ScienceDirect Publication: Talanta
- A new and feasible analytical method using reversed-phase dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (RP-DLLME) for further determination of Nickel in hydrogenated vegetable fatPublication date: 1 February 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 208Author(s): Daneysa Lahis Kalschne, Cristiane Canan, Murilo Oliveira Beato, Oldair Donizete Leite, Eder Lisandro Moraes FloresAbstractA new and simple method for Ni determination in hydrogenated vegetable fat (HVF) has been developed using a RP-DLLME sample preparation procedure for further determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and graphite furnace atomic absorption
- Open-tubular admicellar electrochromatography of charged analytesPublication date: 1 February 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 208Author(s): Raymond B. Yu, Joselito P. QuirinoAbstractFundamental studies on the separation of cationic and anionic analytes in open-tubular admicellar electrochromatography (OT-AMEC) using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and fused silica capillaries are presented. OT-AMEC was compared with open-tubular admicellar liquid chromatography (OT-AMLC) by running the two methods using the
Science: Current Issue
- Response to Comment on "Cultural flies: Conformist social learning in fruitflies predicts long-lasting mate-choice traditions"Thornquist and Crickmore claim that systematic experimental error may explain the results of Danchin and colleagues. Their claim rests on mistakes in their analyses, for which we provide corrections. We reassert that conformity in fruitflies predicts long-lasting mate-preference traditions.
- Comment on "Cultural flies: Conformist social learning in fruitflies predicts long-lasting mate-choice traditions"The claims of Danchin et al. (Research Articles, 30 November 2018, p. 1025) regarding long-lasting mate preference based on conformity may result from systematic experimental error. Even if mate copying were a genuine phenomenon, it is unlikely to result in persisting culture in the wild.
- Axonal transport: Driving synaptic functionThe intracellular transport system in neurons is specialized to an extraordinary degree, enabling the delivery of critical cargo to sites in axons or dendrites that are far removed from the cell center. Vesicles formed in the cell body are actively transported by kinesin motors along axonal microtubules to presynaptic sites that can be located more than a meter away. Both growth factors and degradative vesicles carrying aged organelles or aggrega
- Sleep-wake cycles drive daily dynamics of synaptic phosphorylationThe circadian clock drives daily changes of physiology, including sleep-wake cycles, through regulation of transcription, protein abundance, and function. Circadian phosphorylation controls cellular processes in peripheral organs, but little is known about its role in brain function and synaptic activity. We applied advanced quantitative phosphoproteomics to mouse forebrain synaptoneurosomes isolated across 24 hours, accurately quantifying almost
- The forebrain synaptic transcriptome is organized by clocks but its proteome is driven by sleepNeurons have adapted mechanisms to traffic RNA and protein into distant dendritic and axonal arbors. Taking a biochemical approach, we reveal that forebrain synaptic transcript accumulation shows overwhelmingly daily rhythms, with two-thirds of synaptic transcripts showing time-of-day–dependent abundance independent of oscillations in the soma. These transcripts formed two sharp temporal and functional clusters, with transcripts preceding dawn re
- Migratory DCs activate TGF-{beta} to precondition naïve CD8+ T cells for tissue-resident memory fateEpithelial resident memory T (eTRM) cells serve as sentinels in barrier tissues to guard against previously encountered pathogens. How eTRM cells are generated has important implications for efforts to elicit their formation through vaccination or prevent it in autoimmune disease. Here, we show that during immune homeostasis, the cytokine transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) epigenetically conditions resting naïve CD8+ T cells and prepares them
- Global modeling of natures contributions to peopleThe magnitude and pace of global change demand rapid assessment of nature and its contributions to people. We present a fine-scale global modeling of current status and future scenarios for several contributions: water quality regulation, coastal risk reduction, and crop pollination. We find that where people’s needs for nature are now greatest, nature’s ability to meet those needs is declining. Up to 5 billion people face higher water pollution
