A Non-linear Viscoelastic Model of the Incudostapedial JointAbstract
The ossicular joints of the middle ear can significantly affect middle-ear function, particularly under conditions such as high-intensity sound pressures or high quasi-static pressures. Experimental investigations of the mechanical behaviour of the human incudostapedial joint have shown strong non-linearity and asymmetry in tension and compression tests, but some previous finite-element models of the joint have had difficulty replicating such behaviour. In this paper, we present a finite-element model of the joint that can match the asymmetry and non-linearity well without using different model structures or parameters in tension and compression. The model includes some of the detailed structures of the joint seen in histological sections. The material properties are found from the literature when available, but some parameters are calculated by fitting the model to experimental data from tension, compression and relaxation tests. The model can predict the hysteresis loops of loading and unloading curves. A sensitivity analysis for various parameters shows that the geometrical parameters have substantial effects on the joint mechanical behaviour. While the joint capsule affects the tension curve more, the cartilage layers affect the compression curve more.
Rapamycin Protects Spiral Ganglion Neurons from Gentamicin-Induced Degeneration In VitroAbstract
Gentamicin, one of the most widely used aminoglycoside antibiotics, is known to have toxic effects on the inner ear. Taken up by cochlear hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), gentamicin induces the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and initiates apoptosis or programmed cell death, resulting in a permanent and irreversible hearing loss. Since the survival of SGNs is specially required for cochlear implant, new procedures that prevent SGN cell loss are crucial to the success of cochlear implantation. ROS modulates the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway, which mediates apoptosis or autophagy in cells of different organs. However, whether mTOR signaling plays an essential role in the inner ear and whether it is involved in the ototoxic side effects of gentamicin remain unclear. In the present study, we found that gentamicin induced apoptosis and cell loss of SGNs in vivo and significantly decreased the density of SGN and outgrowth of neurites in cultured SGN explants. The phosphorylation levels of ribosomal S6 kinase and elongation factor 4E binding protein 1, two critical kinases in the mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling pathway, were modulated by gentamicin application in the cochlea. Meanwhile, rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of mTORC1, was co-applied with gentamicin to verify the role of mTOR signaling. We observed that the density of SGN and outgrowth of neurites were significantly increased by rapamycin treatment. Our finding suggests that mTORC1 is hyperactivated in the gentamicin-induced degeneration of SGNs, and rapamycin promoted SGN survival and outgrowth of neurites.
Pre-operative Brain Imaging Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Helps Predict Cochlear Implant Outcome in Deaf AdultsAbstract
Currently, it is not possible to accurately predict how well a deaf individual will be able to understand speech when hearing is (re)introduced via a cochlear implant. Differences in brain organisation following deafness are thought to contribute to variability in speech understanding with a cochlear implant and may offer unique insights that could help to more reliably predict outcomes. An emerging optical neuroimaging technique, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), was used to determine whether a pre-operative measure of brain activation could explain variability in cochlear implant (CI) outcomes and offer additional prognostic value above that provided by known clinical characteristics. Cross-modal activation to visual speech was measured in bilateral superior temporal cortex of pre- and post-lingually deaf adults before cochlear implantation. Behavioural measures of auditory speech understanding were obtained in the same individuals following 6 months of cochlear implant use. The results showed that stronger pre-operative cross-modal activation of auditory brain regions by visual speech was predictive of poorer auditory speech understanding after implantation. Further investigation suggested that this relationship may have been driven primarily by the inclusion of, and group differences between, pre- and post-lingually deaf individuals. Nonetheless, pre-operative cortical imaging provided additional prognostic value above that of influential clinical characteristics, including the age-at-onset and duration of auditory deprivation, suggesting that objectively assessing the physiological status of the brain using fNIRS imaging pre-operatively may support more accurate prediction of individual CI outcomes. Whilst activation of auditory brain regions by visual speech prior to implantation was related to the CI user’s clinical history of deafness, activation to visual speech did not relate to the future ability of these brain regions to respond to auditory speech stimulation with a CI. Greater pre-operative activation of left superior temporal cortex by visual speech was associated with enhanced speechreading abilities, suggesting that visual speech processing may help to maintain left temporal lobe specialisation for language processing during periods of profound deafness.
