Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2019

iRhythm-Verily Partnership: Interview with iRhythm CEO Kevin King
iRhythm and Verily announced a partnership last month to “co-develop solutions intended to provide early warning, diagnosis and management for patients, particularly for those with silent or undiagnosed AF.” We spoke with iRhythm CEO Kevin King to understand how the two companies complement each other and how they can solve the problem together. Ben Ouyang, Medgadget: Tell us about yourself. Kevin King: I’ve been CEO of iRhythm now for seven years, since the very early days...
Fri Oct 11, 2019 20:26
Light Therapy Device to Treat Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most common substances that people are poisoned by. It has no smell and is invisible to the naked eye, but can cause severe damage to tissues and lead to death. Patients who have already suffered significant lung damage because of CO inhalation too often don’t respond sufficiently to pure oxygen. Now, researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have shown that a new device that treats patient blood using visible light works better that standard of care oxygen...
Fri Oct 11, 2019 19:46
Sweat Sensors Help Predict Outbursts in Autistic Kids
Kids with autism can become unruly and aggressive, often without any warnings for those around them. Such outbursts can also be emotionally difficult for family and caretakers, not just the kids, and planning events and going into public places is a major challenge. Having a bit of warning about an autistic child’s worsening mental state may help to mitigate and even prevent outbursts. Using the Q-Sensor wrist-worn monitor from Affectiva, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, researchers...
Fri Oct 11, 2019 18:31
An integrative approach to discern the seed dispersal role of frugivorous guilds in a Mediterranean semiarid priority habitat
Seed dispersal is an essential process to maintain the viability of plant populations, and understanding this ecological process allows management strategies to be developed to conserve ecosystems. European Union priority habitat 5220* is defined as “Mediterranean arborescent shrubland with Ziziphus lotus” and it represents a favorable microclimate within the severe climatic conditions typical of the semiarid south-eastern region of the Iberian Peninsula. Therefore, the study of seed dispersal in...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Risk of Pelvic Fracture with Radiation Therapy in Older Patients
Publication date: Available online 11 October 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Lucas K. Vitzthum, Helen Park, Kaveh Zakeri, Elena S. Heide, Vinit Nalawade, Arno J. Mundt, Florin Vaida, James D. Murphy, Loren K. MellAbstractPurposeOlder patients undergoing radiation therapy (RT) for pelvic malignancies are at increased risk for pelvic fracture, which is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. RT techniques such as brachytherapy or intensity...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:53
External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and high-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy for intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer: the impact of EBRT volume
Publication date: Available online 11 October 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Hannah Tharmalingam, Yatman Tsang, Ananya Choudhury, Roberto Alonzi, James Wylie, Imtiaz Ahmed, Ann Henry, Catherine Heath, Peter J. HoskinAbstractBackgroundWhole pelvis radiotherapy (WPRT) may improve clinical outcomes over prostate-only radiotherapy (PORT)in high-risk prostate cancer patients by sterilization of micrometastatic nodal disease provided there is optimal control...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:53
Development and validation of single field multi-ion particle therapy treatments
Publication date: Available online 11 October 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Benedikt Kopp, Stewart Mein, Ivana Dokic, Semi Harrabi, Till Tobias Böhlen, Thomas Haberer, Jürgen Debus, Amir Abdollahi, Andrea MairaniAbstractPurposeTo develop and validate combined ion-beam with constant RBE (CICR) particle therapy in single field arrangements for improved treatment efficacy, robustness and normal tissue sparing.MethodsThe PRECISE (PaRticle thErapy using...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:53
Spinal cord dose tolerance to stereotactic body radiotherapy
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Arjun Sahgal, Joe H. Chang, Lijun Ma, Lawrence B. Marks, Michael T. Milano, Paul Medin, Andrzej Niemierko, Scott G. Soltys, Wolfgang A. Tomé, C.Shun Wong, Ellen Yorke, Jimm Grimm, Andy JacksonAbstractSpinal cord tolerance data for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) were extracted from published reports, reviewed and modelled. For de novo SBRT delivered in 1 to 5 fractions,...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:53
Nodular Leptomeningeal Disease – A Distinct Pattern of Recurrence After Post-Resection Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases: A Multi-Institutional Study of Inter-Observer Reliability
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Brandon E. Turner, Roshan S. Prabhu, Stuart H. Burri, Paul D. Brown, Erqi L. Pollom, Michael T. Milano, Stephanie E. Weiss, Michael Iv, Nancy Fischbein, Hany Soliman, Simon S. Lo, Samuel T. Chao, Brett W. Cox, James D. Murphy, Gordon Li, Melanie Hayden Gephart, Seema Nagpal, Banu Atalar, Melissa Azoulay, Reena ThomasAbstractBackgroundFor brain metastases, surgical resection...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:53
Combined NK cell therapy and radiotherapy exhibit long-term therapeutic and anti-metastatic effects in a human triple negative breast cancer model
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*PhysicsAuthor(s): Kyung Won Kim, Jae-UK. Jeong, Kyung-Hwa Lee, Tung Nguyen Thanh Uong, Joon Haeng Rhee, Sung-Ja Ahn, Sang-Ki Kim, Duck Cho, Quang Huy Nguyen Phuoc, Chanh Tin Pham, Mee Sun YoonAbstractAbstractWe investigated whether adoptive cell therapy with ex vivo-activated natural killer (NK) cells enhances the therapeutic efficacy of local tumor radiotherapy (RT) using a human triple-negative...
