Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2019

The de Novo Reference Genome and Transcriptome Assemblies of the Wild Tomato Species Solanum chilense Highlights Birth and Death of NLR Genes Between Tomato Species
Wild tomato species, like Solanum chilense, are important germplasm resources for enhanced biotic and abiotic stress resistance in tomato breeding. S. chilense also serves as a model to study adaptation of plants to drought and the evolution of seed banks. The absence of a well-annotated reference genome in this compulsory outcrossing, very diverse species limits in-depth studies on the genes involved. We generated ~134 Gb of DNA and 157 Gb of RNA sequence data for S. chilense, which yielded a draft...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
The Trithorax Group Factor ULTRAPETALA1 Regulates Developmental as Well as Biotic and Abiotic Stress Response Genes in Arabidopsis
In eukaryotes, Polycomb group (PcG) and trithorax group (trxG) factors oppositely regulate gene transcription during development through histone modifications, with PcG factors repressing and trxG factors activating the expression of their target genes. Although plant trxG factors regulate many developmental and physiological processes, their downstream targets are poorly characterized. Here we use transcriptomics to identify genome-wide targets of the Arabidopsis thaliana trxG factor ULTRAPETALA1...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Selecting Closely-Linked SNPs Based on Local Epistatic Effects for Haplotype Construction Improves Power of Association Mapping
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have gained central importance for the identification of candidate loci underlying complex traits. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers are mostly used as genetic variants for the analysis of genotype-phenotype associations in populations, but closely linked SNPs that are grouped into haplotypes are also exploited. The benefit of haplotype-based GWAS approaches versus SNP-based approaches is still under debate because SNPs in high linkage disequilibrium...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Patterns and Predictors of Genetic Referral among Ovarian Cancer Patients at a National Cancer Institute Comprehensive Cancer Center
ABSTRACT Germline mutations (eg, BRCA1/2) have prognostic and treatment implications for ovarian cancer (OVCA) patients. Thus, national guidelines recommend genetic testing for OVCA patients. The present study examines patterns and predictors of genetics referral in OVCA patients. Electronic medical record data were abstracted retrospectively from 557 OVCA patients treated from January 1, 2001, to December 31, 2015. Logistic regression models identified sociodemographic characteristics,...
Clinical Genetics
Thu Oct 10, 2019 14:37
Identification of a novel heterozygous guanosine monophosphate reductase (GMPR) variant in a patient with a late‐onset disorder of mitochondrial DNA maintenance
ABSTRACT Autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (adPEO) is a late‐onset, Mendelian mitochondrial disorder characterised by paresis of the extraocular muscles, ptosis and skeletal‐muscle restricted multiple mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions. While dominantly‐inherited, pathogenic variants in POLG, TWNK and RRM2B are among the most common genetic defects of adPEO, identification of novel candidate genes and the underlying pathomechanisms remain challenging. We report the...
Clinical Genetics
Thu Oct 10, 2019 14:35
Application of the 2017 criteria for vascular Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome in 50 patients ascertained according to the Villefranche nosology
Abstract Vascular Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome (vEDS) is a rare inherited connective tissue disorder due to heterozygous pathogenic COL3A1 variants. Arterial, intestinal, and/or uterine fragility is the disease hallmark and results in reduced life expectancy. The clinical diagnosis is not always straightforward and patients' selection for molecular confirmation depends on the characteristics of applied criteria, that is, the Villefranche criteria (in use until 2017) and their revision according...
Clinical Genetics
Thu Oct 10, 2019 14:33
Skeletal abnormalities are common features in Aymé‐Gripp syndrome
Left panel (A): clustered AYGRPS‐causing MAF changes within the transactivation domain (TAD): C‐terminal DNA binding domain, “extended homology” (EHR), “basic motif” (BR), and leucine‐zipper (LZ) regions are shown. Left panel (B): amino acid alignments of the GSK3 motif among MAF orthologues. The priming Ser70 and four tandemly arranged phosphorylatable serine/threonine residues (Ser66, Thr62, Thr58, and Ser54) within GSK3 recognition region are displayed in black, while affected residues identified...
Clinical Genetics
Thu Oct 10, 2019 14:27

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