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Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Analyzing Tumor Gene Expression Factors with the CorExplorer Web Portal
We introduce the CorExplorer web portal, an resource for exploration of tumor RNA sequencing factors found by the machine learning algorithm CorEx (Correlation Explanation), and show how factors can be analyzed relative to survival, database annotations, protein-protein interactions, and one another to gain insight into tumor biology and therapeutic interventions.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Oct 11, 2019 22:18
Optimized Griess Reaction for UV-Vis and Naked-eye Determination of Anti-malarial Primaquine
This protocol describes a novel colorimetric method for antimalarial primaquine (PMQ) detection in synthetic urines and human serums.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Oct 11, 2019 21:19
Light-Induced Molecular Adsorption of Proteins Using the PRIMO System for Micro-Patterning to Study Cell Responses to Extracellular Matrix Proteins
Our overall aim is to understand how cells sense extracellular cues that lead to directed axonal growth. Here, we describe the methodology of Light-Induced Molecular Adsorption of Proteins, used to produce defined micro-patterns of extracellular matrix components in order to study specific events that govern axon outgrowth and pathfinding.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments
Fri Oct 11, 2019 20:19
DCCMED-Net: Densely Connected and Concatenated Multi Encoder-Decoder CNNs for Retinal Vessel Extraction from Fundus Images
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Ümit Budak, Zafer Cömert, Musa Çıbuk, Abdulkadir ŞengürAbstractRecent studies have shown that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be more accurate, efficient and even deeper on their training if they include direct connections from the layers close to the input to those close to the output in order to transfer activation maps. Through this observation, this study introduces a new CNN model, namely Densely...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Fri Oct 11, 2019 18:25
Moderate osteoporosis itself is beneficial for bones
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Zhonghua Xiong, Jiayu Wu, Zhenjun Liu, Wei JingAbstractThere have been increasing numbers of reports that anti-osteoporosis drugs cause osteonecrosis. A typical example is medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) which can cause massive necrosis and defects of the jaws. Thus, the dosage and effects of anti-osteoporosis drugs should be re-examined. Our hypothesis is that primary moderate osteoporosis...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Fri Oct 11, 2019 18:25
Could consanguineous marriage provide a cultural alleviation for the obstetric dilemma?
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Jonathan CK WellsAbstractIn placental mammals, a poor fit between the physical dimensions of the fetus and maternal pelvis increases the likelihood of obstructed labour. This problem is especially relevant to humans, as our species demonstrates both unique adaptations in pelvic shape and structure associated with bipedalism, and fetal encephalization. Natural selection is expected to have favoured adaptations that...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Fri Oct 11, 2019 18:25
Age‐related tooth wear in African rainforest hunter‐gatherers
Abstract Objectives Central African small‐scale foragers subsist primarily on hunting game activities and wild plant‐food gathering. Starch‐rich tubers are underground storage organs (USOs) and staple food resources in savanna and tropical rainforests. However, little is known about the effect of USO consumption on tooth wear development in living hunter‐gatherers. We report age‐ and sex‐dependent tooth wear rates in forest‐dwelling Baka Pygmies with well‐documented wild‐yam‐tuber‐based diet...
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Thu Oct 10, 2019 18:04
Atrial fibrillation is frequent but does not affect risk stratification in pulmonary embolism
Abstract Background Although prior studies indicate a high prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with pulmonary embolism (PE), the exact prevalence and prognostic impact are unknown. Methods We aimed to investigate the prevalence, risk factors and prognostic impact of AF on risk stratification, in‐hospital adverse outcomes and mortality in 528 consecutive PE patients enrolled in a single‐centre registry between 09/2008 and 09/2017. Results Overall, 52 patients...
Journal of Internal Medicine
Fri Oct 11, 2019 13:02
Regarding ‘Lack of an effective drug therapy for abdominal aortic aneurysm’
Journal of Internal Medicine
Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:12
Clarifications on blood pressure measurements and the validity of the conclusions
Journal of Internal Medicine
Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:04
Leisure‐time Physical Activity and Life Expectancy in people with Cardiometabolic Multimorbidity and Depression
Abstract Background Whether and to what extent leisure‐time physical activity at the recommended levels of 150 minutes moderate activity is associated with survival in people with cardiometabolic multimorbidity and depression is unknown. Methods UK Biobank participants were classified into groups: (1) no disease; (2) diabetes; (3) cardiovascular disease (CVD); (4) depression; (5) diabetes and CVD; (6) diabetes and depression; (7) CVD and depression; (8) diabetes, CVD and depression....
Journal of Internal Medicine
Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:38

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