Δευτέρα 7 Οκτωβρίου 2019

UK scientists join the Extinction Rebellion climate change protests
New Scientist spoke to members of Extinction Rebellion who are scientists to find out why they are taking to the streets of London to protest climate change inaction
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Mon Oct 07, 2019 19:49
The key to a long life may be genes that protect against stress
Long-lived animals like the grey whale and naked mole rat have genes that protect them from stress and cancer
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Mon Oct 07, 2019 16:22
Microbial life might drift in the atmospheres of failed stars
Brown dwarfs are too large to be planets and too small to be stars, but they have gaseous atmospheres that may have all the ingredients needed for life
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Mon Oct 07, 2019 13:32
Sea of Shadows: Film documents demise of the world's smallest porpoise
Decimated by illegal fishing for the totoaba fish, the vaquita is the victim of global organised crime. Can a powerful new documentary improve its chances?
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Wed Oct 02, 2019 20:00
Nobel prize for medicine goes to discovery of how cells sense oxygen
The Nobel prize in physiology or medicine has been jointly awarded to William Kaelin of Harvard University, Peter Ratcliffe of Oxford University and Gregg Semenza of Johns Hopkins University, for their discovery of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:40
New Scientist Live: How massive sewer-clogging fatbergs are made
Rafaella Villa will explain at New Scientist Live this month how fat, oil and grease can become huge underground fatbergs
New Scientist - Picture of the day
Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:00
New Scientist Live: How are massive sewer-clogging fatbergs made
Rafaella Villa will explain at New Scientist Live this month how fat, oil and grease can become huge underground fatbergs
New Scientist - The Human Brain
Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:00

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