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Τρίτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2019

MicroRNA-330-5p promotes the development of osteosarcoma by regulating SPRY2
OBJECTIVE: MicroRNA is an endogenous, non-coding small RNA that has a significant role in regulating organisms and pathology. Previous studies have demonstrated that microRNA-330-5p was a cancer-promoting gene. However, the role of microRNA-330-5p in osteosarcoma (OS) has not been reported. The aim of this work was to explore the characteristics of microRNA-330-5p expression in OS, and to further study its expression in OS and its relationship with clinicopathological parameters and prognosis. PATIENTS...
European Review
Steroids and growth factors in oral squamous cell carcinoma: useful source of dental-derived stem cells to develop a steroidogenic model in new clinical strategies
OBJECTIVE: Head and neck region is involved in a high percentage of malignant lesions, and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is undoubtedly the most frequently found, accounting for over 90% of malignant tumors. Hormone receptor overexpression, like Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR) and Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), and signaling have been related to the pathogenesis of OSCC. For metastasis of OSCC, Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition...
European Review
Netrin-1 prolongs skin graft survival by inducing the transformation of mesenchymal stem cells from pro-rejection to immune-tolerant phenotype
OBJECTIVE: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) induce allograft immune tolerance, but low efficacy severely limits their wide application. In this work, Netrin-1 was used to maintain MSC function in an IR environment to study its role in the immune tolerance induction of the allograft. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The experiments were divided into three groups: the control group, the IR group and the Netrin-1 group (Netrin-1 was added to MSC medium and then cultured for 48 h). After digestion, MSCs were mixed...
European Review
LncRNATCF7 up-regulates DNMT1 mediated by HPV-18 E6 and regulates biological behavior of cervical cancer cells by inhibiting miR-155
OBJECTIVE: This work aimed to study the mechanism of lncRNATCF7 upregulating DNMT1 mediated by HPV-18 E6 and regulating the biological behavior of cervical cancer cells by inhibiting miR-155. PATIENTS AND METHODS: HPV-16 E6 enhanced DNMT1 expression in cervical cancer cells, which was detected by Western blotting. The expression of miR-155 in cervical cancer was detected by qPCR, the interaction between TCF-7 and miR-155 by dual-luciferase reporter gene. The changes in invasion ability of cervical...
European Review
Circular RNA circRNA_0000285 promotes cervical cancer development by regulating FUS
OBJECTIVE: Recently, the vital role of circular RNAs (circRNAs) in human diseases has attracted much attention. The aim of this research was to verify the potential role of circRNA_0000285 in the development of cervical cancer (CC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: CircRNA_0000285 expression in both CC cells and tissue samples was detected by quantitative Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). Functional experiments were performed, including cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay, cell cycle assay and transwell...
European Review
Effects of LncRNA KCNQ1OT1 on proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer cells by Wnt/β-catenin
OBJECTIVE: To explore the role of long noncoding ribonucleic acid (lncRNA) KCNQ1OT1 in the proliferation, apoptosis, and migration of ovarian cancer cells via Wnt/β-catenin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ovarian cancer A2780 cells were divided into three groups, namely control group, KCNQ1OT1 overexpression group, and KCNQ1OT1 knockdown group. Next, the effect of KCNQ1OT1 on the proliferation of ovarian cancer A2780 cells was detected by cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay. Wound healing assay and transwell...
European Review
Synthesis and Biological Activities of Amino Acids Functionalized α-GalCer Analogues
Publication date: Available online 28 October 2019Source: Bioorganic & Medicinal ChemistryAuthor(s): Weiwei Ma, Jingjing Bi, Chuanfang Zhao, Zhiguo Zhang, Tongxin Liu, Guisheng ZhangAbstractInvariant natural killer T-cells (iNKT-cells) are promising targets for manipulating the immune system, which can rapidly release a large amount of Th1 and Th2 cytokines upon the engagement of their T cell receptor with glycolipid antigens presented by CD1d. In this paper, we wish to report a novel series...
