Δευτέρα 28 Οκτωβρίου 2019

MTI, Vol. 3, Pages 71: Interaction Order and Historical Body Shaping Children’s Making Projects—A Literature Review
MTI, Vol. 3, Pages 71: Interaction Order and Historical Body Shaping Children’s Making Projects—A Literature Review Multimodal Technologies and Interaction doi: 10.3390/mti3040071 Authors: Norouzi Kinnula Iivari The importance of familiarizing children with the Maker Movement, Makerspaces and Maker mindset has been acknowledged. In this literature review, we examine the complex social action of children, aged from 7 to 17 (K-12), engaging in technology Making activities as it...
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1531: Reusable Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates Made of Silicon Nanowire Array Coated with Silver Nanoparticles Fabricated by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching and Photonic Reduction
Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1531: Reusable Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Substrates Made of Silicon Nanowire Array Coated with Silver Nanoparticles Fabricated by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching and Photonic Reduction Nanomaterials doi: 10.3390/nano9111531 Authors: Shi Bai Yongjun Du Chunyan Wang Jian Wu Koji Sugioka Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has advanced over the last four decades and has become an attractive tool for highly sensitive analysis in fields...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
ncRNA, Vol. 5, Pages 49: Accurate Adapter Information Is Crucial for Reproducibility and Reusability in Small RNA Seq Studies
ncRNA, Vol. 5, Pages 49: Accurate Adapter Information Is Crucial for Reproducibility and Reusability in Small RNA Seq Studies Non-Coding RNA doi: 10.3390/ncrna5040049 Authors: Xiangfu Zhong Fatima Heinicke Benedicte A. Lie Simon Rayner A necessary pre-processing data analysis step is the removal of adapter sequences from the raw reads. While most adapter trimming tools require adapter sequence as an essential input, adapter information is often incomplete or missing. This can...
Non-Coding RNA
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2591: Cuscutae Japonicae Semen Ameliorates Memory Dysfunction by Rescuing Synaptic Damage in Alzheimer’s Disease Models
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2591: Cuscutae Japonicae Semen Ameliorates Memory Dysfunction by Rescuing Synaptic Damage in Alzheimer’s Disease Models Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu11112591 Authors: In Gyoung Ju Namkwon Kim Jin Gyu Choi Jong Kil Lee Myung Sook Oh Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia in the elderly. It is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid-beta (Aβ) and progressive cognitive impairment. To alleviate the symptoms of...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2592: A Single Dose of The Mango Leaf Extract Zynamite® in Combination with Quercetin Enhances Peak Power Output During Repeated Sprint Exercise in Men and Women
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2592: A Single Dose of The Mango Leaf Extract Zynamite® in Combination with Quercetin Enhances Peak Power Output During Repeated Sprint Exercise in Men and Women Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu11112592 Authors: Miriam Gelabert-Rebato Marcos Martin-Rincon Victor Galvan-Alvarez Angel Gallego-Selles Miriam Martinez-Canton Tanausú Vega-Morales Julia C. Wiebe Constanza Fernandez-del Castillo Elizabeth Castilla-Hernandez Oriana Diaz-Tiberio Jose...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2590: The Alignment of Dietary Intake and Symptom-Reporting Capture Periods in Studies Assessing Associations between Food and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder Symptoms: A Systematic Review
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2590: The Alignment of Dietary Intake and Symptom-Reporting Capture Periods in Studies Assessing Associations between Food and Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder Symptoms: A Systematic Review Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu11112590 Authors: Kerith Duncanson Tracy Burrows Simon Keely Michael Potter Gayatri Das Marjorie Walker Nicholas J. Talley Food ingestion is heavily implicated in inducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2593: Clinical Characteristics of Inpatients with Childhood vs. Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2593: Clinical Characteristics of Inpatients with Childhood vs. Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu11112593 Authors: Charlotte Jaite Katharina Bühren Brigitte Dahmen Astrid Dempfle Katja Becker Christoph U. Correll Karin M. Egberts Stefan Ehrlich Christian Fleischhaker Alexander von Gontard Freia Hahn David Kolar Michael Kaess Tanja Legenbauer Tobias J. Renner Ulrike Schulze Judith Sinzig Ellen Thomae...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 559: Metformin-Encapsulated Liposome Delivery System: An Effective Treatment Approach against Breast Cancer
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 559: Metformin-Encapsulated Liposome Delivery System: An Effective Treatment Approach against Breast Cancer Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110559 Authors: Snehal K. Shukla Nishant S. Kulkarni Amanda Chan Vineela Parvathaneni Pamela Farrales Aaron Muth Vivek Gupta This study aimed at developing metformin hydrochloride (Met) encapsulated liposomal vesicles for enhanced therapeutic outcomes at reduced doses against breast cancer....