Radiation Molecular Biology.
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:53
Multi-Task Recurrent Convolutional Network with Correlation Loss for Surgical Video Analysis
Publication date: Available online 10 October 2019Source: Medical Image AnalysisAuthor(s): Yueming Jin, Huaxia Li, Qi Dou, Hao Chen, Jing Qin, Chi-Wing Fu, Pheng-Ann HengAbstractSurgical tool presence detection and surgical phase recognition are two fundamental yet challenging tasks in surgical video analysis as well as very essential components in various applications in modern operating rooms. While these two analysis tasks are highly correlated in clinical practice as the surgical process is typically...
Medical Image Analysis
Fri Oct 11, 2019 16:38
Isolation and molecular characterization of the indigenous Staphylococcus aureus strain K1 with the ability to reduce hexavalent chromium for its application in bioremediation of metal-contaminated sites
Background Urbanization and industrialization are the main anthropogenic activities that are adding toxic heavy metals to the environment. Among these, chromium (in hexavalent: Cr+6 and/or trivalent Cr+3) is being released abundantly in wastewater due to its uses in different industrial processes. It becomes highly mutagenic and carcinogenic once it enters the cell through sulfate uptake pathways after interacting with cellular proteins and nucleic acids. However, Cr+6 can be bio-converted...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Adapterama III: Quadruple-indexed, double/triple-enzyme RADseq libraries (2RAD/3RAD)
Molecular ecologists frequently use genome reduction strategies that rely upon restriction enzyme digestion of genomic DNA to sample consistent portions of the genome from many individuals (e.g., RADseq, GBS). However, researchers often find the existing methods expensive to initiate and/or difficult to implement consistently, especially because it is difficult to multiplex sufficient numbers of samples to fill entire sequencing lanes. Here, we introduce a low-cost and highly robust approach for...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
The dopamine receptor D5 gene shows signs of independent erosion in toothed and baleen whales
To compare gene loci considering a phylogenetic framework is a promising approach to uncover the genetic basis of human diseases. Imbalance of dopaminergic systems is suspected to underlie some emerging neurological disorders. The physiological functions of dopamine are transduced via G-protein-coupled receptors, including DRD5 which displays a relatively higher affinity toward dopamine. Importantly, DRD5 knockout mice are hypertense, a condition emerging from an increase in sympathetic tone. We...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Morphological and molecular barcode analysis of the medicinal tree Mimusops coriacea (A.DC.) Miq. collected in Ecuador
Background Mimusops coriacea (A.DC.) Miq., (Sapotaceae), originated from Africa, were introduced to coastal areas in Ecuador where it is not extensively used as a traditional medicine to treat various human diseases. Different therapeutically uses of the species include: analgesic, antimicrobial, hypoglycemic, inflammation and pain relieve associated with bone and articulation-related diseases. Furthermore, Mimusops coriacea could be used as anti-oxidant agent. However, botanical, chemical or molecular...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Adapterama I: universal stubs and primers for 384 unique dual-indexed or 147,456 combinatorially-indexed Illumina libraries (iTru & iNext)
Massively parallel DNA sequencing offers many benefits, but major inhibitory cost factors include: (1) start-up (i.e., purchasing initial reagents and equipment); (2) buy-in (i.e., getting the smallest possible amount of data from a run); and (3) sample preparation. Reducing sample preparation costs is commonly addressed, but start-up and buy-in costs are rarely addressed. We present dual-indexing systems to address all three of these issues. By breaking the library construction process into universal,...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Adapterama II: universal amplicon sequencing on Illumina platforms (TaggiMatrix)
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of amplicons is used in a wide variety of contexts. In many cases, NGS amplicon sequencing remains overly expensive and inflexible, with library preparation strategies relying upon the fusion of locus-specific primers to full-length adapter sequences with a single identifying sequence or ligating adapters onto PCR products. In Adapterama I, we presented universal stubs and primers to produce thousands of unique index combinations and a modifiable system for incorporating...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Exogenous melatonin confers drought stress by promoting plant growth, photosynthetic capacity and antioxidant defense system of maize seedlings
Melatonin is an important biologically active hormone that plays a vital role in plant growth and development. In particular, it has been investigated for its roles in abiotic stress management. The current experiment was carried out to investigate the protective role of melatonin in photosynthetic traits and the antioxidant defense system of maize seedling under drought stress. Maize seedlings were subjected to drought stress (40–45% FC) after two weeks of seedling emergence, followed by a foliar...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Correlation between subsets of tumor-infiltrating immune cells and risk stratification in patients with cervical cancer
