatremia
Acute encephalopathy is a common clinical presentation for hospital admissions. Autoimmune encephalitis is a rare cause of encephalopathy which has increasingly been recognized over the last decade. The detection of various neuronal antibodies has helped diagnose these syndromes, but they have limited availability, mostly in the developed countries. We present a case of a middle-aged female presenting with memory impairment, gait disturbances, and hyponatremia. A clinical diagnosis of autoimmune...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
Epstein–Barr Virus Primary Infection Complicated by Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis and Plasmablastic Lymphoma in a HIV-Negative Patient
EBV (Epstein–Barr virus) viremia causes immune dysregulation through various mechanisms, and we are understanding more that mutations in B, T, and NK (natural killer) cell signaling pathways allow EBV complications such as HLH (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis) and lymphomas to arise. Here, we report a 20-year-old previously healthy, HIV- (human immunodeficiency virus-) negative male who presented with fevers, sore throat, and lymphadenopathy (LAD). He was found to have EBV viremia, pancytopenia,...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in an AIDS Patient with Kaposi Sarcoma: A Treatment Dilemma
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a result of an abnormal activation of immune cells (T lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and macrophages) resulting in cytokine overproduction and immune destruction of cells, eventually resulting in multiorgan failure. Genetic causes are responsible for primary hemophagocytosis, but malignancies, infections, and autoimmunity underlie most of the secondary cases. We present an unusual case of a patient with AIDS and disseminated Kaposi sarcoma who was commenced...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
Analysis on Fracture Toughness of the L360QS/N08825 Bimetallic Composite Pipe Welded Joint
The fracture toughness of the weld and heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the L360QS/N08825 composite pipe welded joint was evaluated by a crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) test. The fracture morphology, microstructure, and inclusion near fracture zones were observed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The grain size and grain orientation of the crack propagation zone in the weld were investigated by electron...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
A Time-Dependent Double Hardening Model for Soft Rock
The time-dependent behavior of soft rock is very important in tunnel construction through soft rock. There is always a chance of creep failure due to sustained loading along the crest of the tunnel. In this research, a three-component elasto-visco-plastic framework is used to develop a time-dependent double hardening model to predict the behavior of soft rock both in compression and shear. Due to the limitation of time-dependent single yield hardening model in predicting the behavior of soft rock...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
Era of Genomic Medicine: A Narrative Review on CRISPR Technology as a Potential Therapeutic Tool for Human Diseases
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) provides acquired immunity in microorganisms against exogenous DNA that may hinder the survival of the organism. Pioneering work by Doudna and Charpentier in 2012 resulted in the creation of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool on the basis of this concept. The aim of this was to create a rapid, efficient, and versatile genome-editing tool to facilitate genetic manipulation. The mechanism relies on two components: the RNA guide which...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05
External Control Viral-Like Particle Construction for Detection of Emergent Arboviruses by Real-Time Reverse-Transcription PCR
Arboviruses have been emerging and reemerging worldwide, predominantly in tropical and subtropical areas. As many arbovirus infections, including dengue (DENV), Zika (ZIKV), and chikungunya (CHIKV), have similar signs and symptoms, clinical diagnosis of arbovirus infections is challenging. Therefore, reliable laboratory tests are necessary to improve the clinical management of patients with suspected arbovirus infections. Real-time reverse-transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) is among the more effective methods...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Mon Oct 07, 2019 11:05

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