ScienceDirect Publication: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry
Rooibos herbal tea reduces allergic basophil activation in adult atopic patients
Publication date: Available online 28 October 2019Source: Journal of EthnopharmacologyAuthor(s): Sarah Pedretti, Jonny Peter
ScienceDirect Publication: Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Comparison of coated meshes for intraperitoneal placement in animal studies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract Purpose Laparoscopic intraperitoneal onlay mesh in hernia repair can result in adhesions leading to intestinal obstruction and fistulation. The aim of this systematic review is to compare the effects of mesh coatings reducing the tissue-to-mesh adhesion in animal studies. Methods Pubmed and Embase were systematically searched. Animal experiments...
Latest Results for Hernia
Publication date: Available online 28 October 2019Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): Vikram Shetty, Bylapudi BhanuPrakash, Anirudh Yadav, Nanda Kishore P, Akash MenonAbstractPurposeAny elective surgery should be as atraumatic to the patient as possible allowing for comfortable post-operative recovery. This study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of pre-surgical regional blocks in reducing pain, discomfort and analgesic use in patients scheduled to undergo bimaxillary...
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
The Midfacial Advancement Line - a comparative evaluation of a new measurement method in orthognathic surgery
Publication date: Available online 28 October 2019Source: Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): K. Willinger, J. Cede, G. Guevara-Rojas, K. Sinko, M. Figl, K. Schicho, S. Nemec, Klug CAbstractPurposeFor planning an intraoral quadrangular Le Fort II osteotomy (IQLFIIO), simulation of hard- and soft tissue changes is important at the infraorbital, Le Fort I and incisor level. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new method for visualization and quantification.Material and MethodsThree...
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
A DNAH17 missense variant causes flagella destabilization and asthenozoospermia
Using mice modelling patients’ variant, this study demonstrates that a homozygous DNAH17 missense variant causes asthenozoospermia and specifically destabilizes microtubule doublets 4–7 in flagella, which could be largely due to the storage of sperm in epididymis.
Latest Articles
Disruption of mosGILT in Anopheles gambiae impairs ovarian development and Plasmodium infection
CRISPR-mediated disruption of a mosquito gene, mosGILT, impairs ovarian development and vitellogenesis, resulting in enhanced anti-Plasmodium immunity in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae.
Latest Articles
Collective cancer invasion forms an integrin-dependent radioresistant niche
This work identifies an integrin-dependent tissue niche that supports both collective invasion and radiation resistance and can be eradicated by joint targeting of β1 and αV integrins, but neither alone. The additive effect of multiple-integrin interference indicates that clinical efficacy of integrin-based therapy will depend on multi-integrin-targeted strategies.
Latest Articles
May near infra-red spectroscopy and rapid perfusion pressure recovering be enough to rule out post-operative spinal cord injury? Two compared case-reports
Latest Results for Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing
MicroRNA-378 inhibits the development of smoking-induced COPD by targeting TNF-α
OBJECTIVE: To explore the mechanism microRNA-378 in smoking-induced airway inflammation and mucus hypersecretion.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells were treated with cigarette smoke extract (CSE) to construct the in vitro COPD model. Expression levels of microRNA-378, inflammatory factors and MUC5AC in CSE-treated HBE cells were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The regulatory...
European Review » Respiratory Medicine
Women's Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence in Zambia
Violence and Gender, Ahead of Print.
Violence and Gender - Table of Contents
Reproducibility and data presentation
The Journal of Physiology
Cranial-first approach of laparoscopic left colectomy for T4 descending colon cancer invading the Gerota’s fascia
Abstract Background The safety and feasibility of laparoscopic colectomy for T4 colorectal cancer remain controversial. We believe that setting a “Goal” that will guide the surgeons in returning from the deep layer could be the key to safe en bloc resection of neighboring organs. For descending colon cancer, the cranial-first approach makes it possible to clearly visualize the pancreas and origin of the transverse mesocolon, leading...
Latest Results for Surgical Case Reports
Cyanidin-3-O-Glucoside and Cyanidin Protect Against Intestinal Barrier Damage and 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid-Induced Colitis
Journal of Medicinal Food, Ahead of Print.
Journal of Medicinal Food - Table of Contents
Dynamic interaction of genetic risk factors and cocaine abuse in the background of Parkinsonism – a case report
Abstract Background Parkinsonism is a complex multifactorial neurodegenerative disorder, in which genetic and environmental risk factors may both play a role. Among environmental risk factors cocaine was earlier ambiguously linked to Parkinsonism. Former single case reports described Parkinsonism in chronic cocaine users, but an epidemiological study did not confirm an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. Here we report a patient,...