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 558: Modified Spraying Technique and Response Surface Methodology for the Preparation and Optimization of Propolis Liposomes of Enhanced Anti-Proliferative Activity against Human Melanoma Cell Line A375
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 558: Modified Spraying Technique and Response Surface Methodology for the Preparation and Optimization of Propolis Liposomes of Enhanced Anti-Proliferative Activity against Human Melanoma Cell Line A375 Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110558 Authors: Hesham Refaat Youssef W. Naguib Mahmoud M. A. Elsayed Hatem A. A. Sarhan Eman Alaaeldin Propolis is a honeybee product that contains a mixture of natural substances with a broad spectrum...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 599: Validation of the Spiritual Distress Scale in Portuguese Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Methodological Study
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 599: Validation of the Spiritual Distress Scale in Portuguese Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Methodological Study Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10110599 Authors: Martins Caldeira Domingues Vieira Ku Spiritual distress may ascend from unmet spiritual needs. The use of instruments to measure spiritual distress seems to facilitate the approach to spirituality, such as the Spiritual Distress Scale (SDS) that has been used worldwide. No instrument...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 598: Negotiating Ambivalent Gender Spaces for Collective and Individual Empowerment: Sikh Women’s Life Writing in the Diaspora
Religions, Vol. 10, Pages 598: Negotiating Ambivalent Gender Spaces for Collective and Individual Empowerment: Sikh Women’s Life Writing in the Diaspora Religions doi: 10.3390/rel10110598 Authors: Jaspal Kaur Singh In order to examine gender and identity within Sikh literature and culture and to understand the construction of gender and the practice of Sikhi within the contemporary Sikh diaspora in the US, I analyze a selection from creative non-fiction pieces, variously termed essays,...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 108: Option Implied Stock Buy-Side and Sell-Side Market Depths
Risks, Vol. 7, Pages 108: Option Implied Stock Buy-Side and Sell-Side Market Depths Risks doi: 10.3390/risks7040108 Authors: Tsai This paper investigates option valuation when the underlying market suffers from illiquidity of price impact. Using option data, I infer trading activities and price impacts on the buy side and the sell side in the stock market from option prices across maturities. The finding displays that the stock market is active when the stock prices plummet, but becomes...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Robotics, Vol. 8, Pages 93: Correction: Bhagat, S.; et al. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Soft, Flexible Robots: Brief Review with Impending Challenges. Robotics 2019, 8, 4
Robotics, Vol. 8, Pages 93: Correction: Bhagat, S.; et al. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Soft, Flexible Robots: Brief Review with Impending Challenges. Robotics 2019, 8, 4 Robotics doi: 10.3390/robotics8040093 Authors: Sarthak Bhagat Hritwick Banerjee Zion Tsz Ho Tse Hongliang Ren The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [1]: In Figure 1 of this paper [...]
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Social Sciences, Vol. 8, Pages 301: Social Farming: An Inclusive Environment Conducive to Participant Personal Growth
Social Sciences, Vol. 8, Pages 301: Social Farming: An Inclusive Environment Conducive to Participant Personal Growth Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci8110301 Authors: Moruzzo Di Iacovo Funghi Scarpellini Diaz Riccioli Social farming can ameliorate the everyday life of people engaged in farming activities, including perceived changes in mood or behavior. It can also be therapeutic, as it can address a range of public health and service provision issues. This paper...
Social Sciences
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 625: The Sequence and a Three-Dimensional Structural Analysis Reveal Substrate Specificity Among Snake Venom Phosphodiesterases
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 625: The Sequence and a Three-Dimensional Structural Analysis Reveal Substrate Specificity Among Snake Venom Phosphodiesterases Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110625 Authors: Ullah Ullah Ali Betzel ur Rehman (1) Background. Snake venom phosphodiesterases (SVPDEs) are among the least studied venom enzymes. In envenomation, they display various pathological effects, including induction of hypotension, inhibition of platelet aggregation, edema, and paralysis....
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 624: Analysis of the Use of Cylindrospermopsin and/or Microcystin-Contaminated Water in the Growth, Mineral Content, and Contamination of Spinacia oleracea and Lactuca sativa
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 624: Analysis of the Use of Cylindrospermopsin and/or Microcystin-Contaminated Water in the Growth, Mineral Content, and Contamination of Spinacia oleracea and Lactuca sativa Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110624 Authors: Maria Llana-Ruiz-Cabello Angeles Jos Ana Cameán Flavio Oliveira Aldo Barreiro Joana Machado Joana Azevedo Edgar Pinto Agostinho Almeida Alexandre Campos Vitor Vasconcelos Marisa Freitas Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 623: Venom Diversity and Evolution in the Most Divergent Cone Snail Genus Profundiconus
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 623: Venom Diversity and Evolution in the Most Divergent Cone Snail Genus Profundiconus Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11110623 Authors: Giulia Fassio Maria Vittoria Modica Lou Mary Paul Zaharias Alexander E. Fedosov Juliette Gorson Yuri I. Kantor Mandё Holford Nicolas Puillandre Profundiconus is the most divergent cone snail genus and its unique phylogenetic position, sister to the rest of the family Conidae, makes it a key taxon for examining...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2261: Investigating Parameter Transferability across Models and Events for a Semiarid Mediterranean Catchment
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2261: Investigating Parameter Transferability across Models and Events for a Semiarid Mediterranean Catchment Water doi: 10.3390/w11112261 Authors: Perra Piras Deidda Mascaro Paniconi Physically based distributed hydrologic models (DHMs) simulate watershed processes by applying physical equations with a variety of simplifying assumptions and discretization approaches. These equations depend on parameters that, in most cases, can be measured and,...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2264: Evaluation of the Effect of Irrigation on Biometric Growth, Physiological Response, and Essential Oil of Mentha spicata (L.)