- Shisa7 is a GABAA receptor auxiliary subunit controlling benzodiazepine actionsThe function and pharmacology of -aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) are of great physiological and clinical importance and have long been thought to be determined by the channel pore–forming subunits. We discovered that Shisa7, a single-passing transmembrane protein, localizes at GABAergic inhibitory synapses and interacts with GABAARs. Shisa7 controls receptor abundance at synapses and speeds up the channel deactivation kinetics. Shis
- Synergistic sorbent separation for one-step ethylene purification from a four-component mixturePurification of ethylene (C2H4), the largest-volume product of the chemical industry, currently involves energy-intensive processes such as chemisorption (CO2 removal), catalytic hydrogenation (C2H2 conversion), and cryogenic distillation (C2H6 separation). Although advanced physisorbent or membrane separation could lower the energy input, one-step removal of multiple impurities, especially trace impurities, has not been feasible. We introduce a
- Control of aversion by glycine-gated GluN1/GluN3A NMDA receptors in the adult medial habenulaThe unconventional N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subunits GluN3A and GluN3B can, when associated with the other glycine-binding subunit GluN1, generate excitatory conductances purely activated by glycine. However, functional GluN1/GluN3 receptors have not been identified in native adult tissues. We discovered that GluN1/GluN3A receptors are operational in neurons of the mouse adult medial habenula (MHb), an epithalamic area controlling ave
- Chemical bond formation showing a transition from physisorption to chemisorptionSurface molecules can transition from physisorption through weak van der Waals forces to a strongly bound chemisorption state by overcoming an energy barrier. We show that a carbon monoxide (CO) molecule adsorbed to the tip of an atomic force microscope enables a controlled observation of bond formation, including its potential transition from physisorption to chemisorption. During imaging of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) adatoms on a Cu(111) surface
- The low density and magnetization of a massive galaxy halo exposed by a fast radio burstPresent-day galaxies are surrounded by cool and enriched halo gas extending for hundreds of kiloparsecs. This halo gas is thought to be the dominant reservoir of material available to fuel future star formation, but direct constraints on its mass and physical properties have been difficult to obtain. We report the detection of a fast radio burst (FRB 181112), localized with arcsecond precision, that passes through the halo of a foreground galaxy.
- Observation of half-quantum flux in the unconventional superconductor {beta}-Bi2PdMagnetic flux quantization is one of the defining properties of a superconductor. We report the observation of half-integer magnetic flux quantization in mesoscopic rings of superconducting β-Bi2Pd thin films. The half-quantum fluxoid manifests itself as a phase shift in the quantum oscillation of the superconducting critical temperature. This result verifies unconventional superconductivity of β-Bi2Pd and is consistent with a spin-triplet pairi
- Spatial control of heavy-fermion superconductivity in CeIrIn5Although crystals of strongly correlated metals exhibit a diverse set of electronic ground states, few approaches exist for spatially modulating their properties. In this study, we demonstrate disorder-free control, on the micrometer scale, over the superconducting state in samples of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeIrIn5. We pattern crystals by focused ion beam milling to tailor the boundary conditions for the elastic deformation upon thermal
- Torsional refrigeration by twisted, coiled, and supercoiled fibersHigher-efficiency, lower-cost refrigeration is needed for both large- and small-scale cooling. Refrigerators using entropy changes during cycles of stretching or hydrostatic compression of a solid are possible alternatives to the vapor-compression fridges found in homes. We show that high cooling results from twist changes for twisted, coiled, or supercoiled fibers, including those of natural rubber, nickel titanium, and polyethylene fishing line
- Direct electrosynthesis of pure aqueous H2O2 solutions up to 20% by weight using a solid electrolyteHydrogen peroxide (H2O2) synthesis generally requires substantial postreaction purification. Here, we report a direct electrosynthesis strategy that delivers separate hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) streams to an anode and cathode separated by a porous solid electrolyte, wherein the electrochemically generated H+ and HO2– recombine to form pure aqueous H2O2 solutions. By optimizing a functionalized carbon black catalyst for two-electron oxygen redu