Latest Results for BMC Neurology
Correlation between significant asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis and severity of peripheral arterial occlusive disease in the lower limb: a retrospective study on 200 patients
Abstract Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between significant asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis (ACAS) and severity of peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) in the lower limb, and to investigate the risk factors for significant ACAS in patients with lower limb PAOD. Methods Two hundred patients with...
Latest Results for BMC Neurology
Burden of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis on workers in the US: a cross-sectional analysis of survey data
Abstract Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is prevalent among working age individuals (20–60 years), leading to high burden on work productivity. Few data are available about the absenteeism and presenteeism in employed individuals with MS in comparison to non-MS personnel. This study aimed to quantify the burden of illness of employed US adults with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and examine burden by levels of work...
Latest Results for BMC Neurology
The influence of an AlN seeding layer on nucleation of self-assembled GaN nanowires on silicon substrates
Gallium nitride (GaN)-based nanowires (NWs) have attracted much attention for the fabrication of novel nanostructured devices. In this paper, the influence of an AlN seeding layer on the nucleation of self-assembled GaN NWs grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on Si (111) substrates has been investigated. Not only is the formation of a two-dimensional compact GaN layer at the bottom of the NWs suppressed, but also a high density of vertically aligned well-separated GaN...
Nanotechnology - latest papers
A flexible, room-temperature and solution-processible copper nanowire based transparent electrode protected by reduced graphene oxide exhibiting high performance and improved stability
Advances in flexible electronic and optoelectronic devices have caused higher requirements for fabricating high-performance and low cost flexible transparent conductive electrodes (TCEs). Copper nanowires (Cu NWs) possess excellent electrical and optical properties, but the large contact resistance and poor stability limit their practical application in optoelectronic devices. In this work, we report a robust, convenient and environment-friendly method to assemble copper nanowires/reduced...
Nanotechnology - latest papers
Thermal ablation meta-analysis: the need of careful appraisal of meta-analysis methodology
International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
Evaluation of subject response following treatment for pigmentation or wrinkles using a diode laser
Abstract Background Pulsed diode array laser systems are utilized extensively for various aesthetic indications such as removal of unwanted hair, treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions, and wrinkle reduction. Objective The purpose of this study was to report and assess the experience of using a diode laser system delivering pulsed infrared laser light at the near‐infrared (NIR) spectrum at wavelengths of 805 and 1060 nm. Methods The study was a retrospective analysis of treatment...
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology
Comparison of Semi-Automated Versus Manual Quantitative Right Ventricular Assessment in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Abstract Quantitative echocardiographic evaluation is important for systemic right ventricles, but its asymmetric shape makes this challenging and time consuming when performed manually. Semi-automated software could make these quantitative measures easier to accomplish in the clinical setting. We hypothesized that semi-automated software would approximate manual measures of right ventricular size and function. Children with hypoplastic left heart who had echocardiograms were prospectively...
Latest Results for Pediatric Cardiology
Prevalence and root causes of surgical site infection among women undergoing caesarean section in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract Background Surgical site infection is a common complication in women undergoing Caesarean section and the second most common cause of maternal mortality in obstetrics. In Ethiopia, prevalence and root causes of surgical site infection post-Caesarean section are highly variable. This systematic review and meta-analysis estimate the overall prevalence of surgical site infection and its root causes among women undergoing Caesarean...
Latest Results for Patient Safety in Surgery
Soft drinks found to be the crucial link between obesity and tooth wear
A new study has found that sugar-sweetened acidic drinks, such as soft drinks, is the common factor between obesity and tooth wear among adults.
Dentistry News -- ScienceDaily
Satellitenrezidiv bei Granuloma pyogenicum
Zusammenfassung Bei einer 16-jährigen Patientin entwickelte sich am Stamm thorakal 2 Wochen nach kompletter Exzision eines Granuloma pyogenicum ein Satellitenrezidiv in Form zahlreicher bis zu 3 mm durchmessender Angiome. Durch Behandlung mit einem gepulsten Farbstofflaser konnte der Befund vollständig zur Rückbildung gebracht werden. Die beim Granuloma pyogenicum nachgewiesenen BRAF- und RAS-Mutationen gelten als maßgebliche Driver-Mutationen. Ob die molekularbiologischen Befunde...
