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Δευτέρα 28 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Photobiomodulation Therapy for Repeated Closed Head Injury in Rats
Abstract Repeated traumatic brain injury, leads to cumulative neuronal injury and neurological impairments. There are currently no effective treatments to prevent these consequences. Growing interest is building in the use of transcranial photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy to treat TBI. Here, we examined PBM in a repeated closed head injury (rCHI) rat model. Rats were administered a total of three closed head injuries, with each injury separated by 5 days. PBM treatment was initiated 2 h after the...
Journal of Biophotonics
The Japanese Breast Cancer Society Clinical Practice Guideline for radiation treatment of breast cancer, 2018 edition
Abstract Purpose The Japanese Breast Cancer Society (JBCS) Clinical Practice Guideline was revised in 2018. This article describes the revise points in the section on radiation therapy (RT). Methods and materials The JBCS formed task force to update the JBCS Clinical Practice Guideline 2015 edition. Background questions (BQs) deal with standard treatments...
Latest Results for Breast Cancer
Analysis of Articulation Errors in Dysarthric Speech
Abstract Imprecise articulation is the major issue reported in various types of dysarthria. Detection of articulation errors can help in diagnosis. The cues derived from both the burst and the formant transitions contribute to the discrimination of place of articulation of stops. It is believed that any acoustic deviations in stops due to articulation error can be analyzed by deriving features around the burst and the voicing onsets. The derived features can be used to discriminate...
Latest Results for Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
CircRNA: a rising star in gastric cancer
Abstract In recent years, a large number of circRNAs have been identified in mammalian cells with high-throughput sequencing technologies and bioinformatics. The aberrant expression of circRNAs has been reported in many human diseases including gastric cancer (GC). The number of GC-related circRNAs with validated biological functions and mechanisms of action is growing. CircRNAs are critically involved in GC cell proliferation, apoptosis, migration, and invasion. CircRNAs have...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
Protein kinases: master regulators of neuritogenesis and therapeutic targets for axon regeneration
Abstract Proper neurite formation is essential for appropriate neuronal morphology to develop and defects at this early foundational stage have serious implications for overall neuronal function. Neuritogenesis is tightly regulated by various signaling mechanisms that control the timing and placement of neurite initiation, as well as the various processes necessary for neurite elongation to occur. Kinases are integral components of these regulatory pathways that control the activation...
Latest Results for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 5359: Sorghum MSD3 Encodes an ω-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase that Increases Grain Number by Reducing Jasmonic Acid Levels
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 5359: Sorghum MSD3 Encodes an ω-3 Fatty Acid Desaturase that Increases Grain Number by Reducing Jasmonic Acid Levels International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20215359 Authors: Lavanya Dampanaboina Yinping Jiao Junping Chen Nicholas Gladman Ratan Chopra Gloria Burow Chad Hayes Shawn A. Christensen John Burke Doreen Ware Zhanguo Xin Grain number per panicle is an important component of grain yield in sorghum (Sorghum...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 5361: Repeated Vaginal Exposures to the Common Cosmetic and Household Preservative Methylisothiazolinone Induce Persistent, Mast Cell-Dependent Genital Pain in ND4 Mice
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 5361: Repeated Vaginal Exposures to the Common Cosmetic and Household Preservative Methylisothiazolinone Induce Persistent, Mast Cell-Dependent Genital Pain in ND4 Mice International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20215361 Authors: Erica Arriaga-Gomez Jaclyn Kline Elizabeth Emanuel Nefeli Neamonitaki Tenzin Yangdon Hayley Zacheis Dogukan Pasha Jinyoung Lim Susan Bush Beebie Boo Hanna Mengistu Ruby Kinnamon Robin Shields-Cutler...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Sitzungsbericht der AG Knochen‑, Gelenk- und Weichgewebspathologie
Der Pathologe
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1671: Necessities in the Processing of DNA Double Strand Breaks and Their Effects on Genomic Instability and Cancer
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1671: Necessities in the Processing of DNA Double Strand Breaks and Their Effects on Genomic Instability and Cancer Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111671 Authors: George Iliakis Emil Mladenov Veronika Mladenova Double strand breaks (DSBs) are induced in the DNA following exposure of cells to ionizing radiation (IR) and are highly consequential for genome integrity, requiring highly specialized modes of processing. Erroneous processing of DSBs is a cause of...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1672: Selectin Binding Sites Are Involved in Cell Adhesive Properties of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1672: Selectin Binding Sites Are Involved in Cell Adhesive Properties of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111672 Authors: Ursula Valentiner Jillian Knips Ralph Pries Till Clauditz Adrian Münscher Guido Sauter Barbara Wollenberg Udo Schumacher The formation of distant metastases often determines the fate of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The expression of cell adhesion molecules...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1669: Breast Cancer during Pregnancy—Current Paradigms, Paths to Explore