- Architecture of human Rag GTPase heterodimers and their complex with mTORC1The Rag guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) recruit the master kinase mTORC1 to lysosomes to regulate cell growth and proliferation in response to amino acid availability. The nucleotide state of Rag heterodimers is critical for their association with mTORC1. Our cryo–electron microscopy structure of RagA/RagC in complex with mTORC1 shows the details of RagA/RagC binding to the RAPTOR subunit of mTORC1 and explains why only the RagAGTP/RagCGDP nu
- Phase-change heterostructure enables ultralow noise and drift for memory operationArtificial intelligence and other data-intensive applications have escalated the demand for data storage and processing. New computing devices, such as phase-change random access memory (PCRAM)–based neuro-inspired devices, are promising options for breaking the von Neumann barrier by unifying storage with computing in memory cells. However, current PCRAM devices have considerable noise and drift in electrical resistance that erodes the precision
Nature Communications - current - science feeds
- Marine nitrogen fixers mediate a low latitude pathway for atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> drawdownNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12549-zIron fertilisation of the high latitude oceans is a well-established biological mechanism to explain the ice age drawdown of atmospheric CO2, yet modelling has so far struggled to account for a sufficient drawdown via this mechanism. Here, the authors propose that N2 fixers, which inhabit the lower latitude ocean, made a significant contribution to CO2 drawdow
- Rational design of crystalline two-dimensional frameworks with highly complicated topological structuresNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12596-6Constructing two-dimensional (2D) polymers with complex tessellation patterns is important for the fabrication of advanced materials but achieving such complexity is a great challenge. Here the authors report a tessellated 2D covalent organic framework with increased structural complexity as well as different pore structures.
- Spontaneous ssDNA stretching on graphene and hexagonal boron nitride in plane heterostructuresNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12584-wSingle stranded DNA analysis is of interest for a range of applications; however, natural folding of DNA can cause problems with this. Here, the authors report on the in silico analysis of graphene and hexagonal-boron-nitride structures for the stretching and unfolding of DNA to allow for analysis.
- N<sup>6</sup>-methyladenosine mRNA marking promotes selective translation of regulons required for human erythropoiesisNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12518-6Erythropoiesis can be regulated by transcriptional, epigenetic, and post-transcriptional mechanisms. Here the authors report that N6-methyladenosine mRNA methyltransferase complex stimulates erythropoiesis by promoting translation of specific mRNAs.
- Allosteric activation of an ion channel triggered by modification of mechanosensitive nano-pocketsNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12591-xHow mechanosensitive ion channels, such as MscL, are activated by lipids and physical properties of the membrane remains unclear. Here authors use PELDOR/DEER spectroscopy and identify a single site which generated an allosteric structural response in the absence of membrane tension.
- Thermodynamic control of −1 programmed ribosomal frameshiftingNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12648-xProgrammed ribosomal frameshifting (PRF) is an alternative translation strategy that causes controlled slippage of the ribosome along the mRNA, changing the sequence of the synthesized protein. Here the authors provide a thermodynamic framework that explains how mRNA sequence determines the efficiency of frameshifting.
- Detection of spacer precursors formed in vivo during primed CRISPR adaptationNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12417-wPrimed adaptation in the CRISPR-Cas system helps recognition of previously encountered sequence elements and promotes the formation of new memories. Here the authors characterized spacer precursors of type I-E and type I-F CRISPR-Cas system using in vivo models.
- Reduced body sizes in climate-impacted Borneo moth assemblages are primarily explained by range shiftsNature Communications, Published online: 10 October 2019; doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12655-yBody size shifts under climate change may arise from species range shifts, intraspecific size shifts, or both. Here the authors show that body size reduction in moth assemblages on Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo, over 42 years are driven more by species range shifts than by within-species shrinkage.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Πέμπτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2019
ScienceDirect Publication: Talanta
Science: Current Issue
Nature Communications - current - science feeds
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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