Latest Results for Der Hautarzt
Telekonsultation bei vaskulär und diabetisch bedingten chronischen Wunden
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Lange Behandlungszeiträume und hohe Rezidivraten von chronischen Wunden verursachen neben der Einschränkung der Lebensqualität der Betroffenen hohe Kosten für das Gesundheitswesen. Des Weiteren ist eine Unter- bzw. Fehlversorgung in Deutschland zu beobachten. Deshalb sind neue Versorgungsformen wie die Telekonsultation verstärkt in der Diskussion. Aktuelle Änderungen im Einheitlichen Bewertungsmaßstab und der...
Latest Results for Der Hautarzt
Zugang zum gesetzlichen Hautkrebsscreening
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Das gesetzliche Hautkrebsscreening (gHKS) beim Hautarzt oder Hausarzt wurde im Jahr 2008 in Deutschland eingeführt, um Hautkrebs früher zu erkennen und die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern. Um den Erfolg des gHKS beurteilen zu können und die Inanspruchnahme zu erhöhen, ist die Meinung der Bevölkerung über den Zugang zum gHKS sehr relevant. Ziel der...
Latest Results for Der Hautarzt
In this Issue: Graphical Abstracts
Issue Information ‐ Cover and Editorial Board
Issue Information ‐ TOC
How I remove polyps larger than 20 mm
Herein I will discuss the approach to large (>20 mm) laterally spreading lesions (LSLs). These are generally removed by endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR).
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Dermoscopy of multiple cellular neurothekeoma: An analysis of 11 neurothekeomas in a middle‐aged woman
Australasian Journal of Dermatology

Evaluation of bacterial and fungal contamination of kitchens of Birjand University of Medical Sciences
This study aims to evaluate the total bacterial and fungal count of tools, devices and surfaces of kitchens of the centers affiliated to Birjand University of Medical Sciences. In this study, 200 samples from ...
BMC Research Notes
Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in Hawassa University students’ clinic, Southern Ethiopia: a 10-year retrospective study
The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among patients who had attended Hawassa University students’ clinic, Southern Ethiopia.
BMC Research Notes
The dental complications of canine tooth bud removal in 2–12 years old children in Northwest Ethiopia
Canine tooth bud removal is a process of gouging out an infant’s canine tooth buds, using unsterile tools such as Sharpe blade, garlic, or knitting needle, without anesthesia. The aim of the study was to revea...
BMC Research Notes
Discovery of a novel and selective fungicide that targets fungal cell wall to treat dermatomycoses: 1,3‐bis(3,4‐dichlorophenoxy)propan‐2‐aminium chloride
Abstract Background Fungal infections are highly prevalent and are responsible for high rates of morbidity and mortality. In this context the search for new treatment alternatives is very relevant. Objectives Analyze chemical compounds for antifungal potential against dermatomycosis fungi. Methods The antifungal activity of one hundred and twenty‐one compounds, intermediates or derivatives of 1,3‐bis(aryloxy)propane substituted at C‐2 (one hundred and eleven compounds) and isothiouronium...
Phosphatidylserine’s role in Ebola’s inflammatory cytokine storm and hemorrhagic consumptive coagulopathy and the therapeutic potential of annexin V
Publication date: Available online 28 October 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): James R KennedyAbstractThe phosphatidylserine (PS) molecule is present in cell membranes where it is actively kept on their inner leaflets but when cells are damaged it moves to the surface and become a signal for their removal, the platform upon which the coagulation cascade takes place and a ligand that activates a feedback cycle of inflammatory cytokine secretion and initiates the wakeup call for the innate...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
The role of adrenal derived androgens in castration resistant prostate cancer
Publication date: Available online 28 October 2019Source: The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyAuthor(s): Monique Barnard, Elahe A. Mostaghel, Richard J. Auchus, Karl-Heinz StorbeckAbstractCastration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) remains androgen dependant despite castrate levels of circulating testosterone following androgen deprivation therapy, the first line of treatment for advanced metstatic prostate cancer. CRPC is characterized by alterations in the expression levels...
ScienceDirect Publication: The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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