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2264: Evaluation of the Effect of Irrigation on Biometric Growth, Physiological Response, and Essential Oil of Mentha spicata (L.) Water doi: 10.3390/w11112264 Authors: Marino Ahmad Ferreira Alvino A field experiment was performed on spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) under different irrigation regimes in a hilly area of Southern Italy. Objectives of the study include evaluating the physiological and biometrical response of mint from plant establishment...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2262: Numerical and Laboratory Investigations of Closely-Spaced and Joint Infiltration of Precipitation and Treated Waste Water
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2262: Numerical and Laboratory Investigations of Closely-Spaced and Joint Infiltration of Precipitation and Treated Waste Water Water doi: 10.3390/w11112262 Authors: Händel Fichtner Graeber The closely-spaced infiltration of treated waste water and precipitation water may have advantages when compared to the single infiltration, such as reduction of construction costs and space requirements. Recent numerical works showed the theoretical applicability of...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2263: Impacts of Emerging Agricultural Practices on Groundwater Quality in Kahe Catchment, Tanzania
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2263: Impacts of Emerging Agricultural Practices on Groundwater Quality in Kahe Catchment, Tanzania Water doi: 10.3390/w11112263 Authors: Lwimbo Komakech Muzuka This paper assesses the impacts of farmers’ intensive use of agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides) on groundwater quality in the Kahe catchment. Samples were collected during the wet and dry seasons of the year 2018 and analyzed for the presence of agrochemicals in the water. Groundwater...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2265: Analysis of Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Based on New Quality Control Scheme
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2265: Analysis of Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Based on New Quality Control Scheme Water doi: 10.3390/w11112265 Authors: Ma Zhao Yang Xiao Zhang Qiao Raindrop size distribution (DSD) can reflect the fundamental microphysics of precipitation and provide an accurate estimation of its amount and characteristics; however, there are few observations and investigations of DSD in cold,...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2258: Influences of Plateau Zokor Burrowing on Soil Erosion and Nutrient Loss in Alpine Meadows in the Yellow River Source Zone of West China
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2258: Influences of Plateau Zokor Burrowing on Soil Erosion and Nutrient Loss in Alpine Meadows in the Yellow River Source Zone of West China Water doi: 10.3390/w11112258 Authors: Guorong Li Xilai Li Jinfang Li Wenting Chen Haili Zhu Jianyun Zhao Xiasong Hu Plateau zokors (Eospalax baileyi) are an agent actively involved in causing soil erosion and meadow degradation in the Yellow River Source Zone of West China. This study aims to quantify the...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2259: Sustainable Water Use for International Agricultural Trade: The Case of Pakistan
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2259: Sustainable Water Use for International Agricultural Trade: The Case of Pakistan Water doi: 10.3390/w11112259 Authors: Tariq Ali Abdul M. Nadeem Muhammad F. Riaz Wei Xie Sustainable use of resources is critical, not only for people but for the whole planet. This is especially so for freshwater, which in many ways determines the food security and long-term development of nations. Here, we use virtual water trade to analyze the sustainability of water...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2260: Toward a New Generation of Two-Fluid Flow Models Based on the Thermodynamically-Constrained Averaging Theory
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2260: Toward a New Generation of Two-Fluid Flow Models Based on the Thermodynamically-Constrained Averaging Theory Water doi: 10.3390/w11112260 Authors: Kelsey Bruning Cass T. Miller Traditional models of two-fluid flow through porous media at the macroscale have existed for nearly a century. These phenomenological models are not firmly connected to the microscale; thermodynamic constraints are not enforced; empirical closure relations are well known to be hysteretic;...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2257: Regionalization of a Rainfall-Runoff Model: Limitations and Potentials
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 2257: Regionalization of a Rainfall-Runoff Model: Limitations and Potentials Water doi: 10.3390/w11112257 Authors: Jung-Hun Song Younggu Her Kyo Suh Moon-Seong Kang Hakkwan Kim Regionalized lumped rainfall-runoff (RR) models have been widely employed as a means of predicting the streamflow of an ungauged watershed because of their simple yet effective simulation strategies. Parameter regionalization techniques relate the parameter values of a model calibrated...
Mon Oct 28, 2019 02:00

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