Aim To investigate the correlation between clinicopathological features and risk stratification in cervical cancer patients, and evaluate the feasibility of tumor-infiltrating immune cells as prognostic biomarkers in clinical practice. Methods CD3+ tumor infiltrating T cells (TILs), CD45RO+ TILs, CD4+ TILs, CD8+ TILs, FOXP3+ TILs (regulatory T cells, Tregs), CD68+ tumor associated macrophages (TAMs), CD163+ TAMs, and...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Realistic scenarios of missing taxa in phylogenetic comparative methods and their effects on model selection and parameter estimation
Model-based analyses of continuous trait evolution enable rich evolutionary insight. These analyses require a phylogenetic tree and a vector of trait values for the tree’s terminal taxa, but rarely do a tree and dataset include all taxa within a clade. Because the probability that a taxon is included in a dataset depends on ecological traits that have phylogenetic signal, missing taxa in real datasets should be expected to be phylogenetically clumped or correlated to the modelled trait. I examined...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Diet of the wild boar (Sus scrofa): implications for management in forest-agricultural and urban environments in South Korea
The wild boar is one of the most widely distributed in the world. In South Korea, the wild boar population has rapidly increased and their habitat use has expanded from forests to urban environments. This expansion has led to increased conflicts with humans, such as the severe damaging of crops and the attacking of people in urban areas. We assessed the stomach contents of wild boar killed by hunters in two different environments in Geochang and Seoul, South Korea, from 2012 to 2017. We compared...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Effects of research disturbance on nest survival in a mixed colony of waterbirds
Background Long-term research is crucial for the conservation and development of knowledge in ecology; however, it is essential to quantify and minimize any negative effects associated with research to gather reliable and representative long-term monitoring data. In colonial bird species, chicks are often marked with coded bands in order to assess demographic parameters of the population. Banding chicks in multi-species colonies is challenging because it involves disturbances to...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
A new frog of the Leptodactylus fuscus species group (Anura: Leptodactylidae), endemic from the South American Gran Chaco
A new species of Leptodactylus frog (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the South American Gran Chaco, morphologically similar and previously confused with the widespread Leptodactylus mystacinus, is described through the use of multiple sources of evidence (molecular, external morphology, coloration, osteology, bioacoustics, and behavior). The phylogenetic analysis with partial sequences of mitochondrial rDNA genes (12S and 16S) recovered the new species within the L. fuscus group, being highly divergent...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Natural stable isotope ratios and fatty acid profiles of estuarine tidal flat nematodes reveal very limited niche overlap among co-occurring species
The high local-scale species diversity of marine meiofauna, and of nematodes in particular, has puzzled ecologists for decades. Both pronounced niche differentiation and neutral dynamics have been suggested as mechanisms underlying that high diversity. Differential resource use is the most plausible basis for niche differentiation, yet the vast majority of studies demonstrating that this is prominent in marine nematodes are based on laboratory experiments on single species or highly simplified assemblages....
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Spatio-temporal stable isotope variation of a benthic primary consumer in a simple food web in a strongly acidic lake
Analysis of aquatic food webs is typically undertaken using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope composition of consumer and producer species. However, the trophic consequences of spatio-temporal variation in the isotope composition of consumers have not been well evaluated. Lake Katanuma, Japan, is highly acidic and has only one dominant species of benthic alga and one planktonic microalga, making it a prime system for studying trophic relationships between primary consumers and producers. In this...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00
Candida albicans cell wall integrity transcription factors regulate polymicrobial biofilm formation with Streptococcus gordonii
Polymicrobial biofilms play important roles in oral and systemic infections. The oral plaque bacterium Streptococcus gordonii is known to attach to the hyphal cell wall of the fungus Candida albicans to form corn-cob like structures in biofilms. However, the role of C. albicans in formation of polymicrobial biofilms is not completely understood. The objective of this study was to determine the role of C. albicans transcription factors in regulation of polymicrobial biofilms and antibiotic tolerance...
PeerJ Computer Science
Fri Oct 11, 2019 03:00

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