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1669: Breast Cancer during Pregnancy—Current Paradigms, Paths to Explore Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111669 Authors: Ayelet Alfasi Irit Ben-Aharon Breast cancer is the most common form of malignancy in pregnant women. The prevalence of pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is up to 0.04% of pregnancies and is expected to rise in developed countries. PABC represents a unique clinical scenario which requires a delicate balance of risks and benefits for...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1670: Thyroid Bethesda Category AUS/FLUS in Our Microscopes: Three-Year-Experience and Cyto-Histological Correlation
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1670: Thyroid Bethesda Category AUS/FLUS in Our Microscopes: Three-Year-Experience and Cyto-Histological Correlation Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111670 Authors: Roope Huhtamella Ivana Kholová The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC) introduced a new category: Atypia of Undetermined Significance/Follicular Lesion of Undetermined Significance (AUS/FLUS) comprising of heterogenous lesions with a lesser degree of atypia. Its routine use...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1668: Transcription Factor and miRNA Interplays Can Manifest the Survival of ccRCC Patients
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1668: Transcription Factor and miRNA Interplays Can Manifest the Survival of ccRCC Patients Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111668 Authors: Shijie Qin Xuejia Shi Canbiao Wang Ping Jin Fei Ma Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) still remains a higher mortality rate in worldwide. Obtaining promising biomakers is very crucial for improving the diagnosis and prognosis of ccRCC patients. Herein, we firstly identified eight potentially prognostic miRNAs...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1667: A Cancer-Favoring, Engineered Vaccinia Virus for Cholangiocarcinoma
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1667: A Cancer-Favoring, Engineered Vaccinia Virus for Cholangiocarcinoma Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111667 Authors: So Young Yoo Narayanasamy Badrinath Hye Lim Lee Jeong Heo Dae-Hwan Kang While oncolytic vaccinia virus-based therapy has shown promising results for uncured patients with cancer, its effects on cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) remain unclear. Here, we evaluated the anti-cancer activity of the cancer-favoring oncolytic vaccinia virus (CVV),...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1666: Effective Delivery of Anti-Cancer Drug Molecules with Shape Transforming Liquid Metal Particles
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1666: Effective Delivery of Anti-Cancer Drug Molecules with Shape Transforming Liquid Metal Particles Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111666 Authors: Dasom Kim Jangsun Hwang Yonghyun Choi Yejin Kwon Jaehee Jang Semi Yoon Jonghoon Choi Liquid metals are being studied intensively because of their potential as a drug delivery system. Eutectic gallium–indium (EGaIn) alloy liquid metals have a low melting point, low toxicity, and excellent...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1665: Unique Molecular Features in High-Risk Histology Endometrial Cancers
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1665: Unique Molecular Features in High-Risk Histology Endometrial Cancers Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11111665 Authors: Pooja Pandita Xiyin Wang Devin E. Jones Kaitlyn Collins Shannon M. Hawkins Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy in the United States and the sixth most common cancer in women worldwide. Fortunately, most women who develop endometrial cancer have low-grade early-stage endometrioid carcinomas, and simple hysterectomy...
Dental implants in patients with epidermolysis bullosa: a systematic review
Abstract Purpose To integrate the available data published on patients with epidermolysis bullosa (EB) rehabilitated with dental implants, as well as to review the recommendations for EB patients receiving implants. Methods An electronic search was undertaken in February 2019 in five databases. ...
Oral Maxillofac Surg
Combination of olfactory aplasia and congenital ocular motor apraxia: a previously unreported association
Latest Results for Neurological Sciences
Electroencephalography in epilepsy: look for what could be beyond the visual inspection
Abstract Since its starting point in 1929, human scalp electroencephalography (EEG) has been routinely interpreted by visual inspection of waveforms using the assumption that the activity at a given electrode is a representation of the activity of the cerebral cortex under it, but such a method has some limitations. In this review, we will discuss three advanced methods to obtain valuable information from scalp EEG in epilepsy using innovative technologies. Authors who had previous...
Latest Results for Neurological Sciences
Glucocorticoid induced acute paraplegia in a patient with intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula
Latest Results for Neurological Sciences
Does B12 deficiency lead to change in brain metabolites in pediatric population? A MR spectroscopy study
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study is to examine metabolite changes in different brain regions of the children with vitamin B12 deficiency disease using MR spectroscopy. Methods Eighteen children with serum vit. B12 deficiency and 12 healthy volunteer children were included in the study. All children were examined with single-voxel spectroscopy...
