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Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2019

World Arthritis Day
This World Arthritis Day, Springer Nature brings you articles, collections, and books on rheumatology, from the latest research on psoriatic arthritis to arthralgia and fatigue management.
Below, you can read samples from our books, submit your papers to our latest BMC collection, and share our free-to-read and open access articles with your colleagues.
 These select articles on rheumatology, covering topics from prevention and management to rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, are free-to-read until November 1. Open Access articles are permanently available.
JournalArticle Title
Rheumatology InternationalRole of inflammation in the pathogenesis and treatment of fibromyalgia
Arthritis Research & TherapyOPEN ACCESS: Health-related quality of life in patients with giant cell arteritis treated with tocilizumab in a phase 3 randomised controlled trial
Clinical RheumatologyRunning does not increase symptoms or structural progression in people with knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative
Clinical RheumatologyOPEN ACCESS: A global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in learning about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases in undergraduate medical education
Advances in RheumatologyOPEN ACCESS: Gender-specific risk factors for gout: a systematic review of cohort studies
Nature Reviews RheumatologyManaging rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases — past, present and future
Nature Reviews RheumatologyPreventing progression from arthralgia to arthritis: targeting the right patients
Nature Reviews RheumatologyPreventing psoriatic arthritis: focusing on patients with psoriasis at increased risk of transition
BMC Musculoskeletal DisordersOPEN ACCESS: Developing a group intervention to manage fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis through modifying physical activity
Pediatric RheumatologyOPEN ACCESS: Research priorities in childhood-onset lupus: results of a multidisciplinary prioritization exercise
 Series and Collections 
Advances & challenges with imaging rheumatic & musculoskeletal disorders
Submit Your Papers: Advances & challenges with imaging rheumatic & musculoskeletal disorders
Add your voice to this cross-journal collection exploring advances & challenges associated with imaging RMDs.
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Osteoarthritis - from basic and translational approaches to clinical practice
Osteoarthritis - from basic and translational approaches to clinical practice
This series covers all aspects of research into osteoarthritis, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms to clinical practice.
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Osteoarthritis is the result of a combination of risk factors, of which increasing age and obesity are the most important.
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Introducing a new, highly inclusive journal in the field of clinical medicine
SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine provides a unified forum for the international medical community to connect research, theory and practice. Learn more
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