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Δευτέρα 7 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Meningioma molecular profile reliably predicts tumor recurrence
Although typically benign, about one-fifth of meningiomas, the most common primary brain tumors, recur despite complete surgical removal. The current meningioma classification does not consistently predict whether the tumor will recur, but researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's Hospital report today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that using molecular profiles that might better predict meningioma...
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
Violence linked to social isolation, hypervigilance and chronic health problems
Exposure to violence can negatively impact a person's physical and psychosocial health, according to two new studies co-authored by University of Chicago Medicine social epidemiologist Elizabeth L. Tung, MD.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
The effectiveness of electrical stimulation in producing spinal fusion
Researchers from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of published data on the effect of electrical stimulation therapies on spinal fusion. They found significant improvement overall in the rates of bone fusion following a course of electrical stimulation in both preclinical (animal) and clinical (human) studies.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
Mom Shames Babysitter For Asking For $15/Hour To Take Care Of Her 3 Kids, She Stands Her Ground
Kids are adorable, fun, and downright cute. That’s what most people think and it’s easy to see why. However, babysitting them is by no means an easy task. In fact, taking care of kids is something akin to handling teenagers: their mood changes like the wind changes direction, they’re hungry all the time, and their sleeping patterns are somewhat erratic. So it’s no wonder that babysitters want to be paid a decent hourly wage for looking after someone else’s children. Even if that ‘someone’ thinks...
Bored Panda
‘Broken And Forgotten’ Dog Can’t Stop Smiling After He Realizes He’s Being Rescued
Animal rescuers have seen animals in the most appalling conditions imaginable and always do their best at nurturing them back to life. However, even those who have seen it all sometimes get shocked by certain instances of animal mistreatment. Yet they don’t get discouraged from doing their job, because there’s nothing more rewarding than seeing those cats and dogs recovering from all adversities, healing and finding forever homes. One instance just like that made the employees of Dallas DogRRR proud...
Bored Panda
Mon Oct 07, 2019 17:59
This Artist Creates Playful 3D Illustrations That Seem To Leap Off The Page (134 Pics)
Italian artist Luigi Kemo Volo is probably best known for his photo montages where he inserts Disney characters into real life, but he uses other brilliant ways to play with perspective as well. For example, Luigi's other illustrations, the ones that haven't made it into reality just yet, are just as playful. The artist makes them interact with real-life objects: pencils, lighters, you name it. What's also very cool is that his works are always keeping in mind the character they're depicting. Extending...
Bored Panda
Mon Oct 07, 2019 15:17
Scientists Taught Rats How To Play Hide And Seek And Found Out They Actually Really Enjoy Playing
Hide and Seek is probably one of the most popular games in the world. You’ve played it, we’ve played it, little Timmy, who always tried to be sneaky and cheat, played it. Even new parents and their relatives get to relive the excitement by playing hide and seek with their children! Besides it being genuinely fun, there is a heap of science backing up how beneficial it is to a developing body and mind. In fact, hide and seek is such a universal game that it transcends all barriers of language, age,...
Bored Panda
Fri Oct 04, 2019 18:08
65 Pics Of Adorable Herbee The Hedgehog That 1.5 Million Instagram Followers Adore
Some days all you need is a happy, squishy hedgehog and if these adorable vampy smiles don't warm your heart or at least brighten your day, I don't know what will. Add a dog and a cat to the mix and it becomes just too cute to handle. Precious moments that capture the honest friendship between animals and their hoomans are what makes the internet a place we don't even mind wasting our time on. This goes into one Instagram account that is is all about bringing happiness and cuteness overload. And...
Bored Panda
Fri Oct 04, 2019 16:34
Woman Shows How Easy It Is To Transform Into A Top 100 Instagram Influencer With Photoshop
Instagram vs. Reality has been a hot topic lately. With so many people working their butts off trying to make it as influencers, it’s fairly common that some of them seek a competitive edge by altering their appearances. Gotta reach that wider audience. However, what are the dominating social media beauty standards these wannabes are trying so desperately to reach? Well, blogger Cassey Ho might have the answer to this question. More info: blogilates.com | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube Image...
Bored Panda
Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:07
46 People Share Simple But Effective Hotel Hacks
When you come to stay at a hotel, usually all that you want are the basics: to relax, watch a movie on TV, get a good night’s sleep, enjoy some delicious English breakfast in the morning, maybe get some advice about what interesting sites there are to see nearby. The last thing that should be on your mind is how uncomfortable you are. It shouldn’t take 5 stars for a hotel to provide the basics and make you feel welcome. However, the sad reality is that far from every hotel you stay at will be up...