Osteoclasts Modulate Bone Erosion in Cholesteatoma via RANKL SignalingAbstract
Cholesteatoma starts as a retraction of the tympanic membrane and expands into the middle ear, eroding the surrounding bone and causing hearing loss and other serious complications such as brain abscess and meningitis. Currently, the only effective treatment is complete surgical removal, but the recurrence rate is relatively high. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), osteoclasts are known to be responsible for bone erosion and undergo differentiation and activation by receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL), which is secreted by synovial fibroblasts, T cells, and B cells. On the other hand, the mechanism of bone erosion in cholesteatoma is still controversial. In this study, we found that a significantly larger number of osteoclasts were observed on the eroded bone adjacent to cholesteatomas than in unaffected areas, and that fibroblasts in the cholesteatoma perimatrix expressed RANKL. We also investigated upstream transcription factors of RANKL using RNA sequencing results obtained via Ingenuity Pathways Analysis, a tool that identifies relevant targets in molecular biology systems. The concentrations of four candidate factors, namely interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor α, and prostaglandin E2, were increased in cholesteatomas compared with normal skin. Furthermore, interleukin-1β was expressed in infiltrating inflammatory cells in the cholesteatoma perimatrix. This is the first report demonstrating that a larger-than-normal number of osteoclasts are present in cholesteatoma, and that the disease involves upregulation of factors related to osteoclast activation. Our study elucidates the molecular basis underlying bone erosion in cholesteatoma.
Morphological Immaturity of the Neonatal Organ of Corti and Associated Structures in HumansAbstract
Although anatomical development of the cochlear duct is thought to be complete by term birth, human newborns continue to show postnatal immaturities in functional measures such as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs). Some of these OAE immaturities are no doubt influenced by incomplete maturation of the external and middle ears in infants; however, the observed prolongation of distortion-product OAE phase-gradient delays in newborns cannot readily be explained by conductive factors. This functional immaturity suggests that the human cochlea at birth may lack fully adult-like traveling-wave motion. In this study, we analyzed temporal-bone sections at the light microscopic level in newborns and adults to quantify dimensions and geometry of cochlear structures thought to influence the mechanical response of the cochlea. Contrary to common belief, results show multiple morphological immaturities along the length of the newborn spiral, suggesting that important refinements in the size and shape of the sensory epithelium and associated structures continue after birth. Specifically, immaturities of the newborn basilar membrane and organ of Corti are consistent with a more compliant and less massive cochlear partition, which could produce longer DPOAE delays and a shifted frequency-place map in the neonatal ear.
Human Click-Based Echolocation of Distance: Superfine Acuity and Dynamic Clicking BehaviourAbstract
Some people who are blind have trained themselves in echolocation using mouth clicks. Here, we provide the first report of psychophysical and clicking data during echolocation of distance from a group of 8 blind people with experience in mouth click-based echolocation (daily use for > 3 years). We found that experienced echolocators can detect changes in distance of 3 cm at a reference distance of 50 cm, and a change of 7 cm at a reference distance of 150 cm, regardless of object size (i.e. 28.5 cm vs. 80 cm diameter disk). Participants made mouth clicks that were more intense and they made more clicks for weaker reflectors (i.e. same object at farther distance, or smaller object at same distance), but number and intensity of clicks were adjusted independently from one another. The acuity we found is better than previous estimates based on samples of sighted participants without experience in echolocation or individual experienced participants (i.e. single blind echolocators tested) and highlights adaptation of the perceptual system in blind human echolocators. Further, the dynamic adaptive clicking behaviour we observed suggests that number and intensity of emissions serve separate functions to increase SNR. The data may serve as an inspiration for low-cost (i.e. non-array based) artificial ‘cognitive’ sonar and radar systems, i.e. signal design, adaptive pulse repetition rate and intensity. It will also be useful for instruction and guidance for new users of echolocation.
Cortical Auditory Evoked Potentials in Response to Frequency Changes with Varied Magnitude, Rate, and DirectionAbstract
Recent literature on cortical auditory evoked potentials has focused on correlations with hearing performance with the aim to develop an objective clinical tool. However, cortical responses depend on the type of stimulus and choice of stimulus parameters. This study investigates cortical auditory evoked potentials to sound changes, so-called acoustic change complexes (ACC), and the effects of varying three stimulus parameters. In twelve normal-hearing subjects, ACC waveforms were evoked by presenting frequency changes with varying magnitude, rate, and direction. The N1 amplitude and latency were strongly affected by magnitude, which is known from the literature. Importantly, both of these N1 variables were also significantly affected by both rate and direction of the frequency change. Larger and earlier N1 peaks were evoked by increasing the magnitude and rate of the frequency change and with downward rather than upward direction of the frequency change. The P2 amplitude increased with magnitude and depended, to a lesser extent, on rate of the frequency change while direction had no effect on this peak. The N1–P2 interval was not affected by any of the stimulus parameters. In conclusion, the ACC is most strongly affected by magnitude and also substantially by rate and direction of the change. These stimulus dependencies should be considered in choosing stimuli for ACCs as objective clinical measure of hearing performance.