Latest Results for Neurological Sciences
Electromyographic activity and kinematics of sit-to-stand in individuals with muscle disease
Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to compare activation levels of rectus femoris, biceps femoris, tibialis anterior, and soleus muscles and biomechanical properties of individuals with muscle disease and healthy individuals during sit-to-stand. Methods Fifteen patients (11 muscular dystrophy, 4 myopathy) and 15 healthy individuals...
Latest Results for Neurological Sciences
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated LMP1 knockout inhibits Epstein-Barr virus infection and nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell growth
Abstract Background A strong association between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) has been widely recognized in recent decades. The aim of the present study was to investigate latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) regulation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) CNE-2 cell growth and then examine the effects of LMP1-knockout with CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)/Cas9on...
A Th2 Cytokine Profile in Appendicular Lavage Fluid Suggests Allergy as a Possible Etiology for Acute Appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is the most frequent surgical abdominal emergency, but its etiology remains poorly understood. Histological examination of the appendix, following its removal due to acute appendicitis, consistently shows features in common with bronchial asthma, suggesting an allergic reaction as a candidate etiologic factor. Here, we propose the concept of appendicular lavage and use it to study the levels of the Th2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, and IL-9 in patients with a clinical diagnosis of acute...
Mediators of Inflammation
Mechanisms of glucocorticoid resistance in hypereosinophilic syndromes
Abstract Background Glucocorticoids (GC) are considered first‐line therapy for most patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES). Although response rates are generally high, many patients require moderate to high doses for control of eosinophilia and symptoms, and up to 15% of patients do not respond at all. Despite this, little is known about the mechanisms of GC resistance in patients with HES. Objective To explore the aetiology of GC resistance in HES. Methods Clinical data and...
Clinical & Experimental Allergy
Genetic changes in the EPAS1 gene between Tibetan and Han ethnic groups and adaptation to the plateau hypoxic environment
In the Chinese Han population, prolonged exposure to hypoxic conditions can promote compensatory erythropoiesis which improves hypoxemia. However, Tibetans have developed unique phenotypes, such as downregulation of the hypoxia-inducible factor pathway through EPAS1 gene mutation, thus the mechanism of adaption of the Han population should be further studied. The results indicated that, under plateau hypoxic conditions, the plains population was able to acclimate rapidly to hypoxia through increasing...
PeerJ Computer Science
Living cockroach genus Anaplecta discovered in Chiapas amber (Blattaria: Ectobiidae: Anaplecta vega sp.n.)
Cenozoic cockroaches are recent and with two indigenous exceptions, based on their fragmentary preservation state, they cannot be discriminated formally from representatives of living genera. Anaplecta vega sp.n. –the second described cockroach from Miocene (23 Ma) Simojovel amber (Mexico: Chiapas: Los Pocitos) is characterized by a slender, under 5 mm long body, prolonged mouthparts bearing long maxillary palps with a distinct flattened triangular terminal palpomere, large eyes and long slender...
PeerJ Computer Science
Evaluation of ultrasound-guided lateral thoracolumbar interfascial plane block for postoperative analgesia in lumbar spine fusion surgery: a prospective, randomized, and controlled clinical trial
Objective Ultrasound-guided lateral thoracolumbar interfascial plane block (US-TLIP block) is a novel regional technique for anesthesia or analgesia. However, there has been no prospective, randomized and controlled clinical trial investigating the perioperative analgesic effect of US-TLIP block on lumbar spinal fusion surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the analgesic effect of bilateral single-shot US-TLIP in patients undergoing lumbar spinal fusion surgery. ...
PeerJ Computer Science
The effect of external lateral stabilization on the use of foot placement to control mediolateral stability in walking and running
It is still unclear how humans control mediolateral (ML) stability in walking and even more so for running. Here, foot placement strategy as a main mechanism to control ML stability was compared between walking and running. Moreover, to verify the role of foot placement as a means to control ML stability in both modes of locomotion, this study investigated the effect of external lateral stabilization on foot placement control. Ten young adults participated in this study. Kinematic data of the trunk...
PeerJ Computer Science
The inclusion of de-oiled wet distillers grains in feedlot diets reduces the expression of lipogenic genes and fat content in Longissimus muscle from F1 Angus-Nellore cattle
The inclusion of agro-industry by-products originated from corn ethanol production has increased in animal nutrition in Brazil, reducing formulation costs. In the literature, there is no consensus on how the high inclusion of de-oiled wet distillers grains can affect beef quality and the expression of lipogenic genes in Longissimus muscle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of WDG in the diet of F1 Angus-Nellore cattle on meat quality characteristics, chemical composition and expression...