Bored Panda
Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:05
Man Accidentally Captures A Video Of His Baby Daughter Dancing To Their Dog Playing The Piano
Buddy Mercury is a rescue dog who became famous for his next-level piano skills. But he’s much more than that. The beagle also loves singing and is great with kids. The ultimate pupper. Recently, Buddy Mercury’s pawrents uploaded a video of his little sis rocking out to his tune, and it’s going viral for all the right reasons. Accumulating over 4 million views, this clip is precisely what the internet was created for. More info: buddymercury.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter Watch Buddy Mercury...
Bored Panda
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:18
Guy Tries To Pay Back Girl $1, Turns Into A Back-And-Forth That Ends Up With Them Married With 3 Kids
A single dollar is worth much more than most people give it credit. It has the power to unite people. To bring them hope. To completely change their future. And, yes, it also has the power to buy a pack of chewing gum. For Reddit user Jason W., who goes by the moniker Jfreak7, a 1 dollar bill isn’t just a dollar bill: it’s the key that opened the door to a bright, happy, and wholesome future. According to the Redditor, a dollar bill was responsible for him having a wife, 3 kids, and his entire future....
Bored Panda
Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:22
Convergence in Income Inequality Across Australian States and Territories
Abstract This paper investigates stochastic convergence in income inequality across Australian states and territories since the end of World War II by utilising the LM and RALS-LM unit root tests that allow for endogenously determined structural breaks. We find that income inequality for Australia’s capital city—the Australain Capital Territoy—converges to a stable steady-state when we account for endogenously determined trend-breaks. The null hypothesis of a unit root is rejected...
Latest Results for Social Indicators Research
Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 3613: Antidiabetic and Cosmeceutical Potential of Common Barbery (Berberis vulgaris L.) Root Bark Extracts Obtained by Optimization of ‘Green’ Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction
Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 3613: Antidiabetic and Cosmeceutical Potential of Common Barbery (Berberis vulgaris L.) Root Bark Extracts Obtained by Optimization of ‘Green’ Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules24193613 Authors: Marina Dulić Petar Ciganović Lovorka Vujić Marijana Zovko Končić Berberis vulgaris is rich in berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid, with antidiabetic activity, often used topically for skin-related problems. The aim of this work was...
MDPI Publishing
Mortality risk in atrial fibrillation: the role of aspirin, vitamin K and non-vitamin K antagonists
Abstract Background As an alternative to vitamin K antagonist and low-dose aspirin (< 325 mg), non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants are available for the prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. However, the mortality risk associated with these drugs in daily practice remains unclear. Objective To evaluate the risk of all-cause mortality associated with non-Vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants, vitamin K antagonists or aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation....
Latest Results for International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
The role of the clinical pharmacist in the prevention of potential drug interactions in geriatric heart failure patients
Abstract Background The treatment of heart failure patients is very complex and includes lifestyle modification as well as different pharmacological therapies. Polypharmacy is very common in such patients and they are at increased risk of potential drug–drug interactions and associated effects such as poor adherence, compliance and adverse events. Objective The aim of the present study is to investigate retrospectively the prescribed pharmacotherapy of the hospital discharged heart...
Latest Results for International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Integrating a pharmacist into an anaesthesiology and critical care department: Is this worthwhile?
Abstract Background Operating rooms and Intensive Care Units are places where an optimal management of drugs and medical devices is required. Objective To evaluate the impact of a dedicated pharmacist in an academic Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Department. Setting This study was conducted in the Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Department of Grenoble University Hospital. Method Between November 2013 and June 2017, the drug-related problems occurring in three Intensive Care...
Latest Results for International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Outpatient benzodiazepine utilization in Croatia: drug use or misuse
Abstract Background Benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed medications, especially among elderly, despite known risks and guidelines focused on short term usage. There is an increased trend of benzodiazepine consumption in Croatia. Consumption of anxiolytics in 2015 and 2016 in Croatia can almost entirely be ascribed to benzodiazepines, with diazepam being the most commonly prescribed drug, followed by alprazolam. Objective The aim of this study was to examine benzodiazepine utilization...
Latest Results for International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Incorporation of the Milan system in reporting salivary gland fine needle aspiration cytology—An insight into its value addition to the conventional system
Abstract Background Milan System for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytology (MSRSGC) was introduced to standardise the terminology and reporting of salivary gland cytology. The purpose of our study was to compare the conventional system and the proposed Milan System to look for concordance rates in cytohistopathologic correlation and any value addition to the conventional system. Methods This was a retrospective cross sectional observational study. The fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)...