Sound Localization in Preweanling Mice Was More Severely Affected by Deleting the Kcna1 Gene Compared to Deleting Kcna2 , and a Curious Inverted-U Course of Development That Appeared to Exceed Adult Performance Was Observed in All GroupsAbstract
The submillisecond acuity for detecting rapid spatial and temporal fluctuations in acoustic stimuli observed in humans and laboratory animals depends in part on select groups of auditory neurons that preserve synchrony from the ears to the binaural nuclei in the brainstem. These fibers have specialized synapses and axons that use a low-threshold voltage-activated outward current, IKL, conducted through Kv1 potassium ion channels. These are in turn coupled with HCN channels that express a mixed cation inward mixed current, IH, to support precise synchronized firing. The behavioral evidence is that their respective Kcna1 or HCN1 genes are absent in adult mice; the results are weak startle reflexes, slow responding to noise offsets, and poor sound localization. The present behavioral experiments were motivated by an in vitro study reporting increased IKL in an auditory nucleus in Kcna2−/− mice lacking the Kv1.2 subunit, suggesting that Kcna2−/− mice might perform better than Kcna2+/+ mice. Because Kcna2−/− mice have only a 17–18-day lifespan, we compared both preweanling Kcna2−/− vs. Kcna2+/+ mice and Kcna1−/− vs. Kcna1+/+ mice at P12-P17/18; then, the remaining mice were tested at P23/P25. Both null mutant strains had a stunted physique, but the Kcna1−/− mice had severe behavioral deficits while those in Kcna2−/− mice were relatively few and minor. The in vitro increase of IKL could have resulted from Kv1.1 subunits substituting for Kv1.2 units and the loss of the inhibitory “managerial” effect of Kv1.2 on Kv1.1. However, any increased neuronal synchronicity that accompanies increased IKL may not have been enough to affect behavior. All mice performed unusually well on the early spatial tests, but then, they fell towards adult levels. This unexpected effect may reflect a shift from summated independent monaural pathways to integrated binaural processing, as has been suggested for similar observations for human infants.
A Physiologically Inspired Model for Solving the Cocktail Party ProblemAbstract
At a cocktail party, we can broadly monitor the entire acoustic scene to detect important cues (e.g., our names being called, or the fire alarm going off), or selectively listen to a target sound source (e.g., a conversation partner). It has recently been observed that individual neurons in the avian field L (analog to the mammalian auditory cortex) can display broad spatial tuning to single targets and selective tuning to a target embedded in spatially distributed sound mixtures. Here, we describe a model inspired by these experimental observations and apply it to process mixtures of human speech sentences. This processing is realized in the neural spiking domain. It converts binaural acoustic inputs into cortical spike trains using a multi-stage model composed of a cochlear filter-bank, a midbrain spatial-localization network, and a cortical network. The output spike trains of the cortical network are then converted back into an acoustic waveform, using a stimulus reconstruction technique. The intelligibility of the reconstructed output is quantified using an objective measure of speech intelligibility. We apply the algorithm to single and multi-talker speech to demonstrate that the physiologically inspired algorithm is able to achieve intelligible reconstruction of an “attended” target sentence embedded in two other non-attended masker sentences. The algorithm is also robust to masker level and displays performance trends comparable to humans. The ideas from this work may help improve the performance of hearing assistive devices (e.g., hearing aids and cochlear implants), speech-recognition technology, and computational algorithms for processing natural scenes cluttered with spatially distributed acoustic objects.
Pitch Matching Adapts Even for Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users with Relatively Small Initial Pitch Differences Across the EarsAbstract
There is often a mismatch for bilateral cochlear implant (CI) users between the electrodes in the two ears that receive the same frequency allocation and the electrodes that, when stimulated, yield the same pitch. Studies with CI users who have extreme mismatches between the two ears show that adaptation occurs in terms of pitch matching, reducing the difference between which electrodes receive the same frequency allocation and which ones produce the same pitch. The considerable adaptation that occurs for these extreme cases suggests that adaptation should be sufficient to overcome the relatively minor mismatches seen with typical bilateral CI users. However, even those with many years of bilateral CI use continue to demonstrate a mismatch. This may indicate that adaptation only occurs when there are large mismatches. Alternatively, it may indicate that adaptation occurs regardless of the magnitude of the mismatch, but that adaptation is proportional to the magnitude of the mismatch, and thus never fully counters the original mismatch. To investigate this, six bilateral CI users with initial pitch-matching mismatches of less than 3 mm completed a pitch-matching task near the time of activation, 6 months after activation, and 1 year after activation. Despite relatively small initial mismatches, the results indicated that adaptation still occurred.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Δευτέρα 21 Οκτωβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
10:30 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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