Δευτέρα 7 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection, 2nd Edition
  Radiation protection is a core element of radiologic technology programmes and daily practice alike. Rad Tech's Guide to Radiation Protection is a comprehensive yet compact guide designed to illuminate the extensive field of radiation protection for technologists, trainees, and radiology students. Organised into ten digestible chapters, the second edition of this popular book provides new discussions of dose factors in computed tomography, the debateRead More...
Wiley: All New Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry Titles
Mon Oct 07, 2019 07:00
Successful Drug Discovery, Volume 4
  Provides unique insider insight into the current drug development process, and what it takes to achieve successIn this fourth volume in the series, inventors and primary developers of drugs that made it to the market continue telling the story of the drugs? discovery and development, and discuss the sometimes twisted route from the first drug candidate molecule to the final marketed one. Beginning with a general section addressing overarching topicsRead More...
Wiley: All New Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry Titles
Mon Oct 07, 2019 07:00
Movement Disorders Differential Diagnosis: A Prioritized Approach
Movement Disorders - Parkinson's, Essential Tremor, Dystonia, etc. - are some of the most common but hardest to definitively diagnose conditions seen by the neurologist. This book complements the popular Neurological Differential Diagnosis, supplying the practitioner with a similarly vital tool, and following a similar pattern highlighting common and serious conditions first. This guide allows deeper exploration of issues specific to movement disordersRead More...
Wiley: All New Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry Titles
Mon Oct 07, 2019 07:00
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions, 2nd Edition
  The revised edition of the Handbook offers the onlyguide on how to conduct, report and maintain a Cochrane Review
The second edition of The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions contains essential guidance for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews of the effects of health interventions. Designed to be an accessible resource, the Handbook will also be of interest to anyone undertaking systematic reviews of interventions outsideRead More...
Wiley: All New Medicine, Nursing & Dentistry Titles
Mon Oct 07, 2019 07:00

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