Diagnostic Cytopathology
Mon Oct 07, 2019 19:57
Low background mould-prepared gelatine standards for reproducible quantification in elemental bio-imaging
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01580A, PaperMika Westerhausen, Thomas Edward Lockwood, Raquel Gonzalez de Vega, Anna Röhnelt, David Paul Bishop, Nerida Cole, Philip Doble, David ClasesStandard preparation for elemental bioimaging by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry is confounded by the chemical and physical differences between standard and sample matrices. These differences lead to variable ablation,...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society...
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
Clues from DNA could help predict growth of prostate cancer
FINDINGSResearchers from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center and other institutions in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom and Singapore, have identified 1,178 biomarkers in men ’s genomes — the complete set of genetic material inherited from one’s parents — that predict how an individual person’s prostate cancer will grow.The finding suggests that predicting how a person ’s cancer will evolve may lie in their inherited DNA.BACKGROUNDThe researchers focused in part on a biological process...
MedWorm Cancer & Oncology News
Mon Oct 07, 2019 17:00
Keytruda for Mesothelioma Flops in Phase III Clinical Trial
Results from a phase III clinical trial comparing Keytruda (pembrolizumab) to standard chemotherapy shows the immunotherapy drug still has a long way to go as a viable treatment option for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Keytruda did not improve progression-free survival for mesothelioma patients who progressed after first-line chemotherapy. The disappointing results from the PROMISE-meso study were presented at the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) annual meeting last week. It was...
MedWorm Cancer & Oncology News
Mon Oct 07, 2019 16:46
Psychometric Properties of Sinhala Version of Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire-2 (SF MPQ-2-Sin) among Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka
Introduction. Pain is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms that distress the well-being of patients with cancer. Considerable evidence supports the validity and reliability of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) and its short forms, the SF MPQ and SF MPQ-2—which are the most widely used tools for pain assessment—in terms of patients with cancer. Pain and its characteristics are best assessed using validated and culturally adapted tools developed in participants’ mother tongue. Although...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Ultrasonic Testing Analysis of Concrete Structure Based on S Transform
Ultrasonic testing analysis is a crucial scientific component during the process and interpretation of the ultrasonic detection signal. Focusing on the ultrasonic testing characteristics, the time-invariant spectral analysis method cannot meet the processing requirements of the detection signal fully. Thus, S transform, the time-varying analysis method, was introduced into the ultrasonic testing data processing of the concrete structure. The acoustic wave phase velocity was derived based on the spectrum...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Community perceptions of mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis in selected schools in the Philippines
Abstract Background Soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) and schistosomiasis are parasitic infections prevalent in tropical and subtropical countries, such as the Philippines. The prevalence of these infections remain high in certain Philippine provinces, despite established mass drug administration (MDA) programs in endemic communities. This study aimed to understand community knowledge and perceptions of these infections to determine...
Intermittent Hypoxia/Hyperoxia Versus Intermittent Hypoxia/Normoxia: Comparative Study in Prediabetes
High Altitude Medicine &Biology, Ahead of Print.