PeerJ Computer Science
Demographic history and population genetic analysis of Decapterus maruadsi from the northern South China Sea based on mitochondrial control region sequence
Late Pleistocene climate oscillations are believed to have greatly influenced the distribution, population dynamics, and genetic variation of many marine organisms in the western Pacific. However, the impact of the late Pleistocene climate cycles on the demographic history and population genetics of pelagic fish in the northern South China Sea (SCS) remains largely unexplored. In this study, we explored the demographic history, genetic structure, and genetic diversity of Decapterus maruadsi, a typical...
PeerJ Computer Science
Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Semen Quality, Sperm Antioxidant Ability, and Seminal and Blood Plasma Mineral Profiles in Cashmere Goats
Abstract This study evaluated the effects of the different dietary zinc (Zn) levels on semen quality, on spermatozoa and seminal plasma antioxidant status, and on the seminal and blood plasma mineral status in mature male Cashmere goats during the breeding season. Twenty-eight mature male Liaoning Cashmere goats were divided into four groups based on body weight (56.2 ± 2.45 kg) and semen characteristics; these goats were fed with basal diet supplemented with 0, 20, 40, or 80 mg...
Latest Results for Biological Trace Element Research
Study of Trace Metal Imbalances in the Scalp Hair of Stomach Cancer Patients with Different Types and Stages
Abstract Stomach cancer is among the most common forms of cancers, and diet and environmental factors play important roles in its malignancy. This study was conducted to evaluate the trace metal contents in the scalp hair of stomach cancer patients and healthy donors to investigate probable relationship between metal imbalances and cancer. The samples were digested in HNO3-HClO4 mixture and the metals were quantified by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Median level of...
Latest Results for Biological Trace Element Research
Investigative Analysis of Lanthanum Oxide Nanoparticles on Elements in Bone of Wistar Rats After 30 Days of Repeated Oral Administration
Abstract Accumulation of lanthanum oxide nanoparticles (La2O3NPs) in the femur bone of rats after 30 days of oral administration was explored. Also, the influence of La2O3NPs on macro and trace elements in the rats’ femur bone was assessed. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma optical spectrometry (ICP OES) were used for total element determination in the bone after decomposition while laser ablation-ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) was used to...
Latest Results for Biological Trace Element Research
Increase in the genetic polymorphism of varicella-zoster virus after passaging in in vitro cell culture
Abstract Primary infections with the varicella-zoster virus (VZV) result in varicella, while latent reactivation leads to herpes zoster. Both varicella and zoster can be prevented by live attenuated vaccines. There have been reports suggesting that both clinical VZV strains and those in vaccine preparations are genetically polymorphic, containing mixtures of both wild-type and vaccine-type sequences at certain vaccine-specific sites. In this study, the genetic polymorphism of...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Brevibacillus antibioticus sp. nov., with a broad range of antibacterial activity, isolated from soil in the Nakdong River
Abstract A Gram-stain-positive, aerobic, motile, and rod-shaped bacterial strain designated TGS2-1T was isolated from sediment soil in the Nakdong River, Republic of Korea. The optimal growth of strain TGS2-1T was observed at 28°C and pH 7.0 without NaCl supplementation. Strain TGS2-1T revealed antibiosis against various bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus KCCM 4051, CCARM 3089 (methicillin resistant strains), Enterococcus faecalis KCCM 11814, Escherichia coli KCTC 2443,...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Microbial consortia including methanotrophs: some benefits of living together
Abstract With the progress of biotechnological research and improvements made in bioprocessing with pure cultures, microbial consortia have gained recognition for accomplishing biological processes with improved effectiveness. Microbes are indispensable tool in developing bioprocesses for the production of bioenergy and biochemicals while utilizing renewable resources due to technical, economic and environmental advantages. They communicate with specific cohorts in close proximity...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Isolation and genome analysis of Winogradskyella algicola sp. nov., the dominant bacterial species associated with the green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta
Abstract Microalgae and bacteria are known to be closely associated in diverse environments. To isolate dominant bacterial species associated with a green alga, Dunaliella tertiolecta, a photoreactor culture of the microalga was investigated using culture-based and culture-independent approaches. The bacterial community structure of the algal culture showed that the most abundant bacterial species under the culture conditions was related to the genus Winogradskyella. The closely...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology
Salicibibacter halophilus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from kimchi
Abstract A Gram-stain-positive, rod-shaped, alkalitolerant, and halophilic bacterium–designated as strain NKC3-5T–was isolated from kimchi that was collected from the Geumsan area in the Republic of Korea. Cells of isolated strain NKC3-5T were 0.5–0.7 μm wide and 1.4–2.8 μm long. The strain NKC3-5T could grow at up to 20.0% (w/v) NaCl (optimum 10%), pH 6.5–10.0 (optimum pH 9.0), and 25–40°C (optimum 35°C). The cells were able to reduce nitrate under aerobic conditions, which...
Latest Results for Journal of Microbiology

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