Τρίτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Reduced P2X receptor levels are associated with antidepressant effect in the learned helplessness model
Purinergic receptors, especially P2RX, are associated to the severity of symptoms in patients suffering from depressive and bipolar disorders, and genetic deletion or pharmacological blockade of P2RX7 induces antidepressant-like effect in preclinical models. However, there is scarce evidence about the alterations in P2RX7 or P2RX4 levels and in behavioral consequences induced by previous exposure to stress, a major risk factor for depression in humans. In the present study, we evaluated the effect...
Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) rafting behaviour revealed by GPS tracking and behavioural observations
Before visiting or leaving their remote island colonies, seabirds often engage in a behaviour termed ‘rafting’, where birds sit, often in groups, on the water close to the colony. Despite rafting being a widespread behaviour across many seabird taxa, the functional significance of rafting remains unknown. Here we combine global positioning system (GPS) tracks, observational and wind condition data to investigate correlates of rafting behaviour in Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus) at a large colony...
Aspergillus terreus obtained from mangrove exhibits antagonistic activities against Pythium aphanidermatum-induced damping-off of cucumber
A study was conducted to investigate the potential of Aspergillus terreus obtained from Avicennia marina mangrove roots in inhibiting Pythium aphanidermatum and damping-off disease of cucumber. Aspergillus terreus exhibited in vitro inhibition of Pythium aphanidermatum growth. Electron microscope examination revealed that the antagonistic fungal isolate resulted in shrinking and groves in Pythium hypha. When Aspergillus terreus culture filtrate was added to Pythium aphanidermatum, it resulted in...
Classification of RNA backbone conformations into rotamers using 13C′ chemical shifts: exploring how far we can go
The conformational space of the ribose-phosphate backbone is very complex as it is defined in terms of six torsional angles. To help delimit the RNA backbone conformational preferences, 46 rotamers have been defined in terms of these torsional angles. In the present work, we use the ribose experimental and theoretical 13C′ chemical shifts data and machine learning methods to classify RNA backbone conformations into rotamers and families of rotamers. We show to what extent the experimental 13C′ chemical...
Threshold-like associations as a function of disturbance
According to the intelligence-creativity threshold hypothesis, there should be a positive association between intelligence and creative potential up to a certain point, the threshold, after which a further increase in intelligence should have no association with creativity. In the present simulation study, the measured intelligence and creativity of virtual subjects were affected by their true abilities as well as a disturbance factor that varied in magnitude between subjects. The results indicate...
RNA-seq transcriptome profiling of porcine lung from two pig breeds in response to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection
Background Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mhp) is the main pathogen causing respiratory disease in the swine industry. Mhp infection rates differ across pig breeds, with Chinese native pig breeds that exhibit high fecundity (e.g., Jiangquhai, Meishan, Erhualian) more sensitive than Duroc, Landrace, and other imported pig breeds. However, the genetic basis of the immune response to Mhp infection in different pig breeds is largely unknown. Aims...
Effects of the loss of estrogen on the heart’s hypertrophic response to chronic left ventricle volume overload in rats
Aortic valve regurgitation (AR) can result in heart failure from chronic overloading of the left ventricle (LV). Little is known of the role of estrogens in the LV responses to this condition. The aim of the study was to compare LV remodeling in female rats with severe AR in absence of estrogens by ovariectomy (Ovx). In a first study, we investigated over 6 months the development of hypertrophy in four groups of female Wistar rats: AR or sham-operated (sham) and Ovx or not. Ovx reduced normal heart...
Mercuric pollution of surface water, superficial sediments, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica Linnaeus 1758 [Cichlidae]) and yams (Dioscorea alata) in auriferous areas of Namukombe stream, Syanyonja, Busia, Uganda
The mercury content and the contamination characteristics of water, sediments, edible muscles of a non-piscivorous fish (Oreochromis nilotica Linnaeus 1758 [Cichlidae]) and yams (Dioscorea alata) from Namukombe stream in Busia gold district of Uganda were evaluated. Human health risk assessment from consumption of contaminated fish and yams as well as contact with contaminated sediments from the stream were performed. Forty-eight (48) samples of water (n = 12), sediments (n = 12), fish (n = 12) and...
Spatio-temporal patterns of the oceanic conditions and nearshore marine community in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (New Jersey, USA)
Oceanic environmental conditions influence, shape, and control the geographical range, spatial distribution, abundance, and size composition of marine fauna. Water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, depth, and sediment type influence select fish life-history characteristics and community structure. Marine communities are vulnerable to major changes in environmental conditions, but the response and severity depends on various biological or ecological factors, such as resilience to stress or...
A new small device made of glass for separating microplastics from marine and freshwater sediments
Separating microplastics from marine and freshwater sediments is challenging, but necessary to determine their distribution, mass, and ecological impacts in benthic environments. Density separation is commonly used to extract microplastics from sediments by using heavy salt solutions, such as zinc chloride and sodium iodide. However, current devices/apparatus used for density separation, including glass beakers, funnels, upside-down funnel-shaped separators with a shut-off valve, etc., possess various...

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