High Altitude Medicine & Biology - Table of Contents
Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:00
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology Continuous Publication: Speeding up the Publication of Articles
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Hearing Health: A Major Concern for the 21st Century
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Comparing Individuals through the Speech Recognition Test Applied to Regional Live Voice and Recorded Speeches from Paraná State in Five Brazilian Counties
Abstract Introduction Speech tests such as logoaudiometry measure the ability to perceive and recognize oral sounds. The Speech Recognition Index (SRI) is one of the speech tests adopted in clinical routine; it uses standardized live voice and recorded speeches. The live voice speech method can be influenced by intra and interspeaker variability, as well as by regionalism variability, whereas recorded tests show consistency in their presentation. Objective Analyzing results of the SRI test applied...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Effect of Incudostapedial Reconstruction Using Conchal Cartilage Interposition Graft on Hearing Outcome
Abstract Introduction Chronic otitis media is a widely prevalent condition in developing countries and is a cause of correctable hearing loss. The most frequent ossicular chain defect found during surgery for chronic otitis media has been a discontinuity of the incudostapedial joint. This study observes the effect of incudostapedial reconstruction using conchal cartilage on the hearing of the patient. Objectives To evaluate improvement in hearing by incudostapedial reconstruction using conchal...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
The Effects of Riluzole on Cisplatin-induced Ototoxicity
Abstract Introduction Riluzole (2-amino-6-trifluoromethoxy benzothiazole) is known as a neuroprotective, antioxidant, antiapoptotic agent. It may have beneficial effects on neuronal cell death due to cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Objective To evaluate the effect of riluzole on cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in guinea pigs. Methods Twenty-four guinea pigs, studied in three groups, underwent auditory brainstem response evaluation using click and 8 kHz tone burst stimuli. Subsequently, 5 mg/kg...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Sound Localization Test in Presence of Noise (Sound Localization Test) in Adults without Hearing Alteration
Abstract Introduction Even people with normal hearing may have difficulties locating a sound source in unfavorable sound environments where competitive noise is intense. Objective To develop, describe, validate and establish the normality curve of the sound localization test. Method The sample consisted of 100 healthy subjects with normal hearing, > 18 years old,who agreed to participate in the study. The sound localization testwas applied after the subjects underwent a tonal audiometry...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Anatomical Study of the Facial Recess with Implications in Round Window Visibility for Cochlear Implantation: Personal Observations and Review of the Literature
Abstract Introduction Posterior tympanotomy through facial recess (FR) is the conventional and most preferred approach to facilitate cochlear implantation, especially when the electrode is inserted through the round window. The complications of the FR approach can be minimized by proper understanding of the anatomy of the FR. Objective The present study was undertaken to assess the various parameters of FR and round window visibility, which may be of relevance for cochlear implant surgery. Methods...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Mismatch Negativity in Childrenwith Cochlear Implant
Abstract Introduction The mismatch negativity (MMN) is a negative long-latency auditory potential elicited by any discriminable change in a repetitive aspect of auditory stimulation. This evoked potential can provide cortical information about the sound processing, including in children who use cochlear implants. Objective To identify MMN characteristics regarding latency, amplitude, and wave area in cochlear implanted children and to identify associations among language development, speech perception...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Laryngeal Cancer Attributable Factors and the Influence on Survival Rates:A Single Brazilian Institution Experience
Abstract Introduction Epidemiological studies focused on prognostic factors associated with laryngeal cancer in the Brazilian population are poorly reported in the literature. Objective To evaluate the influence of certain risk factors on the survival rates of patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the larynx. Methods This retrospective study was conducted on adult patients who were admitted to the outpatient clinic of the head and neck department in a tertiary care hospital. Evaluation...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Consistent Technique Limits Suspension Laryngoscopy Complications
Abstract Introduction Suspension laryngoscopy (SL) is a commonly performed procedure among otolaryngologists. Several studies have shown that adverse effects occur regularly with SL. Objective To evaluate the postoperative complications of SL, and to determine if protecting the dentition and the oral mucosa and limiting suspension times decrease the overall incidence of oral cavity and pharyngeal complications of SL. Methods All of the cases of SL performed by 1 surgeon from November 2008 through...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Study of Sigmoid Sinus Variations in the Temporal Bone by Micro Dissection and its Classification - A Cadaveric Study
Abstract Introduction Sigmoid sinus (SS) variations have been classified variously in the literature. These classifications suffer from some form of shortcoming from a clinical point of view for their application. Objective We propose a clinically relevant classification of the SS in relation to the posterior semicircular canal (PSCC) and to the exposure of the presigmoid dural plate. The positioning of the SS was analyzed with reference to the volume of themastoid and to the level of mastoid...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Influence of Masticatory Behavior on Muscle Compensations During the Oral Phase of Swallowing of Smokers
Abstract Introduction Chewing and swallowing are physiologically interconnected functions, which share motor structures and supranuclear regions of the central nervous system (CNS), involving a sensorimotor synchrony. Objective To analyze the influence of masticatory behavior on muscular compensations in the oral phase of swallowing in smokers compared with nonsmokers. Methods A cross-sectional study comparing smokers and nonsmokers composed of 24 participants in each group. The aspects of...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology
Treatment of Laryngeal Granulomas
Abstract Introduction Laryngeal granulomas are benign, recurrent lesions of many causes (reflux, voice abuse, intubation, and idiopathic), which renders its treatment difficult. Objective To describe our experience in the treatment of laryngeal granulomas. Methods From 16 medical records of the patients with laryngeal granulomas seen between 2010 and 2017 in a university hospital, the following data were analyzed: age, gender, vocal and gastroesophageal symptoms, vocal overuse, intubation,...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology

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